Black America's True Nemesis: Liberals, Not Zimmerman


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Lloyd Marcus
July 25, 2013

In the midst of all the racial hullabaloo stirred up by so-called advocates for black empowerment after the Zimmerman trail, guess who is really being harmed? Answer: black America.

All of you black pastors, black politicians, and black celebs who have joined Sharpton and the MSM's lynch mob to "get Zimmerman" should be ashamed of yourselves. You are doing a huge disservice to the very people you claim to champion by chasing a straw man while ignoring the real issues that are devastating black America.

Everyone knows that the black community is a mess. White folks ain't killin' us. We are killing each other (The War Against Black Men | National Review Online). Over 70 and increasing percent of black kids grow up in fatherless homes(Children in single-parent families by race | KIDS COUNT Data Center). Researchers warn that we blacks are aborting ourselves( - Home - ALARMING TREND: DECLINING NUMBER OF BLACK BIRTHS) into extinction. Black school dropout rates are at epidemic levels. Fatherless households and school dropouts fuel through the roof high black unemployment, gangs, and incarcerations.

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Articles: Black America's True Nemesis: Liberals, Not Zimmerman

Most all racist Progressives will dispute thie about article written by Marcus Lloyd.
they still keep them in slavery and they do not even know it.
and like how they were bought from their own people, their own people keep them enslaved. jackson, dullton etc
if they would realize that, they would be so much better off.
I hope one day they do.
I hate how the ignorant keep the rest in stereotype
I think most blacks are aware that the liberal democrats don't view them in a very high regard. But ultimately it comes down to the Democrats being the lesser of two evils.
I think most blacks are aware that the liberal democrats don't view them in a very high regard. But ultimately it comes down to the Democrats being the lesser of two evils.

utter horseshit
I think most blacks are aware that the liberal democrats don't view them in a very high regard. But ultimately it comes down to the Democrats being the lesser of two evils.

utter horseshit

Of course not. The Democrats throw the blacks a bone in the form of welfare. Republicans don't. This is an example of what I mean by lesser of two evils.

Atleast that's my own opinion how the blacks perceive the two. I'm not black so I don't know.
By Lloyd Marcus
July 25, 2013

In the midst of all the racial hullabaloo stirred up by so-called advocates for black empowerment after the Zimmerman trail, guess who is really being harmed? Answer: black America.

All of you black pastors, black politicians, and black celebs who have joined Sharpton and the MSM's lynch mob to "get Zimmerman" should be ashamed of yourselves. You are doing a huge disservice to the very people you claim to champion by chasing a straw man while ignoring the real issues that are devastating black America.

Everyone knows that the black community is a mess. White folks ain't killin' us. We are killing each other (The War Against Black Men | National Review Online). Over 70 and increasing percent of black kids grow up in fatherless homes(Children in single-parent families by race | KIDS COUNT Data Center). Researchers warn that we blacks are aborting ourselves( - Home - ALARMING TREND: DECLINING NUMBER OF BLACK BIRTHS) into extinction. Black school dropout rates are at epidemic levels. Fatherless households and school dropouts fuel through the roof high black unemployment, gangs, and incarcerations.

Read more:
Articles: Black America's True Nemesis: Liberals, Not Zimmerman

Most all racist Progressives will dispute thie about article written by Marcus Lloyd.

Right wing was race baiting 24/7. And I don't think you are going to convince blacks that right wingers care more about them by playing the blame game.
By Lloyd Marcus
July 25, 2013

In the midst of all the racial hullabaloo stirred up by so-called advocates for black empowerment after the Zimmerman trail, guess who is really being harmed? Answer: black America.

All of you black pastors, black politicians, and black celebs who have joined Sharpton and the MSM's lynch mob to "get Zimmerman" should be ashamed of yourselves. You are doing a huge disservice to the very people you claim to champion by chasing a straw man while ignoring the real issues that are devastating black Americal
Everyone knows that the black community is a mess. White folks ain't killin' us. We are killing each other (The War Against Black Men | National Review Online). Over 70 and increasing percent of black kids grow up in fatherless homes(Children in single-parent families by race | KIDS COUNT Data Center). Researchers warn that we blacks are aborting ourselves( - Home - ALARMING TREND: DECLINING NUMBER OF BLACK BIRTHS) into extinction. Black school dropout rates are at epidemic levels. Fatherless households and school dropouts fuel through the roof high black unemployment, gangs, and incarcerations.

Read more:
Articles: Black America's True Nemesis: Liberals, Not Zimmerman

Most all racist Progressives will dispute thie about article written by Marcus Lloyd.

Right wing was race baiting 24/7. And I don't think you are going to convince blacks that right wingers care more about them by playing the blame game.

good god u are an idiot
they still keep them in slavery and they do not even know it.
and like how they were bought from their own people, their own people keep them enslaved. jackson, dullton etc

if they would realize that, they would be so much better off.
I hope one day they do.
I hate how the ignorant keep the rest in stereotype

I have to agree with you - if Blacks realized that welfare, food stamps and other "freebies" were keeping them under the government's thumb (slaves to government rules and regulations) and truly still in poverty - maybe they would reverse course. In reality they are kept in poorly maintained and unsafe government housing, attend the bottom of the barrel schools, eat food that's not good, i.e., high in carbohydrates and bad cholesterol stuff, and they have parents who can't help them achieve because they themselves grew up under the same conditions.

Yes, they do fall prey to all the promises of great freebies coming their way - so yes they are going to vote for the people who make these promises. They don't realize that nothing is free - everything comes at a price. Taxpayers pay the price in higher taxes and the poor pay the price of continued slavery and poverty with no way out.

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