Black Community

I'm a minority, but when I express disgust at the number of high school dropouts, unwed mothers, 5th generation welfare recipients, lack of parenting skills, total ignorance due to an entitlement mentality and lack of desire to better oneself and the rampant violence in poor neighborhoods, I am called names by the left because I speak the truth. Liberal programs have created an underclass of dependents who are as dumb as dirt. Listen to some of the Ferguson protesters and you will realize that not a one of them has an IQ above 50. I feel the same towards all races who adopt that attitude. Some people are seriously full of shit. And when anyone calls them on their stupidity, they are taught to respond by calling people racists or Uncle Toms. They really believe that and it scares me.

If it were so simple as to take away those programs and all would be well, then we would have done that a long time ago. BTW, go to your local shit hole trailer park, and you will see much of the same thing, only it will be poor Whites rather than poor Blacks.

This is what actually happens when you take away all those programs.

Take away free taxpayer money and we degenerate into a Third World nation. Typical liberal over reach .
I dont care what blacks do, they are as foreign to me as blacks in Africa and I have no kinship to them. On the other end, I have no compulsion how to tell them how to live their lives or lecture them like many do. But if people want a multiracial society, which most republicans and democrats do, you will have to deal with riots, high non-white crime, militarized police, racial tension etc.

It has nothing to do with ethnicity and everything to do with poverty. Multiracial communities thrive when everyone within them is employed.
Black people. Do you not feel that you should clean your own back yard before you start telling people how dirty theirs is? This Missouri shootings a direct result of a lack of parenthood,coupled with liberal welfare housing. Where are the leaders in the Black community to say "you reap what you sow."

This is an ongoing tragedy. Generations of American blacks have been isolated from the rest of our society by two powerful groups: Those who are truly trying to help without seeing the ramifications of their actions, and those who have a professional/financial/political interest in keeping American blacks angry and isolated.

I would strongly advise against blaming the average black American - if you and I were raised in this kind of isolation, submerged in it since birth, our behavior would be different. To me most of the blame lies with those who have a vested interest in keeping blacks isolated, and it's mostly for political advantage.

American blacks have now been victimized twice in this nation's history.

That's pretty fucked up right there.


However many on the right would argue that the attempt at desegregation was a massive failure and that we should have kept blacks more isolated for their own benefit. Again, it's not as black and white as most try to make it.
I know of African-American colleagues who were homeschooled in decent neighborhoods. Having stayed out of trouble with the law, they're now climbing higher and higher, to make a better future for themselves and their families. Ib my opinion, more wealthy white families should adopt African-American children, and raise them up atop their shoulders, to grasp a better future than their adoptive parents. It is rare to see a homeschooled person raised in a loving family doing such things as these rioters and looters are. Influence is everything in life. What you do, what you say, how you treat others. Rap music, ghetto mentality, and other select aspects of black culture are deprecating, and will not land you a job in corporate America, or in the senate, or in a law firm, etc.
Black people. Do you not feel that you should clean your own back yard before you start telling people how dirty theirs is? This Missouri shootings a direct result of a lack of parenthood,coupled with liberal welfare housing. Where are the leaders in the Black community to say "you reap what you sow."

Why is it that white racists think they know what is best for other ethic groups?

How can white liberal elites stand by in the name of guilt and appeasement while Rome burns and not hold executioners accountable?
Black people. Do you not feel that you should clean your own back yard before you start telling people how dirty theirs is? This Missouri shootings a direct result of a lack of parenthood,coupled with liberal welfare housing. Where are the leaders in the Black community to say "you reap what you sow."

Why is it that white racists think they know what is best for other ethic groups?

How can white liberal elites stand by in the name of guilt and appeasement while Rome burns and not hold executioners accountable?

Narcissism. It makes them feel superior to everyone else.

Here you are. Factual evidence of public housing and crime from the politically neutral Rand Corporation.

From your link:

This study analyzes the rates of drug law offenses, violent crimes, and property crimes in selected public housing developments in Los Angeles, Phoenix, and the District of Columbia for 1986-89 and compares these rates to rates in nearby urban areas...

Where exactly is MO. mentioned????

So in your mind, one unmentioned small city in Mo. is equivalent to the metropolises in the study you listed?...:lol: :lol:

The two gold fish in my fish bowl can't be compared to great white sharks just because they are both fish.

Here you are. Factual evidence of public housing and crime from the politically neutral Rand Corporation.

From your link:

This study analyzes the rates of drug law offenses, violent crimes, and property crimes in selected public housing developments in Los Angeles, Phoenix, and the District of Columbia for 1986-89 and compares these rates to rates in nearby urban areas...

Where exactly is MO. mentioned????

So in your mind, one unmentioned small city in Mo. is equivalent to the metropolises in the study you listed?...:lol: :lol:

The two gold fish in my fish bowl can't be compared to great white sharks just because they are both fish.

Yeah ignore the facts. Typical.
What Op doesn't realize that most of the problems in the black community is a result of the War on drugs but I guess that doesn't fit in with your world view
He robbed a store and assaulted the clerk. Then, when stopped, he assaulted a peace officer. Any kid that is raised right does to conduct himself this way. He stole swisher sweets to make blunts. Growing up in drug infested public housing sent him down this path. Officer did society a favor.

Well obviously intellectual capability and cohesion of thought escape you...

The Police Chief in Ferguson was forced to admit that the alleged robbery had absolutely nothing to do with the contact between the kid and the Police Officer.

The Officer had no knowledge of the kid allegedly robbing anyone or shoplifting, so either the Police Chief doesn't know what the hell he is talking about and needs to STFU!!!!!...or you do.

Exactly where did you post the links that attest to the involvement or lack thereof of the parents of the kid???...or is this another opinion devoid of facts on your part???

Did the parents state they were liberals or is this more grandstanding on your part.

How does the "direct result" of yours work again????
That does not remove the robbery from the equation. The reason the adult criminal acted the way he did toward the peace officer was because he was high, and had just robbed a store. What point are you trying to make? Why do liberals want to obscure things to fit their argument that everything boild down to racism? Stop protecting this criminal.

He was high, when did you discover that fact, no one in authority seems to have this information.

Fortunately Law Enforcement Agencies tend to look down on Police Chiefs who attempt to introduce unrelated , prejudicial and alleged information into investigations that they have botched.

The Chief has attempted to rile up low information folk who rely on emotion instead of common sense and fact, seems he served his purpose with you..

So have you volunteered your insider information as to why the kid acted the way you say, to the nearest Law Enforcement agency???...if not why??

So, again the Chief was forced to admit that the alleged shoplifting had absolutely nothing to do with the contact between the Officer and kid...however you know otherwise.:lol: :lol:

Last, where exactly is your link that notes the absence of this kid's parents??..didn't see it earlier and I don't see it now.

Here you are. Factual evidence of public housing and crime from the politically neutral Rand Corporation.

From your link:

This study analyzes the rates of drug law offenses, violent crimes, and property crimes in selected public housing developments in Los Angeles, Phoenix, and the District of Columbia for 1986-89 and compares these rates to rates in nearby urban areas...

Where exactly is MO. mentioned????

So in your mind, one unmentioned small city in Mo. is equivalent to the metropolises in the study you listed?...:lol: :lol:

The two gold fish in my fish bowl can't be compared to great white sharks just because they are both fish.

Yeah ignore the facts. Typical. failed to post ANY facts concerning Ferguson, MO. want a second chance??..:lol:

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