Black FL Legislators Injecting Race Into School Security Reforms


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
What a surprise! Some of Florida's black legislators have decided to inject race into the job of hardening schools against the possibility of future school shooting attacks. Can some of these guys ever deal with an issue, without somehow making it racial ?

1. In the Tampa Bay Times, in an article entitled >> Teens moved a mountain in Tallahassee, this rather weird sentence appeared >>

" legislators who feared an optional program to arm teachers and school personnel with guns, would proportionately threaten black kids in school"

I wonder if anyone can explain why/how a black kid would be threatened by teachers and other school personnel being armed ? This doesn't seem to make any sense.

2. In the Tampa Bay Times, in an article entitled >> Laws seek to exempt records, regarding the Florida guardian program, this rather weird sentence appeared >>

"The controversial program...would require staff who opt-in for the program to receive 132 hours of firearm training, and diversity training, and undergo psychological and physical tests."

What does diversity have to do with school security (ie.protecting people) ?

We should want want "diversity training" publicly defined and not kept esoteric whilst black legislators go 'nannas.
What a surprise! Some of Florida's black legislators have decided to inject race into the job of hardening schools against the possibility of future school shooting attacks. Can some of these guys ever deal with an issue, without somehow making it racial ?

1. In the Tampa Bay Times, in an article entitled >> Teens moved a mountain in Tallahassee, this rather weird sentence appeared >>

" legislators who feared an optional program to arm teachers and school personnel with guns, would proportionately threaten black kids in school"

I wonder if anyone can explain why/how a black kid would be threatened by teachers and other school personnel being armed ? This doesn't seem to make any sense.

2. In the Tampa Bay Times, in an article entitled >> Laws seek to exempt records, regarding the Florida guardian program, this rather weird sentence appeared >>

"The controversial program...would require staff who opt-in for the program to receive 132 hours of firearm training, and diversity training, and undergo psychological and physical tests."

What does diversity have to do with school security (ie.protecting people) ?

The only way it makes sense is if they assume that the blacks students will disproportionately be the ones attacking people.
The only way it makes sense is if they assume that the blacks students will disproportionately be the ones attacking people.
Maybe that's what they're thinking. Self defense guns can be used for more than just mass shooters from outside.

But if there were more black kids engaging in violence inside the school, then those black kids SHOULD be threatened, just as they might be "threatened" by police, outside the school (threatening to stop their violence)
The only way it makes sense is if they assume that the blacks students will disproportionately be the ones attacking people.
Maybe that's what they're thinking. Self defense guns can be used for more than just mass shooters from outside.

But if there were more black kids engaging in violence inside the school, then those black kids SHOULD be threatened, just as they might be "threatened" by police, outside the school (threatening to stop their violence)

Agreed. Or just boot them out.
Black kids are violent. The black leaders are afraid that when one of them attacks a teacher they might get shot.
What a surprise! Some of Florida's black legislators have decided to inject race into the job of hardening schools against the possibility of future school shooting attacks. Can some of these guys ever deal with an issue, without somehow making it racial ?

1. In the Tampa Bay Times, in an article entitled >> Teens moved a mountain in Tallahassee, this rather weird sentence appeared >>

" legislators who feared an optional program to arm teachers and school personnel with guns, would proportionately threaten black kids in school"

I wonder if anyone can explain why/how a black kid would be threatened by teachers and other school personnel being armed ? This doesn't seem to make any sense.

2. In the Tampa Bay Times, in an article entitled >> Laws seek to exempt records, regarding the Florida guardian program, this rather weird sentence appeared >>

"The controversial program...would require staff who opt-in for the program to receive 132 hours of firearm training, and diversity training, and undergo psychological and physical tests."

What does diversity have to do with school security (ie.protecting people) ?
Context is important (although most on the right don’t think so):

‘But several black Democrats argued that the optional proposal to put armed personnel in Florida schools was "a poison pill" that would disproportionately threaten blacks students or even black armed school personnel whom law enforcement may misidentify as the gunman in a active shooter situation.

"It's hard for people not to think about the kids in their own community," said Rep. Bobby DuBose, D-Fort Lauderdale. "What happened in Parkland breaks my heart. but look at last year and see how many people died of gun violence in Parkland. It's zero and yet you come to my community. Gun violence is a daily worry."’

‘Toxic’ gun fight opens emotional and political wounds in Legislature

Whether or not white conservatives agree with this is of course irrelevant – the fact remains that for African-Americans the reality of blacks being killed by law enforcement is an appropriate and legitimate concern, and yet another reason as to why arming teachers is idiocy.
What a surprise! Some of Florida's black legislators have decided to inject race into the job of hardening schools against the possibility of future school shooting attacks. Can some of these guys ever deal with an issue, without somehow making it racial ?

1. In the Tampa Bay Times, in an article entitled >> Teens moved a mountain in Tallahassee, this rather weird sentence appeared >>

" legislators who feared an optional program to arm teachers and school personnel with guns, would proportionately threaten black kids in school"

I wonder if anyone can explain why/how a black kid would be threatened by teachers and other school personnel being armed ? This doesn't seem to make any sense.

2. In the Tampa Bay Times, in an article entitled >> Laws seek to exempt records, regarding the Florida guardian program, this rather weird sentence appeared >>

"The controversial program...would require staff who opt-in for the program to receive 132 hours of firearm training, and diversity training, and undergo psychological and physical tests."

What does diversity have to do with school security (ie.protecting people) ?

And this is an example of the ignorance and stupidity common to most negroes.
Black kids are violent. The black leaders are afraid that when one of them attacks a teacher they might get shot.
That is how Florida law is structured. When the guardian program gets going, and school employees are armed, kids better be taught about the law. Needs to be made crystal clear.
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Context is important (although most on the right don’t think so):

‘But several black Democrats argued that the optional proposal to put armed personnel in Florida schools was "a poison pill" that would disproportionately threaten blacks students or even black armed school personnel whom law enforcement may misidentify as the gunman in a active shooter situation.

"It's hard for people not to think about the kids in their own community," said Rep. Bobby DuBose, D-Fort Lauderdale. "What happened in Parkland breaks my heart. but look at last year and see how many people died of gun violence in Parkland. It's zero and yet you come to my community. Gun violence is a daily worry."’

‘Toxic’ gun fight opens emotional and political wounds in Legislature

Whether or not white conservatives agree with this is of course irrelevant – the fact remains that for African-Americans the reality of blacks being killed by law enforcement is an appropriate and legitimate concern, and yet another reason as to why arming teachers is idiocy.

What a bunch of liberal craziness. Blacks are no more apt to be shot by police or any other armed authority than anyone else. In 2016, Obama, Al Sharpton, and Eric Holder went around spreading the BS that backs were suffering from police brutality, to drum up Democrat votes for the 2016 election. It was nonsense, and the results of one shooting case after another showed this (Zimmerman, Wilson, Shelby, McDonald, etc)

One of the problems though, is that teachers are overwhelmingly liberal, and thus are very detached from the subjects of guns and law enforcement. They are clueless, and thus, the kids don't get taught critical info. Such as >> when confronting a cop, always keep your hands visible. If your hands disappear from the view of the officer, you're dead.

In your post, to describe blacks, you use the term "African Americans", and also the word "blacks". The latter is the better and more correct.

The idea that blacks are more threatened than whites is ludicrous. Maybe they get shot more often because they commit crime more often.

What is "idiocy", is opposition to arming school employees (esp. teachers).This is, in effect, advocating the idiotic idea of "gun-free zones". These abominations have gotten hundreds of people killed in the US. Parkland isn't the only one. There's Newtown, Virginia Tech, Pulse Club, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, etc. All dumb gun-free zones, leaving inhabitants unarmed, defenseless, vulnerable.

How weird that after the Parkland gun-free zone massacre, screwball liberals are calling to repeat the mistake > inviting mass shooters to come in. Ordinarily, when really bad things happen, you correct the problem causes, not allow them to remain.
The attitude of the legislators is, indeed, unfortunate.

But let's NOT blame those legislators.

IMHO, the actual blame should be put on the American colonists who forced people from another continent to come here to the British colonies and then the independent United States of America to do work for free.

That was the seed that led to the horrific Civil War and to all the unpleasantness that has dogged us to this day.
The attitude of the legislators is, indeed, unfortunate.

But let's NOT blame those legislators.

IMHO, the actual blame should be put on the American colonists who forced people from another continent to come here to the British colonies and then the independent United States of America to do work for free.

That was the seed that led to the horrific Civil War and to all the unpleasantness that has dogged us to this day.
I don't accept that. All that unpleasantness is not reason to think that a teacher, a coach, an administrator, or some other school employee, all of whom are gun trained, vetted, state licensed, would be a threat to black kids (or any kids).
What a surprise! Some of Florida's black legislators have decided to inject race into the job of hardening schools against the possibility of future school shooting attacks. Can some of these guys ever deal with an issue, without somehow making it racial ?

1. In the Tampa Bay Times, in an article entitled >> Teens moved a mountain in Tallahassee, this rather weird sentence appeared >>

" legislators who feared an optional program to arm teachers and school personnel with guns, would proportionately threaten black kids in school"

I wonder if anyone can explain why/how a black kid would be threatened by teachers and other school personnel being armed ? This doesn't seem to make any sense.

2. In the Tampa Bay Times, in an article entitled >> Laws seek to exempt records, regarding the Florida guardian program, this rather weird sentence appeared >>

"The controversial program...would require staff who opt-in for the program to receive 132 hours of firearm training, and diversity training, and undergo psychological and physical tests."

What does diversity have to do with school security (ie.protecting people) ?

You know how you can tell spot a racist?

They see racism where it doesn't exist. (see above)

They are blind to their own racist thinking and motives. (see above)

Similar to how most alcoholics don't see their drinking as a problem, racists don't see their fear-based bigotry as "racist"... If is walks like a duck, quack likes a duck...
they do that with everything
it's one of their main preoccupations
True. I have found that blacks are pathologically quick to imagine threats or abuse against them. I once told a black guy who was watching me fish, that the lure I was using to catch flounder, was a "jig". The guy got all uptight and thought I was insulting him. Damn fool didn't know that what those lures are called.

Fishing Jigs - Bing images



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