Black Cleveland councilman sees brutal cop body cam; Admits cops doing right thing.

It is YOUR stat. Your link.

It's your job to separate them.

Its your claim that resisting arrest charges dropped uses of force.

Yet you can't me anything that demonstrates this. Absolutely nothing.

You've been reduced to arguing that resisting arrest charges dropped by almost the EXACT number of obstruction of justice charges from 2013 to 2014. Which is an absolutely convenient and ridiculously unlikely coincidence!

And one you can't back with the slightest evidence. Keep running, Buc.

It's common sense that the charge of "obstruction of justice" (aka....Interfering with Officers) would go up a lot with PROTESTS. And guess what we saw in 2014? Lots of protests. San Diego has several protests regarding immigration and Ferguson themed ones in 2013-2014. now you're giving us excuses why resisting arrest charges would have gone UP, right after arguing that they would have gone DOWN.

Its like watching a dog chase its own tail. You truly don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Buc. Oh, and dipshit.....the MACE riots were in 2011. Which you knew. But really hoped we didn't.


Protests will spike OOJ charges. But it's all a combined effect.

Says you. Show me the stats. How many protestors were arrested for protests? Remember, one of the protests you cited was in 2011.

You're still just citing yourself because you have nothing to back your claims. Let me make this ridiculously clear, Buck: you are nobody. You citing you means jack shit.

Show me the evidence. Not you telling me about the evidence.

Do cameras make SOME cops slow it down a bit? Of course.

Well at least we got that out of you. So now the cameras DO prevent cops from acting violently. That only took 3 pages and 2 hours to get you to admit as much.

But it has the same effect on thugs who MIGHT resist but won't due to knowing the body cam is on.

Show me the evidence. Every time I demand you back your horseshit claims with give me excuses why you can't.

I never claimed a 46% population increase. It was about a 2% increase. offered population increases as an excuse for a 46% drop in violence by police officers from 2013 to 2014. And even you can't explain how an INCREASE in population would result in a DECREASE in in violence by police officers.

That tail must just fascinate you. Because you just keep chasing it.

Show me the evidence. Not you citing yourself. As you're nobody.

No....I offered population increase as to why a crime stat may go up. If a city grows in bet it's total thefts goes up too.

Laughing.....actually, violent crime in that area is at a 35 year low. So what you 'bet' doesn't mean jack shit.

Your 'population increase' horseshit is debunked.As it has absolutely nothing to do with

Yes....protests. That's common sense that mass protests will cause arrest numbers to go up.

And how many people were arrested for resisting arrest in 2014 were protesting? Remember, one of the 'riots' you offered us was from 2011.

As usual, Bucky's got jack shit to back his narrative. Can't show us a single stat backing anything he's said. And gives us more excuses why his claims remain factually baseless.

Meanwhile, with only 60% of San Diego cops using body cams, complaints dropped 40%, police violence dropped 46%.....while resisting arrest and obstruction of justice numbers were almost unchanged.

Its simple, Bucky: cops use less violence in their policing when they're being watched.

It is? 5 days ago SD reported 2015 had a 9% increase in violent crime.
Reported Violent Crime in San Diego Rises in 2015
Holy fuck dude.



And for the 5th time: your argument is that resisting arrest charges dropped by almost the EXACT amount that obstruction of justice charges increased? me the evidence. As that's *ridiculously* unlikely. And no, you insisting it 'must be so' isn't evidence.'s not. I never once said that.

Then explain how the resisting arrest and obstruction of justice numbers remained virtually unchanged from 2013 to 2014....without that argument.

With evidence. As remember, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. So you'll need to cite a source that does.

And I'm still waiting for you to show me the resisting arrest numbers dropping 46% from 2013 to 2014. Or stats that back up your claim that body cameras mean less people will resist arrest. Or how a 2% increase in population could result in a 46% reduction in violence by police.

You citing yourself is a useless source, Bucky. And you citing you is all you have.


A + F = X.

If 1 factor causes A to go up 25 and 1 factor causes F to go down 23...but you add A and F....they still combine for the similar results.

IF 1 factor causes 'F to go down? Show us the evidence that it went down. Show us the stats that demonstrate the resisting arrest dropped by 46% from 2013 to 2014.

You can't. You've got nothing.

Resisting arrest and obstruction of justice charges were virtually identical from 2013 to 2014....increasing from 889 to 893.

So laughably your argument has degerenated into insisting that from 2013 to 2014.....resisting arrest charges plummeted while obstruction of justice charges in an amazing and utterly improbable coincidence rose almost the exact same amount.


Show us, Bucky. Don't tell us. Your assumptions are *ridiculously* unlikely.

That's called math.

Learn the word "spurrious".

Then show us the stats that demonstrate that resisting arrest charges dropped 46% in San Diego from 2013 to 2014. That's the assumption your 'math' relies on.

And you've got nothing to establish that. Just you....assuming it must be so. Backed by jack shit.

Which beautifully sums up your entire argument.

You posted the flawed stat. Burden on you.
Its your claim that resisting arrest charges dropped uses of force.

Yet you can't me anything that demonstrates this. Absolutely nothing.

You've been reduced to arguing that resisting arrest charges dropped by almost the EXACT number of obstruction of justice charges from 2013 to 2014. Which is an absolutely convenient and ridiculously unlikely coincidence!

And one you can't back with the slightest evidence. Keep running, Buc. now you're giving us excuses why resisting arrest charges would have gone UP, right after arguing that they would have gone DOWN.

Its like watching a dog chase its own tail. You truly don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Buc. Oh, and dipshit.....the MACE riots were in 2011. Which you knew. But really hoped we didn't.


Protests will spike OOJ charges. But it's all a combined effect.

Says you. Show me the stats. How many protestors were arrested for protests? Remember, one of the protests you cited was in 2011.

You're still just citing yourself because you have nothing to back your claims. Let me make this ridiculously clear, Buck: you are nobody. You citing you means jack shit.

Show me the evidence. Not you telling me about the evidence.

Do cameras make SOME cops slow it down a bit? Of course.

Well at least we got that out of you. So now the cameras DO prevent cops from acting violently. That only took 3 pages and 2 hours to get you to admit as much.

But it has the same effect on thugs who MIGHT resist but won't due to knowing the body cam is on.

Show me the evidence. Every time I demand you back your horseshit claims with give me excuses why you can't.

I never claimed a 46% population increase. It was about a 2% increase. offered population increases as an excuse for a 46% drop in violence by police officers from 2013 to 2014. And even you can't explain how an INCREASE in population would result in a DECREASE in in violence by police officers.

That tail must just fascinate you. Because you just keep chasing it.

Show me the evidence. Not you citing yourself. As you're nobody.

No....I offered population increase as to why a crime stat may go up. If a city grows in bet it's total thefts goes up too.

Laughing.....actually, violent crime in that area is at a 35 year low. So what you 'bet' doesn't mean jack shit.

Your 'population increase' horseshit is debunked.As it has absolutely nothing to do with

Yes....protests. That's common sense that mass protests will cause arrest numbers to go up.

And how many people were arrested for resisting arrest in 2014 were protesting? Remember, one of the 'riots' you offered us was from 2011.

As usual, Bucky's got jack shit to back his narrative. Can't show us a single stat backing anything he's said. And gives us more excuses why his claims remain factually baseless.

Meanwhile, with only 60% of San Diego cops using body cams, complaints dropped 40%, police violence dropped 46%.....while resisting arrest and obstruction of justice numbers were almost unchanged.

Its simple, Bucky: cops use less violence in their policing when they're being watched.

It is? 5 days ago SD reported 2015 had a 9% increase in violent crime.
Reported Violent Crime in San Diego Rises in 2015

And in the time frame we're discussing, it hit a 35 year low:

The crime rate throughout San Diego County hit a 35-year low in 2014, and San Diego emerged as one of the safest large cities in the nation, according to a report issued Wednesday.

County's crime hit 35-year-low in 2014

So much for what you 'bet'.

Protests will spike OOJ charges. But it's all a combined effect.

Says you. Show me the stats. How many protestors were arrested for protests? Remember, one of the protests you cited was in 2011.

You're still just citing yourself because you have nothing to back your claims. Let me make this ridiculously clear, Buck: you are nobody. You citing you means jack shit.

Show me the evidence. Not you telling me about the evidence.

Do cameras make SOME cops slow it down a bit? Of course.

Well at least we got that out of you. So now the cameras DO prevent cops from acting violently. That only took 3 pages and 2 hours to get you to admit as much.

But it has the same effect on thugs who MIGHT resist but won't due to knowing the body cam is on.

Show me the evidence. Every time I demand you back your horseshit claims with give me excuses why you can't.

I never claimed a 46% population increase. It was about a 2% increase. offered population increases as an excuse for a 46% drop in violence by police officers from 2013 to 2014. And even you can't explain how an INCREASE in population would result in a DECREASE in in violence by police officers.

That tail must just fascinate you. Because you just keep chasing it.

Show me the evidence. Not you citing yourself. As you're nobody.

No....I offered population increase as to why a crime stat may go up. If a city grows in bet it's total thefts goes up too.

Laughing.....actually, violent crime in that area is at a 35 year low. So what you 'bet' doesn't mean jack shit.

Your 'population increase' horseshit is debunked.As it has absolutely nothing to do with

Yes....protests. That's common sense that mass protests will cause arrest numbers to go up.

And how many people were arrested for resisting arrest in 2014 were protesting? Remember, one of the 'riots' you offered us was from 2011.

As usual, Bucky's got jack shit to back his narrative. Can't show us a single stat backing anything he's said. And gives us more excuses why his claims remain factually baseless.

Meanwhile, with only 60% of San Diego cops using body cams, complaints dropped 40%, police violence dropped 46%.....while resisting arrest and obstruction of justice numbers were almost unchanged.

Its simple, Bucky: cops use less violence in their policing when they're being watched.

It is? 5 days ago SD reported 2015 had a 9% increase in violent crime.
Reported Violent Crime in San Diego Rises in 2015

And in the time frame we're discussing, it hit a 35 year low:

The crime rate throughout San Diego County hit a 35-year low in 2014, and San Diego emerged as one of the safest large cities in the nation, according to a report issued Wednesday.

County's crime hit 35-year-low in 2014

So much for what you 'bet'.

Many cities hit long time lows.

But what caused San Diegos 9% increase in 2015? Thats a large % jump for a metro area of around 2 million people.

Why the 9% spike?
And for the 5th time: your argument is that resisting arrest charges dropped by almost the EXACT amount that obstruction of justice charges increased? me the evidence. As that's *ridiculously* unlikely. And no, you insisting it 'must be so' isn't evidence.'s not. I never once said that.

Then explain how the resisting arrest and obstruction of justice numbers remained virtually unchanged from 2013 to 2014....without that argument.

With evidence. As remember, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. So you'll need to cite a source that does.

And I'm still waiting for you to show me the resisting arrest numbers dropping 46% from 2013 to 2014. Or stats that back up your claim that body cameras mean less people will resist arrest. Or how a 2% increase in population could result in a 46% reduction in violence by police.

You citing yourself is a useless source, Bucky. And you citing you is all you have.


A + F = X.

If 1 factor causes A to go up 25 and 1 factor causes F to go down 23...but you add A and F....they still combine for the similar results.

IF 1 factor causes 'F to go down? Show us the evidence that it went down. Show us the stats that demonstrate the resisting arrest dropped by 46% from 2013 to 2014.

You can't. You've got nothing.

Resisting arrest and obstruction of justice charges were virtually identical from 2013 to 2014....increasing from 889 to 893.

So laughably your argument has degerenated into insisting that from 2013 to 2014.....resisting arrest charges plummeted while obstruction of justice charges in an amazing and utterly improbable coincidence rose almost the exact same amount.


Show us, Bucky. Don't tell us. Your assumptions are *ridiculously* unlikely.

That's called math.

Learn the word "spurrious".

Then show us the stats that demonstrate that resisting arrest charges dropped 46% in San Diego from 2013 to 2014. That's the assumption your 'math' relies on.

And you've got nothing to establish that. Just you....assuming it must be so. Backed by jack shit.

Which beautifully sums up your entire argument.

You posted the flawed stat. Burden on you.

You're claiming that resisting arrest charges would drop with body cams.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

You've claimed that resisting arrest charges plummeted while obstruction of justice charges rose almost exact same amount.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

You've insisted that with body cams, fewer people would resist arrest.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

Notice a pattern? Its always Bucky citing Bucky. But Bucky doesn't know what the fuck Bucky is talking about. And Bucky can't back up any of Bucky's claims with any stat, any evidence, anything.

Bucky merely insists it must be so....because Bucky says so. Bucky saying so isn't it?
Says you. Show me the stats. How many protestors were arrested for protests? Remember, one of the protests you cited was in 2011.

You're still just citing yourself because you have nothing to back your claims. Let me make this ridiculously clear, Buck: you are nobody. You citing you means jack shit.

Show me the evidence. Not you telling me about the evidence.

Well at least we got that out of you. So now the cameras DO prevent cops from acting violently. That only took 3 pages and 2 hours to get you to admit as much.

Show me the evidence. Every time I demand you back your horseshit claims with give me excuses why you can't. offered population increases as an excuse for a 46% drop in violence by police officers from 2013 to 2014. And even you can't explain how an INCREASE in population would result in a DECREASE in in violence by police officers.

That tail must just fascinate you. Because you just keep chasing it.

Show me the evidence. Not you citing yourself. As you're nobody.

No....I offered population increase as to why a crime stat may go up. If a city grows in bet it's total thefts goes up too.

Laughing.....actually, violent crime in that area is at a 35 year low. So what you 'bet' doesn't mean jack shit.

Your 'population increase' horseshit is debunked.As it has absolutely nothing to do with

Yes....protests. That's common sense that mass protests will cause arrest numbers to go up.

And how many people were arrested for resisting arrest in 2014 were protesting? Remember, one of the 'riots' you offered us was from 2011.

As usual, Bucky's got jack shit to back his narrative. Can't show us a single stat backing anything he's said. And gives us more excuses why his claims remain factually baseless.

Meanwhile, with only 60% of San Diego cops using body cams, complaints dropped 40%, police violence dropped 46%.....while resisting arrest and obstruction of justice numbers were almost unchanged.

Its simple, Bucky: cops use less violence in their policing when they're being watched.

It is? 5 days ago SD reported 2015 had a 9% increase in violent crime.
Reported Violent Crime in San Diego Rises in 2015

And in the time frame we're discussing, it hit a 35 year low:

The crime rate throughout San Diego County hit a 35-year low in 2014, and San Diego emerged as one of the safest large cities in the nation, according to a report issued Wednesday.

County's crime hit 35-year-low in 2014

So much for what you 'bet'.

Many cities hit long time lows.

And you said with rising population that crimes would rise. Yet in 2014, the period we're speaking of.....they hit 35 year lows.

Explicitly contradicting your claims.

You insisted that with body cam use resisting arrest charges would happen less often because fewer people would resist arrest.

But you were never able to back that stat with anything.

And despite 40% drops in complaints, 46% drops in violence by cops from 2013 to 2014.......the resisting arrest and obstruction of justice charges remained the same.

So you insisted that in a ridiculously improbable and utterly baseless coincidence, that resisting arrest charges dropped by virtually the EXACT amount obstruction of justice charges rose from 2013-2014.

But you were never able to back that claim with anything.

Try again. This time with actual evidence.'s not. I never once said that.

Then explain how the resisting arrest and obstruction of justice numbers remained virtually unchanged from 2013 to 2014....without that argument.

With evidence. As remember, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. So you'll need to cite a source that does.

And I'm still waiting for you to show me the resisting arrest numbers dropping 46% from 2013 to 2014. Or stats that back up your claim that body cameras mean less people will resist arrest. Or how a 2% increase in population could result in a 46% reduction in violence by police.

You citing yourself is a useless source, Bucky. And you citing you is all you have.


A + F = X.

If 1 factor causes A to go up 25 and 1 factor causes F to go down 23...but you add A and F....they still combine for the similar results.

IF 1 factor causes 'F to go down? Show us the evidence that it went down. Show us the stats that demonstrate the resisting arrest dropped by 46% from 2013 to 2014.

You can't. You've got nothing.

Resisting arrest and obstruction of justice charges were virtually identical from 2013 to 2014....increasing from 889 to 893.

So laughably your argument has degerenated into insisting that from 2013 to 2014.....resisting arrest charges plummeted while obstruction of justice charges in an amazing and utterly improbable coincidence rose almost the exact same amount.


Show us, Bucky. Don't tell us. Your assumptions are *ridiculously* unlikely.

That's called math.

Learn the word "spurrious".

Then show us the stats that demonstrate that resisting arrest charges dropped 46% in San Diego from 2013 to 2014. That's the assumption your 'math' relies on.

And you've got nothing to establish that. Just you....assuming it must be so. Backed by jack shit.

Which beautifully sums up your entire argument.

You posted the flawed stat. Burden on you.

You're claiming that resisting arrest charges would drop with body cams.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

You've claimed that resisting arrest charges plummeted while obstruction of justice charges rose almost exact same amount.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

You've insisted that with body cams, fewer people would resist arrest.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

Notice a pattern? Its always Bucky citing Bucky. But Bucky doesn't know what the fuck Bucky is talking about. And Bucky can't back up any of Bucky's claims with any stat, any evidence, anything.

Bucky merely insists it must be so....because Bucky says so. Bucky saying so isn't it?

Okay. We'll just end it here and agree to strongly disagree.

My source is nearly a decade of experience on the street.

But I would like to know......why did San Diego have a 9% spike in violent crime in 2015?
Then explain how the resisting arrest and obstruction of justice numbers remained virtually unchanged from 2013 to 2014....without that argument.

With evidence. As remember, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. So you'll need to cite a source that does.

And I'm still waiting for you to show me the resisting arrest numbers dropping 46% from 2013 to 2014. Or stats that back up your claim that body cameras mean less people will resist arrest. Or how a 2% increase in population could result in a 46% reduction in violence by police.

You citing yourself is a useless source, Bucky. And you citing you is all you have.


A + F = X.

If 1 factor causes A to go up 25 and 1 factor causes F to go down 23...but you add A and F....they still combine for the similar results.

IF 1 factor causes 'F to go down? Show us the evidence that it went down. Show us the stats that demonstrate the resisting arrest dropped by 46% from 2013 to 2014.

You can't. You've got nothing.

Resisting arrest and obstruction of justice charges were virtually identical from 2013 to 2014....increasing from 889 to 893.

So laughably your argument has degerenated into insisting that from 2013 to 2014.....resisting arrest charges plummeted while obstruction of justice charges in an amazing and utterly improbable coincidence rose almost the exact same amount.


Show us, Bucky. Don't tell us. Your assumptions are *ridiculously* unlikely.

That's called math.

Learn the word "spurrious".

Then show us the stats that demonstrate that resisting arrest charges dropped 46% in San Diego from 2013 to 2014. That's the assumption your 'math' relies on.

And you've got nothing to establish that. Just you....assuming it must be so. Backed by jack shit.

Which beautifully sums up your entire argument.

You posted the flawed stat. Burden on you.

You're claiming that resisting arrest charges would drop with body cams.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

You've claimed that resisting arrest charges plummeted while obstruction of justice charges rose almost exact same amount.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

You've insisted that with body cams, fewer people would resist arrest.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

Notice a pattern? Its always Bucky citing Bucky. But Bucky doesn't know what the fuck Bucky is talking about. And Bucky can't back up any of Bucky's claims with any stat, any evidence, anything.

Bucky merely insists it must be so....because Bucky says so. Bucky saying so isn't it?

Okay. We'll just end it here and agree to strongly disagree.

My source is nearly a decade of experience on the street.

So as I said....your source is you, citing you. With absolutely nothing to back up any claim you've offered us.

I'll stick with the actual stats, thank you. And they demonstrate a 40% reduction of complaints and a 46% reduction of police violence when bodycams were in use. With resisting arrest and obstruction of justice charges remaining virtually unchanged.

A + F = X.

If 1 factor causes A to go up 25 and 1 factor causes F to go down 23...but you add A and F....they still combine for the similar results.

IF 1 factor causes 'F to go down? Show us the evidence that it went down. Show us the stats that demonstrate the resisting arrest dropped by 46% from 2013 to 2014.

You can't. You've got nothing.

Resisting arrest and obstruction of justice charges were virtually identical from 2013 to 2014....increasing from 889 to 893.

So laughably your argument has degerenated into insisting that from 2013 to 2014.....resisting arrest charges plummeted while obstruction of justice charges in an amazing and utterly improbable coincidence rose almost the exact same amount.


Show us, Bucky. Don't tell us. Your assumptions are *ridiculously* unlikely.

That's called math.

Learn the word "spurrious".

Then show us the stats that demonstrate that resisting arrest charges dropped 46% in San Diego from 2013 to 2014. That's the assumption your 'math' relies on.

And you've got nothing to establish that. Just you....assuming it must be so. Backed by jack shit.

Which beautifully sums up your entire argument.

You posted the flawed stat. Burden on you.

You're claiming that resisting arrest charges would drop with body cams.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

You've claimed that resisting arrest charges plummeted while obstruction of justice charges rose almost exact same amount.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

You've insisted that with body cams, fewer people would resist arrest.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

Notice a pattern? Its always Bucky citing Bucky. But Bucky doesn't know what the fuck Bucky is talking about. And Bucky can't back up any of Bucky's claims with any stat, any evidence, anything.

Bucky merely insists it must be so....because Bucky says so. Bucky saying so isn't it?

Okay. We'll just end it here and agree to strongly disagree.

My source is nearly a decade of experience on the street.

So as I said....your source is you, citing you. With absolutely nothing to back up any claim you've offered us.

I'll stick with the actual stats, thank you. And they demonstrate a 40% reduction of complaints and a 46% reduction of police violence when bodycams were in use. With resisting arrest and obstruction of justice charges remaining virtually unchanged.

How many charges of resisting arrest did San Diego have in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015?
IF 1 factor causes 'F to go down? Show us the evidence that it went down. Show us the stats that demonstrate the resisting arrest dropped by 46% from 2013 to 2014.

You can't. You've got nothing.

Resisting arrest and obstruction of justice charges were virtually identical from 2013 to 2014....increasing from 889 to 893.

So laughably your argument has degerenated into insisting that from 2013 to 2014.....resisting arrest charges plummeted while obstruction of justice charges in an amazing and utterly improbable coincidence rose almost the exact same amount.


Show us, Bucky. Don't tell us. Your assumptions are *ridiculously* unlikely.

Then show us the stats that demonstrate that resisting arrest charges dropped 46% in San Diego from 2013 to 2014. That's the assumption your 'math' relies on.

And you've got nothing to establish that. Just you....assuming it must be so. Backed by jack shit.

Which beautifully sums up your entire argument.

You posted the flawed stat. Burden on you.

You're claiming that resisting arrest charges would drop with body cams.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

You've claimed that resisting arrest charges plummeted while obstruction of justice charges rose almost exact same amount.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

You've insisted that with body cams, fewer people would resist arrest.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

Notice a pattern? Its always Bucky citing Bucky. But Bucky doesn't know what the fuck Bucky is talking about. And Bucky can't back up any of Bucky's claims with any stat, any evidence, anything.

Bucky merely insists it must be so....because Bucky says so. Bucky saying so isn't it?

Okay. We'll just end it here and agree to strongly disagree.

My source is nearly a decade of experience on the street.

So as I said....your source is you, citing you. With absolutely nothing to back up any claim you've offered us.

I'll stick with the actual stats, thank you. And they demonstrate a 40% reduction of complaints and a 46% reduction of police violence when bodycams were in use. With resisting arrest and obstruction of justice charges remaining virtually unchanged.

How many charges of resisting arrest did San Diego have in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015?

You're insisting they went down from 2013 to 2014.

Show me.
And....why did SD have a 9% spike in violent crime in 2015?
You posted the flawed stat. Burden on you.

You're claiming that resisting arrest charges would drop with body cams.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

You've claimed that resisting arrest charges plummeted while obstruction of justice charges rose almost exact same amount.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

You've insisted that with body cams, fewer people would resist arrest.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

Notice a pattern? Its always Bucky citing Bucky. But Bucky doesn't know what the fuck Bucky is talking about. And Bucky can't back up any of Bucky's claims with any stat, any evidence, anything.

Bucky merely insists it must be so....because Bucky says so. Bucky saying so isn't it?

Okay. We'll just end it here and agree to strongly disagree.

My source is nearly a decade of experience on the street.

So as I said....your source is you, citing you. With absolutely nothing to back up any claim you've offered us.

I'll stick with the actual stats, thank you. And they demonstrate a 40% reduction of complaints and a 46% reduction of police violence when bodycams were in use. With resisting arrest and obstruction of justice charges remaining virtually unchanged.

How many charges of resisting arrest did San Diego have in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015?

You're insisting they went down from 2013 to 2014.

Show me.

Let's play.

Violent crime went up 9%.
Resisting arrest....according to you....stayed the same.

Wouldn't that suggest something stunted the increase in resisting arrest that one would expect to accompany the 9% rise in violent crime????
And....why did SD have a 9% spike in violent crime in 2015?

I have no idea. Nor have I made any claim about crime increases. That was YOUR argument.

My claim is about how police do their jobs. And how much less violent cops are when they are being watched.

With a 40% reduction in complaints and a 46% reduction in police violence.
And....why did SD have a 9% spike in violent crime in 2015?

I have no idea. Nor have I made any claim about crime increases. That was YOUR argument.

My claim is about how police do their jobs. And how much less violent cops are when they are being watched.

With a 40% reduction in complaints and a 46% reduction in police violence.

Your complaint centers around your hate for the police. If the police make a request and you comply, no problem. If you're a smartass, don't expect to be treated nicely.
You're claiming that resisting arrest charges would drop with body cams.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

You've claimed that resisting arrest charges plummeted while obstruction of justice charges rose almost exact same amount.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

You've insisted that with body cams, fewer people would resist arrest.

Yet you've got jack shit to back it up.

Notice a pattern? Its always Bucky citing Bucky. But Bucky doesn't know what the fuck Bucky is talking about. And Bucky can't back up any of Bucky's claims with any stat, any evidence, anything.

Bucky merely insists it must be so....because Bucky says so. Bucky saying so isn't it?

Okay. We'll just end it here and agree to strongly disagree.

My source is nearly a decade of experience on the street.

So as I said....your source is you, citing you. With absolutely nothing to back up any claim you've offered us.

I'll stick with the actual stats, thank you. And they demonstrate a 40% reduction of complaints and a 46% reduction of police violence when bodycams were in use. With resisting arrest and obstruction of justice charges remaining virtually unchanged.

How many charges of resisting arrest did San Diego have in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015?

You're insisting they went down from 2013 to 2014.

Show me.

Let's play.

Violent crime went up 9%.
Resisting arrest....according to you....stayed the same.

Wouldn't that suggest something stunted the increase in resisting arrest that one would expect to accompany the 9% rise in violent crime????

If such were the case, wouldn't it have manifested in the year that body cams were introduced? Yet crime hit a 35 year low.

Wouldn't that suggest that the introduction of body cams result in better policing?
And....why did SD have a 9% spike in violent crime in 2015?

I have no idea. Nor have I made any claim about crime increases. That was YOUR argument.

My claim is about how police do their jobs. And how much less violent cops are when they are being watched.

With a 40% reduction in complaints and a 46% reduction in police violence.

And I'm saying thugs are less violent when being watched too. All humans are.

And you "have no idea" why the stats of resisting/obstructing do didn't keep up the pace with the 9% spike in violent crime in 2015? I do. They're being watched. They don't resist as often.

Not drastic. But the 2011-2015 protests obviously led to some obstruction arrests that otherwise wouldn't have occurred.
Okay. We'll just end it here and agree to strongly disagree.

My source is nearly a decade of experience on the street.

So as I said....your source is you, citing you. With absolutely nothing to back up any claim you've offered us.

I'll stick with the actual stats, thank you. And they demonstrate a 40% reduction of complaints and a 46% reduction of police violence when bodycams were in use. With resisting arrest and obstruction of justice charges remaining virtually unchanged.

How many charges of resisting arrest did San Diego have in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015?

You're insisting they went down from 2013 to 2014.

Show me.

Let's play.

Violent crime went up 9%.
Resisting arrest....according to you....stayed the same.

Wouldn't that suggest something stunted the increase in resisting arrest that one would expect to accompany the 9% rise in violent crime????

If such were the case, wouldn't it have manifested in the year that body cams were introduced? Yet crime hit a 35 year low.

Wouldn't that suggest that the introduction of body cams result in better policing?

How is it a 35 year low.....when 2015 was a 9% increase over 2014?
So as I said....your source is you, citing you. With absolutely nothing to back up any claim you've offered us.

I'll stick with the actual stats, thank you. And they demonstrate a 40% reduction of complaints and a 46% reduction of police violence when bodycams were in use. With resisting arrest and obstruction of justice charges remaining virtually unchanged.

How many charges of resisting arrest did San Diego have in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015?

You're insisting they went down from 2013 to 2014.

Show me.

Let's play.

Violent crime went up 9%.
Resisting arrest....according to you....stayed the same.

Wouldn't that suggest something stunted the increase in resisting arrest that one would expect to accompany the 9% rise in violent crime????

If such were the case, wouldn't it have manifested in the year that body cams were introduced? Yet crime hit a 35 year low.

Wouldn't that suggest that the introduction of body cams result in better policing?

How is it a 35 year low.....when 2015 was a 9% increase over 2014?

I have no idea. But if it was bodycams, as you're insinuating.......then wouldn't the increase come with the introduction of the body cams?In 2014....the same year San Diego saw a 35 year low?

And I'm still waiting for you to show us ANYTHING that backs the claim that resisting arrest charges dropped from 2013 to 2014. So far you've got jack shit.

Can we throw your claim about body cams reducing resisting arrest charges on the midden pile where it belongs? As even you aren't trying to polish that turd anymore.
How many charges of resisting arrest did San Diego have in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015?

You're insisting they went down from 2013 to 2014.

Show me.

Let's play.

Violent crime went up 9%.
Resisting arrest....according to you....stayed the same.

Wouldn't that suggest something stunted the increase in resisting arrest that one would expect to accompany the 9% rise in violent crime????

If such were the case, wouldn't it have manifested in the year that body cams were introduced? Yet crime hit a 35 year low.

Wouldn't that suggest that the introduction of body cams result in better policing?

How is it a 35 year low.....when 2015 was a 9% increase over 2014?

I have no idea. But if it was bodycams, as you're insinuating.......then wouldn't the increase come with the introduction of the body cams?In 2014....the same year San Diego saw a 35 year low?

And I'm still waiting for you to show us ANYTHING that backs the claim that resisting arrest charges dropped from 2013 to 2014. So far you've got jack shit.

Can we throw your claim about body cams reducing resisting arrest charges on the midden pile where it belongs? As even you aren't trying to polish that turd anymore.

No it would be delayed because "word on the street" has to spread.
How many charges of resisting arrest did San Diego have in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015?

You're insisting they went down from 2013 to 2014.

Show me.

Let's play.

Violent crime went up 9%.
Resisting arrest....according to you....stayed the same.

Wouldn't that suggest something stunted the increase in resisting arrest that one would expect to accompany the 9% rise in violent crime????

If such were the case, wouldn't it have manifested in the year that body cams were introduced? Yet crime hit a 35 year low.

Wouldn't that suggest that the introduction of body cams result in better policing?

How is it a 35 year low.....when 2015 was a 9% increase over 2014?

I have no idea. But if it was bodycams, as you're insinuating.......then wouldn't the increase come with the introduction of the body cams?In 2014....the same year San Diego saw a 35 year low?

And I'm still waiting for you to show us ANYTHING that backs the claim that resisting arrest charges dropped from 2013 to 2014. So far you've got jack shit.

Can we throw your claim about body cams reducing resisting arrest charges on the midden pile where it belongs? As even you aren't trying to polish that turd anymore.

Its easy.

Violent crime rose 9%.
Resisting arrest didn't rise.

If everything else goes up....but one thing doesnt....that's as good as a reduction.

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