Bitch Slap: Dem Rep. Mocks C-SPAN Caller's Conspiracies: Watch 'Less Fox News'


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Dem Rep. Mocks C-SPAN Caller's Conspiracies: Watch 'Less Fox News'

I know, I know… the majority of the nutter Tea Bags here think all this shit is real and via fox "logic" blame Obama for it… but I thought it important to post the great advice given here anyway…

“That was quite a list,” Himes said after the caller completed his recitation of 20 or so scandals and conspiracies.

The congressman began to defend Obama, but instead suggested a different news diet to the caller.

"I will try to attend to defend — actually, I’m not going to," Himes said. "Look, with all due respect, Bob, maybe a little more C-SPAN and a little bit less Fox News. That was the grab bag of everything that Fox News and my friends on the Republican Caucus of the House in particular have tried to hang around the president."

Himes then addressed the Benghazi scandal, telling the caller that conspiracies surrounding the attack pinning it to the President have been proven inaccurate.

You try to tell people that what they hear on Fox is inaccurate or a misconstruing of the facts -- but it is such a blow to their fragile egos that they have been lied to and manipulated, most dismiss the facts and cling to the lies.

So instead of addressing they issues brought up by the caller, the commiecrat deflected, typical commiecrat.
man, you people are scary

you love violence, seeing people humiliated and bitch slapped

this is YOUR elected Representative folks MOCKING others

what the hell is wrong you people you don't hold up your elected jerks to be CIVIL at least
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"I will try to attend to defend but I'm not going to"? "You need to watch less Fox " (so you won't be bothering me with tough questions). Who slapped whom?
Dem Rep. Mocks C-SPAN Caller's Conspiracies: Watch 'Less Fox News'

I know, I know… the majority of the nutter Tea Bags here think all this shit is real and via fox "logic" blame Obama for it… but I thought it important to post the great advice given here anyway…

“That was quite a list,” Himes said after the caller completed his recitation of 20 or so scandals and conspiracies.

The congressman began to defend Obama, but instead suggested a different news diet to the caller.

"I will try to attend to defend — actually, I’m not going to," Himes said. "Look, with all due respect, Bob, maybe a little more C-SPAN and a little bit less Fox News. That was the grab bag of everything that Fox News and my friends on the Republican Caucus of the House in particular have tried to hang around the president."

Himes then addressed the Benghazi scandal, telling the caller that conspiracies surrounding the attack pinning it to the President have been proven inaccurate.

You try to tell people that what they hear on Fox is inaccurate or a misconstruing of the facts -- but it is such a blow to their fragile egos that they have been lied to and manipulated, most dismiss the facts and cling to the lies.


"a blow to their fragile egos" --- yes you may have something here. What ranters like Fox and Limblob build is an entirely emotional relationship. Not because they want people's egos fragilized but simply because it builds audience loyalty.

And you see it around here every time anybody dares criticize the almighty media source -- emotional meltdown. When you have an emotional relationship with a TV channel, you got a problem goin' on.
Dem Rep. Mocks C-SPAN Caller's Conspiracies: Watch 'Less Fox News'

I know, I know… the majority of the nutter Tea Bags here think all this shit is real and via fox "logic" blame Obama for it… but I thought it important to post the great advice given here anyway…

“That was quite a list,” Himes said after the caller completed his recitation of 20 or so scandals and conspiracies.

The congressman began to defend Obama, but instead suggested a different news diet to the caller.

"I will try to attend to defend — actually, I’m not going to," Himes said. "Look, with all due respect, Bob, maybe a little more C-SPAN and a little bit less Fox News. That was the grab bag of everything that Fox News and my friends on the Republican Caucus of the House in particular have tried to hang around the president."

Himes then addressed the Benghazi scandal, telling the caller that conspiracies surrounding the attack pinning it to the President have been proven inaccurate.

You try to tell people that what they hear on Fox is inaccurate or a misconstruing of the facts -- but it is such a blow to their fragile egos that they have been lied to and manipulated, most dismiss the facts and cling to the lies.


"a blow to their fragile egos" --- yes you may have something here. What ranters like Fox and Limblob build is an entirely emotional relationship. Not because they want people's egos fragilized but simply because it builds audience loyalty.

And you see it around here every time anybody dares criticize the almighty media source -- emotional meltdown. When you have an emotional relationship with a TV channel, you got a problem goin' on.

And you've got an even bigger problem when you believe the lies that TV channel tells you.
man, you people are scary

you love violence, seeing people humiliated and bitch slapped

this is your elected representative folks mocking others

what the hell is wrong you people you don't hold up your elected jerks to be civil at least

let's roll! :d
So instead of addressing they issues brought up by the caller, the commiecrat deflected, typical commiecrat.

How does one address batshit crazy?

You lay tragedies, mistakes, and badly managed mid/low level programs at the feet of Obama and scream (mouth-foaming) conspiracy-- looking for some direct tie that could never exist -- if you fucking understood how the executive branch works and how fucking massive each department is.

When your speaking to someone indoctrinated in far-right impotent rage - how the hell are you supposed to explain to them that they've been lied to, mislead, and misinformed. They've been used as pawns in a little game to regain power. They've voted against their best interests, elected disgraces to congress.
So instead of addressing they issues brought up by the caller, the commiecrat deflected, typical commiecrat.

How does one address batshit crazy?

You lay tragedies, mistakes, and badly managed mid/low level programs at the feet of Obama and scream (mouth-foaming) conspiracy-- looking for some direct tie that could never exist -- if you fucking understood how the executive branch works and how fucking massive each department is.

When your speaking to someone indoctrinated in far-right impotent rage - how the hell are you supposed to explain to them that they've been lied to, mislead, and misinformed. They've been used as pawns in a little game to regain power. They've voted against their best interests, elected disgraces to congress.

So sayeth the two digit midget...
Here's the deal, a caller asked a democrat to defend the administration's dozens of scandals and the democrat refused and informed the caller that he is too well informed and should watch a more low information sources.
Here's the deal, a caller asked a democrat to defend the administration's dozens of scandals and the democrat refused and informed the caller that he is too well informed and should watch a more low information sources.

Maybe in some alternate universe.

Fox News is like getting your information from the town drunk.
man, you people are scary

you love violence, seeing people humiliated and bitch slapped

this is YOUR elected Representative folks MOCKING others

what the hell is wrong you people you don't hold up your elected jerks to be CIVIL at least

Where was he "uncivil" to the guy? That was a very civil answer to a legitimate question.

Now, you want to see, "Uncivil", here's former COngressman Joe Walsh screaming at his constituents.

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The Guy is a C-Span watcher, that is how he knew that the Dems shut down the government.
Only the people who watched C-Span knows that, because the news sure didn't report it right.
People who call into C-Span are C-Span watchers.
The Dem hated that he knew too much so he became insulting.
The Dems want their voters uneducated and that's why they hate Fox News. They aren't in bed with the Dems like all of the other stations.
It's the Democrat voter who are being lied to and they are the ones who believe the lies.
How many times have the conservatives on this board put up correct & factual information and the left refuses to accept it?
It's the left who can't take the truth.
Yes to be fair, some things are not true what is put up by the right (including me sometimes), but more often than not, the right has more truth and correct things than the ones here on the left.
The left does not seem to get it that both sides lie and you have to dig and do some investigating on your own for the facts and truth.
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