Bin Laden is dead.........General Motors is alive

Yes, we have so much manufacturing that we have all of our supertankers and most of our ships built in Korea and Japan. Try again.

It's going to be so much fun seeing you flop around like a fish out of water until November.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.
If Democrats had any icons worth mentioning, you wouldn't have to co-opt one of ours.

Well, it would be better said that Obama has been four more years of GWB. Fortunately it won't be eight.
GM Again World's Top Automaker, Beats Volkswagen, Toyota

January 19, 2012 12:13 PM EST

General Motors Co. (GM) has once again grabbed the largest share of global sales and become the world's largest automaker, moving past sales of Toyota Motor Corp. and Volkswagen AG in 2011.

GM said Thursday it sold 9.03 million vehicles in 2011, driven by Chevrolet's impressive rebound and record-setting 4.76 million vehicles. GM's global sales marked a 7.6 percent increase from 2010.

GM Again World's Top Automaker, Beats Volkswagen, Toyota - Autos & Trends

Let Detroit Go Bankrupt

By MITT ROMNEY November 18, 2008

IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won’t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.

Op-Ed Contributor - Let Detroit Go Bankrupt -
GM Again World's Top Automaker, Beats Volkswagen, Toyota

January 19, 2012 12:13 PM EST

General Motors Co. (GM) has once again grabbed the largest share of global sales and become the world's largest automaker, moving past sales of Toyota Motor Corp. and Volkswagen AG in 2011.

GM said Thursday it sold 9.03 million vehicles in 2011, driven by Chevrolet's impressive rebound and record-setting 4.76 million vehicles. GM's global sales marked a 7.6 percent increase from 2010.

GM Again World's Top Automaker, Beats Volkswagen, Toyota - Autos & Trends

Let Detroit Go Bankrupt

By MITT ROMNEY November 18, 2008

IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won’t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.

Op-Ed Contributor - Let Detroit Go Bankrupt -

Yep, those government fleet buys helped a lot.
GM Again World's Top Automaker, Beats Volkswagen, Toyota

January 19, 2012 12:13 PM EST

General Motors Co. (GM) has once again grabbed the largest share of global sales and become the world's largest automaker, moving past sales of Toyota Motor Corp. and Volkswagen AG in 2011.

GM said Thursday it sold 9.03 million vehicles in 2011, driven by Chevrolet's impressive rebound and record-setting 4.76 million vehicles. GM's global sales marked a 7.6 percent increase from 2010.

GM Again World's Top Automaker, Beats Volkswagen, Toyota - Autos & Trends

Let Detroit Go Bankrupt

By MITT ROMNEY November 18, 2008

IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won’t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.

Op-Ed Contributor - Let Detroit Go Bankrupt -

Yep, those government fleet buys helped a lot.

The government is always buying cars.

What else have you got?
Elmer Fudd was sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office. Viva Tora Bora!

Don't forget...."They will treat us as liberators"
"The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud "


"Mission accomplished"

Bush was a twit and incompetent.

Extra Extra Read All About It.

Big News Flash....for someone.

The rest of us knew it when he first took office.

Tells you what a total loser Al Gore was.

Yes, Bush was an incompetent idiot. That's aside from the point. It's being argued that Obama should not get any credit for killing bin Laden, because allegedly it would have happened even if the incompetent Bush were still in office. But the fact is that Bush was in office for more than 7 years after 9-11 and never got bin Laden. So saying "Bush could have done it" is no excuse for giving credit where it is due. Because no, obviously Bush could not have done it. And it's questionable whether any of the GOP alternatives of 2008 would have done it. It was Obama who redirected our attentions and efforts to getting bin Laden, after those efforts have been neglected for so long. It was a redoubling and prioritization of those efforts, where Bush made Iraq a pointless priority. It was Obama who made the call to go forward when we had the chance, and no, it's not accurate to say that any President would have done it because under the circumstances many People would have played it safe and not taken the risk.
Do wingnuts seriously believe that their tedious, convoluted woulda coulda shoulda attempts to tear down the indisputable success of the auto industry bailout are going to resonate with normal people out there?


You people are a riot.
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Do wingnuts seriously believe that their tedious, convoluted woulda coulda shoulda attempts to tear down the indisputable success of the auto industry bailout are going to resonate with normal people out there?


You people are a riot.

No, the people realize that one car company (gm) does not make the AUTO INDUSTRY.
so it's you all who are trying to sell crap..
And here is why Bush did not, and never would have, found bin Laden. As he says himself, he wasn't that worried about finding bin Laden. Bush view was that the war on terrorism was one against ideology, and that if bin Laden was silent, he was not important anymore. If he was not at the head of government sponsored organization, then he was not influencial anymore. If his organization was disrupted, then he was not in charge anymore. Therefore, Bush was satisfied with the Taliban being overthrown and Al Qaeda evolving into a less centralized organization, with bin Laden hidden away, seemingly silent from a world wide perspective.

President Obama had an entirely different view. Obama saw bin Laden as a threat, even if Al Qaeda was less centralized than before, and even with the Taliban out of power, and that he must be found. As it turned out, Obama was correct and Bush was wrong. We've now discovered that bin Laden was not reduced to merely being the figure head that Bush envisioned. Bin Laden was actively engaged in planning and orchestrating actions against the US, and remained Al Qaeda's top General. Bin Laden continued to hold organizational and effective control over Al Qaeda, and that the decentralization of Al Qaeda was neither a substantial lessening of bin Laden's power or role, nor was it the fragmentation of the organization that Bush has thought it was.

Bush and Obama had fundamental differences in their beliefs about bin Laden, as well as their approaches toward dealing with terrorism. As it turned out, Obama's view proved to be the more accurate one. Despite Bush's view, bin Laden did remain a threat to the US all this time. Over throwing the Taliban and disrupting Al Qaeda's organization did not marginalize bin Laden.

[ame=]Bush: "I'm not that concerned with bin Laden" - YouTube[/ame]
Yep, Clinton was weak on pursuing Bin Laden. Of course, at the time, all the right could do was complain that he was obsessed with Bin Laden, and that he was constantly trying to war monger us into a distraction from the Lewinsky deal.

Partisans. They'll damn you if you do, damn you if you don't. They'll damn you that you did what you didn't and didn't what you did. Their number one purpose in life is to damn you, regardless of everything else.

Clinton had him in sight...and said NO. Clinton was pre-occupied...and failed.

Entirely false.
Saving GM and the million auto industry jobs highlights a key difference between Obama and Bush

Bush threw money at GM with no strings attached. GM just swallowed the money and was back asking Obama for more five months later

Obama insisted that the taxpayer be given stock as collateral, Obama insisted that GM restructure and shed unprofitable branches, Obama insisted that the Unions accept wage and benefit cuts

GM is back to being the largest auto manufacturer in the world

Bin Laden is dead................General Motors is alive

And NEITHER was right in doing what they did.. Bush NOR Obamalama

Drastic times call for drastic actions

Drastic times call for drastic things to happen... but not that government is to go beyond its power to make them happen... you fucking pig
Yep, Clinton was weak on pursuing Bin Laden. Of course, at the time, all the right could do was complain that he was obsessed with Bin Laden, and that he was constantly trying to war monger us into a distraction from the Lewinsky deal.

Partisans. They'll damn you if you do, damn you if you don't. They'll damn you that you did what you didn't and didn't what you did. Their number one purpose in life is to damn you, regardless of everything else.

Clinton had him in sight...and said NO. Clinton was pre-occupied...and failed.

Entirely false.
No, it's not. We had three oppritunities to get him before September 11, 2001 when Clinton was in office.
And NEITHER was right in doing what they did.. Bush NOR Obamalama

Drastic times call for drastic actions

Drastic times call for drastic things to happen... but not that government is to go beyond its power to make them happen... you fucking pig

Great politicians like FDR, JFK and Obama realize that economic numbers are not Dow Jones averages, GDP updates or employment figures. Those numbers are peoples lives, their families, their very existence

The let it fail, let it bottom out, let it ride mentality of the rightwing means......Let them suffer

A pending economic collapse is not a time to enact a survival of the fittest strategy. It is a time for strong government action to mitigate the economic impact on those least capable of surviving it
That the country survives this clusterfuck of an Administration?

Just an idea.

Yeah, the shrub and dick(less), our former deserter-in-chief and senior draft dodger fucked this country to a fair-the-well. Nice of you to forget that.

Two (02) Illegal and Unconstitutional Wars.

Nine Billion Dollars ($9,000,000,000.00) remains "Missing and/or Unaccounted For" from the old Coalition Provisional Authority (C.P.A.)

The deserter georgie and draft dodger dick(less) turned the United States of America into the Largest Debtor Nation in the World.

U.S. Troops, who arms, legs, hands, and feet were warehoused in rooms black with mold and issued mouse traps because of vermin.

Those "Hero's" were charged by the U.S. Military for meals served to wounded and maimed troops in U.S. Military Hospitals.

Lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Lies about Mobile Weapons Laboratories.

Lies about attempts to purchase Yellow Cake Uranium.

Lies about Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.

An Eleven Trillion Dollar ($11,000,000,000,000,000.00).

The shrub and dick(less) bent America over the table, and butt fucked it.
What else do you need to know?

So his Greatest achievements were a No Brainer decision to kill Osama, and an Auto Bail out that even the previous Administration supported?

If saying "Yeah kill him" and Signing Checks for Billions of Dollars are his Greatest Achievements then he clearly should not be allowed to win another Term.

Taking down OBL was a 2+ year huge accomplishment that began with reversing Bush's BS that "OBL isn't important", actually starting the process of looking for dots, connecting them, authorzing dozens of ops throughout the ME, taking a big chance by publicly negotiating the release of a spy who had what we needed but had been captured by the Pakis, then attacking a nuclear country that only pretends to be an ally, while his political opponents were praying the whole time for just anything to go wrong.

On that one thing, I can say with sincerity "Excellent work, Mr. President." :clap2:

Just climb into Obamas lap already. Youve had to much kool-aid to be anywhere close to independent.
Drastic times call for drastic actions

Drastic times call for drastic things to happen... but not that government is to go beyond its power to make them happen... you fucking pig

Great politicians like FDR, JFK and Obama realize that economic numbers are not Dow Jones averages, GDP updates or employment figures. Those numbers are peoples lives, their families, their very existence

The let it fail, let it bottom out, let it ride mentality of the rightwing means......Let them suffer

A pending economic collapse is not a time to enact a survival of the fittest strategy. It is a time for strong government action to mitigate the economic impact on those least capable of surviving it

Translation: RW'er demands equal outcome. The individual doesn't exist. Groupthink is paramount.
Drastic times call for drastic actions

Drastic times call for drastic things to happen... but not that government is to go beyond its power to make them happen... you fucking pig

Great politicians like FDR, JFK and Obama realize that economic numbers are not Dow Jones averages, GDP updates or employment figures. Those numbers are peoples lives, their families, their very existence

The let it fail, let it bottom out, let it ride mentality of the rightwing means......Let them suffer

A pending economic collapse is not a time to enact a survival of the fittest strategy. It is a time for strong government action to mitigate the economic impact on those least capable of surviving it

I didn't realize you drank this early in the day...what? retirement boring you? go volunteer or something amigo, lay off the sauce.

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