Black Baby Abortions Make Up 2/3rds Of All Abortions Despite Blacks Making Up Only 13% of Population?

nearly 20 million innocent black babies have been aborted since 1973 ! there are a little over 40 million African Americans in the US today .... the left has promoted the slaughter of nearly half the black population in the US !
So states retain the final say as to legality. Overturning Roe shifts the discussion and decision to state versus federal jurisdiction which does not prohibit continued federal funding to planned parenthood. Poverty will remain generational until our education and social services administrators focus on the root cause, education and opportunity.
So…if this eventually results in the black population increasing at a faster rate, you guys are ok with that?
Black women can’t afford babies because they’ve grown up in a society of white supremacy.

If reparations were passed, there’d be less abortions
C'mon, if we give them more money, they'll just smoke more crack and make more retarded urban monkeys.
we are not ok with the slaughter of innocents no matter the race !
Yea, I get that. But the inevitable result in that is much more black people.

I believe minority populations are already increasing faster than the white population and it’s just a matter of time before white people become the minority. You’re ok with speeding this up?

Aren’t you guys always complaining about black people having higher incarceration rates and being more likely to commit crimes? You’re ok with having more of them?

Aren’t you guys always complaining about black people voting blue? You’re ok with having more of them?

More “burn loot murder” activists out there?

You’re ok with all this? Just asking.
So do ALL Black Lives Really Matter?

"If we don't respect the lives of our unborn children enough to save them and fight for them, our lives mean nothing once we're born"

The "Sanger Plan". DemoKKKrats LOVE it.
Yea, I get that. But the inevitable result in that is much more black people.

I believe minority populations are already increasing faster than the white population and it’s just a matter of time before white people become the minority. You’re ok with speeding this up?

Aren’t you guys always complaining about black people having higher incarceration rates? You’re ok with having more of them?

Aren’t you guys always complaining about black people voting blue? You’re ok with having more of them?

You’re ok with all this? Just asking.
what makes you think more blacks would would lead to higher incarceration rates ? the problem with the black community is the lefts destruction of the nuclear family ! i would assume that white males that grew up without a father in the home have the same or close to the same incarceration rates ! no matter what the left says young men need a father in the home !
what makes you think more blacks would would lead to higher incarceration rates ?
Which rate are we talking about?

For the sake of argument, let’s say that the rate of black people who go to prison remains the same as it is now. With more black people, this would mean more black people go to prison. This would also mean that black people would make up a higher percentage of the prison population.
What gated communities I have been in were very limited in any type of commercial business... But I haven't been but a few... To many zoning laws...
Black women can’t afford babies because they’ve grown up in a society of white supremacy.

If reparations were passed, there’d be less abortions
Perhaps, if the more fathers stuck around, there would be less abortions...white or black.
Has nothing to do with white supremacy. And you were a school teacher? Really?
I wouldn't trust any child with the likes of you.
Planned parenthood targets poor minority neighborhoods. A sucker born every minute so to speak.

No it doesn't.

Blacks go there all on their own. You put up an abortion clinic and blacks go in. They inherently disregard human life, even their own kids. They make the choice to have an abortion. Blacks burn, loot, steal, have abortions, have a higher arrest rate because they comitt a lot of crimes and so on. It's their nature to be savages and not care about anything really.

That's as dumb as saying "hockey targets whites". Hockey is just there and white people just tend to play it and go to it more than blacks. Or saying "menthol cigarettes target blacks", no the cigarettes are just there but blacks just tend to be the ones to smoke them.
Which rate are we talking about?

For the sake of argument, let’s say that the rate of black people who go to prison remains the same as it is now. With more black people, this would mean more black people go to prison. This would also mean that black people would make up a higher percentage of the prison population.
the number of black people isnt the problem ... the problem is the lefts war on the nuclear family !
the number of black people isnt the problem ... the problem is the lefts war on the nuclear family !
Right. And you guys think that’s an issue with black families in particular, right? Fathers not in the home and such.

So imagine those same problems but just more of them. You ok with that?
Right. And you guys think that’s an issue with black families in particular, right? Fathers not in the home and such.

So imagine those same problems but just more of them. You ok with that?
so are you saying there is no hope for the black community ? are you saying that nearly 70% of blacks will always be raised in single parent homes ? at one time blacks had a higher 2 parent in the home rate than whites ... however that was before they supported the democratic party in the numbers that they do now !

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