Bird Watching is Racist


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
I've come to the conclusion that everything is now racist in our “post racial America”. The word no longer holds any meaning other than humorous.


Colorful World of Birding Has Conspicuous Lack of People of Color
More diversity among bird-watchers is in everyone's best interest.

Colorful World of Birding Has Conspicuous Lack of People of Color

"The meetings have covered a range of reasons why minorities may find it hard to embrace birding, including concerns about how onlookers might react to seeing a black or Hispanic man with binoculars wandering the woods—or a suburban neighborhood—at dusk, dawn, or night. ("Nocturnal birding is a no-no" is Lanham's Rule 4.)

Conference speakers have also cited lingering fears about racism in the U.S.—like whether it's safe to go to areas where the Ku Klux Klan had been strong, or where militias still thrive—and, for some who grew up in cities or suburbs, a fear of the unfamiliar woods, full of critters."
Observing the Tufted Titmouse is not only racist, it's sexist as well. A twofer.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention, I used to love to sit quietly and try to peacefully observe all the birds that came to my bird feeder. Is anything sacred and untainted?
The article says that blacks and hispanics are too afraid to watch birds because the birds hang out with the KKK.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention, I used to love to sit quietly and try to peacefully observe all the birds that came to my bird feeder. Is anything sacred and untainted?

To heal, you first must admit you have a problem. Now that you know you're a raving, foaming-at-the-mouth racist, perhaps you can take those first steps towards recovery.
Another stupid "racism" thread! I think the people posting them should be looking in a mirror. What's the GIF got to do with it? Nothing except to confirm my opinion of the OP.
The article says that blacks and hispanics are too afraid to watch birds because the birds hang out with the KKK.

Could you quote the line? I find nothing in the article about birds hanging out with the KKK.
I've come to the conclusion that everything is now racist in our “post racial America”. The word no longer holds any meaning other than humorous.


Colorful World of Birding Has Conspicuous Lack of People of Color
More diversity among bird-watchers is in everyone's best interest.

Colorful World of Birding Has Conspicuous Lack of People of Color

"The meetings have covered a range of reasons why minorities may find it hard to embrace birding, including concerns about how onlookers might react to seeing a black or Hispanic man with binoculars wandering the woods—or a suburban neighborhood—at dusk, dawn, or night. ("Nocturnal birding is a no-no" is Lanham's Rule 4.)

Conference speakers have also cited lingering fears about racism in the U.S.—like whether it's safe to go to areas where the Ku Klux Klan had been strong, or where militias still thrive—and, for some who grew up in cities or suburbs, a fear of the unfamiliar woods, full of critters."

The National Geographic Magazine, a publication heretofore not noted for satirical excellence, has published an article that easily could have appeared in The Onion. In Colorful World of Birding Has Conspicuous Lack of People of Color, author Martha Hamilton engages in hand-wringing and navel-gazing (yes, they can be done simultaneously, and for all I know, this might be good exercise) over the relative lack of “people of color” (as opposed to the colorless majority) out looking for exotic avian life. I kid you not:

According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in 2011, 93 percent of American birders were white, 5 percent were Hispanic (which includes both blacks and whites), 4 percent were black, 1 percent were Asian American, and 2 percent were "other."

Are Bird Watchers Racist - American Thinker
oh dear God people are so desperate to stir shit up it's mind blowing
Conference speakers have also cited lingering fears about racism in the U.S.—like whether it's safe to go to areas where the Ku Klux Klan had been strong, or where militias still thrive—and, for some who grew up in cities or suburbs, a fear of the unfamiliar woods, full of critters.

All I can say is feed them and they will come. and you don't have to worry about areas that were described in the story.
Another stupid "racism" thread! I think the people posting them should be looking in a mirror. What's the GIF got to do with it? Nothing except to confirm my opinion of the OP.

Relax. You are seeing racism where none exists. This post is about how silly the PC culture has become. National Geographic, once a respected organization, authorized the printing of a ridiculous article and the whole world is laughing at them.

Google "Bird Watching is Racist, National Geographic" and see the hilarity. Read the hundreds of comments that are pouring in. And have a laugh. There really isn't a Klansman behind every tree. (In most sane peoples' minds). It's OK to go in the woods with binoculars.

I'm pretty sure there are some red faces and regrets behind the NatGeo doors as well as a few wealthy contributors who are rethinking next year's donations. The editor may be out of a job Monday.

Take a deep breath and try to find a spot in your mind where you think bird watching is a racial topic. And you can relax about the GIF. It represents a person who is indignant over an insult that doesn't exist. If that offends you, I find that funny and I feel sorry for you. If you look for racism everywhere, you'll find it.

Take a look in your mirror. Relax and lighten up. Life's too short.

(WARNING: While you're looking in the bathroom mirror, there is probably a Klansman behind the shower curtain behind you!):eusa_shifty:
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