Birthright Citizenship 14th Amendment

It slaps the face of those that did it the right way.

Why? "35 years ago my mom didn't have the foresight to be in America when she gave birth!"

Here's the thing. if you do it the 'right way" and you are here as a legal alien, and you have a kid, your kid gets automatic citizenship, just like the illegal's kid does.

Oh, the everyone does it excuse? I'll get off the horse when you're man enough to knock me off. You've proven the only thing you do well is hide.

And when was the last time you did something other than rant racist crap on the internet.

Tell you what, film yourself going into a black neighborhood and spew your "advise". Make sure you call your audience the N-word a lot, that always goes over well.

Hence the difference between the definitions of legal and illegal. Not my fault you don't recognize that difference.

When was the last time you actually were a man and backed up anything said with some sort of proof?

XXXX -- Mod Edit --- excessive personal challenge..
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Repeal the 14th amendment and strip all their descendants of their citizenship.
Then give them green cards to work here and a map pointing where the lettuce and tomatoes are to be picked. Those that don't work send 'em back to Liberia.
Let them deal with it
The 14th Amendment Birthright Citizenship was written to insured that freed slaves were not denied citizenship.
At the time that it was written there was no transfer of income welfare system.
It was never intended to create anchor babies for Illegal Aliens.
It is an illegal immigration magnet and it should to be reformed.
DACA is also an illegal immigration magnet and it should be reformed or abolished.
We have a 100% right to control our immigration.
We have a limited number of taxpayers but there is an unlimited supply of illegal aliens.

Let's get real here, buddy. we've only got 12 million undocumented immigrants, because the system won't accommodate anymore than that. They'll only come here if there are jobs.

the thing is, and I know this is hard for you guys to get, is that they are doing the jobs Americans plain old don't want to do.

Joe you parrot this shit because you've heard it a million times...somehow things said often turn to fact in the tiny little minds of LefTards.
American kids ages 16-19 needing work experience can't get jobs at any fast food restaurants because 30-40 year old illegals have made those jobs life long careers.
Males fresh out of highschool seeking tradesmen type work can't get hired because illegals are willing to work under the table and off the books. YES...the employer is a piece of shit criminal and should be prosecuted as well.
The lying bullshit you and your people fabricate about REAL American's not willing to work X job can only pertain to agriculture...MAYBE! And that's only because farms tend to be located off the beaten path where potential employees are few and far between geographically speaking. Filthy wetbacks are willing to sleep in their cars on the farm and give hand jobs for a wage and you love to exploit that.
The 14th Amendment Birthright Citizenship was written to insured that freed slaves were not denied citizenship.
At the time that it was written there was no transfer of income welfare system.
It was never intended to create anchor babies for Illegal Aliens.
It is an illegal immigration magnet and it should to be reformed.
DACA is also an illegal immigration magnet and it should be reformed or abolished.
We have a 100% right to control our immigration.
We have a limited number of taxpayers but there is an unlimited supply of illegal aliens.

There is no such thing as Birth Right Citizenship for Illegals. That amendment was specifically written to BLOCK DEMOCRATS in THE SOUTH from DENYING CITIZENSHIP to Freed Slaves and their offspring. It does not apply to illegal aliens and any rulings by any court trying to say it does is just as bad as The Dred Scott decision or the Ruling Legitimizing The Illegal and Unconstitutional Obamacare clusterfuck.
You don't know what you are talking about.

The 14th Amendment is simple "censure" to ensure we follow doctrine outlined by our Founding Fathers.
Only would be an idiot and not know what the 14th amendment was created for. But then Southern White Democrats fought against it because those liberals didn't like blacks and wanted them to stay as slaves, so today, you liberals want the latino's to continue to be slave like labor(because when people don't come here legally, they have to hide in shadows), so you don't have to pay them full wages. Liberals, once a racist, always a racist.
Just right wing projection?
Just the truth about the history of the US and why Liberals love the ignorant, uneducated masses.

Dear, right wing projection is useless. It is the right wing that wants to abolish the department of Education.

The Dept. of Education should have never b
I'm fine with anchor babies. If you are born on US soil then you are an American.

So you support rewarding people due to a criminal act? Do you support the kids of a bank robber keeping the money?

Hardly the same thing. Not even close.
The 14th Amendment Birthright Citizenship was written to insured that freed slaves were not denied citizenship.
At the time that it was written there was no transfer of income welfare system.
It was never intended to create anchor babies for Illegal Aliens.
It is an illegal immigration magnet and it should to be reformed.
DACA is also an illegal immigration magnet and it should be reformed or abolished.
We have a 100% right to control our immigration.
We have a limited number of taxpayers but there is an unlimited supply of illegal aliens.

Let's get real here, buddy. we've only got 12 million undocumented immigrants, because the system won't accommodate anymore than that. They'll only come here if there are jobs.

the thing is, and I know this is hard for you guys to get, is that they are doing the jobs Americans plain old don't want to do.
And there making shit wages, just ask Donnie.
The 14th Amendment Birthright Citizenship was written to insured that freed slaves were not denied citizenship.
At the time that it was written there was no transfer of income welfare system.
It was never intended to create anchor babies for Illegal Aliens.
It is an illegal immigration magnet and it should to be reformed.
DACA is also an illegal immigration magnet and it should be reformed or abolished.
We have a 100% right to control our immigration.
We have a limited number of taxpayers but there is an unlimited supply of illegal aliens.

Let's get real here, buddy. we've only got 12 million undocumented immigrants, because the system won't accommodate anymore than that. They'll only come here if there are jobs.

the thing is, and I know this is hard for you guys to get, is that they are doing the jobs Americans plain old don't want to do.

Joe you parrot this shit because you've heard it a million times...somehow things said often turn to fact in the tiny little minds of LefTards.
American kids ages 16-19 needing work experience can't get jobs at any fast food restaurants because 30-40 year old illegals have made those jobs life long careers.
Males fresh out of highschool seeking tradesmen type work can't get hired because illegals are willing to work under the table and off the books. YES...the employer is a piece of shit criminal and should be prosecuted as well.
The lying bullshit you and your people fabricate about REAL American's not willing to work X job can only pertain to agriculture...MAYBE! And that's only because farms tend to be located off the beaten path where potential employees are few and far between geographically speaking. Filthy wetbacks are willing to sleep in their cars on the farm and give hand jobs for a wage and you love to exploit that.

Not only that, carpenters, dry-wallers, painters, framers, brick layers, concrete workers are all having a tough time in The South West finding work despite the fact housing construction is very healthy this year.

Contractors are using a lot of Illegals and paying them under the table and below minimum wage. This is an area that needs to be changed in THE LAW, and mandatory reporting and mandatory penalties need to be leveled at violators.

But Alas, the party of Slavery still likes their slaves, so they fight such measures, and advocate for even more importation of slaves at The Expense of The American Worker.

Open Borders My Ass. They want an Open Market on Slave Labor that they can import to THE US at will, making America a 3rd world country in the end.

It's the Left's And AMERICA's Dirty Little Secret!
Only would be an idiot and not know what the 14th amendment was created for. But then Southern White Democrats fought against it because those liberals didn't like blacks and wanted them to stay as slaves, so today, you liberals want the latino's to continue to be slave like labor(because when people don't come here legally, they have to hide in shadows), so you don't have to pay them full wages. Liberals, once a racist, always a racist.
Just right wing projection?
Just the truth about the history of the US and why Liberals love the ignorant, uneducated masses.

Dear, right wing projection is useless. It is the right wing that wants to abolish the department of Education.

The Dept. of Education should have never b
I'm fine with anchor babies. If you are born on US soil then you are an American.

So you support rewarding people due to a criminal act? Do you support the kids of a bank robber keeping the money?

Hardly the same thing. Not even close.

Both involved crimes by the parents. Both involve the kids not taking part in it getting something as a result.
The 14th Amendment Birthright Citizenship was written to insured that freed slaves were not denied citizenship.
At the time that it was written there was no transfer of income welfare system.
It was never intended to create anchor babies for Illegal Aliens.
It is an illegal immigration magnet and it should to be reformed.
DACA is also an illegal immigration magnet and it should be reformed or abolished.
We have a 100% right to control our immigration.
We have a limited number of taxpayers but there is an unlimited supply of illegal aliens.

Let's get real here, buddy. we've only got 12 million undocumented immigrants, because the system won't accommodate anymore than that. They'll only come here if there are jobs.

the thing is, and I know this is hard for you guys to get, is that they are doing the jobs Americans plain old don't want to do.

Joe you parrot this shit because you've heard it a million times...somehow things said often turn to fact in the tiny little minds of LefTards.
American kids ages 16-19 needing work experience can't get jobs at any fast food restaurants because 30-40 year old illegals have made those jobs life long careers.
Males fresh out of highschool seeking tradesmen type work can't get hired because illegals are willing to work under the table and off the books. YES...the employer is a piece of shit criminal and should be prosecuted as well.
The lying bullshit you and your people fabricate about REAL American's not willing to work X job can only pertain to agriculture...MAYBE! And that's only because farms tend to be located off the beaten path where potential employees are few and far between geographically speaking. Filthy wetbacks are willing to sleep in their cars on the farm and give hand jobs for a wage and you love to exploit that.

Not only that, carpenters, dry-wallers, painters, framers, brick layers, concrete workers are all having a tough time in The South West finding work despite the fact housing construction is very healthy this year.

Contractors are using a lot of Illegals and paying them under the table and below minimum wage. This is an area that needs to be changed in THE LAW, and mandatory reporting and mandatory penalties need to be leveled at violators.

But Alas, the party of Slavery still likes their slaves, so they fight such measures, and advocate for even more importation of slaves at The Expense of The American Worker.

It's the Left's And AMERICA's Dirty Little Secret!
So now all personal responsibility goes out the window?

Don't blaim the Mexicans because you're unemployable.
You don't know what you are talking about.

The 14th Amendment is simple "censure" to ensure we follow doctrine outlined by our Founding Fathers.

He is talking about the birth right clause and he is 100% right! The legislative intent was to prevent the denial of citizenship rights to the children of the new freed slaves and not to provide citizenship to the children of criminals!

Sent from my iPhone using
I'm fine with anchor babies. If you are born on US soil then you are an American.
I agree. These are people who have never known another country. This is their county.

They're ILLEGALLY here. That's all that matters.
So was trumps mother and wife, what's your point? Brown illegals have to go, white ones get the white house?

So white illegals have to go but brown ones get to stay?
Joe you parrot this shit because you've heard it a million times...somehow things said often turn to fact in the tiny little minds of LefTards.
American kids ages 16-19 needing work experience can't get jobs at any fast food restaurants because 30-40 year old illegals have made those jobs life long careers.

Oh my God, you mean those kids won't get the wonderful experience of working in a fast food resturant and being exploited by some capitalist wannabe? Oh, the horror of it all.

Meh, not really. Most fast food places I go to have mostly teenage kids in there.

Males fresh out of highschool seeking tradesmen type work can't get hired because illegals are willing to work under the table and off the books. YES...the employer is a piece of shit criminal and should be prosecuted as well.

Or maybe they know that these entitled little punks don't work for shit. Have you actually ever had to work with millennials?

The lying bullshit you and your people fabricate about REAL American's not willing to work X job can only pertain to agriculture...MAYBE! And that's only because farms tend to be located off the beaten path where potential employees are few and far between geographically speaking. Filthy wetbacks are willing to sleep in their cars on the farm and give hand jobs for a wage and you love to exploit that.

But that's the point. I wouldn't want to work in a lettuce picking operation.
Or cleaning toilets
Or working in a fast food resturant.

And neither would most people.

But when you use a word like "Wetback", it says more about you than them.
The right wing is nothing but, "fiscal cowards" who are too afraid to abolish our extra-Constitutional, war on drugs.

There is no drug war clause.

There is a general welfare clause.

There is no food stamp clause, healthcare clause, government housing clause, etc.
I'm fine with anchor babies. If you are born on US soil then you are an American.
I agree. These are people who have never known another country. This is their county.

They're ILLEGALLY here. That's all that matters.
So was trumps mother and wife, what's your point? Brown illegals have to go, white ones get the white house?
ummm have ever heard of this thing called LEGAL IMMIGRATION?
BTW, Democrats make everything about race because they are racist.

Race is the first and automatic go to for most of them.
I'm fine with anchor babies. If you are born on US soil then you are an American.
I agree. These are people who have never known another country. This is their county.

They're ILLEGALLY here. That's all that matters.
So was trumps mother and wife, what's your point? Brown illegals have to go, white ones get the white house?

Let me let you in on a little secret, the "brown ones" have a far greater likelihood of being filthy subhumans that require lifelong spoon feeding from American taxpayers...we have Labradors...we don't need pet humans.
Further, these dirty creatures are like cockroaches...they cause mass community degradation everywhere they inhabit.

Joe you parrot this shit because you've heard it a million times...somehow things said often turn to fact in the tiny little minds of LefTards.
American kids ages 16-19 needing work experience can't get jobs at any fast food restaurants because 30-40 year old illegals have made those jobs life long careers.

Oh my God, you mean those kids won't get the wonderful experience of working in a fast food resturant and being exploited by some capitalist wannabe? Oh, the horror of it all.

Meh, not really. Most fast food places I go to have mostly teenage kids in there.

Males fresh out of highschool seeking tradesmen type work can't get hired because illegals are willing to work under the table and off the books. YES...the employer is a piece of shit criminal and should be prosecuted as well.

Or maybe they know that these entitled little punks don't work for shit. Have you actually ever had to work with millennials?

The lying bullshit you and your people fabricate about REAL American's not willing to work X job can only pertain to agriculture...MAYBE! And that's only because farms tend to be located off the beaten path where potential employees are few and far between geographically speaking. Filthy wetbacks are willing to sleep in their cars on the farm and give hand jobs for a wage and you love to exploit that.

But that's the point. I wouldn't want to work in a lettuce picking operation.
Or cleaning toilets
Or working in a fast food resturant.

And neither would most people.

But when you use a word like "Wetback", it says more about you than them.

Oh I've made it clear...I despise illegals...they're nasty, dirty little creatures.
The 14th Amendment Birthright Citizenship was written to insured that freed slaves were not denied citizenship.
At the time that it was written there was no transfer of income welfare system.
It was never intended to create anchor babies for Illegal Aliens.
It is an illegal immigration magnet and it should to be reformed.
DACA is also an illegal immigration magnet and it should be reformed or abolished.
We have a 100% right to control our immigration.
We have a limited number of taxpayers but there is an unlimited supply of illegal aliens.

Let's get real here, buddy. we've only got 12 million undocumented immigrants, because the system won't accommodate anymore than that. They'll only come here if there are jobs.

the thing is, and I know this is hard for you guys to get, is that they are doing the jobs Americans plain old don't want to do.

Joe you parrot this shit because you've heard it a million times...somehow things said often turn to fact in the tiny little minds of LefTards.
American kids ages 16-19 needing work experience can't get jobs at any fast food restaurants because 30-40 year old illegals have made those jobs life long careers.
Males fresh out of highschool seeking tradesmen type work can't get hired because illegals are willing to work under the table and off the books. YES...the employer is a piece of shit criminal and should be prosecuted as well.
The lying bullshit you and your people fabricate about REAL American's not willing to work X job can only pertain to agriculture...MAYBE! And that's only because farms tend to be located off the beaten path where potential employees are few and far between geographically speaking. Filthy wetbacks are willing to sleep in their cars on the farm and give hand jobs for a wage and you love to exploit that.

Not only that, carpenters, dry-wallers, painters, framers, brick layers, concrete workers are all having a tough time in The South West finding work despite the fact housing construction is very healthy this year.

Contractors are using a lot of Illegals and paying them under the table and below minimum wage. This is an area that needs to be changed in THE LAW, and mandatory reporting and mandatory penalties need to be leveled at violators.

But Alas, the party of Slavery still likes their slaves, so they fight such measures, and advocate for even more importation of slaves at The Expense of The American Worker.

Open Borders My Ass. They want an Open Market on Slave Labor that they can import to THE US at will, making America a 3rd world country in the end.

It's the Left's And AMERICA's Dirty Little Secret!

It's a win win win for the twisted Left. They get the nation wide community degradation they want, increased voter base and slave labor.
They're so fucking retarded most don't even realize this shit. In their tiny, noble peanut brains they're just helping out poor little "Dreamers"....ARMED WITH GOOD PEOPLES CHECKBOOKS.

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