Black Friday is Coming, and will you go a shopping?

Will you go shopping to the stores on Black Friday?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
I wont. Never have. Too many Obama voters out fighting over shoes and flat screen TVs.
Us Democrats don't do Black Friday. For one thing, things aren't free. We only want free handouts. The other reason we take offense to Black Friday is that All Friday's Matter!


The three Fox & Friends hosts say that the refugee situation is getting truly out of hand. They say that they've obtained exclusive footage that shows a "crazed mob of Syrian refugees" trying to cross U.S. borders. Steve Doocy says, "I mean, look at this chaos! There's no screening. They're just walking into that Wal-Mart! They're just taking anything they like," according to video of the segment. But, a moment later, Doocy is told that the footage is actually footage of Black Friday shoppers. "Well, I think the point still stands," says Brian Kilmeade.

Then Elisabeth Hasselbeck pipes in: "By the way, why are we supposed to give special treatment to Black Friday? I'm just going to come out and say it: All Fridays Matter," she proclaims enthusiastically.
so much for 'family values'... there's no fking 'war on christmas' ... but a REAL war on thanksgiving....

Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours and Start Times

Walmart Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours -
Open 24 Hours. Black Friday Sales start time begins at 6 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Best Buy Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours - Black Friday Sales start time begins at 5 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Target Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours – Target’s Black Friday Sales start time begins at 6 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Kmart Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours - Kmart’s Black Friday Deals start time is at 7 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day

Sears Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours - Black Friday Sales start time begins at 6 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Kohl's Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours - Black Friday Sales start time begins at 6 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

J.C. Penney Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours – J.C. Penny’s will open its doors for Black Friday Deals starting at 3 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Macy's Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours – Macy’s Black Friday Deals start time is at 6 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Black Friday Sales 2015: Store Hours, Start Time For Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Kmart, JC Penny’s And More Here

& on & on & on...

it wasn't that long ago when you saw 'STORES OPENING THEIR DOORS @ 5am BLACK FRIDAY!!!!'

now America's worker bees can't even enjoy being with their families. How many of these big boxes would even pay their people time & 1/2, if they weren't required to?

capitalism is the real reason for the season & don't let any fundie tell you otherwise.

You just figured this out? Hell, it has been all about the money for decades. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, all big bucks. I refuse to buy gifts, I will get people cards, I will do for others, I'll give money to charity in the name of someone else. We don't do the gift crap, I let people at work know not to get me anything and if they insist, I tell them to give it to. a charity. My grandkids can make me something and I will cherish it.

It's about people, not gifts or money.

no kidding it's about the people...

Do you really feel it is today? It's about wants and gimmes and big profits for big corporations. It seems to have little to do with people.
Nope, you can find mostly just as good deals before and after - people just do it because everyone else does.

Dumbest thing ever.


My wife used to be real bad about BF
I've been able to show her that we can find just as big of deals before or after.

I REALLY like Boing's post!!!
Buy it early and get the money back
Nope, you can find mostly just as good deals before and after - people just do it because everyone else does.

Dumbest thing ever.


My wife used to be real bad about BF
I've been able to show her that we can find just as big of deals before or after.

I REALLY like Boing's post!!!
Buy it early and get the money back

For many, it's really just about the "event" - most people's time is worth much more than they save.....
Nope, you can find mostly just as good deals before and after - people just do it because everyone else does.

Dumbest thing ever.


My wife used to be real bad about BF
I've been able to show her that we can find just as big of deals before or after.

I REALLY like Boing's post!!!
Buy it early and get the money back

For many, it's really just about the "event" - most people's time is worth much more than they save.....

I live an hour away from work.
We close at 4pm Thanksgiving and K-Mart's sale starts at 6
MrsHorty is trying to figure out whose car to borrow :D

For her it's really more of an escape. Right now we only have the one car, so she's left home often.
Pile on being disabled to that, and being the one that will start cooking tomorrow.....
Come 6pm Thanksgiving she'll be ready to haul ass
Years ago when black Friday wasn't so crazy, my son returned everything he got. Everything. Then he bought it all back on markdown. We went to dinner and a movie with the difference.
I don't like stores on regular weekends.
Online, check wishlists made through the year and order from my chair.
If I want the sounds and season spirits I can listen to Pandora. Why try to send items via USPS when many times you can get free shipping or direct shipping from the company instead. Why fight crowds and price shop and having the smells of the season, and everyone's over used perfumes fighting with each other to give you a headache? Why fight with parking? Why fight with traffic?

I prefer to let my fingers do the shopping.

I must have been out of my mind to drag kids through the malls and store, but that was before the internet. I still miss the sears, and others, catalogs that used to delivered in the mail. The "wish" books.

For people in the northern areas, slipping and and sliding both in the car and on foot. Broken bones and hospital rooms before the holidays. and the crutches in the snow. Fender benders and avoiding animals on the road. Bundling the family in three layers and stuffing them in the car. The tantrums of kids that want you to buy everything for now. Desperation of standing in lines for hours when you are not even among the first twenty let along the first five trying to get that "special" for 75% off the regular price. The pushing and shoving, even trampling, of the maddened mob.

Who in their right mind prefers black friday shopping? I have most of my shopping done before thanksgiving.
so much for 'family values'... there's no fking 'war on christmas' ... but a REAL war on thanksgiving....

Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours and Start Times

Walmart Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours -
Open 24 Hours. Black Friday Sales start time begins at 6 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Best Buy Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours - Black Friday Sales start time begins at 5 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Target Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours – Target’s Black Friday Sales start time begins at 6 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Kmart Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours - Kmart’s Black Friday Deals start time is at 7 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day

Sears Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours - Black Friday Sales start time begins at 6 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Kohl's Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours - Black Friday Sales start time begins at 6 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

J.C. Penney Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours – J.C. Penny’s will open its doors for Black Friday Deals starting at 3 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Macy's Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours – Macy’s Black Friday Deals start time is at 6 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Black Friday Sales 2015: Store Hours, Start Time For Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Kmart, JC Penny’s And More Here

& on & on & on...

it wasn't that long ago when you saw 'STORES OPENING THEIR DOORS @ 5am BLACK FRIDAY!!!!'

now America's worker bees can't even enjoy being with their families. How many of these big boxes would even pay their people time & 1/2, if they weren't required to?

capitalism is the real reason for the season & don't let any fundie tell you otherwise.

You just figured this out? Hell, it has been all about the money for decades. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, all big bucks. I refuse to buy gifts, I will get people cards, I will do for others, I'll give money to charity in the name of someone else. We don't do the gift crap, I let people at work know not to get me anything and if they insist, I tell them to give it to. a charity. My grandkids can make me something and I will cherish it.

It's about people, not gifts or money.

no kidding it's about the people...

Do you really feel it is today? It's about wants and gimmes and big profits for big corporations. It seems to have little to do with people.

I'm talking about real Christmas is about people. The commercialization makes me want to puke. There ain't no war on Christmas no matter how much the fake Christians try saying it is because the free market has taken it over & that's their real God.

shopping for what?

another pair of shoes? another flat TV? yawn
now....if we are talking about

shopping for an island in Tahiti.................

ok come here ..............lets talk about it....
so much for 'family values'... there's no fking 'war on christmas' ... but a REAL war on thanksgiving....

Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours and Start Times

Walmart Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours -
Open 24 Hours. Black Friday Sales start time begins at 6 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Best Buy Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours - Black Friday Sales start time begins at 5 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Target Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours – Target’s Black Friday Sales start time begins at 6 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Kmart Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours - Kmart’s Black Friday Deals start time is at 7 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day

Sears Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours - Black Friday Sales start time begins at 6 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Kohl's Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours - Black Friday Sales start time begins at 6 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

J.C. Penney Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours – J.C. Penny’s will open its doors for Black Friday Deals starting at 3 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Macy's Black Friday 2015 Store Sales Hours – Macy’s Black Friday Deals start time is at 6 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26 on Thanksgiving Day.

Black Friday Sales 2015: Store Hours, Start Time For Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Kmart, JC Penny’s And More Here

& on & on & on...

it wasn't that long ago when you saw 'STORES OPENING THEIR DOORS @ 5am BLACK FRIDAY!!!!'

now America's worker bees can't even enjoy being with their families. How many of these big boxes would even pay their people time & 1/2, if they weren't required to?

capitalism is the real reason for the season & don't let any fundie tell you otherwise.

You just figured this out? Hell, it has been all about the money for decades. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, all big bucks. I refuse to buy gifts, I will get people cards, I will do for others, I'll give money to charity in the name of someone else. We don't do the gift crap, I let people at work know not to get me anything and if they insist, I tell them to give it to. a charity. My grandkids can make me something and I will cherish it.

It's about people, not gifts or money.

no kidding it's about the people...

Do you really feel it is today? It's about wants and gimmes and big profits for big corporations. It seems to have little to do with people.

I'm talking about real Christmas is about people. The commercialization makes me want to puke. There ain't no war on Christmas no matter how much the fake Christians try saying it is because the free market has taken it over & that's their real God.

Christmas is about the gifts, not people, not Christ. Has been for decades.

Belief in Christ and what he means comes the heart, not gifts, not government, not on some war of Christianity. Gifts, money, stuff, all mean nothing. The rest is crazy commercial stupidity, yet billions fall for it.

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