Bin Laden is dead.........General Motors is alive

As does Obama and the KSM mess where KSM comitted an act of war and Obama/Holder want to prosecute him like a domestic thug.

AQ are laughing at that shit.
Leftists simply aren't serious about national security.
Given that they follow the same stupid fucking policies as the "rightists", I'd have to agree.

To a Marxist, a socialist is a fundy rethug.

Just sayin'.
Anyone else remember ObamaMotors? As the Republicans mockingly called it?

Conservatives stood death watch over GM, waiting for it to fail so they could mock Obamas foolish bailout.

Now GM is back to being the number one automaker in the world

Actually George Bush bailed out GM. Do you miss him yet?
Your local "job creator" thanks you. Now get the fuck back to work. Oh, and we're gonna cut your pay and benefits again. STFU about it or we'll move to Mexico/China.

Open your eyes some day clown, American manufacturing is bailing out of the US. We used to be the manufacturing capital of the world. Now we're second on our way down to third. There's no end in sight just a bunch of whiny pricks who think they are owed something for nothing.

Amazing how Toyota is a non union shop and their workers are happy, their customers are happy. And they build better vehicles then any union shop out there. Nice job, you prove my point every time you open your mouth.

Listen, nimrod, it isn't just about unions. It's also about regulations and laws put in place that the labor movement helped put in place that everyone's benefitted from, including those happy non-union workers for Toyota.

What my eyes are telling me is that the guys you're cheering on to run things want to roll things back a century to when the average worker had no recourse if their conditions were shitty.

Fuck that.
Your eyes are repeating stupid leftist horseshit.
Your local "job creator" thanks you. Now get the fuck back to work. Oh, and we're gonna cut your pay and benefits again. STFU about it or we'll move to Mexico/China.

Open your eyes some day clown, American manufacturing is bailing out of the US. We used to be the manufacturing capital of the world. Now we're second on our way down to third. There's no end in sight just a bunch of whiny pricks who think they are owed something for nothing.

Amazing how Toyota is a non union shop and their workers are happy, their customers are happy. And they build better vehicles then any union shop out there. Nice job, you prove my point every time you open your mouth.

Orders to U.S. factories increased in December for a second month, a sign manufacturing will strengthen even more.

Bookings (TMNOCHNG) rose 1.1 percent after a revised 2.2 percent gain in November that was larger than previously estimated, figures from the Commerce Department showed today in Washington. The order backlog jumped 1.4 percent, the most since March 2008.

Factories boosted payrolls in January by the most in a year and the number of hours worked per week climbed to the highest in 14 years, according to Labor Department figures today...

Orders to U.S. Factories Rise - Bloomberg
You mean the factories that are still here, that haven't been driven out of the country by burdensome government regulations and labor troubles?
Orders to U.S. factories increased in December for a second month, a sign manufacturing will strengthen even more.

Bookings (TMNOCHNG) rose 1.1 percent after a revised 2.2 percent gain in November that was larger than previously estimated, figures from the Commerce Department showed today in Washington. The order backlog jumped 1.4 percent, the most since March 2008.

Factories boosted payrolls in January by the most in a year and the number of hours worked per week climbed to the highest in 14 years, according to Labor Department figures today...

Orders to U.S. Factories Rise - Bloomberg

Yes, we have so much manufacturing that we have all of our supertankers and most of our ships built in Korea and Japan. Try again.

It's going to be so much fun seeing you flop around like a fish out of water until November.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.
If Democrats had any icons worth mentioning, you wouldn't have to co-opt one of ours.
Yes, we have so much manufacturing that we have all of our supertankers and most of our ships built in Korea and Japan. Try again.

It's going to be so much fun seeing you flop around like a fish out of water until November.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.
If Democrats had any icons worth mentioning, you wouldn't have to co-opt one of ours.

Sounds better than "Obama is the Democrats' Kennedy." Or "Obama is the Democrats' Charlie Rangel." Or Obama is the Democrats' Alcee Hastings."
Saving GM and the million auto industry jobs highlights a key difference between Obama and Bush

Bush threw money at GM with no strings attached. GM just swallowed the money and was back asking Obama for more five months later

Obama insisted that the taxpayer be given stock as collateral, Obama insisted that GM restructure and shed unprofitable branches, Obama insisted that the Unions accept wage and benefit cuts

GM is back to being the largest auto manufacturer in the world

Bin Laden is dead................General Motors is alive

And NEITHER was right in doing what they did.. Bush NOR Obamalama

Drastic times call for drastic actions
In other words:

"It was bad when Bush did it. It's good when Obama does it."
Anyone else remember ObamaMotors? As the Republicans mockingly called it?

Conservatives stood death watch over GM, waiting for it to fail so they could mock Obamas foolish bailout.

Now GM is back to being the number one automaker in the world

And sales dropped the following month. Then again, when you have the american tax payer to prop you up during an election year that's pretty deep pocket to pull from.
What else do you need to know?

al_Qeada is broken and bleeding. Twenty-Five (25) Months of Ecomonic Growth.

Three Million (3,000,000) Jobs Created (Most Jobs Created since 2005 - who was in the White House 2005?). The Compared to over Three Million Five Hundred Thousand (3,500,000) lost in the last full Quarter of 2008 (September, October, November and December). Who was in The White House in 2008?
3,000,000 jobs lost last month, who was in office then?

Ending the illegal and Unconstitutional War in Iraq (by adhereing the plan put forth by the President who started the war).
It was legal and constitutional, Bush received permission from congress to go to war, and could not have went without democrat approval. Therefore making it constitutional.

Ending the Illegal and Uncontitutional War in Afghanistan in 2013 (again by adhereing to plan of the President who started the war).
It was legal and constitutional, Bush received permission from congress to go to war, and could not have went without democrat approval. Therefore making it constitutional.

Ending the practice of ending Health Care Coverge of persons with "Pre-Existing Conditions".

You mean squashing the free market and in it's place a government takeover that has never been successful out of all the countries who have tried it. Way to go berry and lefties! Also, you forgot that little thing that actually IS unconstitutional called the individual mandate. You want to talk unconstitutional, there it is for you.

Allowing parents to children on their Health Care Plan until age 26.
Nothing like an extra 8 years of coddling to really make sure that kid doesn;t want to do shit for themselves, more nanny statism at it's best, and again, interfering with the free market that made this country the powerhouse it used to be.

Middle Class Tax Cuts.

Extending tax cuts is not giving tax cuts, it's just extending them and people continue to pay the same rate as before.

RePugs will of course trash this, but then again the truth does in fact hurt.

Of course we will, because you're wrong on every account.
Also, lets add this to Pelosi and Obama's credit. Now granted, Obama was yet to be elected, but he played a huge part in it as well.

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That the country survives this clusterfuck of an Administration?

Just an idea.

This country will always survive every administration.

If you don't believe that, then you don't believe in America.

America as we know it will cease to exist when that constitution ceases to have meaning, and this administration is going at record speeds to dismantle it. Not that past ones haven't, but this one is hitting it at light speed. If you think the america you know now will exist in 4 more years at the rate we are going now, you are extremely gullible.
Anyone else remember ObamaMotors? As the Republicans mockingly called it?

Conservatives stood death watch over GM, waiting for it to fail so they could mock Obamas foolish bailout.

Now GM is back to being the number one automaker in the world

Actually George Bush bailed out GM. Do you miss him yet?

So then do you think bailing out GM was a good thing?
It's going to be so much fun seeing you flop around like a fish out of water until November.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.
If Democrats had any icons worth mentioning, you wouldn't have to co-opt one of ours.

Sounds better than "Obama is the Democrats' Kennedy." Or "Obama is the Democrats' Charlie Rangel." Or Obama is the Democrats' Alcee Hastings."

"Obama is the Democrats' Joe Biden." :lol:
And it's a call that every other President would have made. Bin Laden would have been killed if Elmer Fudd were sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office. I think we'll see Barry use the SEALS every chance he gets between now and November. Obama couldn't care less about the military but he loves how using the SEALS makes him look "ballsy". I get the feeling it's not something he's experienced much in his rather sheltered life.

Elmer Fudd was sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office. Viva Tora Bora!

Don't forget...."They will treat us as liberators"
"The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud "


"Mission accomplished"

Bush was a twit and incompetent.

Extra Extra Read All About It.

Big News Flash....for someone.

The rest of us knew it when he first took office.

Tells you what a total loser Al Gore was.
Obama is the Democrats Reagan.

Except that Obama got Gaddafi and Bin Laden, and Reagan sent Bin Laden and Saddam weapons.

And you are the democratic poster boy for the Special Olympics.

You have no credibility.

You have no case for mentioning Reagan (one of the best presidents in our history) with the loser Obama (one of the worst).

In fact, you've never made a case since I've been on this board.

So go pray to life sized cardboard cut out of Mr. Hope(less) and Change (Nothing) and leave the adults to discuss the important issues.

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