Birthright Citizenship 14th Amendment

You don't know what you are talking about.

The 14th Amendment is simple "censure" to ensure we follow doctrine outlined by our Founding Fathers.
Only would be an idiot and not know what the 14th amendment was created for. But then Southern White Democrats fought against it because those liberals didn't like blacks and wanted them to stay as slaves, so today, you liberals want the latino's to continue to be slave like labor(because when people don't come here legally, they have to hide in shadows), so you don't have to pay them full wages. Liberals, once a racist, always a racist.
Just right wing projection?
Just the truth about the history of the US and why Liberals love the ignorant, uneducated masses.

Dear, right wing projection is useless. It is the right wing that wants to abolish the department of Education.
Once again, you are one of the reasons why the Dept of Education needs to be eliminated. Products of public education like you, just shows how effective they are in turning out whiney ass liberals like you.

Dears, requiring a work ethic and teaching Persons how to fish, should result in more than just Red Herrings for the Effort.
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Ditto to you too, Joe.

again, I was a product of Catholic Education....

But you miss the point.

You see, the number of illegals peaked in 2006, and since then had declined a bit and leveled off.


There's only so much room for them in the economy. they aren't going to be able to do my job. they probably aren't going to be competing for your job. They will be competing for those jobs neither one of us would ever do.

That's why deporting them is sort of pointless. A replacement will show up as soon as Cousin Paco calls back home and says 'Yeah, they are hiring down at the meat plant after they deported 10 guys last week'.

If you guys were REALLY AND TRULY serious about stopping illegal immigration, there are two ways to do it.

1) Enact Fair Wage Laws, so those jobs will be attractive to Americans.
2) Hold employers who hire illegals to account with heavy fines and criminal charges.

But going after the immigrants themselves, particularly the ones like the DACA kids, who've already assimilated, is kind of pointless, unless cruelty is your point.

Which sadly, is kind of the state of the Conservative Movement today. Not the hopeful message of a Ronald Reagan, but the Cruel message of a Donald Trump.
) Enact Fair Wage Laws, so those jobs will be attractive to Americans.
So what is a FAIR WAGE? $15 , $20 , $25 and if that is enacted do we get rid of WELFARE since everyone is getting a FAIR WAGE?
You don't know what you are talking about.

The 14th Amendment is simple "censure" to ensure we follow doctrine outlined by our Founding Fathers.
Only would be an idiot and not know what the 14th amendment was created for. But then Southern White Democrats fought against it because those liberals didn't like blacks and wanted them to stay as slaves, so today, you liberals want the latino's to continue to be slave like labor(because when people don't come here legally, they have to hide in shadows), so you don't have to pay them full wages. Liberals, once a racist, always a racist.

You are mixing "liberals" with the "democrats" at the time . Those "democrats" were actually conservatives.
Dear, right wing projection is useless. It is the right wing that wants to abolish the department of Education.
Once again, you are one of the reasons why the Dept of Education needs to be eliminated. Products of public education like you, just shows how effective they are in turning out whiney ass liberals like you.

The only word you know to connote bad is liberals, conservatives wear halos and have wings..

Liberal play book - Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Conservative play book - Read the Bible. A free Bible on your phone, tablet, and computer. | The Bible App |
God's Word is with you.
There are three types of people in the world today.
Liberals - are very imperfect, but think they are very perfect, so much FORCE their liberal agenda on the rest of US, by subjugating US until we bend our knees to their superiority.
Moderates - ignorant or uneducated people who sway whichever the wind blows, and tend to move towards good when evil shows itself.
Conservatives - Know they aren't perfect, end up doing wrong, but doesn't intentionally try to commit evil. Ask for forgiveness when they sin against God.

What about those that have never read the Bible? Your playbook has no antithesis.. of knowledgeable dupes to change..Your myopic consensus is at least one..

Moderates - ignorant or uneducated people who sway whichever the wind blows, and tend to move towards good when evil shows itself.
You just keep showing the rest of us, that you are such a stupid idiotic liberal(redundant statement).

View attachment 147630

Again Androjism shows his true troll colors.. He's just another bitter old man that hates all and can't shit anywhere but in his Depends at the nursing home... But don't worry Trumpet will soothe this overly heated hater..But one thing the 14th doesn't' do is clarify citizenship by birthright..
Only would be an idiot and not know what the 14th amendment was created for. But then Southern White Democrats fought against it because those liberals didn't like blacks and wanted them to stay as slaves, so today, you liberals want the latino's to continue to be slave like labor(because when people don't come here legally, they have to hide in shadows), so you don't have to pay them full wages. Liberals, once a racist, always a racist.
Just right wing projection?
Just the truth about the history of the US and why Liberals love the ignorant, uneducated masses.

Dear, right wing projection is useless. It is the right wing that wants to abolish the department of Education.
Yes, the Department of Education(Richard Nixon created) is nothing but an arm of the liberal propagation machine. If I was President, I would be closing that agency, and rooting out the Commies that reside there also.

The Techniques of Communism: Invading Education

IN UNDERMINING a nation such as the United States, the infiltration of the educational process is of prime importance. The Communists have accordingly made the invasion of schools and colleges one of the major considerations in their psychological warfare designed to control the American mind. By such "cultural" work, the Soviet fifth column obtains an influence, directly or indirectly, over at least a portion of American youth. Some of the young men entering our armed forces, and some of the young women who must support them, are brought within the orbit of pro-Communist thinking, to the detriment of our national security.

Appealing to ignorance is worse for Persons of alleged morals, with the alleged Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Only ignorant ones are you liberals and moderates who tend to be more liberal.

Just right wing projection?
Just the truth about the history of the US and why Liberals love the ignorant, uneducated masses.

Dear, right wing projection is useless. It is the right wing that wants to abolish the department of Education.
Once again, you are one of the reasons why the Dept of Education needs to be eliminated. Products of public education like you, just shows how effective they are in turning out whiney ass liberals like you.

The only word you know to connote bad is liberals, conservatives wear halos and have wings..

Liberal play book - Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Conservative play book - Read the Bible. A free Bible on your phone, tablet, and computer. | The Bible App |
God's Word is with you.
There are three types of people in the world today.
Liberals - are very imperfect, but think they are very perfect, so much FORCE their liberal agenda on the rest of US, by subjugating US until we bend our knees to their superiority.
Moderates - ignorant or uneducated people who sway whichever the wind blows, and tend to move towards good when evil shows itself.
Conservatives - Know they aren't perfect, end up doing wrong, but doesn't intentionally try to commit evil. Ask for forgiveness when they sin against God.

Just right wing fantasy. Nobody on the left should ever take the right wing seriously about economics or morals.
Dear, right wing projection is useless. It is the right wing that wants to abolish the department of Education.
Once again, you are one of the reasons why the Dept of Education needs to be eliminated. Products of public education like you, just shows how effective they are in turning out whiney ass liberals like you.

The only word you know to connote bad is liberals, conservatives wear halos and have wings..

Liberal play book - Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Conservative play book - Read the Bible. A free Bible on your phone, tablet, and computer. | The Bible App |
God's Word is with you.
There are three types of people in the world today.
Liberals - are very imperfect, but think they are very perfect, so much FORCE their liberal agenda on the rest of US, by subjugating US until we bend our knees to their superiority.
Moderates - ignorant or uneducated people who sway whichever the wind blows, and tend to move towards good when evil shows itself.
Conservatives - Know they aren't perfect, end up doing wrong, but doesn't intentionally try to commit evil. Ask for forgiveness when they sin against God.

What about those that have never read the Bible? Your playbook has no antithesis.. of knowledgeable dupes to change..Your myopic consensus is at least one..

Moderates - ignorant or uneducated people who sway whichever the wind blows, and tend to move towards good when evil shows itself.
You just keep showing the rest of us, that you are such a stupid idiotic liberal(redundant statement).

View attachment 147630

Why should the left take the right wing seriously, if they need more than Ten simple Commandments from a God.
You don't know what you are talking about.

The 14th Amendment is simple "censure" to ensure we follow doctrine outlined by our Founding Fathers.
Only would be an idiot and not know what the 14th amendment was created for. But then Southern White Democrats fought against it because those liberals didn't like blacks and wanted them to stay as slaves, so today, you liberals want the latino's to continue to be slave like labor(because when people don't come here legally, they have to hide in shadows), so you don't have to pay them full wages. Liberals, once a racist, always a racist.

You are mixing "liberals" with the "democrats" at the time . Those "democrats" were actually conservatives.
Give me a fucking break. Classical liberals went out the door when the RADCIAL liberals took over the Dimbocrap party. The Classical Liberals took the name Conservatives, because they didn't want any association with the new liberalism. New liberals love enslavement of people to the government, new conservatives want Freedom, Prosperity and the Right to life.
Just the truth about the history of the US and why Liberals love the ignorant, uneducated masses.

Dear, right wing projection is useless. It is the right wing that wants to abolish the department of Education.
Once again, you are one of the reasons why the Dept of Education needs to be eliminated. Products of public education like you, just shows how effective they are in turning out whiney ass liberals like you.

The only word you know to connote bad is liberals, conservatives wear halos and have wings..

Liberal play book - Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Conservative play book - Read the Bible. A free Bible on your phone, tablet, and computer. | The Bible App |
God's Word is with you.
There are three types of people in the world today.
Liberals - are very imperfect, but think they are very perfect, so much FORCE their liberal agenda on the rest of US, by subjugating US until we bend our knees to their superiority.
Moderates - ignorant or uneducated people who sway whichever the wind blows, and tend to move towards good when evil shows itself.
Conservatives - Know they aren't perfect, end up doing wrong, but doesn't intentionally try to commit evil. Ask for forgiveness when they sin against God.

Just right wing fantasy. Nobody on the left should ever take the right wing seriously about economics or morals.

Not one fucking time have you presented any proof to refute my argument, just your opinion which is about as worthless as the time it takes to argue with you.

You too are a sociopath like Joe is. Are you liberals related to Charles Manson?

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Once again, you are one of the reasons why the Dept of Education needs to be eliminated. Products of public education like you, just shows how effective they are in turning out whiney ass liberals like you.

The only word you know to connote bad is liberals, conservatives wear halos and have wings..

Liberal play book - Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals Conservative play book - Read the Bible. A free Bible on your phone, tablet, and computer. | The Bible App |
God's Word is with you.
There are three types of people in the world today.
Liberals - are very imperfect, but think they are very perfect, so much FORCE their liberal agenda on the rest of US, by subjugating US until we bend our knees to their superiority.
Moderates - ignorant or uneducated people who sway whichever the wind blows, and tend to move towards good when evil shows itself.
Conservatives - Know they aren't perfect, end up doing wrong, but doesn't intentionally try to commit evil. Ask for forgiveness when they sin against God.

What about those that have never read the Bible? Your playbook has no antithesis.. of knowledgeable dupes to change..Your myopic consensus is at least one..

Moderates - ignorant or uneducated people who sway whichever the wind blows, and tend to move towards good when evil shows itself.
You just keep showing the rest of us, that you are such a stupid idiotic liberal(redundant statement).

View attachment 147630

Why should the left take the right wing seriously, if they need more than Ten simple Commandments from a God.

Why should the left take the right wing seriously
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
This is why you don't....
So what is a FAIR WAGE? $15 , $20 , $25 and if that is enacted do we get rid of WELFARE since everyone is getting a FAIR WAGE?

$15.00 would seem fair to me.

So what if we did have a world were everyone had a job making a living wage? One where you had job protections and couldn't be fired by a capricious boss without cause?

That would probably eliminate the need for welfare, except for the disabled.

But the problem is, most 'entitlements' go to middle class white people- Unemployment, Social Security, Medicare. What poor people get in "Welfare' is really less than 1% of the GDP. Some of it like SNAP is designed specifically to prop up certain industries.
Not one fucking time have you presented any proof to refute my argument, just your opinion which is about as worthless as the time it takes to argue with you.

You too are a sociopath like Joe is. Are you liberals related to Charles Manson?

So when you can't make an argument you call everyone who disagrees with you a sociopath... even though you are the one who comes off as unhinged...

Got it.
Ditto to you too, Joe.

again, I was a product of Catholic Education....

But you miss the point.

You see, the number of illegals peaked in 2006, and since then had declined a bit and leveled off.


There's only so much room for them in the economy. they aren't going to be able to do my job. they probably aren't going to be competing for your job. They will be competing for those jobs neither one of us would ever do.

That's why deporting them is sort of pointless. A replacement will show up as soon as Cousin Paco calls back home and says 'Yeah, they are hiring down at the meat plant after they deported 10 guys last week'.

If you guys were REALLY AND TRULY serious about stopping illegal immigration, there are two ways to do it.

1) Enact Fair Wage Laws, so those jobs will be attractive to Americans.
2) Hold employers who hire illegals to account with heavy fines and criminal charges.

But going after the immigrants themselves, particularly the ones like the DACA kids, who've already assimilated, is kind of pointless, unless cruelty is your point.

Which sadly, is kind of the state of the Conservative Movement today. Not the hopeful message of a Ronald Reagan, but the Cruel message of a Donald Trump.
) Enact Fair Wage Laws, so those jobs will be attractive to Americans.
So what is a FAIR WAGE? $15 , $20 , $25 and if that is enacted do we get rid of WELFARE since everyone is getting a FAIR WAGE?
We could be solving simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

The right wing cannot be bothered to muster for that moral obligation.
Just right wing projection?
Just the truth about the history of the US and why Liberals love the ignorant, uneducated masses.

Dear, right wing projection is useless. It is the right wing that wants to abolish the department of Education.
Yes, the Department of Education(Richard Nixon created) is nothing but an arm of the liberal propagation machine. If I was President, I would be closing that agency, and rooting out the Commies that reside there also.

The Techniques of Communism: Invading Education

IN UNDERMINING a nation such as the United States, the infiltration of the educational process is of prime importance. The Communists have accordingly made the invasion of schools and colleges one of the major considerations in their psychological warfare designed to control the American mind. By such "cultural" work, the Soviet fifth column obtains an influence, directly or indirectly, over at least a portion of American youth. Some of the young men entering our armed forces, and some of the young women who must support them, are brought within the orbit of pro-Communist thinking, to the detriment of our national security.

Appealing to ignorance is worse for Persons of alleged morals, with the alleged Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Only ignorant ones are you liberals and moderates who tend to be more liberal.

View attachment 147631
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics, the law, morals, or politics.
Dear, right wing projection is useless. It is the right wing that wants to abolish the department of Education.
Once again, you are one of the reasons why the Dept of Education needs to be eliminated. Products of public education like you, just shows how effective they are in turning out whiney ass liberals like you.

The only word you know to connote bad is liberals, conservatives wear halos and have wings..

Liberal play book - Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Conservative play book - Read the Bible. A free Bible on your phone, tablet, and computer. | The Bible App |
God's Word is with you.
There are three types of people in the world today.
Liberals - are very imperfect, but think they are very perfect, so much FORCE their liberal agenda on the rest of US, by subjugating US until we bend our knees to their superiority.
Moderates - ignorant or uneducated people who sway whichever the wind blows, and tend to move towards good when evil shows itself.
Conservatives - Know they aren't perfect, end up doing wrong, but doesn't intentionally try to commit evil. Ask for forgiveness when they sin against God.

Just right wing fantasy. Nobody on the left should ever take the right wing seriously about economics or morals.

Not one fucking time have you presented any proof to refute my argument, just your opinion which is about as worthless as the time it takes to argue with you.

You too are a sociopath like Joe is. Are you liberals related to Charles Manson?

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

You have no argument, only right wing fantasy.
You don't know what you are talking about.

The 14th Amendment is simple "censure" to ensure we follow doctrine outlined by our Founding Fathers.
Only would be an idiot and not know what the 14th amendment was created for. But then Southern White Democrats fought against it because those liberals didn't like blacks and wanted them to stay as slaves, so today, you liberals want the latino's to continue to be slave like labor(because when people don't come here legally, they have to hide in shadows), so you don't have to pay them full wages. Liberals, once a racist, always a racist.
Just right wing projection?
Just the truth about the history of the US and why Liberals love the ignorant, uneducated masses.

Dear, right wing projection is useless. It is the right wing that wants to abolish the department of Education.

The Dept. of Education should have never b
I'm fine with anchor babies. If you are born on US soil then you are an American.

So you support rewarding people due to a criminal act? Do you support the kids of a bank robber keeping the money?
The only word you know to connote bad is liberals, conservatives wear halos and have wings..
Liberal play book - Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals Conservative play book - Read the Bible. A free Bible on your phone, tablet, and computer. | The Bible App |
God's Word is with you.
There are three types of people in the world today.
Liberals - are very imperfect, but think they are very perfect, so much FORCE their liberal agenda on the rest of US, by subjugating US until we bend our knees to their superiority.
Moderates - ignorant or uneducated people who sway whichever the wind blows, and tend to move towards good when evil shows itself.
Conservatives - Know they aren't perfect, end up doing wrong, but doesn't intentionally try to commit evil. Ask for forgiveness when they sin against God.
What about those that have never read the Bible? Your playbook has no antithesis.. of knowledgeable dupes to change..Your myopic consensus is at least one..
Moderates - ignorant or uneducated people who sway whichever the wind blows, and tend to move towards good when evil shows itself.
You just keep showing the rest of us, that you are such a stupid idiotic liberal(redundant statement).

View attachment 147630
Why should the left take the right wing seriously, if they need more than Ten simple Commandments from a God.
Why should the left take the right wing seriously
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
This is why you don't....
I don't, because the right wing is usually just clueless and Causeless. It is a "risk management" issue.
So you support rewarding people due to a criminal act? Do you support the kids of a bank robber keeping the money?

Not really a good comparison. It assumes that the citizenship they get rightfully belongs to someone else.

Money taken from a bank was someone else's money. That's why you order restitution.

Who is harmed by a baby being born here getting citizenship?
You don't know what you are talking about.

The 14th Amendment is simple "censure" to ensure we follow doctrine outlined by our Founding Fathers.
Only would be an idiot and not know what the 14th amendment was created for. But then Southern White Democrats fought against it because those liberals didn't like blacks and wanted them to stay as slaves, so today, you liberals want the latino's to continue to be slave like labor(because when people don't come here legally, they have to hide in shadows), so you don't have to pay them full wages. Liberals, once a racist, always a racist.
Just right wing projection?
Just the truth about the history of the US and why Liberals love the ignorant, uneducated masses.

Dear, right wing projection is useless. It is the right wing that wants to abolish the department of Education.

The Dept. of Education should have never b
I'm fine with anchor babies. If you are born on US soil then you are an American.

So you support rewarding people due to a criminal act? Do you support the kids of a bank robber keeping the money?
Thank you for acknowledging the right wing prefers ignorance to education; conspiracy or coincidence.

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