AG Garland Weaponizes FBI to Intimidate America's Parents - Shameful

In early September, Biden Administration stakeholders held discussions regarding avenues for potential federal action against parents with a key Biden Domestic Policy Council official (Jane Doe #1) and White House staff (John Doe #1). Stakeholders also held discussions with senior department officials, including at least one political appointee in the department’s Civil Rights Division (Jane Doe #2). Jane Doe #1, John Doe #1, and others in the White House separately expressed concern regarding the potential partisan political impact of parent mobilization and organization around school issues in the upcoming midterm elections.

• Upon information and belief, at the express direction of or with the express consent of Jane Doe #1, Jane Doe #2 and other Biden Administration officials developed a plan to use a letter from an outside group (“not the usual suspects”) as pretext for federal action to chill, deter, and discourage parents from exercising their constitutional rights and privileges.

2021) officials-and-teachers.
4 Mary Margret Olohan, A Parent-Led Rebellion Against Critical Race Theory Is Storming School Boards Across The Country, THE DAILY CALLER (June 17, 2021) critical-race-theory-loudoun-county/.
5 See Samuel Chamberlin, Teachers’ union sues Rhode Island mom over requests for CRT curriculum info, NEW YORK POST (Aug. 5, 2021) requests-for-crt-curriculum-info/; William A. Jacobson, Union-Linked Coalition Scripts ‘Messaging’ To Counter Parental Pushback Against Critical Race Theory, LEGAL INSURRECTION (July 5, 2021) Union-Linked Coalition Scripts ‘Messaging’ To Counter Parental Pushback Against Critical Race Theory pushback-against-critical-race-theory/; Harold Hutchinson, ‘Expose These People Publicly’: Parents Against Critical Race Curriculum Listed By Teachers Attempting To ‘Infiltrate’ Them, Daily Caller (March 17, 2021) race-theory/. The described conduct, if it occurs, implicates significant 18 U.S.C. § 241 concerns.

Liberals in this administration are pure evil.
violent threats against school board members is not part of our constitutional rights.
What schools teach or what parents say is the ONLY thing that the FBI involvement is connected to. The idea that the parents are engaging in threats and physical attacks on school board members, teachers, and even schoolchildren, is the height of absurdity.
Except for there are actual cases around the nation where this is happening. For example

FALSE! Garland called the parents "domestic terrorists" and he and his FBI are lying about threats being made. They are trying to intimidate the parents and coercing them to stifle their exercise of free speech.

It's not a hissy fit. It is an important aspect of American society. The Constitution's first amendment.
No he didn’t. You are lying
Except for there are actual cases around the nation where this is happening. For example

Um, you have one guy who supposedly struck someone as they were bumrushing him out of the meeting.

Got any actual violence against any school boards?
violent threats against school board members is not part of our constitutional rights.
School boards have been taken over by crazy radicals. Nation after nation in this world have come down this road. And it ends in disaster.
School boards have been taken over by crazy radicals. Nation after nation in this world have come down this road. And it ends in disaster.
then you vote them out.
Its no excuse for violence.
ive seen before, if enough parents get together, they can oust an entire school board, legally.
Hey fucking idiot...
The poll, conducted August 16-25 among 10,168 parents, found the biggest predictor of school mask mandate opposition was a parent's political party, with 56% of Republican parents opposed to school mask mandates versus 24% of Independents and 4% of Democrats
Look at this... Parents put their children's safety and the safety of their family at the highest level...
So the GOP and Trumpers again find themselves on the wrong side... Hey ye were the guys who said this would be gone in a few weeks... 700,000+ people dead... And ye are still bitching...
We know when you look back at this and the death and destruction has been realised, You will still find it in your heads to blame Democrats.. No Shame..
Liar. Most school kids don't need masks unless they have a co-morbidity, very few even get sick and show symptoms, so the NYT exaggerated the number of deaths! SHOVE YOUR FAKE NEWS
You want your kid to wear a mask, fine, but don't lie about the rationale'.
At least with that there was evidence. Hell, BLM killed police.
now youre making claims without evidence.

However, what the DOJ / FBI is investigating with these school boards, is gathering evidence on threats.
pure fascism. Silencing political descent and the democratic process…this is right out of the tyrant playbook.

This is what 1930s Germany looked like
Hey fucking idiot...

The poll, conducted August 16-25 among 10,168 parents, found the biggest predictor of school mask mandate opposition was a parent's political party, with 56% of Republican parents opposed to school mask mandates versus 24% of Independents and 4% of Democrats

Look at this... Parents put their children's safety and the safety of their family at the highest level...

So the GOP and Trumpers again find themselves on the wrong side... Hey ye were the guys who said this would be gone in a few weeks... 700,000+ people dead... And ye are still bitching...

We know when you look back at this and the death and destruction has been realised, You will still find it in your heads to blame Democrats.. No Shame..
the majority of those deaths have been under the xiden watch…i suppose they are to blame
FALSE! Garland called the parents "domestic terrorists" and he and his FBI are lying about threats being made. They are trying to intimidate the parents and coercing them to stifle their exercise of free speech.

It's not a hissy fit. It is an important aspect of American society. The Constitution's first amendment.
the fbi only has jurisdiction over federal crimes.

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