Birx May Replace Fauci as Conronavirus Spokesperson

Fauci is too alarming when calm is greatly needed...causing people to freak out is not helpful on the national stage....
Keep lying to yourself....the. hold in chief doesnt like people that tell the truth...he hurt his ego. He likes loyal sheep.
Only you commies cower. Bogus in telling people this is the end of the Fn world. The prediction of "millions" of infected people, and hundreds of thousands of Americans dying. Those bogus figures.
I haven't seen one person say, or suggest that this is the end of the world.

Your panties must be wound tight and deep up in there.


Making an unfounded prediction like hundreds of thousands dead Americans is the end of the world to a lot of people. So are "millions" of infected people.
Heck, Fauci could be easily be right. I only say, he did not need to quantify it for the public today, since Trump has backed off the early openings and rosy sunshine blowing up my ass talk for his base. Did you see where Falwell reopened Liberty University and now they have right wing religious kids coming down with Coronavirus at the school now?

Fauci has been right so far. Trump thought this was going to disappear, Fauci didn't. Trump has moved quite a ways towards Fauci's position. Which is quite an achievement considering his head is up his ass.
Tiny Tony has that runt complex and is too excitable. Birx should be the medical spokesperson for the administration.

Besides, Trump should ALWAYS do anything that triggers the non-productive half of America. I didn't know there was a problem with Fauci, but the marxist fuckwits seem to like him, so off with his head. Sorry mother fuckers - elections have consequences! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Tiny Tony has that runt complex and is too excitable. Birx should be the medical spokesperson for the administration.

Besides, Trump should ALWAYS do anything that triggers the non-productive half of America. I didn't know there was a problem with Fauci, but the marxist fuckwits seem to like him, so off with his head. Sorry mother fuckers - elections have consequences! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
This is the genius that's represented by the average rightwinger today.

Her job is to reassure the public. Incase no one noticed, all the cable TV networks are 100% invested in scaring the shit out of everyone. Brix deals in facts and doesn't present them in a manner that causes panic. Faucci needs to go back to the lab or wherever. He would likely do way mor good there.
Eet mor chik3n.

Na. That's a black thing.
Fauci has stepped over the line one too many times. Birx appears to be the perfect replacement.

---Birx skillfully plays the inside game in coordinating the coronavirus response---

So, the problem here isn't expertise, it's how to mollify the Orange Man Baby who still runs our country for some reason?

Why is there a line to step over? Why are we basing our response on our ability to get the Man Baby to understand the problem?
How do you know he's telling the truth? At a time like this, you don't tell the American people that it's possible 100,000 Americans could die. That's the last thing we need. If he has some factual evidence of something, that's fine. But he should keep his defeatist predictions to himself.

Actually, that's EXACTLY the kind of thing we should be telling people. If we don't practice social distancing, 100K people COULD die.
How do you know he's telling the truth? At a time like this, you don't tell the American people that it's possible 100,000 Americans could die. That's the last thing we need. If he has some factual evidence of something, that's fine. But he should keep his defeatist predictions to himself.

Actually, that's EXACTLY the kind of thing we should be telling people. If we don't practice social distancing, 100K people COULD die.

I think people will practice that whether he said 100,000 people can die or not. I don't think social distancing was his goal when he made that remark.
Fauci has stepped over the line one too many times. Birx appears to be the perfect replacement.

---Birx skillfully plays the inside game in coordinating the coronavirus response---

So, the problem here isn't expertise, it's how to mollify the Orange Man Baby who still runs our country for some reason?

Why is there a line to step over? Why are we basing our response on our ability to get the Man Baby to understand the problem?

He does understand the problem. That's why he changed his policy to keep "stay at home" until possibly the end of April.
Keep lying to yourself....the. hold in chief doesnt like people that tell the truth...he hurt his ego. He likes loyal sheep.
But you were just fine with the Kenyan picking his own people.

That is their stance. Only Democrat Presidents can fire people like the FBI director, get rid of ambassadors, choose who works in the White House and so on. If Trump does it, it's because he needs "yes" men and shouldn't be allowed.
Only you commies cower. Bogus in telling people this is the end of the Fn world. The prediction of "millions" of infected people, and hundreds of thousands of Americans dying. Those bogus figures.
I haven't seen one person say, or suggest that this is the end of the world.

Your panties must be wound tight and deep up in there.


Making an unfounded prediction like hundreds of thousands dead Americans is the end of the world to a lot of people. So are "millions" of infected people.
Heck, Fauci could be easily be right. I only say, he did not need to quantify it for the public today, since Trump has backed off the early openings and rosy sunshine blowing up my ass talk for his base. Did you see where Falwell reopened Liberty University and now they have right wing religious kids coming down with Coronavirus at the school now?

What you have to understand is the President is trying to balance things out. End of the world predictions would tank our economy so bad it may never come back for years. You can maintain using caution while at the same time, providing hope. When the top infectious disease doctor says things like that, people do lose hope.

I think if he made a statement like this is how we are going to have to live for the rest of the year at the least, people would be committing suicide over it.
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Yep, she will say whatever Trump tells her to say and will never question it...not even once.

That is who we need right now...someone that will lie for the president to the American people

We cannot let the truth get out

How do you know he's telling the truth? At a time like this, you don't tell the American people that it's possible 100,000 Americans could die. That's the last thing we need. If he has some factual evidence of something, that's fine. But he should keep his defeatist predictions to himself.

Hell...that is just crazy talk.

As soon as some one's view departs from Trump - all of a sudden that person's credibility is put into question (but not Trump's). I've never seen anything like this.

Fauci is a scientist and a doctor who has served under multiple administrations. He is not political. Why on earth would he make something up?

Isn't truth important to you guys? How can you prepare for something if you are forbidden from broaching it?

So we prepare for it how, by expecting the worst? By getting people so upset they run to the store and buy every last package of toilet paper we can get our hands on? By making sure we have at least 50 cans of spaghetti on hand just in case?

We have enough panic in our country right now in case you didn't notice. I don't need somebody telling me things will be totally back to normal by April 20th, and I don't need somebody telling me to prepare for an unavoidable death either.
Good thing Fauci never said that, another sign of his good judgment. Equally good you do not need someone saying thing will be back to normal by april 20, because it won't be. I am glad you and I are not the panicky type. People like us sleep well, without being morbidly obsessed with reality and I doubt we are singularly level headed as opposed to most of the people we know. Fauci is perfect for the job he is doing. No need to change.

He didn't say that? Better check with CNN.

You wrote "I don't need somebody telling me things will be totally back to normal by April 20th,"
I am correct in my statement. Fauci never said things will be back to normal by April 20th. He's a very sensible man.
Trump just said in closing today's briefing "A lot of people are dying and it's a very unpleasant thing to go through". I think he is starting to understand.

No, I was speaking about Fauci and you knew that, but probably didn't know he recently said it. Saying millions are going to get sick and hundreds of thousands might die is adding to the fear factor. Nobody knows how this will end. We don't know when a vaccine will be ready, we don't know how the season change may affect it, we don't know if it will go away and never come back, or if it will reappear in the future, we just don't know. So it's irresponsible to make predictions at this point.
I was responding to you editorial support for changing from Fauci to Birx and directly quoting you. I actually did not read the link. I totally agree with everything you just stated in you response, but seriously I wasn't consciously ignoring a Fauci quote. I too think a prediction of millions of deaths an over the top fear mongering prediction. If you say it is a quote, I'll look at it and bitch about it with ya.

He didn't predict millions of deaths. He estimated when asked about 100k-200k.

Is he supposed to lie and say 5k?

How about if he just says the truth, which is he doesn't know.

He gave an estimate, he made it quite clear that's all it was. Calm down already, if you don't like the truth then go read Art of the Deal. The rest of us want to hear from Fauci.

And the others don't. Estimates are okay when predicting elections, predicting super bowl winners, predicting the best movie of the year. Estimates on death is not okay.

Actually what you just said there, stupid.

Of course you go with the information you have knowing that things may change for better or worse in the future. Much better than claiming we had 15 cases and soon they will be gone which was based on absolutely zero info. Why are you not holding Trump up to your standard?

As a top infectious disease doctor, people take his word as Gospel. Now if he has something factual, that's fine that he informs us. But if he's making guesstimates, that can be extremely harmful to the country.

Like when Trump made guesstimates except he used information he pulled out of his ass, somehow that's OK with you? Sorry, I'd much rather take the opinion of someone who is an expert in the field and looks at the data and gives an estimate all the while clarifying that's all it is.

Jesus Christ, another fucking hypocrite for Trump.

“When you have 15, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”

Yeah, humdinger of a job, asshole.

And didn't your hero, Cuomo, say just about the same thing? Now he's begging for ventilators, and has nearly 1/3 of all the cases in the entire country.

No, I don't believe Cuomo said anything pretending this isn't a serious situation we're in. But I see you're unable to follow your own argument.

So, I'll ask again. Why is it OK for Trump to make predictions without evidence but it's not OK for Fauci to make estimations based on current evidence? Have an answer for that?

When the President speaks, he does so as a leader with hopes for the country. When Fauci speaks, he does so from a expertise standpoint. People take what he says much more seriously than they do President Trump.
And the others don't. Estimates are okay when predicting elections, predicting super bowl winners, predicting the best movie of the year. Estimates on death is not okay.

As a top infectious disease doctor, people take his word as Gospel. Now if he has something factual, that's fine that he informs us. But if he's making guesstimates, that can be extremely harmful to the country.
Actually, they are not guesstimates. They are based on modelling. Isn't it ironic, the Scum in Chief can spend the past 3.5 years making outrageous claim after outrageous claim that have easily been proven false (his inauguration crowd numbers for a start), but then you get an EXPERT in their field giving out carefully thought out figures and you want him censored.

What is dangerous - very dangerous - is a layman like you claiming his figures are alarmist. He's in reality. LOOK at the figures in Italy and Spain...go on...LOOK RAY...nothing alarming about them, right?

We are not Italy. In Italy, they brought in over 100,000 Chinese immigrants to produce products; many from Wuhan. Those workers flew back and forth from China while the country was aware of the problem. Europeans in general support their country and workers. Made In China labels are not impressive to European consumers. Made In Italy is.

What carefully thought out figures did he use BTW? By his own admission, he said don't hold him to his word!

Huh? What the fuck does you not being Italy have to do with anything? You are getting more cases exponentially than any other country. You are literally going to have millions of cases. Deaths? Hmmm..who knows. Of course you can't hold him to his word. He said it was a worst case scenario. You want him to mollycoddle you?

You said it best in your remark, "who knows." That's the point. He doesn't know, and neither do you or I. As an expert on diseases, he should only be speaking of what he does know about. Leave inducing panic to the media.
Yep, she will say whatever Trump tells her to say and will never question it...not even once.

That is who we need right now...someone that will lie for the president to the American people

We cannot let the truth get out
You been cheating on your wife to get that information.......huh....or did you get it from the store that sells Magic Beans for a story bro.

View attachment 316832
Oh look.......It's your Hero.......

I knew the meme would trigger you! Thanks for not disappointing
Anytime............You love that guy and you know it........You get tingling sensations from hearing Obama's name.......poor thing.

But of course...whatever makes you happy...that is why I fight with the leftys that get mad when I call him the 2nd worst POTUS ever....

you are too fun! Thanks for the laughs
Obama was not the second worst president ever. That's GW Bush. We have the honor of living during the worst presidency ever right now.
And the others don't. Estimates are okay when predicting elections, predicting super bowl winners, predicting the best movie of the year. Estimates on death is not okay.

As a top infectious disease doctor, people take his word as Gospel. Now if he has something factual, that's fine that he informs us. But if he's making guesstimates, that can be extremely harmful to the country.
Actually, they are not guesstimates. They are based on modelling. Isn't it ironic, the Scum in Chief can spend the past 3.5 years making outrageous claim after outrageous claim that have easily been proven false (his inauguration crowd numbers for a start), but then you get an EXPERT in their field giving out carefully thought out figures and you want him censored.

What is dangerous - very dangerous - is a layman like you claiming his figures are alarmist. He's in reality. LOOK at the figures in Italy and Spain...go on...LOOK RAY...nothing alarming about them, right?

We are not Italy. In Italy, they brought in over 100,000 Chinese immigrants to produce products; many from Wuhan. Those workers flew back and forth from China while the country was aware of the problem. Europeans in general support their country and workers. Made In China labels are not impressive to European consumers. Made In Italy is.

What carefully thought out figures did he use BTW? By his own admission, he said don't hold him to his word!

Huh? What the fuck does you not being Italy have to do with anything? You are getting more cases exponentially than any other country. You are literally going to have millions of cases. Deaths? Hmmm..who knows. Of course you can't hold him to his word. He said it was a worst case scenario. You want him to mollycoddle you?

You said it best in your remark, "who knows." That's the point. He doesn't know, and neither do you or I. As an expert on diseases, he should only be speaking of what he does know about. Leave inducing panic to the media.
Fauci has a better guess at the possible numbers than trump. We as a nation need to get out of silly season and learn to accept that experts exist and even if they say things we don't want or like to hear, they still know more than we do.
Yep, she will say whatever Trump tells her to say and will never question it...not even once.

That is who we need right now...someone that will lie for the president to the American people

We cannot let the truth get out
You been cheating on your wife to get that information.......huh....or did you get it from the store that sells Magic Beans for a story bro.

View attachment 316832
Oh look.......It's your Hero.......

I knew the meme would trigger you! Thanks for not disappointing
Anytime............You love that guy and you know it........You get tingling sensations from hearing Obama's name.......poor thing.

But of course...whatever makes you happy...that is why I fight with the leftys that get mad when I call him the 2nd worst POTUS ever....

you are too fun! Thanks for the laughs
Obama was not the second worst president ever. That's GW Bush. We have the honor of living during the worst presidency ever right now.

GW was the worst, Obama 2nd. As bad as Trump is, he has been better than those two...but he still has time to screw up some more
Yep, she will say whatever Trump tells her to say and will never question it...not even once.

That is who we need right now...someone that will lie for the president to the American people

We cannot let the truth get out
You been cheating on your wife to get that information.......huh....or did you get it from the store that sells Magic Beans for a story bro.

View attachment 316832
Oh look.......It's your Hero.......

I knew the meme would trigger you! Thanks for not disappointing
Anytime............You love that guy and you know it........You get tingling sensations from hearing Obama's name.......poor thing.

But of course...whatever makes you happy...that is why I fight with the leftys that get mad when I call him the 2nd worst POTUS ever....

you are too fun! Thanks for the laughs
Obama was not the second worst president ever. That's GW Bush. We have the honor of living during the worst presidency ever right now.

GW was the worst, Obama 2nd. As bad as Trump is, he has been better than those two...but he still has time to screw up some more
Bullshit. trump has been the worst president we have had. He made his mark by bragging about an economy he was handed by Obama and he's fucked that up.
Yep, she will say whatever Trump tells her to say and will never question it...not even once.

That is who we need right now...someone that will lie for the president to the American people

We cannot let the truth get out
You been cheating on your wife to get that information.......huh....or did you get it from the store that sells Magic Beans for a story bro.

View attachment 316832
Oh look.......It's your Hero.......

I knew the meme would trigger you! Thanks for not disappointing
Anytime............You love that guy and you know it........You get tingling sensations from hearing Obama's name.......poor thing.

But of course...whatever makes you happy...that is why I fight with the leftys that get mad when I call him the 2nd worst POTUS ever....

you are too fun! Thanks for the laughs
Obama was not the second worst president ever. That's GW Bush. We have the honor of living during the worst presidency ever right now.

GW was the worst, Obama 2nd. As bad as Trump is, he has been better than those two...but he still has time to screw up some more
Bullshit. trump has been the worst president we have had. He made his mark by bragging about an economy he was handed by Obama and he's fucked that up.

Trump has not done anything as bad as ObamaCare yet.

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