BitChute Taken Down

It's starting, big tech is taking down free speach platforms.


It looks like we've been deplatformed on some critical infrastructure that has taken the site offline. We're trying to speak to people and find out more before saying more than that. So far we have received some very general account account termination emails.
2:38 PM · Nov 3, 2020
2K people are Tweeting about this

Again. Free speech has its limits. If you're going to spread lies, misinformation, propaganda and engage in libel and slander...expect to get chopped.

New York Times, CNN, PMSNBC, and Washington Compost are all propaganda sites so why aren't the taken down?

Simple. They are legitimate media. Know how we can tell? When they make a mistake or put out a story that turns out to be of less than above board repute, they retract it. And issue an apology..usually in print. If the infraction is egregious enough, the person(s) responsible are censured, reprimanded, and maybe fired.

Don't see that in alt-right fantasy land. Hell, you rarely see it on Fox.

That's a bunch of bullshit and you know it. You're a facist.

Quit crying snowflake. Plenty more companies out there that will happily host alt-right bile.
Private companies have the right to make these decisions. Like it or not. :)
The tech tyrants are going to pay for all this.

They can not censor conservative voices because they don't like their message!

These aren't conservative voices. They are the klaxxon of the alt-right.
And it's high time these companies started putting the screws to this kind of shit.

Not in the USA. People are free to make complete asses out of themselves. As far as lying goes, the MSM have been caught in so many lies according to you they should be shut down.
The tech tyrants are going to pay for all this.

They can not censor conservative voices because they don't like their message!

How exactly are they going to "pay for this" ?

not only "CAN" they censor....they ARE censoring....even a republican president.

The problem with freedom is that people thought it was always 'Free".

Surprise !
Calm down, snowflake. I didn't know what it was, so I looked it up.
To be fair... It's very likely you still don't know what it is other than a video platform. I don't use or know about it either to tell you the truth.
The tech tyrants are going to pay for all this.

They can not censor conservative voices because they don't like their message!

These aren't conservative voices. They are the klaxxon of the alt-right.
And it's high time these companies started putting the screws to this kind of shit.

Not in the USA. People are free to make complete asses out of themselves. As far as lying goes, the MSM have been caught in so many lies according to you they should be shut down.

Lies according to you and your right wing masters. Every time a member of the legitimate media has been caught in a factually inaccurate story...they own it. End of story.

And no, you actually NOT free to make complete asses out of yourselves despite what you've been told by said masters. We do have rules. There are limits. Like it or not.
then they are not public platforms.

they can not have it both ways.

These are private companies.

They literally can.

Then remove the protections of section 230.


They won't be forced to do they won't.

I don't know a single Conservative (other than myself) who doesn't use Facebook AND twitter.

I guess it's not that bad after all?
The tech tyrants are going to pay for all this.

They can not censor conservative voices because they don't like their message!

These aren't conservative voices. They are the klaxxon of the alt-right.
And it's high time these companies started putting the screws to this kind of shit.

Not in the USA. People are free to make complete asses out of themselves. As far as lying goes, the MSM have been caught in so many lies according to you they should be shut down.

Lies according to you and your right wing masters. Every time a member of the legitimate media has been caught in a factually inaccurate story...they own it. End of story.

And no, you actually NOT free to make complete asses out of yourselves despite what you've been told by said masters. We do have rules. There are limits. Like it or not.

No, lies according to facts, you incompetent boob.
The tech tyrants are going to pay for all this.

They can not censor conservative voices because they don't like their message!

How exactly are they going to "pay for this" ?

not only "CAN" they censor....they ARE censoring....even a republican president.

The problem with freedom is that people thought it was always 'Free".

Surprise !


We'll have to wait and see, won't we.
BitChute is a video hosting service known for accommodating far-right individuals and conspiracy theorists, and for hosting hateful material.[notes 1][notes 2] The platform was created in 2017 to allow video uploaders to avoid content rules enforcement on YouTube,[14] and some creators who have been banned from YouTube or had their channels barred from receiving advertising revenue ("demonetized") have migrated to BitChute.[2]

How's them boots taste, Mac?
It's starting, big tech is taking down free speach platforms.


It looks like we've been deplatformed on some critical infrastructure that has taken the site offline. We're trying to speak to people and find out more before saying more than that. So far we have received some very general account account termination emails.
2:38 PM · Nov 3, 2020
2K people are Tweeting about this

Again. Free speech has its limits. If you're going to spread lies, misinformation, propaganda and engage in libel and slander...expect to get chopped.
What a fucking troll. The msm media has done that for decades idiot yet they get off Scott free.
It's starting, big tech is taking down free speach platforms.


It looks like we've been deplatformed on some critical infrastructure that has taken the site offline. We're trying to speak to people and find out more before saying more than that. So far we have received some very general account account termination emails.
2:38 PM · Nov 3, 2020
2K people are Tweeting about this

Again. Free speech has its limits. If you're going to spread lies, misinformation, propaganda and engage in libel and slander...expect to get chopped.

New York Times, CNN, PMSNBC, and Washington Compost are all propaganda sites so why aren't the taken down?

Simple. They are legitimate media. Know how we can tell? When they make a mistake or put out a story that turns out to be of less than above board repute, they retract it. And issue an apology..usually in print. If the infraction is egregious enough, the person(s) responsible are censured, reprimanded, and maybe fired.

Don't see that in alt-right fantasy land. Hell, you rarely see it on Fox.

That's a bunch of bullshit and you know it. You're a facist.
:thankusmile: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
I been expecting this for quite sometime,the elite are doing eveything in the world to stifle getting the truth out and stop Dissent.

I came across this piece that was up there.
this is what it read
There are many fine journalists but the reality is the vast majority are awful and the result is we see wars and we see corrupt governments and this will continue.

this is WHY they want to take bitchute down,for telling truths like this all the time:mad:
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Bitchute is still up for me. Was it really taken down?

And no, it's not a "far right" platform, that is so ignorant. It's just another video platform, that a lot of people have been using recently since ThemTube has been censoring like crazy and deleting tons of channels.

BitChute is a video hosting service known for accommodating far-right individuals and conspiracy theorists, and for hosting hateful material.[notes 1][notes 2] The platform was created in 2017 to allow video uploaders to avoid content rules enforcement on YouTube,[14] and some creators who have been banned from YouTube or had their channels barred from receiving advertising revenue ("demonetized") have migrated to BitChute.[2]
So if far left wackos label bitchute as hate speech thats all you need to know
The tech tyrants are going to pay for all this.

They can not censor conservative voices because they don't like their message!

These aren't conservative voices. They are the klaxxon of the alt-right.
And it's high time these companies started putting the screws to this kind of shit.

Not in the USA. People are free to make complete asses out of themselves. As far as lying goes, the MSM have been caught in so many lies according to you they should be shut down.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
The tech tyrants are going to pay for all this.

They can not censor conservative voices because they don't like their message!

These aren't conservative voices. They are the klaxxon of the alt-right.
And it's high time these companies started putting the screws to this kind of shit.

Not in the USA. People are free to make complete asses out of themselves. As far as lying goes, the MSM have been caught in so many lies according to you they should be shut down.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
That’s what I just got done saying. However until you stop being closed minded and non objective about 9/11 only seeing your own point of view and refusing to look at the facts that the msm media and government lied about that as well refusing to look at the evidence,you are a fuckimg hypocrite the fact you have failed miserably to prove they were telling the truth on who did it.

You don’t help the cause of people who expose the fake corona virus either by refusing to look at the facts there is no evidence bin laden did it,that’s being a fucking hypocrite saying you don’t believe the lying msm media yet here you are tooting their horn on their propaganda about that. :uhoh3: can’t have it both either accept 9/11 was an inside job and the msm media lied or you are no differerent than he is.
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then they are not public platforms.

they can not have it both ways.

These are private companies.

They literally can.

Then remove the protections of section 230.


They won't be forced to do they won't.

I don't know a single Conservative (other than myself) who doesn't use Facebook AND twitter.

I guess it's not that bad after all?
I dont use either, i put my ideas up here on this site, or talk face to face to people. FB and Twitter, are for Twits....
Free speech has its limits. If you're going to spread lies, misinformation, propaganda and engage in libel and slander...expect to get chopped.
You are a traitor to the Constitution and should have your citizenship revoked.

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