Binary thinking in Politics


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
Begin rant:

Democrat Versus Republican; Left versus Right; Liberal Versus Conservative' LWNJ versus RWNJ

American political powers love the false dualism that our 2 party system engenders. We pick a side and root for our "team", while we blame the other side for all of the countries problems.This insane binary thinking keeps the professional political class in power. The 2 party system is perfect for an endless loop of corruption.

A perfect example:

The Medicare Drug expansion. Republicans let the Pharmaceutical companies write the law. Then lied about the cost. They used the CBO to massage the numbers. They made it illegal for the government to negotiate the price of drugs- ensuring fat profits for the drug companies.

Fast forward to Obamacare: Democrats let the insurance companies write the law. Then lied about the cost.They used the CBO to massage the numbers (collect 10 yrs of taxes, pay only 5 years of benefits). They force everyone to buy insurance (or pay a fine/tax) that has coverage they'll never use and with exceptionally high deductibles, ensuring fat profits for the Insurers

The Republicans and Democrats are not binary, they are Unitary. They are professional politicians who are bought and paid for by special interests.They both engage in identical behaviors while accusing the "other side". Each have media collaborators that help perpetuate the lie that they are "different". They aren't. They are two sides of the same coin.

Personally I am sick of this loop of stupidity. I think both parties are full of shit and I am not alone. That is one of the reasons outsiders like Carson, Fiorina, and Trump hold so much appeal. Maybe the rest of the country will wake up? I doubt it.....

End Rant.
It's normal for humans to think dialectically like this in all human groups. Not all of us think this way, but most do, without effort.
Begin rant:

Democrat Versus Republican; Left versus Right; Liberal Versus Conservative' LWNJ versus RWNJ

American political powers love the false dualism that our 2 party system engenders. We pick a side and root for our "team", while we blame the other side for all of the countries problems.This insane binary thinking keeps the professional political class in power. The 2 party system is perfect for an endless loop of corruption.

A perfect example:

The Medicare Drug expansion. Republicans let the Pharmaceutical companies write the law. Then lied about the cost. They used the CBO to massage the numbers. They made it illegal for the government to negotiate the price of drugs- ensuring fat profits for the drug companies.

Fast forward to Obamacare: Democrats let the insurance companies write the law. Then lied about the cost.They used the CBO to massage the numbers (collect 10 yrs of taxes, pay only 5 years of benefits). They force everyone to buy insurance (or pay a fine/tax) that has coverage they'll never use and with exceptionally high deductibles, ensuring fat profits for the Insurers

The Republicans and Democrats are not binary, they are Unitary. They are professional politicians who are bought and paid for by special interests.They both engage in identical behaviors while accusing the "other side". Each have media collaborators that help perpetuate the lie that they are "different". They aren't. They are two sides of the same coin.

Personally I am sick of this loop of stupidity. I think both parties are full of shit and I am not alone. That is one of the reasons outsiders like Carson, Fiorina, and Trump hold so much appeal. Maybe the rest of the country will wake up? I doubt it.....

End Rant.
"... like Carson, Fiorina, and Trump"

and Sanders.

I agree but being an "outsider" doesn't guarantee a good candidate.
Begin rant:

Democrat Versus Republican; Left versus Right; Liberal Versus Conservative' LWNJ versus RWNJ

American political powers love the false dualism that our 2 party system engenders. We pick a side and root for our "team", while we blame the other side for all of the countries problems.This insane binary thinking keeps the professional political class in power. The 2 party system is perfect for an endless loop of corruption.

A perfect example:

The Medicare Drug expansion. Republicans let the Pharmaceutical companies write the law. Then lied about the cost. They used the CBO to massage the numbers. They made it illegal for the government to negotiate the price of drugs- ensuring fat profits for the drug companies.

Fast forward to Obamacare: Democrats let the insurance companies write the law. Then lied about the cost.They used the CBO to massage the numbers (collect 10 yrs of taxes, pay only 5 years of benefits). They force everyone to buy insurance (or pay a fine/tax) that has coverage they'll never use and with exceptionally high deductibles, ensuring fat profits for the Insurers

The Republicans and Democrats are not binary, they are Unitary. They are professional politicians who are bought and paid for by special interests.They both engage in identical behaviors while accusing the "other side". Each have media collaborators that help perpetuate the lie that they are "different". They aren't. They are two sides of the same coin.

Personally I am sick of this loop of stupidity. I think both parties are full of shit and I am not alone. That is one of the reasons outsiders like Carson, Fiorina, and Trump hold so much appeal. Maybe the rest of the country will wake up? I doubt it.....

End Rant.

So the OP hasn't figured out that T-Rump and Cruella Fiorina are just the "banksters" who are behind the corrupt politicians?

They are the "man behind the curtain" pulling the strings of the politicians.

But now they want the cushy jobs that the politicians have and they claim they can do an even better job of screwing over We the People.

The OP isn't suffering from "binary thinking" as much as he is suffering from a lack of critical thinking skills.

T-Rump and Cruella Fiorina are not the solution because they are the root cause of the problem that the OP is whining about.
Begin rant:

Democrat Versus Republican; Left versus Right; Liberal Versus Conservative' LWNJ versus RWNJ

American political powers love the false dualism that our 2 party system engenders. We pick a side and root for our "team", while we blame the other side for all of the countries problems.This insane binary thinking keeps the professional political class in power. The 2 party system is perfect for an endless loop of corruption.

A perfect example:

The Medicare Drug expansion. Republicans let the Pharmaceutical companies write the law. Then lied about the cost. They used the CBO to massage the numbers. They made it illegal for the government to negotiate the price of drugs- ensuring fat profits for the drug companies.

Fast forward to Obamacare: Democrats let the insurance companies write the law. Then lied about the cost.They used the CBO to massage the numbers (collect 10 yrs of taxes, pay only 5 years of benefits). They force everyone to buy insurance (or pay a fine/tax) that has coverage they'll never use and with exceptionally high deductibles, ensuring fat profits for the Insurers

The Republicans and Democrats are not binary, they are Unitary. They are professional politicians who are bought and paid for by special interests.They both engage in identical behaviors while accusing the "other side". Each have media collaborators that help perpetuate the lie that they are "different". They aren't. They are two sides of the same coin.

Personally I am sick of this loop of stupidity. I think both parties are full of shit and I am not alone. That is one of the reasons outsiders like Carson, Fiorina, and Trump hold so much appeal. Maybe the rest of the country will wake up? I doubt it.....

End Rant.
"... like Carson, Fiorina, and Trump"

and Sanders.

I agree but being an "outsider" doesn't guarantee a good candidate.

T-Rump and Cruella Fiorina are not "outsiders", they are just the string pullers who want the glory for themselves.
There was a Fox News poll which had more Americans thinking we should "Go Communist" than approved of the job Congress was doing.

That's pretty staggering.

If true, yes it is. Goes the show the influence the Democrats have had on public education the past 60 years.
Begin rant:

Democrat Versus Republican; Left versus Right; Liberal Versus Conservative' LWNJ versus RWNJ

American political powers love the false dualism that our 2 party system engenders. We pick a side and root for our "team", while we blame the other side for all of the countries problems.This insane binary thinking keeps the professional political class in power. The 2 party system is perfect for an endless loop of corruption.

A perfect example:

The Medicare Drug expansion. Republicans let the Pharmaceutical companies write the law. Then lied about the cost. They used the CBO to massage the numbers. They made it illegal for the government to negotiate the price of drugs- ensuring fat profits for the drug companies.

Fast forward to Obamacare: Democrats let the insurance companies write the law. Then lied about the cost.They used the CBO to massage the numbers (collect 10 yrs of taxes, pay only 5 years of benefits). They force everyone to buy insurance (or pay a fine/tax) that has coverage they'll never use and with exceptionally high deductibles, ensuring fat profits for the Insurers

The Republicans and Democrats are not binary, they are Unitary. They are professional politicians who are bought and paid for by special interests.They both engage in identical behaviors while accusing the "other side". Each have media collaborators that help perpetuate the lie that they are "different". They aren't. They are two sides of the same coin.

Personally I am sick of this loop of stupidity. I think both parties are full of shit and I am not alone. That is one of the reasons outsiders like Carson, Fiorina, and Trump hold so much appeal. Maybe the rest of the country will wake up? I doubt it.....

End Rant.
"... like Carson, Fiorina, and Trump"

and Sanders.

I agree but being an "outsider" doesn't guarantee a good candidate.

From my perspective, Bernie 'the Crackpot' Sanders is no outsider. He's been in politics since 1971 and in Congress since 1990. He votes with and caucuses with the Democrats.

He is an "independent" like Bruce Jenner is a woman- only in his head.
There was a Fox News poll which had more Americans thinking we should "Go Communist" than approved of the job Congress was doing.

That's pretty staggering.

They disapprove of "Congress" (a nebulous mass of 535 people) but they approve of "their" guys. Incumbents are reelected 90% of the time....

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