Birthright Citizenship 14th Amendment

The 14th Amendment Birthright Citizenship was written to insured that freed slaves were not denied citizenship.
At the time that it was written there was no transfer of income welfare system.
It was never intended to create anchor babies for Illegal Aliens.
It is an illegal immigration magnet and it should to be reformed.
DACA is also an illegal immigration magnet and it should be reformed or abolished.
We have a 100% right to control our immigration.
We have a limited number of taxpayers but there is an unlimited supply of illegal aliens.

Let's get real here, buddy. we've only got 12 million undocumented immigrants, because the system won't accommodate anymore than that. They'll only come here if there are jobs.

the thing is, and I know this is hard for you guys to get, is that they are doing the jobs Americans plain old don't want to do.

Old and wornout. But if it was YOUR job you would be singing a differ tune judging by how you hate mormons for stealing all your glory in your Rambo days.
I'm fine with anchor babies. If you are born on US soil then you are an American.
I agree. These are people who have never known another country. This is their county.

They're ILLEGALLY here. That's all that matters.
So was trumps mother and wife, what's your point? Brown illegals have to go, white ones get the white house?

Let me let you in on a little secret, the "brown ones" have a far greater likelihood of being filthy subhumans that require lifelong spoon feeding from American taxpayers...we have Labradors...we don't need pet humans.
Further, these dirty creatures are like cockroaches...they cause mass community degradation everywhere they inhabit.

Joe you parrot this shit because you've heard it a million times...somehow things said often turn to fact in the tiny little minds of LefTards.
American kids ages 16-19 needing work experience can't get jobs at any fast food restaurants because 30-40 year old illegals have made those jobs life long careers.

Oh my God, you mean those kids won't get the wonderful experience of working in a fast food resturant and being exploited by some capitalist wannabe? Oh, the horror of it all.

Meh, not really. Most fast food places I go to have mostly teenage kids in there.

Males fresh out of highschool seeking tradesmen type work can't get hired because illegals are willing to work under the table and off the books. YES...the employer is a piece of shit criminal and should be prosecuted as well.

Or maybe they know that these entitled little punks don't work for shit. Have you actually ever had to work with millennials?

The lying bullshit you and your people fabricate about REAL American's not willing to work X job can only pertain to agriculture...MAYBE! And that's only because farms tend to be located off the beaten path where potential employees are few and far between geographically speaking. Filthy wetbacks are willing to sleep in their cars on the farm and give hand jobs for a wage and you love to exploit that.

But that's the point. I wouldn't want to work in a lettuce picking operation.
Or cleaning toilets
Or working in a fast food resturant.

And neither would most people.

But when you use a word like "Wetback", it says more about you than them.

Oh I've made it clear...I despise illegals...they're nasty, dirty little creatures.
Disregarding your blatant racism
That is incorrect. The majority of immigrants are on welfare for one-two generations. Incredible really, compared to the decades Americans stay on.
The illegal immigration issue has two sides. One side is for transforming America into a third world country and the other side is opposed to transforming America into a third world country.
I'm fine with anchor babies. If you are born on US soil then you are an American.
I agree. These are people who have never known another country. This is their county.

They're ILLEGALLY here. That's all that matters.
So was trumps mother and wife, what's your point? Brown illegals have to go, white ones get the white house?

Let me let you in on a little secret, the "brown ones" have a far greater likelihood of being filthy subhumans that require lifelong spoon feeding from American taxpayers...we have Labradors...we don't need pet humans.
Further, these dirty creatures are like cockroaches...they cause mass community degradation everywhere they inhabit.

Joe you parrot this shit because you've heard it a million times...somehow things said often turn to fact in the tiny little minds of LefTards.
American kids ages 16-19 needing work experience can't get jobs at any fast food restaurants because 30-40 year old illegals have made those jobs life long careers.

Oh my God, you mean those kids won't get the wonderful experience of working in a fast food resturant and being exploited by some capitalist wannabe? Oh, the horror of it all.

Meh, not really. Most fast food places I go to have mostly teenage kids in there.

Males fresh out of highschool seeking tradesmen type work can't get hired because illegals are willing to work under the table and off the books. YES...the employer is a piece of shit criminal and should be prosecuted as well.

Or maybe they know that these entitled little punks don't work for shit. Have you actually ever had to work with millennials?

The lying bullshit you and your people fabricate about REAL American's not willing to work X job can only pertain to agriculture...MAYBE! And that's only because farms tend to be located off the beaten path where potential employees are few and far between geographically speaking. Filthy wetbacks are willing to sleep in their cars on the farm and give hand jobs for a wage and you love to exploit that.

But that's the point. I wouldn't want to work in a lettuce picking operation.
Or cleaning toilets
Or working in a fast food resturant.

And neither would most people.

But when you use a word like "Wetback", it says more about you than them.

Oh I've made it clear...I despise illegals...they're nasty, dirty little creatures.
Disregarding your blatant racism
That is incorrect. The majority of immigrants are on welfare for one-two generations. Incredible really, compared to the decades Americans stay on.

Americans are on welfare for decades? According to your fellow lefties, there is a limit. How can what you say be true? One of you has to be lying.

Why should any immigrant be on welfare at all? In fact, why should anyone be on welfare at all. You lefties claim you care about the poor so much. Funny thing is you show that care by expecting those you think have too much being forced to fund those welfare programs. I have a solution. Get rid of welfare and let all you that claim to care so much prove it by using your own money.
Old and wornout. But if it was YOUR job you would be singing a differ tune judging by how you hate mormons for stealing all your glory in your Rambo days.

I'm sorry your illiterate ass can't compete with undocumented immigrants, because they work harder than you and can follow instructions....

Here's the thing. If I lost a job, I'd go out and get another one. Easy Peasy.
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Old and wornout. But if it was YOUR job you would be singing a differ tune judging by how you hate mormons for stealing all your glory in your Rambo days.

I'm sorry your illiterate ass can't competed with undocumented immigrants, because they work harder than you and can follow instructions....

Here's the thing. If I lost a job, I'd go out and get another one. Easy Peasy.

Sorry Camp, but you are the only person on this bord who ever blamed anyone else for holding you back. That was the mormons. Did they touch you Joe?
Old and wornout. But if it was YOUR job you would be singing a differ tune judging by how you hate mormons for stealing all your glory in your Rambo days.

I'm sorry your illiterate ass can't compete with undocumented immigrants, because they work harder than you and can follow instructions....

Here's the thing. If I lost a job, I'd go out and get another one. Easy Peasy.

Not really. You just bitch because you got shoved out by better workers. You invent a story of a privlaged class that "got"you. I never had to look for another job Camp. Had this one since 2000. And things look good.
I'm fine with anchor babies. If you are born on US soil then you are an American.
I agree. These are people who have never known another country. This is their county.

They're ILLEGALLY here. That's all that matters.
So was trumps mother and wife, what's your point? Brown illegals have to go, white ones get the white house?

So white illegals have to go but brown ones get to stay?
I say we reform immigration... instead of acting like our country wasn't created by immigrants....
I'm fine with anchor babies. If you are born on US soil then you are an American.
I agree. These are people who have never known another country. This is their county.

They're ILLEGALLY here. That's all that matters.
So was trumps mother and wife, what's your point? Brown illegals have to go, white ones get the white house?

So white illegals have to go but brown ones get to stay?
I say we reform immigration... instead of acting like our country wasn't created by immigrants....

Our country was created by immigrants. My family came here as immigrants. Difference between my family and the ones you want to "reform immigration" to address is they came legally.
I agree. These are people who have never known another country. This is their county.

They're ILLEGALLY here. That's all that matters.
So was trumps mother and wife, what's your point? Brown illegals have to go, white ones get the white house?

So white illegals have to go but brown ones get to stay?
I say we reform immigration... instead of acting like our country wasn't created by immigrants....

Our country was created by immigrants. My family came here as immigrants. Difference between my family and the ones you want to "reform immigration" to address is they came legally.
Right. And now people who want to come here legally are waiting decades to do so....
We need to create a resonable path to citizenship.
Your ancestors and mine, walked off a boat, got checked by a doctor, and signed their name... they didn't wait decades in an undocumented status. There has to be a happy middle ground.

People don't want to be here illegally.
They're ILLEGALLY here. That's all that matters.
So was trumps mother and wife, what's your point? Brown illegals have to go, white ones get the white house?

So white illegals have to go but brown ones get to stay?
I say we reform immigration... instead of acting like our country wasn't created by immigrants....

Our country was created by immigrants. My family came here as immigrants. Difference between my family and the ones you want to "reform immigration" to address is they came legally.
Right. And now people who want to come here legally are waiting decades to do so....
We need to create a resonable path to citizenship.
Your ancestors and mine, walked off a boat, got checked by a doctor, and signed their name... they didn't wait decades in an undocumented status. There has to be a happy middle ground.

People don't want to be here illegally.

Tough shit. That they don't like the rules isn't a valid reason to change them. Because they don't like it doesn't make it unreasonable.

I bet you have an idea of what you call reasonable. I find that those making a claim that we need a reasonable path to citizenship want what they believe to be what we use. It's also interesting how anyone that disagrees with you is deemed unreasonable.

If they didn't want to be here illegally, they wouldn't find ways to sneak into the country.

Since you don't know what mine did when they came here or when it actually happened, you don't shit about what they went through. Just more speculation from someone on the left trying to be passed off as fact.
Not really. You just bitch because you got shoved out by better workers. You invent a story of a privlaged class that "got"you. I never had to look for another job Camp. Had this one since 2000. And things look good.

Okay, besides the fact you are conflating me with another poster, there's really no point talking to you.
So was trumps mother and wife, what's your point? Brown illegals have to go, white ones get the white house?

So white illegals have to go but brown ones get to stay?
I say we reform immigration... instead of acting like our country wasn't created by immigrants....

Our country was created by immigrants. My family came here as immigrants. Difference between my family and the ones you want to "reform immigration" to address is they came legally.
Right. And now people who want to come here legally are waiting decades to do so....
We need to create a resonable path to citizenship.
Your ancestors and mine, walked off a boat, got checked by a doctor, and signed their name... they didn't wait decades in an undocumented status. There has to be a happy middle ground.

People don't want to be here illegally.

Tough shit. That they don't like the rules isn't a valid reason to change them. Because they don't like it doesn't make it unreasonable.

I bet you have an idea of what you call reasonable. I find that those making a claim that we need a reasonable path to citizenship want what they believe to be what we use. It's also interesting how anyone that disagrees with you is deemed unreasonable.

If they didn't want to be here illegally, they wouldn't find ways to sneak into the country.

Since you don't know what mine did when they came here or when it actually happened, you don't shit about what they went through. Just more speculation from someone on the left trying to be passed off as fact.
I am assuming you are not first generation, and that your family came legally.. then using history to describe what immigration was like 2-3 generations ago. But you're right, maybe your family came in as ILLEGALS like the TRUMPS did.

Separating families for decades is not reasonable IMO but I also understand why we don't want people walking off a boat, signing their name, and walking in.
There is a happy medium. We just need to get there.
The Constitution provides a clear path if you want to change the 14th Amendment.

Personally, I wouldn't trust any of the current politicians with touching any part of the Constitution, but maybe you trust them more than I do.
Tough shit. That they don't like the rules isn't a valid reason to change them. Because they don't like it doesn't make it unreasonable.

I bet you have an idea of what you call reasonable. I find that those making a claim that we need a reasonable path to citizenship want what they believe to be what we use. It's also interesting how anyone that disagrees with you is deemed unreasonable.

If they didn't want to be here illegally, they wouldn't find ways to sneak into the country.

again, we are talking about folks who didn't make a choice to "break the rules", their parents did. We don't punish people for the crimes of their parents.

It's also a matter of practicalities. We don't throw everyone who commits a crime in prison. We look at the severity of the crime and the character of the person, which is why some people get rehab and some get jail.

As a practical matter, we are not going to be able to round up all 12 million undocumented immigrants, much less the people they gave birth to. so we have to priortize

We want to get rid of the MS13 gangbanger.

We want to keep the 18 year old dreamer who signed up for the Marines.

DACA was good in that it identified the people who weren't really a problem, so we could concentrate resources on the people who were.
I agree. These are people who have never known another country. This is their county.

They're ILLEGALLY here. That's all that matters.
So was trumps mother and wife, what's your point? Brown illegals have to go, white ones get the white house?

Let me let you in on a little secret, the "brown ones" have a far greater likelihood of being filthy subhumans that require lifelong spoon feeding from American taxpayers...we have Labradors...we don't need pet humans.
Further, these dirty creatures are like cockroaches...they cause mass community degradation everywhere they inhabit.

Joe you parrot this shit because you've heard it a million times...somehow things said often turn to fact in the tiny little minds of LefTards.
American kids ages 16-19 needing work experience can't get jobs at any fast food restaurants because 30-40 year old illegals have made those jobs life long careers.

Oh my God, you mean those kids won't get the wonderful experience of working in a fast food resturant and being exploited by some capitalist wannabe? Oh, the horror of it all.

Meh, not really. Most fast food places I go to have mostly teenage kids in there.

Males fresh out of highschool seeking tradesmen type work can't get hired because illegals are willing to work under the table and off the books. YES...the employer is a piece of shit criminal and should be prosecuted as well.

Or maybe they know that these entitled little punks don't work for shit. Have you actually ever had to work with millennials?

The lying bullshit you and your people fabricate about REAL American's not willing to work X job can only pertain to agriculture...MAYBE! And that's only because farms tend to be located off the beaten path where potential employees are few and far between geographically speaking. Filthy wetbacks are willing to sleep in their cars on the farm and give hand jobs for a wage and you love to exploit that.

But that's the point. I wouldn't want to work in a lettuce picking operation.
Or cleaning toilets
Or working in a fast food resturant.

And neither would most people.

But when you use a word like "Wetback", it says more about you than them.

Oh I've made it clear...I despise illegals...they're nasty, dirty little creatures.
Disregarding your blatant racism
That is incorrect. The majority of immigrants are on welfare for one-two generations. Incredible really, compared to the decades Americans stay on.

Americans are on welfare for decades? According to your fellow lefties, there is a limit. How can what you say be true? One of you has to be lying.

Why should any immigrant be on welfare at all? In fact, why should anyone be on welfare at all. You lefties claim you care about the poor so much. Funny thing is you show that care by expecting those you think have too much being forced to fund those welfare programs. I have a solution. Get rid of welfare and let all you that claim to care so much prove it by using your own money.
Illegal "indocumented" people can't get welfare. People who are here legally but are not technically citizens can sometimes receive it.. It's very complicated actually and there are many rules, regulations, exceptions etc.

Undocumented, refugees, dreamers, green card holder, and so on... are all different with different statuses... it must be a hard concept, with Donnie having you thinking they're all the same and they're all bad.

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