Black Children Give Virginia 1st Lady Pam Northam ball of cotton & ask her to imagine being a slave!

Who is not going to give up the real privilege? The problem is that they are to stupid to get beyond being paid with government benefits at a high percentage. The amount of teenage births is evidence enough.
Slave owners were too cheap and lazy to do the work themselves. What we're we're they thinking? Bad scary people.
One of the worst of them wrote: We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

And then he proceeded to rape his slaves and sell his children by them.

Go figure.
They didnt consider blacks human like them.
Thats why that happened.
The considered them three fifths of a white person according to our Constitution. It is difficult to imagine what it felt like to be either a slave or a slave owner.
Me either. Its sad.
Whats even worse is, after thousands of years of slavery, we still have around (estimated) 25m. Possibly more.
Slave owners were not Christian. Christian's don't believe in slavery. Slave owners were of Ill repute.

The christian bible supports slavery. So did some or all slave owners, including founding fathers. The bible even dictates how one beats their slaves.

Sadly, today's christians support and defend what the bible says. Instead of telling the lie that christians did not own slaves, I wish christians would denounce the kidnapping o people in order to force them into any kind of slavery. An excellent example is what christians are doing/saying about the debacle on our southern border where parents have given up everything they have, just to save their children from sex trafficking. Instead, they support and defend trump's torture of children.

How Christian Slaveholders Used the Bible to Justify Slavery

Why Did So Many Christians Support Slavery?

How and Why Did Some Christians Defend Slavery?
Go to Pinterest and search for slave photos.

I don't believe anyone can imagine how bad it was. Kidnapped from your home, your family, losing your culture, language, religion, customs - everything beaten out of you. That's how Blacks became christians. Their own religion was beaten out of them.
EVERY culture has practiced slavery. Many still do.

America tolerated slavery for only about 80 years. Then we elected a REPUBLICAN and ended it.
Slave owners were not Christian. Christian's don't believe in slavery. Slave owners were of Ill repute.

The christian bible supports slavery. So did some or all slave owners, including founding fathers. The bible even dictates how one beats their slaves.

Sadly, today's christians support and defend what the bible says. Instead of telling the lie that christians did not own slaves, I wish christians would denounce the kidnapping o people in order to force them into any kind of slavery. An excellent example is what christians are doing/saying about the debacle on our southern border where parents have given up everything they have, just to save their children from sex trafficking. Instead, they support and defend trump's torture of children.

How Christian Slaveholders Used the Bible to Justify Slavery

Why Did So Many Christians Support Slavery?

How and Why Did Some Christians Defend Slavery?
Indentured servitude IS Biblical and much better than wasting away in prison.

The slavery practiced by DEMOCRATS is NOT endorsed by the Bible.
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Slave owners were not Christian. Christian's don't believe in slavery. Slave owners were of Ill repute.
The abolitionist movement was a Christian one.
And someone should ask Pam Northam to imagine being a newly born infant who is abandoned and left to die under new Virginia law her husband supports.
Go to Pinterest and search for slave photos.

I don't believe anyone can imagine how bad it was. Kidnapped from your home, your family, losing your culture, language, religion, customs - everything beaten out of you. That's how Blacks became christians. Their own religion was beaten out of them.
You do realize blacks sold other blacks as slaves during slavery… You fucking moron

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