Black americans could end the gun battle and the NRA in one move!!

If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....not only would the NRA lose its mind and all their redneck supporters abandon shit, but them law makers, would enact safe gun laws yesterday, without missing a beat!!.....and cops, the cowards that they are wouldn't hesitate to enter a building with us in it.
Hell Blacks could cut the murder rate in half if they would stop killing each other but they can't even do that
I will never understand why white people stress dearly over sorry ass nigga's killing each other. Hell, if that's what these motherfuckers want to do, than damit let em have at it....what you white mf's should concern yourselves with, are these white boys and grown men, who got the whole gotdamned world at their finger tips....having a fucked up day and killing mf's........JUST BECAUSE!!
Let me tell you something. White people rarely think about you at all. They just don't. They aren't concerned for your kind, they don't worry about how you will pay your rent or buy a gun to shoot your neighbor. You really aren't a part of their world. Just something they laugh at on TV or the internet.

TV and internet are far too negrofied as well. Time for Whites to denegrofy.
... All the black people I know own guns already. Though admittedly I'm not sure how many have AR-15s...
If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....[...]
If every Black in America purchased an AR-15 the Black population would be reduced by at least 50% within 90 days of self-destructive internal warfare.

And you know it.
If every black person in this country went out to purchase AR-15's, especially in open/carry states....not only would the NRA lose its mind and all their redneck supporters abandon shit, but them law makers, would enact safe gun laws yesterday, without missing a beat!!.....and cops, the cowards that they are wouldn't hesitate to enter a building with us in it.
Your truly out of touch with reality.

The NRA encourages african americans to join and the more the better.

Many already DO own Ar 15s

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