Black Civil Rights Mafia Betrays Black America

I knew this was going to be a waist of time reading.

Anytime you have a person black or white "warning" a whole race of people to watch out for another group. . . you can bet it's bullshit.

Fact is Dr. King openly endorsed the idea of reparations. The guy was nowhere near colored-blindness for all. Trying to paint the guy as such does little but make you look like an ass. I don't even endorse reparations. I disagree with King on that.

Thing is this isn't really about Dr. King or the "Civil Rights Mafia" and the continued screwed up situation when it comes to discussing race in this country. The reason it's so screwed up is because we don't want to act like (despite how beautiful this country is) SOME ugly shit doesn't go on in this country behind the scenes (unless we can blame it on Obama's super-secret muslim marxist klan is behind it).

We don't want to acknowledge that the Drug War is a horrendous failure that destroyed many inner city communities and unfairly disenfranchized young black men and that the drug war accounts for the VAST majority of the prison population period (not JUST the black prison population). That the prison industry has played a prime role in breaking down the family unit in the black community JUST like it did to whites during alcohol prohibition.

We don't want to acknowledge that millions of inner city children most of them black suffered (and thousands still do) from lead poisoning because of the poor quality of old buildings in the cities. what are the effects of lead poisoning? Lower I.Q., violent behavior, sleep deprivation, attention deficit, asthma, other breathing problems. Imagine THAT effecting thousands of kids in a major US city what do you have? Violence.

People don't want to talk about the conditions that have an effect on urban communities, that often do lead to the problems in the black community. Granted it's a conversation Sharpton doesnLt want to have either, but the fact is this shit is happening NOW. Hiding from it, ignoring it, will only cause more problems.

That sounds as good a condemnation of liberal policies as I've heard. Liberal policies are responsible for making an entire race dependent on the government. Glorifying rappers with drugs and hateful lyrics instead of supporting positive role models and policies designed to make people independent, this is what you get. There comes a point in time where you are responsible for your own choices no matter what your skin color is. People like Sharpton and Jackson are not helping black people.

The two of you remind me of this lady

[ame=]YouTube - Black Conservatives Blast Al Sharpton Protesters in DC 8/28[/ame]
I knew this was going to be a waist of time reading.

Anytime you have a person black or white "warning" a whole race of people to watch out for another group. . . you can bet it's bullshit.

Fact is Dr. King openly endorsed the idea of reparations. The guy was nowhere near colored-blindness for all. Trying to paint the guy as such does little but make you look like an ass. I don't even endorse reparations. I disagree with King on that.

Thing is this isn't really about Dr. King or the "Civil Rights Mafia" and the continued screwed up situation when it comes to discussing race in this country. The reason it's so screwed up is because we don't want to act like (despite how beautiful this country is) SOME ugly shit doesn't go on in this country behind the scenes (unless we can blame it on Obama's super-secret muslim marxist klan is behind it).

We don't want to acknowledge that the Drug War is a horrendous failure that destroyed many inner city communities and unfairly disenfranchized young black men and that the drug war accounts for the VAST majority of the prison population period (not JUST the black prison population). That the prison industry has played a prime role in breaking down the family unit in the black community JUST like it did to whites during alcohol prohibition.

We don't want to acknowledge that millions of inner city children most of them black suffered (and thousands still do) from lead poisoning because of the poor quality of old buildings in the cities. what are the effects of lead poisoning? Lower I.Q., violent behavior, sleep deprivation, attention deficit, asthma, other breathing problems. Imagine THAT effecting thousands of kids in a major US city what do you have? Violence.

People don't want to talk about the conditions that have an effect on urban communities, that often do lead to the problems in the black community. Granted it's a conversation Sharpton doesnLt want to have either, but the fact is this shit is happening NOW. Hiding from it, ignoring it, will only cause more problems.

I've said before, and I'll say it again. Dr King was right about reparations. What SHOULD have happened back in the 1960s/70s was that the education system - in particular in areas that affects minority populations - should have been prioritized to raise the expectations and standards of those kids. IF we had done that, we would not have half the problems we have now. Instead, the democrats (and it was the democrats who own this one) jumped on the 'race' bandwagon - purely as a vote winner. They didn't care about the minorities as people - they cared about them as a voting block. They created an 'entitlement' mentality. That is the biggest issue for minorities today.

When you make it acceptable for very young females to bring children into the world without stable family lives, when you tell them it's ok to raise 6 kids with different dads, and that the state will pay, you breed a generation who know no better. What we have now is the result of really stupid, politically motivated, decisions of decades past.
I always stop short of blaming any one party for the problem. Both sides have a hand in creating and perpetuating the welfare state. Some people actually really do believe that the solution to the situation is welfare and handouts when the fact is it's just a bandaid on an amputated leg. Nobody talks about solutions just temporary quick fixes that may even worsen the problem in the long run.

Oh and one thing about rap music I'm not big on the music ruins society thing, personally I think society has more impact on music then music on society. I listen to rap music, but I was taught to understand the difference between the entertainment world and the real world. It's like when my little brother asked my mom if he could have dreads and she said no because she didn't want him to suffer for it in the professional world. He said "well lil wayne got dreads and he's rich" she said "lil wayne already has job".

No, both sides have not had a hand in creating the welfare state. The welfare state is largely the policies of liberals who think giving money and only asking for your vote is enough. It's all about power. Liberals say to blacks "give us the power and we'll take care of you".

Not one republican voted for this health care bill. That is the biggest boondoggle welfare state creator of all.

The policies of prohibition and the expansion of the prison-industrial complex which creates conditions in which the welfare state thrives is the fault of both parties. There is no secret pact between leftists and blacks, and the vast majority of African Americans are not looking for someone to "take care of them".

Living off welfare for the most part no matter who exactly you are isn't "being taken care of", anyway. While I know there are those who do have the atttitude that they enjoy living off welfare, the majority of people who are on it, black, white, or indifferent ARE using it out of neccesity.

We both agree that the welfare state is unsustainable and bad for the economy. However, I don't agree that is the fault of those on welfare or giving welfare benefits. Rather the solution is to fix the underlying problems that cause poverty, (which in turn will actually save the US billions of dollars both instantly and in the longer run). NIETHER party wants to solve poverty, one simply blames the poor, the other wants to throw other people's money at them. It's a sick and twisted system.

There is a good cure for poverty. Jobs. Your president and congress, who by the way have had control for 3 years and 8 months, are not getting it done. That will change on Nov 2.

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