Biological Male To Compete In USA Women’s Olympic Trials

I wonder if people who support this bullshit would like to see their biological daughters in a contact sport like boxing or MMA with a person who had a dick previously.

The person who was a male will IN GENERAL fucking destroy the poor biological female.

What the fuck are we doing here? Why are we entertaining this stupid bullshit?
What happens when they learn to combine human and animal traits? Half man...half fish in a swimming meet as an example. We better nip this in the bud.
All I'm saying is, if you want to be transgender, and you want to compete in the Olympics. . . be a good sport about it.

Compete first, transition later.

Do it the good 'ol fashion American way. Then folks will have more, a 'lil more a least, respect for ya. :71:

Where are the regressive maggots at?
The USMB Assclown Brigade is avoiding this thread like the plague.
i have tremendous sympathy for transgenders. It has to be a tough life, so they shouldnt be ridiculed.

Well, I sure don't have any sympathy. It's mostly males trying to pretend to be females for male prostitution reasons, and it's fraud. Gender is probably the FIRST thing we try to spot about strangers, for self-defense issues. And these crazies are committing FRAUD. Cutting bits off doesn't make any man a female. It just makes him a mutilated eunuch.

Women need to take the lead in saying, NO --- these aren't women, of course they aren't!! Too many women are leftwing and confused right now, busy with virtue-signaling, when there is no virtue whatsoever in fraudulent misrepresentation of sex so they can win sports scholarships away from the girls who deserve them.
Bald men wearing toupees or hats is also fraud. People are allowed to be fraudulent sometimes.
If the competition is for the most beautiful natural hair, wigs and toupee would be disqualifying fraud.
The biological women should boycott. This is total bullshit.

Raise your hand if you thought this bullshit was going to end with gay marriage.


Actually, the Supreme Court's establishment of the Institution of Gay Marriage just pushed the libs to move the bar even lower. Just whet their appetite for even more absurd social policy.

All of the crapola about guys in dresses saying they are "broads" and being allowed to compete in ladies' sporting events and use the ladies' restrooms wasn't big news until Obergefell came down.

There is no satisfying libs on this. If Trannies become fully recognized as "Normative", there will be something else coming down the line, you can count on it.
I remember maybe 10 years ago or so, Senator Santorum remarked on TV that authorizing Sodomy would just lead to crazier things including bestiality. He was really spot on correctamundo on this, even though at the time, libs ridiculed him over it. We may not be having homos having relations with dogs and horses yet, but they are shoving small mammals into the back end of the digestive systems so I guess its only a matter of time as standards get lower and lower.
It's just wrong, why isn't it so obvious. Men and women have different muscle structure, skeletal. I'm not against trans at all, have an awesome trans friend. But a bio male competing with females is just wrong.

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