Black Friday Wal-Mart Walkout

power to the people.

Just like Jesus wanted and fought for

Jesus never joined or formed a union. He thought for himself. Actually Jesus wanted his followers to flock to him like sheep...but He was the Good Shepherd with good intentions unlike the intentions of union leaders who want dues from the people just like the tax collectors who asses Jesus threw out of the Temple.
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If an employee does not want to work on Black Friday they can refuse the overtime that will go to someone else who wants to make the extra money. Liberals hate freedom.
So your solution is what? Force WalMart, Kmart, Target..etc to pay higher wages? Really? Or is it just WalMart?

How about a better solution. Give corporations tax breaks to build things here in the US. Rebuild the steel mills and tell the enviro nut jobs to go to hell. China is building and building meanwhile we are declining all because of liberal BS policies.

We need to STOP the sucking sound of jobs fleeing overseas that was started by Clinton's free trade agreements. It was predicted then and has happened as predicted. We also need to stop the flow of unskilled labor into our country. How we can expect our jobs going overseas and a flood of unskilled labor to result in anything other then we are seeing takes a special kind of delusion.

Corporation create real meaningful jobs, Walmart does not, in my opinion.

:wtf: WOW!!! - Just WOW!!! - Another mental midget who believes we should subsidize all the large Chinese retailers in the USA with my tax dollars so they can flood us with cheap crap because he THINKS it will stop jobs from going to China. :cuckoo: Tell me you believe that shit IF you ever grow up & are able to PAY your tax dollars to subsidize foreign business for foreigners.
Don't have too much sympathy. These peole can better their situations with education, self employment, a second job...there are many possibilities....

The video was interesting, it seems that our colleges are becoming quite the rip off. I would have thought that the engineer would have been able to find a job. The rest of them had degrees which were never really in much demand, thus the rip off. Today you would be better off learning how to use a wrench then how to draw a butterfly.

Problem with a lot of these graduates is they believe they should earn top dollar, even though the ink on their degrees is still drying. While many tech degrees do bring in better pay initially, companies are still looking for field experience as well. Add the fact that too many older, more experienced workers are now staying in the workforce, youngsters might just have to be patient (not much of a virtue with today's youth) and accept less pay in order to gain the experience they need to ask for better pay.
Why do you guys seem bothered by people working at wal-mart as a career? Cause you find it beneth you to stock shelves or sweep a floor? I know people who have worked at Wal-Mart for 10+ years and they are making decent money doing things they love.......I despise snobs who turn their noses at jobs as if it is beneath them.
Is this like last year when they didn't walk out? Or the year before and the year before and............

thats right...

no one forced these people to work for walmart... and they are free to quit at any time.

spoken like someone whose never had to struggle to feed themselves. :eusa_whistle:

unions grew because owners abused workers. forcing people into giving up their holiday for no reason except to start the holiday season a day early is abusive.

walmart already destroys neighborhood businesses and communities... and drives down wages and forces people to outsource to china in order to meet the prices they demand from manufactureres.

but that's all hunky dory.

Absolutely Fucking Priceless

This coming from an alleged attorney who if worth anything likely gets upwards of $450.00 per hour. Who on top of which lives in NYC which is not exactly cheap to do these days. Now she speaks on behalf of the "little guy". So easy to do on a messageboard.

I'd like to see a list of all the Pro Bono cases you've handled this year if you are indeed a competent attorney, which is suspect.

And by your logic, we should outlaw all chain stores, large department stores and all food chains since they all take away business from the local merchants. Add to that large auto repair chains and on and on. Why? Because they all peg their wages generally around the same amount. How many food chains are open on Thanksgiving? Heck why don't we go back to the days of the wild west and we can all hop on our horses and ride into Dodge and go to Sam Drucker's General feed store.

I am by no means defending WalMart but merely stating reality. Fuck Walmart, right? Let them shutter their doors and then we will see where those highly skilled workers get jobs. Do you bitch about the auto manufacturers that were rescued? Here' a news flash a large % of the parts are made in China. Just take headlights alone. Better yet let's just close down any store of any kind that gets anything from China. You're a dope!

What's hunky dory is you leading your cushy life in NYC shuttered from reality with no idea how those without the supposed education you have survive. And don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. My father worked in a factory and put me all the way through Graduate school while I worked part-time at nights. He never took a penny in student loans or grants which I easily qualified for. My mom stayed at home. I had no "connections" in the financial world yet managed to work my way up to a nice position on Wall St until the shit hit the fan. I worked for David M. Jones, look him up. A prominent Wall St Economist who now is based out of Colorado. Now I work for a third as much and never a whine out of me.

I have to take orders from idiots like you who don't know what I've already forgotten. I am too old to be hired for a similar position if it even existed, and too young to retire. I was out of work for two years and drove a fucking school bus to make ends meet until I found my current position with the military. Never took a penny of unemployment money. I'm one of those displaced workers caught in the middle.

I always tell you that you're a useless, miserable shithead and you never let me down.

So....when you say "He never took any student loans or grants" you mean HE paid your way and you took a part time job for beer money.

You see folks? That's the way life USED to be for MOST Americans...the ability to give your kids something a little better. You say your Dad worked in a factory? Was it union? It really doesn't matter because even the non-union shops back then were competitive in order to keep the unions out.

But nowadays....factory work has pretty much gone by the wayside and poor paying service and retail jobs have replaced them. Let me ask one simple all of you.....what happens to retail and service businesses when no one but the top 10-15% of the population has disposable income?

There's a reason why we didn't vote in yet another iteration of doesn't fucking work.
So your solution is what? Force WalMart, Kmart, Target..etc to pay higher wages? Really? Or is it just WalMart?

How about a better solution. Give corporations tax breaks to build things here in the US. Rebuild the steel mills and tell the enviro nut jobs to go to hell. China is building and building meanwhile we are declining all because of liberal BS policies.

We need to STOP the sucking sound of jobs fleeing overseas that was started by Clinton's free trade agreements. It was predicted then and has happened as predicted. We also need to stop the flow of unskilled labor into our country. How we can expect our jobs going overseas and a flood of unskilled labor to result in anything other then we are seeing takes a special kind of delusion.

Corporation create real meaningful jobs, Walmart does not, in my opinion.

Oh wait.....reward Companies that keep or move jobs back to the USA? penalize the ones that outsourced? Oh shit.....welcome to Team Obama.....that's what he's been saying for FUCKING YEARS.

Steel Mills? Sure....let's make 'em SAFE and plentiful. Whether you believe in Global Warming or not is completely irrelevant. We need to keep our population sustainable...ecologically speaking. Poisoning our air, water and soil isn't smart....either for business(lawsuits) or our people.

The problem is not just with Walmart. The problem is with the attitude of our country... the whole "if it ain't me, fuck 'em" attitude has got to go, because make no mistake....the more that attitude pervades our society, they'll be a hell of a lot less people who aren't IN the situation that people who work at places like Walmart find themselves in.

As with a lot of Obama he says the obvious but has in reality did nothing. Had he done that one thing instead of focusing on Obamatax maybe we would be in a better position, but alas he is all talk. I am sure you will blame it on the Republicans but he got Obamatax he could have gotten almost anything else. A logical well laid out plan to bring jobs back who would have resisted? But words are just words without action.

Water quality has been getting better and better since NIXON passed the first clean water act. So we have success, but the regulations are approaching draconian, not reasonable.

Really? Yeah....because he got so much help from Congress. How many times has he said "pass the bill and I'll sign it today" on not just that, but many issues? Seriously....are you guys THAT dishonest that your boys in Congress have NO accountability or responsibility in any of this?
power to the people.

Just like Jesus wanted and fought for

Could you please back this up with some sort of citation, biblical quote or anything else that backs this statement?

Matthew 6:24

"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money"

This same message is repeated in Luke 16:13.

In the Original King James version, they use the word "Mammon"...the definition of mammon is as follows....

World English Dictionary mammon (ˈmæmən)

— n
1. riches or wealth regarded as a source of evil and corruption
2. avarice or greed

[C14: via Late Latin from New Testament Greek mammōnas, from Aramaic māmōnā wealth] asked.
thanks steel,

its seems someone missed the sunday when they talked about Jesus whipping the money changers
Oh wait.....reward Companies that keep or move jobs back to the USA? penalize the ones that outsourced? Oh shit.....welcome to Team Obama.....that's what he's been saying for FUCKING YEARS.

Steel Mills? Sure....let's make 'em SAFE and plentiful. Whether you believe in Global Warming or not is completely irrelevant. We need to keep our population sustainable...ecologically speaking. Poisoning our air, water and soil isn't smart....either for business(lawsuits) or our people.

The problem is not just with Walmart. The problem is with the attitude of our country... the whole "if it ain't me, fuck 'em" attitude has got to go, because make no mistake....the more that attitude pervades our society, they'll be a hell of a lot less people who aren't IN the situation that people who work at places like Walmart find themselves in.

As with a lot of Obama he says the obvious but has in reality did nothing. Had he done that one thing instead of focusing on Obamatax maybe we would be in a better position, but alas he is all talk. I am sure you will blame it on the Republicans but he got Obamatax he could have gotten almost anything else. A logical well laid out plan to bring jobs back who would have resisted? But words are just words without action.

Water quality has been getting better and better since NIXON passed the first clean water act. So we have success, but the regulations are approaching draconian, not reasonable.

Really? Yeah....because he got so much help from Congress. How many times has he said "pass the bill and I'll sign it today" on not just that, but many issues? Seriously....are you guys THAT dishonest that your boys in Congress have NO accountability or responsibility in any of this?

You seem to forget that it's your boys in the Senate who tabled everything passed by the House. Seriously, are you so ridiculously blinded by your narrow-minded partisan views that you fail to recognize your side's failures?
As with a lot of Obama he says the obvious but has in reality did nothing. Had he done that one thing instead of focusing on Obamatax maybe we would be in a better position, but alas he is all talk. I am sure you will blame it on the Republicans but he got Obamatax he could have gotten almost anything else. A logical well laid out plan to bring jobs back who would have resisted? But words are just words without action.

Water quality has been getting better and better since NIXON passed the first clean water act. So we have success, but the regulations are approaching draconian, not reasonable.

Really? Yeah....because he got so much help from Congress. How many times has he said "pass the bill and I'll sign it today" on not just that, but many issues? Seriously....are you guys THAT dishonest that your boys in Congress have NO accountability or responsibility in any of this?

You seem to forget that it's your boys in the Senate who tabled everything passed by the House. Seriously, are you so ridiculously blinded by your narrow-minded partisan views that you fail to recognize your side's failures?

Well, perhaps then the folks in the house need to stop adding stupid shit into their fucking bills. Like..... attaching "repeal the AHCA, defund Planned Parenthood and PBS/NPR" into just about every bill.they send to the Senate as a Poison Pill that they KNOW is not going to get passed....that might be a help.

EDIT: anyway....that's your defense? "they do it too"?
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spoken like someone whose never had to struggle to feed themselves. :eusa_whistle:

unions grew because owners abused workers. forcing people into giving up their holiday for no reason except to start the holiday season a day early is abusive.

walmart already destroys neighborhood businesses and communities... and drives down wages and forces people to outsource to china in order to meet the prices they demand from manufactureres.

but that's all hunky dory.

Absolutely Fucking Priceless

This coming from an alleged attorney who if worth anything likely gets upwards of $450.00 per hour. Who on top of which lives in NYC which is not exactly cheap to do these days. Now she speaks on behalf of the "little guy". So easy to do on a messageboard.

I'd like to see a list of all the Pro Bono cases you've handled this year if you are indeed a competent attorney, which is suspect.

And by your logic, we should outlaw all chain stores, large department stores and all food chains since they all take away business from the local merchants. Add to that large auto repair chains and on and on. Why? Because they all peg their wages generally around the same amount. How many food chains are open on Thanksgiving? Heck why don't we go back to the days of the wild west and we can all hop on our horses and ride into Dodge and go to Sam Drucker's General feed store.

I am by no means defending WalMart but merely stating reality. Fuck Walmart, right? Let them shutter their doors and then we will see where those highly skilled workers get jobs. Do you bitch about the auto manufacturers that were rescued? Here' a news flash a large % of the parts are made in China. Just take headlights alone. Better yet let's just close down any store of any kind that gets anything from China. You're a dope!

What's hunky dory is you leading your cushy life in NYC shuttered from reality with no idea how those without the supposed education you have survive. And don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. My father worked in a factory and put me all the way through Graduate school while I worked part-time at nights. He never took a penny in student loans or grants which I easily qualified for. My mom stayed at home. I had no "connections" in the financial world yet managed to work my way up to a nice position on Wall St until the shit hit the fan. I worked for David M. Jones, look him up. A prominent Wall St Economist who now is based out of Colorado. Now I work for a third as much and never a whine out of me.

I have to take orders from idiots like you who don't know what I've already forgotten. I am too old to be hired for a similar position if it even existed, and too young to retire. I was out of work for two years and drove a fucking school bus to make ends meet until I found my current position with the military. Never took a penny of unemployment money. I'm one of those displaced workers caught in the middle.

I always tell you that you're a useless, miserable shithead and you never let me down.

So....when you say "He never took any student loans or grants" you mean HE paid your way and you took a part time job for beer money.

You see folks? That's the way life USED to be for MOST Americans...the ability to give your kids something a little better. You say your Dad worked in a factory? Was it union? It really doesn't matter because even the non-union shops back then were competitive in order to keep the unions out.

But nowadays....factory work has pretty much gone by the wayside and poor paying service and retail jobs have replaced them. Let me ask one simple all of you.....what happens to retail and service businesses when no one but the top 10-15% of the population has disposable income?

There's a reason why we didn't vote in yet another iteration of doesn't fucking work.

Keeping it along those lines, so how will it work when there are more receivers than contributors? How many "iterations" like that have we seen fail?
Absolutely Fucking Priceless

This coming from an alleged attorney who if worth anything likely gets upwards of $450.00 per hour. Who on top of which lives in NYC which is not exactly cheap to do these days. Now she speaks on behalf of the "little guy". So easy to do on a messageboard.

I'd like to see a list of all the Pro Bono cases you've handled this year if you are indeed a competent attorney, which is suspect.

And by your logic, we should outlaw all chain stores, large department stores and all food chains since they all take away business from the local merchants. Add to that large auto repair chains and on and on. Why? Because they all peg their wages generally around the same amount. How many food chains are open on Thanksgiving? Heck why don't we go back to the days of the wild west and we can all hop on our horses and ride into Dodge and go to Sam Drucker's General feed store.

I am by no means defending WalMart but merely stating reality. Fuck Walmart, right? Let them shutter their doors and then we will see where those highly skilled workers get jobs. Do you bitch about the auto manufacturers that were rescued? Here' a news flash a large % of the parts are made in China. Just take headlights alone. Better yet let's just close down any store of any kind that gets anything from China. You're a dope!

What's hunky dory is you leading your cushy life in NYC shuttered from reality with no idea how those without the supposed education you have survive. And don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. My father worked in a factory and put me all the way through Graduate school while I worked part-time at nights. He never took a penny in student loans or grants which I easily qualified for. My mom stayed at home. I had no "connections" in the financial world yet managed to work my way up to a nice position on Wall St until the shit hit the fan. I worked for David M. Jones, look him up. A prominent Wall St Economist who now is based out of Colorado. Now I work for a third as much and never a whine out of me.

I have to take orders from idiots like you who don't know what I've already forgotten. I am too old to be hired for a similar position if it even existed, and too young to retire. I was out of work for two years and drove a fucking school bus to make ends meet until I found my current position with the military. Never took a penny of unemployment money. I'm one of those displaced workers caught in the middle.

I always tell you that you're a useless, miserable shithead and you never let me down.

So....when you say "He never took any student loans or grants" you mean HE paid your way and you took a part time job for beer money.

You see folks? That's the way life USED to be for MOST Americans...the ability to give your kids something a little better. You say your Dad worked in a factory? Was it union? It really doesn't matter because even the non-union shops back then were competitive in order to keep the unions out.

But nowadays....factory work has pretty much gone by the wayside and poor paying service and retail jobs have replaced them. Let me ask one simple all of you.....what happens to retail and service businesses when no one but the top 10-15% of the population has disposable income?

There's a reason why we didn't vote in yet another iteration of doesn't fucking work.

Keeping it along those lines, so how will it work when there are more receivers than contributors? How many "iterations" like that have we seen fail?

Either scenario sucks. What do you want me to say? I'm no fan of welfare in it's current form. I've been on the record REPEATEDLY saying that folks on Welfare that AREN'T WORKING should be working on public works projects for their benefits. That's the way FDR set it into motion back in the Depression Era. The CCC and WPA should be resurrected.

People that are working and need food stamps and/or Medicaid to survive? That's more of a reflection on the employers than the employees, IMO.
I hope they do walk out and want to watch them all be replaced within 24 hours or even less. Do they not realize they probably have applicants out the kazoo with this economy?
I don't shop on black Friday anyway. Just a question should we change the name black Friday couldn't that be considered racist? I just ask because we have county Commissioner here who once said devil's food cake was racist because it was black but angel food cake was white.
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