Black americans could end the gun battle and the NRA in one move!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....not only would the NRA lose its mind and all their redneck supporters abandon shit, but them law makers, would enact safe gun laws yesterday, without missing a beat!!.....and cops, the cowards that they are wouldn't hesitate to enter a building with us in it.
If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....not only would the NRA lose its mind and all their redneck supporters abandon shit, but them law makers, would enact safe gun laws yesterday, without missing a beat!!.....and cops, the cowards that they are wouldn't hesitate to enter a building with us in it.

Felons are prohibited from owning guns, so there goes your master plan.
If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....not only would the NRA lose its mind and all their redneck supporters abandon shit, but them law makers, would enact safe gun laws yesterday, without missing a beat!!.....and cops, the cowards that they are wouldn't hesitate to enter a building with us in it.

what another leftist lying scum bag making false claims of racism

check it out scumbag

Black NRA members
If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....not only would the NRA lose its mind and all their redneck supporters abandon shit, but them law makers, would enact safe gun laws yesterday, without missing a beat!!.....and cops, the cowards that they are wouldn't hesitate to enter a building with us in it.

Why would some person care if some other person goes out and buys a gun legaly? Not quite getting your distorted rant and if my memory serves me right, Black officers shoot black suspects at a higher percentage than white officers do.. so why your making race out of something again? A good reason why cops today have this jumpy trigger finger has more to do with the fact that a lot of these guys and gals are civilians never having intense military training or pressure.
The best cops would be ex military because they are much less likely to snap or have nerve induced hallucinations. its a training issue not a hate black issue... sorry
If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....not only would the NRA lose its mind and all their redneck supporters abandon shit, but them law makers, would enact safe gun laws yesterday, without missing a beat!!.....and cops, the cowards that they are wouldn't hesitate to enter a building with us in it.

That's how the first gun control laws got going in this nation. For rather obvious reasons, the Ku Klux Klan was troubled by blacks being allowed to possess guns, so they pushed for laws crafted to allow blacks to be denied this right.

Gun control is, and has always been, rooted in racism and criminality. Somehow, the modern racists who oppose the people's right to keep and bear arms imagine that those of us who support this right are similarly racist, and would be motivated out of racism to oppose this right if too many black people exercised it.
If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....not only would the NRA lose its mind and all their redneck supporters abandon shit, but them law makers, would enact safe gun laws yesterday, without missing a beat!!.....and cops, the cowards that they are wouldn't hesitate to enter a building with us in it.
I thought you were gonna recommend giving nukes to black people.
If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....not only would the NRA lose its mind and all their redneck supporters abandon shit, but them law makers, would enact safe gun laws yesterday, without missing a beat!!.....and cops, the cowards that they are wouldn't hesitate to enter a building with us in it.

With SNAP and EBT? I think not, sista.

Loosiana purchase card ain't good for AR-15s.
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I know many black men...I don't know any that don't have a gun...
I know many black men...I don't know any that don't have a gun...

Well, can't say I know many that do have guns. I still love 'um.

One friend got half his ass shot off with an .06, would that count? no?

Well, he probably shouldn't have been harassing that redneck.
If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....not only would the NRA lose its mind and all their redneck supporters abandon shit, but them law makers, would enact safe gun laws yesterday, without missing a beat!!.....and cops, the cowards that they are wouldn't hesitate to enter a building with us in it.
The only places that law abiding Black citizens can't own firearms is the liberal paradise were Black on Black crimes are reaching genocidal levels. I will support and defend any law abiding citizens Constitutional rights I don't give a fuck what the color of their skin is.
If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....not only would the NRA lose its mind and all their redneck supporters abandon shit, but them law makers, would enact safe gun laws yesterday, without missing a beat!!.....and cops, the cowards that they are wouldn't hesitate to enter a building with us in it.

Why would some person care if some other person goes out and buys a gun legaly? Not quite getting your distorted rant and if my memory serves me right, Black officers shoot black suspects at a higher percentage than white officers do.. so why your making race out of something again? A good reason why cops today have this jumpy trigger finger has more to do with the fact that a lot of these guys and gals are civilians never having intense military training or pressure.
The best cops would be ex military because they are much less likely to snap or have nerve induced hallucinations. its a training issue not a hate black issue... sorry
Ex military people have done a lot of snapping out and killing. 22 of them became serial killers.
FBI Was Warned About Flight Schools
Ex-military man on the run poses extraordinary danger
If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....not only would the NRA lose its mind and all their redneck supporters abandon shit, but them law makers, would enact safe gun laws yesterday, without missing a beat!!.....and cops, the cowards that they are wouldn't hesitate to enter a building with us in it.

Why would some person care if some other person goes out and buys a gun legaly? Not quite getting your distorted rant and if my memory serves me right, Black officers shoot black suspects at a higher percentage than white officers do.. so why your making race out of something again? A good reason why cops today have this jumpy trigger finger has more to do with the fact that a lot of these guys and gals are civilians never having intense military training or pressure.
The best cops would be ex military because they are much less likely to snap or have nerve induced hallucinations. its a training issue not a hate black issue... sorry
Ex military people have done a lot of snapping out and killing. 22 of them became serial killers.
FBI Was Warned About Flight Schools
Ex-military man on the run poses extraordinary danger
Then let's outlaw guns, the police and the military.
Let's start in your world.
If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....not only would the NRA lose its mind and all their redneck supporters abandon shit, but them law makers, would enact safe gun laws yesterday, without missing a beat!!.....and cops, the cowards that they are wouldn't hesitate to enter a building with us in it.
You do know FELONS can't own guns don't you?

Still, that doesn't seem to stop them.
If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....not only would the NRA lose its mind and all their redneck supporters abandon shit, but them law makers, would enact safe gun laws yesterday, without missing a beat!!.....and cops, the cowards that they are wouldn't hesitate to enter a building with us in it.
What do you think white liberals are waiting for? when the smoke would clear from the above scenario it would not be white liberals but minorities dead or in jail and white liberals on TV wagging a finger before going home to a hot meal and warm bed, it is why they need us hating one another while they get to stay above the fray, historically it is a tried and true method for usurping the reins of power from within.
Here in Arizona, believe it or not, Black people can own guns legally just like everyone else. I know it sounds radical, but we even allow hispanic people, oriental people and native Americans to buy guns.
Isn't that the state that shot a congresswoman in the head back in the day? The same place where the sheriff was indicted for not carrying out state laws fairly?....and you want to brag?
If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....not only would the NRA lose its mind and all their redneck supporters abandon shit, but them law makers, would enact safe gun laws yesterday, without missing a beat!!.....and cops, the cowards that they are wouldn't hesitate to enter a building with us in it.

That's how the first gun control laws got going in this nation. For rather obvious reasons, the Ku Klux Klan was troubled by blacks being allowed to possess guns, so they pushed for laws crafted to allow blacks to be denied this right.

Gun control is, and has always been, rooted in racism and criminality. Somehow, the modern racists who oppose the people's right to keep and bear arms imagine that those of us who support this right are similarly racist, and would be motivated out of racism to oppose this right if too many black people exercised it.
But of got all these negro loving whites here championing the idea of blacks owning guns....but truth be told, 36 million negro's armed in this country....gun control legislation would be on the books yesterday!!
If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....not only would the NRA lose its mind and all their redneck supporters abandon shit, but them law makers, would enact safe gun laws yesterday, without missing a beat!!.....and cops, the cowards that they are wouldn't hesitate to enter a building with us in it.
What do you think white liberals are waiting for? when the smoke would clear from the above scenario it would not be white liberals but minorities dead or in jail and white liberals on TV wagging a finger before going home to a hot meal and warm bed, it is why they need us hating one another while they get to stay above the fray, historically it is a tried and true method for usurping the reins of power from within.
Blacks will never ever have white america, liberal or not as champions for their race. Contrary to popular beliefs, we know this shit and contrary to popular beliefs, we don't always vote the party, the Clintons, the liberal ticket or Obama.....this constant labeling blacks get from you whites someday is gonna end when the brown people take over and we show you just how loyal a base we are.
If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....not only would the NRA lose its mind and all their redneck supporters abandon shit, but them law makers, would enact safe gun laws yesterday, without missing a beat!!.....and cops, the cowards that they are wouldn't hesitate to enter a building with us in it.
You do know FELONS can't own guns don't you?

Still, that doesn't seem to stop them.
Bottom line people don't go into schools and shoot people up, we don't go into churches and shoot people up, movies, etc....YOU MOTHERFUCKERS DO, HOWEVER. And the idea of felons shooting each other, nobody loses sleep, trust me

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