Black Crime No Longer Newsworthy...


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
News has always been about the bites dog yada yada. Given that theme, when dog bites man it's not interesting unless dog kills man, especially if the dog is a pitbull. So the news merchants are allowed to completely ignore black crime. Everybody supposedly knows blacks are more likely to be criminals at some point in their lives than other races, right? Rules and laws seem to bore blacks, frustrate their inner ape who wants to overpower smaller, weaker monkeys and take what is theirs. The news merchants don't mind ignoring this in the least because of the narrative they're more comfortable with as blacks as the underdog,, pure of heart and soul, simply misunderstood. It's gone so far that the race of the criminal being sought can no longer be mentioned....only their weight, height, and gender, which is also being looked at as somehow violating stereotypes and hurting "diversity". So get used to crime is no longer news....although:

As remains the case today, blacks in the past were overrepresented among those arrested and imprisoned. In urban areas in 1967, blacks were 17 times more likely than whites to be arrested for robbery. In 1980 blacks comprised about one-eighth of the population but were half of all those arrested for murder, rape and robbery, according to FBI data. And they were between one-fourth and one-third of all those arrested for crimes such as burglary, auto theft and aggravated assault.

Today blacks are about 13 percent of the population and continue to be responsible for an inordinate amount of crime. Between 1976 and 2005 blacks committed more than half of all murders in the United States. The black arrest rate for most offenses — including robbery, aggravated assault and property crimes — is still typically two to three times their representation in the population. Blacks as a group are also overrepresented among persons arrested for so-called white-collar crimes such as counterfeiting, fraud and embezzlement. And blaming this decades-long, well-documented trend on racist cops, prosecutors, judges, sentencing guidelines and drug laws doesn’t cut it as a plausible explanation.

Read more: Family secret What the left won t tell you about black crime - Washington Times
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can you say completely bias ...I knew you could!~
In today’s digital age, readers find their news online first. As a trusted name, is America’s leading online destination for hard-hitting news and conservative commentary from the nation’s capital – providing exclusive reporting and in-depth national political coverage, enterprise and investigative reporting, geo-strategic and national security news and cultural coverage based on traditional values

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can you say completely bias ...I knew you could!~

Common tactic....attack the outlet that quotes FBI statistics.....that really all you got?
In today’s digital age, readers find their news online first. As a trusted name, is America’s leading online destination for hard-hitting news and conservative commentary from the nation’s capital – providing exclusive reporting and in-depth national political coverage, enterprise and investigative reporting, geo-strategic and national security news and cultural coverage based on traditional values

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can you say completely bias ...I knew you could!~

Common tactic....attack the outlet that quotes FBI statistics.....that really all you got?
that's all I need.
the stats may be correct but the spin is out of context and bigoted .
just like you!
Blacks commit 50% of all murder in this country... Blacks kill twice as many whites every year than whites. yet, they stand there and accuse us of doing them wrong? Liberals are the most short sighted people on this planet.
In today’s digital age, readers find their news online first. As a trusted name, is America’s leading online destination for hard-hitting news and conservative commentary from the nation’s capital – providing exclusive reporting and in-depth national political coverage, enterprise and investigative reporting, geo-strategic and national security news and cultural coverage based on traditional values

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can you say completely bias ...I knew you could!~

Common tactic....attack the outlet that quotes FBI statistics.....that really all you got?
that's all I need.
the stats may be correct but the spin is out of context and bigoted .
just like you!

The truth isn't bigotted, idiot. How is the context bigoted, child? The numbers are what they're...

Blacks commit as much overall murder as whites with 1/5th the population.
Blacks kill twice as many whites

What's your context??? That whites don't want to hire a bunch of thugs??? Is that what you're going to say.
Blacks represent 13% of the population but commit 50% of the murders; 90% of black victims are murdered by other blacks," writes Time's Joe Klein, calling for "provocative" thinking on race in America. "The facts suggest that history is not enough to explain this social disaster."
there are many countries where white people murder each other at a much lower rate than you see here in the United States
Yet the disturbing truth, according to the FBI's most recent homicide statistics, is that the United States is in the wake of an epidemic of white-on-white crime. Back in 2011, the most recent year for which data is available, a staggering 83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians.
In today’s digital age, readers find their news online first. As a trusted name, is America’s leading online destination for hard-hitting news and conservative commentary from the nation’s capital – providing exclusive reporting and in-depth national political coverage, enterprise and investigative reporting, geo-strategic and national security news and cultural coverage based on traditional values

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can you say completely bias ...I knew you could!~

Common tactic....attack the outlet that quotes FBI statistics.....that really all you got?
that's all I need.
the stats may be correct but the spin is out of context and bigoted .
just like you!

The truth isn't bigotted, idiot. How is the context bigoted, child? The numbers are what they're...

Blacks commit as much overall murder as whites with 1/5th the population.
Blacks kill twice as many whites

What's your context??? That whites don't want to hire a bunch of thugs??? Is that what you're going to say.
don't call me child I've got Hemorrhoids
older than you and the shit you post is false!
Race and Sex of Victim by Race and Sex of Offender, 2011
[Single victim/single offender]
Race of victim Total Race of offender Sex of offender
Black Other Unknown Male Female Unknown
3,172 2,630 448 33 61 2,810 301 61
Black 2,695 193 2,447 9 46 2,385 264 46
Other race 180 45 36 99 0 155 25 0
Unknown race 84 36 27 3 18 63 3 18
Sex of victim Total Race of offender Sex of offender
White Black Other Unknown Male Female Unknown
Male 4,304 1,834 2,289 87 94 3,760 450 94
Female 1,743 1,034 642 54 13 1,590 140 13
Unknown sex 84 36 27 3 18 63 3 18

FBI mdash Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
if you read post #8
and click on the link it's the raw data with no spin....
so ass always you're talking out your ass!

Now you're trying a diversion because attacking FBI stats didn't want me to bore me out of keeping your smelly feet to the fire.......weak as usual. So just wave the white flag and move along, pinhead.
if you read post #8
and click on the link it's the raw data with no spin....
so ass always you're talking out your ass!

Now you're trying a diversion because attacking FBI stats didn't want me to bore me out of keeping your smelly feet to the fire.......weak as usual. So just wave the white flag and move along, pinhead.
false! the one who's attempting a dodge is you ,like all ways
those are the fbi stats and they are facts
your "article" has none .
false! the one who's attempting a dodge is you ,like all ways
those are the fbi stats and they are facts
your "article" has none .

:laugh: I truly hope a black thug takes a liking to you in a parking lot or dark need to experience what thousands of whites have to learn your lesson.....or maybe you're the kind of punk who would think you had it coming from "white privilege" and write him a check to go along with your wallet, watch, and car keys....hey, invite him over for dinner while you're at it......
Blacks commit 50% of all murder in this country... Blacks kill twice as many whites every year than whites. yet, they stand there and accuse us of doing them wrong? Liberals are the most short sighted people on this planet.
Yesterday Bill O'Reilly pointed out that cops kill 125 blacks a year. Then he pointed out that cops kill over 300 whites a year. So his guest said this wasn't fair because tha ratios were unfair. Blacks make up 13% of the population but they are killed by a cop around 30% as often as whites. So according to this numbnuts, cops are killing twice as many blacks as they should.

This is like arguing with a Treehugger over global warming.
It's not really the progs fault they're so pitful.....the public schools and single mother households made them what they are......most have no male role model, most have no experience with tools or mechanical systems, most have little to no experience with women who want a man to be a man instead of a sister to what we are seeing is a generation of stupid weaklings who don't have a clue how a society, an economy or their Hyundai works....or care.
Blacks commit 50% of all murder in this country... Blacks kill twice as many whites every year than whites. yet, they stand there and accuse us of doing them wrong? Liberals are the most short sighted people on this planet.

Your wrong doing isnt erased by any actions by anyone else silly fuck
Theres 4 people in a room and I kill all 4

there are 30 people in another room and someone kills 15.

Then someone says "Hey you killed 100% of the people at least that other guy only killed 50%"
Blacks commit 50% of all murder in this country... Blacks kill twice as many whites every year than whites. yet, they stand there and accuse us of doing them wrong? Liberals are the most short sighted people on this planet.

Your wrong doing isnt erased by any actions by anyone else silly fuck

I've done nothing wrong...In fact, I've never been to prison in my life and don't even have a parking ticket. ;) What I am saying is Blacks are accusing whites of slaughtering blacks and I am simply pointing out that that's simply not true. Blacks are in fact slaughtering whites and I have real "hard" numbers to prove my case.

This also shows that a large percentage of the black population relies on violence, crime and immoral actions to make it through life. Why do I use this? I use this simply because it shows that blacks are the cause of their poor conditions. Wake up and smell the fucking coffee.
false! the one who's attempting a dodge is you ,like all ways
those are the fbi stats and they are facts
your "article" has none .

:laugh: I truly hope a black thug takes a liking to you in a parking lot or dark need to experience what thousands of whites have to learn your lesson.....or maybe you're the kind of punk who would think you had it coming from "white privilege" and write him a check to go along with your wallet, watch, and car keys....hey, invite him over for dinner while you're at it......

Desperation is so unattractive.....

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