Black Crime No Longer Newsworthy...

Blacks commit 50% of all murder in this country... Blacks kill twice as many whites every year than whites. yet, they stand there and accuse us of doing them wrong? Liberals are the most short sighted people on this planet.

Your wrong doing isnt erased by any actions by anyone else silly fuck

I've done nothing wrong...In fact, I've never been to prison in my life and don't even have a parking ticket. ;) What I am saying is Blacks are accusing whites of slaughtering blacks and I am simply pointing out that that's simply not true. Blacks are in fact slaughtering whites and I have real "hard" numbers to prove my case.

This also shows that a large percentage of the black population relies on violence, crime and immoral actions to make it through life. Why do I use this? I use this simply because it shows that blacks are the cause of their poor conditions. Wake up and smell the fucking coffee.

Whites being accused of wrong doing isnt erased by the fact that black crime happens fucktard. So your quote
Blacks kill twice as many whites every year than whites. yet, they stand there and accuse us of doing them wrong?

Doesnt make sense
— self-destructive behaviors and attitudes all too common among the black underclass. The problem is black criminal behavior, which is one manifestation of a black pathology that ultimately stems from the breakdown of the black family. Liberals want to talk about what others should do for blacks instead of what blacks should do for themselves. But if we don’t acknowledge the cultural barriers to black progress, how can we address them? How can you even begin to fix something that almost no one wants to talk about honestl

Read more: Family secret What the left won t tell you about black crime - Washington Times
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Living in predominantly black, $73,000 median household income, suburban, crime-ridden, failing-public-schools PG County, MD, I've been stressing the unstructured family problem as the source of the social demise for 25 years now. But ultra-neo-conservative, pseudo-liberal, pseudo-progressive democrats stifle that discussion because it runs contrary to their agendas of race and feminism.
Whites being accused of wrong doing isnt erased by the fact that black crime happens fucktard. So your quote Blacks kill twice as many whites every year than whites. yet, they stand there and accuse us of doing them wrong?

Doesnt make sense

"black crime happens"? and you expect to be taken seriously? As I have demonstrated here and numerous other threads on the subject show....yes it happens and in wildly disproportionate numbers in population percentage. You're proving my point better than I want to IGNORE the issue and use smoke and mirrors when you're cornered. Your kind is going no longer have the ability to say we have to throw more MONEY at the problem because we've already spent TRILLION$ and little has changed because your side never wanted change....only the money. Both Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown came from middle class families....neither had to steal money for a new set of Air Jordans.....and yet they both went feral....white culture was drowned out by the gansta rappers....that's the ideal in those neighborhoods....idiots rhyming about how tough they are and the Hollywood Jews laughing all the way to the bank from it. Dr. King would walk away in disgust after two minutes of Al all that's between anarchy and peace is the cops and the legal system. We're sick of it, sick of you, sick of the race pimps, sick of the media running interference for the Rat party lies....and you're about to see what we're prepared to do about it..
false! the one who's attempting a dodge is you ,like all ways
those are the fbi stats and they are facts
your "article" has none .

:laugh: I truly hope a black thug takes a liking to you in a parking lot or dark need to experience what thousands of whites have to learn your lesson.....or maybe you're the kind of punk who would think you had it coming from "white privilege" and write him a check to go along with your wallet, watch, and car keys....hey, invite him over for dinner while you're at it......
wrong again shit head, Grew up in bad Neighborhoods
in Georgia we lived in a place called Bowden junction it was all poor people black and white..
crime happens everywhere..
but then again you just proven your bigotry
and dodged the fact that your op was incorrect.
Ok no spin. Why do blacks commit so much crime?
Let's say a town has 22 people. 20 Whites and 2 Blacks. There are 5 crimes. 3 committed by Whites. 2 by Blacks. So more White people committed crimes but at the same time 100% of the Black people committed crimes and only 15% of White people did.
it is much easier for blacks as a whole to blame whites than to look themselves in the mirror and see they are their own worst enemy. Until there are more black conservatives in positions of power, it will never change. Until black "men" stop running around having babies out of wedlock, it will keep getting worse. Until they stop committing crimes and going to jail, it will keep getting worse. No fathers= no finishing school= crime/drugs/gangs=jail= no job= no future= no black family= poor or dead. Rinse and repeat.
in absolute numbers whites commit more crimes

66% commits 69.7%
13.5% commits 28.2%

They are lumping Hispanics in somewhere. Either that, or Hispanics don't commit any crimes.
Hispanics generally get lumped in with the "white" demographic if they are not represented.
it is much easier for blacks as a whole to blame whites than to look themselves in the mirror and see they are their own worst enemy. Until there are more black conservatives in positions of power, it will never change. Until black "men" stop running around having babies out of wedlock, it will keep getting worse. Until they stop committing crimes and going to jail, it will keep getting worse. No fathers= no finishing school= crime/drugs/gangs=jail= no job= no future= no black family= poor or dead. Rinse and repeat.

What? Men hold the only determining factor in conceiving a child?

While I agree a solid family foundation is a solid start to an upbringing, the issue is not necessarily the father. Courts in this (most of it anyway) country would sooner hand custody of the child to the mother, with the father paying child support and maybe getting every other weekend. If "mom" is really that worried, she'd worry about who she sleeps with and how many levels of protection are used.

All that aside, it takes two to tango. It is in both's best interest to use physical protection in an initial encounter (how long should you be dating someone before opening yourself up to disease or "I forgot to take it. "), let alone before committing to an 18 yr engagement. Maybe some of those mothers didn't want a dbag involved in their child's life? There are many contributors to the decision to have a child out of wedlock, some vain. For instance, my wife's friend recently found out she is pregnant. The couple is engaged, own a house, etc. "They" (she) decided they didn't want to get married or go on a honeymoon until after the child.

While not a good reason (to me anyways, simply over complicates child care issues),it is unbeatable.

What am I getting at? Nothing really, simony playing a touch of devil's advocate, because I truly believe a united parental unit is much stronger and beneficial than a fractured one.
false! the one who's attempting a dodge is you ,like all ways
those are the fbi stats and they are facts
your "article" has none .

:laugh: I truly hope a black thug takes a liking to you in a parking lot or dark need to experience what thousands of whites have to learn your lesson.....or maybe you're the kind of punk who would think you had it coming from "white privilege" and write him a check to go along with your wallet, watch, and car keys....hey, invite him over for dinner while you're at it......

Desperation is so unattractive.....
The truth is unattractive to an Democrat supporter.
it is much easier for blacks as a whole to blame whites than to look themselves in the mirror and see they are their own worst enemy. Until there are more black conservatives in positions of power, it will never change. Until black "men" stop running around having babies out of wedlock, it will keep getting worse. Until they stop committing crimes and going to jail, it will keep getting worse. No fathers= no finishing school= crime/drugs/gangs=jail= no job= no future= no black family= poor or dead. Rinse and repeat.

I'm curious here...What are you saying its easy for blacks to blame whites for exactly?

I agree, as soon as blacks are married conservatives without a history of crime in their community there will never be a change. And then we can all ride unicorns to Lollipop mountain :rolleyes:
it is much easier for blacks as a whole to blame whites than to look themselves in the mirror and see they are their own worst enemy. Until there are more black conservatives in positions of power, it will never change. Until black "men" stop running around having babies out of wedlock, it will keep getting worse. Until they stop committing crimes and going to jail, it will keep getting worse. No fathers= no finishing school= crime/drugs/gangs=jail= no job= no future= no black family= poor or dead. Rinse and repeat.

I'm curious here...What are you saying its easy for blacks to blame whites for exactly?

I agree, as soon as blacks are married conservatives without a history of crime in their community there will never be a change. And then we can all ride unicorns to Lollipop mountain :rolleyes:
Some blacks blame all whites for every misfortune in their lives and in the black community.

But, you knew that already.
it starts in the home. No fathers.

It started with LBJ tearing down the black neighborhoods for "urban development" to compete with the malls in the suburbs. The ADC program didn't include "gainfully employed" fathers so for the family to move into the new projects, he had to leave his wife and kids. If anybody doubts me, check it out for yourselves. HUD routinely sent inspectors in to search the apartments for any Willy hiding in the closet. Then the maintenance stopped and of course the young bucks started spraying graffiti and urinating in the elevators. By the end of the 60's the projects had turned into prisons...the welfare state was established and is now in it's third generation. The Rat party holds nothing but contempt for black and brown yet shows up every two years to beg for their votes.
it is much easier for blacks as a whole to blame whites than to look themselves in the mirror and see they are their own worst enemy. Until there are more black conservatives in positions of power, it will never change. Until black "men" stop running around having babies out of wedlock, it will keep getting worse. Until they stop committing crimes and going to jail, it will keep getting worse. No fathers= no finishing school= crime/drugs/gangs=jail= no job= no future= no black family= poor or dead. Rinse and repeat.

I'm curious here...What are you saying its easy for blacks to blame whites for exactly?

I agree, as soon as blacks are married conservatives without a history of crime in their community there will never be a change. And then we can all ride unicorns to Lollipop mountain :rolleyes:
Some blacks blame all whites for every misfortune in their lives and in the black community.

But, you knew that already.

A simple I dont know would've sufficed instead of looking stupid. I burnt my toast this morning and didnt blame a white person. There....Your "any and everything" bullshit has been destroyed.

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