Black American Seeks Asylum in Canada Over Police Brutality

many of them are frustrated bullies with power/control issues...I don't want anything to do with any of them. I'll handle my own business.
Never seen video of a law-abidding respectful citizen beaten or shot by a cop. Seems just the mouthy wannabe law students getting messed with and deservedly so.

Cop stops you, consider you're only a few poorly chosen sentences and jerky motions away from being shot and choose your first words accordingly.
OP title is a lie. Its not "Blacks". Its one man.

Why can't these RWs ever be honest? Why must they ALWAYS lie?
When street camping in Santa Cruz one summer I was resting on an apartment's electrical utility cabinent or whatever it was right adjacent to the sidewalk. Noticed a slow-moving cop car in the distance coming up the street towards me and the officer using his spotlight. Knowing I'd done nothing illegal I simply sat there. Officer came up and I asked who he was looking for. "You." He answered. "Ok, here I am." I replied. Asked me my business and for ID which I answered and provided. Ran the warrants check and such and not finding anything let me go about my business.

Coulda gone sideways if I'd been disrespectful pretty easily. But when you understand how cops do their job, and why they say and do the things they do it becomes a much less threatening experience. They're trying to trip up a guilty person into acting nervous thus giving them probable cause to escalate things. Sit there smiling and make a joke resigned to being there for a few minutes and things will go quite smoothly.
Never seen video of a law-abidding respectful citizen beaten or shot by a cop. Seems just the mouthy wannabe law students getting messed with and deservedly so.

Cop stops you, consider you're only a few poorly chosen sentences and jerky motions away from being shot and choose your first words accordingly.

You obviously haven't been out in the world much.

It doesn't take "mouthy", it doesn't take "jerky motions" and it doesn't take "poorly chosen sentences", ALL of which are absolutely fucking legal. All it takes is happening to be in the wrong place at the right time or vice versa. And no one has any control over that.

Don't be a fucking polyanna. It can happen to anyone, anytime, with no warning whatsoever.
If in fact one desires to leave this country they should be free to do so, who cares?
I know a guy. Arrested 80s'..... maybe not paying traffic fines? At property sign-in Police in cage said sign by X, Crook started reading.....Cop said "I said sign it, not read it" Perp pop off...."I always read before I sign anything" Cop "you want me to come around there and kick your butt" .....well.....

To make a long story short: Guy gets elevator ride.......roughed up on way up.....put in room naked and hosed down every 30 minutes until he would "say his name out-loud when asked"on walk by.

GOOD NEWS: the guy avoided getting housed ever again. There is no Police Brutality, they there to help.
Because of people like you, shoots, who would put them back on the plantation in chains, a New York heart beat.

You democrats put blacks on the welfare plantation.
I am not a Dem and you are not an American patriot. Pubs took them off the plantation, and Dems with Pubs took them out of segregation. History is not a hard subject. The ability to think clearly is your problem.


I am not a Dem

These folks are laughing at Digital Drifter, who is not an American patriot.


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