Bitter, Angry Mitt Seeks Revenge By Helping Self-Professed Extorter Block Senate Investigations

I wonder if the Biden’s investigation by the GOP will have hard evidence and witnesses, unlike the Trump Impeachment Trial.:2up:

Romney suggests he might help Senate Dems block subpoena of Hunter Biden over Ukraine dealings

"Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, who faced the scorn of President Trump and fellow Republicans over his vote last month to convict at the Senate impeachment trial, questioned the motivation behind a Republican effort to issue a subpoena related to Hunter Biden and his dealing with Ukraine.

"I would prefer that investigations are done by an independent, non-political body. There’s no question the appearance is not good."
-- R-Mitt Romney

Mitt had no problem with 4 years of non-stop Dem coup attempts culminating in 'the fastest rush to Impeachment in US history based on the weakest case to Impeach in US history' and an Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses....enough to actually vote FOR impeachment.

Now Romney is voicing faux outrage at a GOP Senate conducting an investigation of a self-processed/confessed extortionist - while Ukraine investigates the Bidens. He thinks the GOP doing so presents a 'bad appearance'...where was he when Schiff and Nadler were running their House 'Coup Circus'?

It seems Mitt is not worried as much about how the GOP - who spurned him after his vote to Impeach the President - looks but is more concerned with 'getting even'. How else can one explain his vote to Impeach the President when there was no crime / evidence / witnesses, yet he wants to block an investigation of Joe Biden, who gave a video-taped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM?

"There’s no question but that the appearance of looking into Burisma and Hunter Biden appears political. And I think people are tired of these kinds of political investigations"
-- Mitt Romney


I'm getting on a plane in 6 hours and if the Prosecutor has not been fired by then you're not getting the money'. THAT is the exact, TEXT-BOOK definition of 'Extortion'...and Biden BRAGGED on video-tape about doing it.

Romney is either being false or he has bought into the Leftist BS that when the Democrat spend 4 years manufacturing a false, debunked narrative and then investigating it then it is a 'legit' investigation, but when an actual crime is committed and the individual involved confesses, any attempt to investigate is 'political'.

Instead of giving any credibility to such Leftist / Democrat claims Romney should have soundly rejected it...but that would not have fit in with his own desire / need for 'payback' for the Party who rejected him when he ran for President and instead later embraced Trump. (Much like Hillary, Romney has seemed to have held this feeling ever since, whenever looking at Trump, 'It should have been ME'.)

Yeah, THIS will 'teach' Conservatives they shouldn't refuse to invite Romney to CPAC. :p

Mitt has turned into a cross between a taller, greasier-haired Mini-Mike Bloomberg and Adam Schiff, feeling as if HE is the one who has been betrayed by Conservatives/his party instead of the other way round.

This is just another example of why his own state began looking into re-calling his ass after he voted for Impeachment...

Romney could block Republican subpoena try aimed at the Bidens

Thanks for reminding us all once again that Trump made a secret call to a foreign government to ask them to investigate his political rival.

And then had his lawyer secretly demand that the foreign government announce an investigation- all just to smear Trump's political rival.
Thanks for reminding us all once again that Trump made a secret call to a foreign government to ask them to investigate his political rival.

Oh no, thank YOU for reminding us all that snowflakes can't accept REALITY, but thank you for your opinion, REPRESENTATIVE SCHIFF.



Romney to vote for Burisma subpoena

....Chairman Johnson informed Romney the pan is to hold testimony behind closed doors to avoid the perception of 'partisanship'

Romney to vote for Burisma subpoena

“Senator Romney has expressed his concerns to Chairman Johnson, who has confirmed that any interview of the witness would occur in a closed setting without a hearing or public spectacle. He will therefore vote to let the Chairman proceed to obtain the documents that have been offered"

Personally, I say 'SCREW THAT!'

I, like many, are tired of the 'Behind Closed Door' bullshit - the people's business should be conducted in the open, in front of the people.

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