Black ElPaso Police Chief says BLM is a hate group.


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
Well, of course most of us knew that already....but it is good to have someone in a position of authority as well as being a colored person to confirm it. This nation has looked the other way for way too long regarding black racism, black crime, black on white violence etc.etc. and so on and so forth....many years ago blacks were mistreated...but that time is long gone it is time for the pendulum to swing the other way aka hold blacks responsible for their behavior and quit allowing the forces and devotees of political correctnes to make excuses for them.

Black El Paso Police Chief Tells Press BLM Is a 'Radical Hate Group'
This stuff only going to get worse until BLM is officially declared a terror group.:up:
They have already officially been declared a terrorist group. They were invited to obama's White House.
No kidding! Everyone associated with Obama is a terrorist, even Chris Christie who shut down a bridge to intimidate his political foes, a school kid who shut down a school with a home made bomb looking device, and Rahm "dead fish" Emanuel. Hell Obama himself is quite the terrorist with the BP Oil Company shakedown and threatening seniors and military personnel with the suspension of pay and benefits.

It's no wonder Leftists love terrorists so much. They is themselves.
People like him need to be watched more closely. Everyone talks about mental health screening to avoid future mass shootings, but when the opportunity arises, we don't watch people who are ticking time bombs and then wonder why this keeps happening.

The FBI is overwhelmed by the numbers of muslims who need to be watched....they simply do not have the manpower...yet the libtards still want to bring more and more in...expect these acts of terrorism to increase...expect radicalized blacks to cause more and more problems....the chickens have come home to roost.

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