Black Friday Wal-Mart Walkout

God Bless freedom.

We aren't China. Our workers aren't forced into labor.

thats right...

no one forced these people to work for walmart... and they are free to quit at any time.

spoken like someone whose never had to struggle to feed themselves. :eusa_whistle:

unions grew because owners abused workers. forcing people into giving up their holiday for no reason except to start the holiday season a day early is abusive.

walmart already destroys neighborhood businesses and communities... and drives down wages and forces people to outsource to china in order to meet the prices they demand from manufactureres.

but that's all hunky dory.

omg, abusive
I guess we can't all have that cushy job where you charge 100 an hour for a service and can take off any damn day they feel like. LIFE doesn't stop just because it a HOLIDAY..
good grief sometimes I don't think you are for real..
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God Bless freedom.

We aren't China. Our workers aren't forced into labor.

thats right...

no one forced these people to work for walmart... and they are free to quit at any time.

spoken like someone whose never had to struggle to feed themselves. :eusa_whistle:

unions grew because owners abused workers. forcing people into giving up their holiday for no reason except to start the holiday season a day early is abusive.

walmart already destroys neighborhood businesses and communities... and drives down wages and forces people to outsource to china in order to meet the prices they demand from manufactureres.

but that's all hunky dory.

Absolutely Fucking Priceless

This coming from an alleged attorney who if worth anything likely gets upwards of $450.00 per hour. Who on top of which lives in NYC which is not exactly cheap to do these days. Now she speaks on behalf of the "little guy". So easy to do on a messageboard.

I'd like to see a list of all the Pro Bono cases you've handled this year if you are indeed a competent attorney, which is suspect.

And by your logic, we should outlaw all chain stores, large department stores and all food chains since they all take away business from the local merchants. Add to that large auto repair chains and on and on. Why? Because they all peg their wages generally around the same amount. How many food chains are open on Thanksgiving? Heck why don't we go back to the days of the wild west and we can all hop on our horses and ride into Dodge and go to Sam Drucker's General feed store.

I am by no means defending WalMart but merely stating reality. Fuck Walmart, right? Let them shutter their doors and then we will see where those highly skilled workers get jobs. Do you bitch about the auto manufacturers that were rescued? Here' a news flash a large % of the parts are made in China. Just take headlights alone. Better yet let's just close down any store of any kind that gets anything from China. You're a dope!

What's hunky dory is you leading your cushy life in NYC shuttered from reality with no idea how those without the supposed education you have survive. And don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. My father worked in a factory and put me all the way through Graduate school while I worked part-time at nights. He never took a penny in student loans or grants which I easily qualified for. My mom stayed at home. I had no "connections" in the financial world yet managed to work my way up to a nice position on Wall St until the shit hit the fan. I worked for David M. Jones, look him up. A prominent Wall St Economist who now is based out of Colorado. Now I work for a third as much and never a whine out of me.

I have to take orders from idiots like you who don't know what I've already forgotten. I am too old to be hired for a similar position if it even existed, and too young to retire. I was out of work for two years and drove a fucking school bus to make ends meet until I found my current position with the military. Never took a penny of unemployment money. I'm one of those displaced workers caught in the middle.

I always tell you that you're a useless, miserable shithead and you never let me down.
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Aren't free markets a wonderful way to pick the inners and losers!

You are a commie bitch who picks winners & losers by giving tax breaks & subsidies to your favorite business. Your party has increased the amount of people on the government dole thus increasing your communist nanny-state. Get your fucking cronies off the tax roll commie troll bot.

Stop subsidizing companies & their workers & make them pay their own way free market style idiot.
I don't think so, KM. Those businesses that get "tax breaks" actually are responsible for more jobs than the government, plus you don't have to pay the salaries like you do for a government job. Businesses tend to flock to countries that allow them to flourish a little, giving more back than they take. You really need to learn how to read a P&L Statement before you blister businesses that your handlers who'd like to redistribute their profits to put in Nancy Pelosi's relatives pockets by her share of the redistribution mockery, who get 100% of their money back on bankrupted businesses thanks to her legislative sneakery.

You really need to be able to understand a P & L, because it's obvious from your faux-rage you've been reading unlearned stuff and HuffHo Puff's Post.

I read P&L, Cash Flow, 10-Q, Balance Sheet & Income Statements all the time. What good has it done retards like you to read any of these if you can't even grasp the concept that Walmart is an import business getting US tax payer subsidies. China should be subsidizing them if they want their goods sold here. Blurting out another computer bot generated response ("Businesses tend to flock to countries") about an import company that will never pack up & leave is just as mind numbingly stupid as the troll bot SniperFire.

Government's job is to protect it's people, especially from foreign invasion or attack. When a country is waging a subsidy attack invasion on your country, your government is not supposed to respond by helping them out. They are suppose to respond with tariffs. The commie sympathizer pussies in this country cry about farm subsidies that increase exports & embrace import subsidies at their favorite hand picked importers. THAT IS HOW YOU KNOW WHO ON HERE IS A COMMIE TRAITOR!
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Aren't free markets a wonderful way to pick the inners and losers!

You are a commie bitch who picks winners & losers by giving tax breaks & subsidies to your favorite business. Your party has increased the amount of people on the government dole thus increasing your communist nanny-state. Get your fucking cronies off the tax roll commie troll bot.

Stop subsidizing companies & their workers & make them pay their own way free market style idiot.
I don't think so, KM. Those businesses that get "tax breaks" actually are responsible for more jobs than the government, plus you don't have to pay the salaries like you do for a government job. Businesses tend to flock to countries that allow them to flourish a little, giving more back than they take. You really need to learn how to read a P&L Statement before you blister businesses that your handlers who'd like to redistribute their profits to put in Nancy Pelosi's relatives pockets by her share of the redistribution mockery, who get 100% of their money back on bankrupted businesses thanks to her legislative sneakery.

You really need to be able to understand a P & L, because it's obvious from your faux-rage you've been reading unlearned stuff and HuffHo Puff's Post.

All he really knows is that his government 'sudsidies' show up in his bank account of the first of each month!
Hmmm. Then employees should seek better opportunity elsewhere.

Or, they could strike.

They have the right to do both.:)

hit em where it hurts and walk out en masse right after the doors open on friday

yeah they can do that, but I doubt with 8% unemployment it would hurt the company that much..
but they want to risk it, then they take what could come with it, like being fired
It's not about being lazy. Wal-mart treats their employees like dirt. They pay a decent enough wage for unskilled labor, but they're assholes.

Hmmm. Then employees should seek better opportunity elsewhere.

In an economy where hardly anyone is hiring?

In an economy where hardly anyone is hiring, the best advice is to keep the job you have. If Walmart employees strike on the busiest day of the year, they SHOULD be fired.
Somewhere in the background, there is a Union organizer convincing them they will force Wlamart to take them back with increased wages and benefits. If the employees are dumb enough to believe these empty promises, no one can help them.

One thing for sure: Walmart won't have any problems replacing all those who strike and are fired. Walmart will survive and prosper no matter what happens on Black Friday, and there will be no more strikes for a hell of a long time.
Since unions seem to be a hot topic let me relay a story about that. I mentioned back in post # 142 that I worked a few years as a school bus driver.

It was a non union shop which paid more per hour than the unionized ones like First Student. While I was employed there, one crybaby who seemed to think unions were God's answer to everything contacted them. Naturally they set up shop just outside the gates soliciting people on their way in and out of work.

To speed up the story the workers eventually voted the union in with promises of pie-in-the-sky. The first thing the company did was drop new hires wages $3.00 per hour. Now keep in mind new hires formerly received only $13.50 to start. Then they made life miserable for the rest all while abiding by union set rules. More routes per day, terrible hours. Weekend school events went to the lowest paid while those that needed the money and formerly did them were excluded. One by one the older drivers quit. Keep in mind many drivers are housewives, people supplementing incomes who had other part time or full time evening jobs, retirees or like me, out of work and looking for a better opportunity so we drove in the meantime. There were about 5 other Wall St people working there as well.

I left for a better job. I am still in touch with 2 people there. When the waiting period was up the remaining drivers voted the union out. Wages went back up, not down because the management did not have to deal with nonsensical tedious rules.

I realize that's one example of union failure but there are others. Unions are not the be all, end all solution to getting higher wages.

Now I want to address this directly to the idiot jillian who likes to point out on a daily basis my post count.

I'm restricted as to how much I can say about my current position which is also why I don't discuss my military service when asked by NYCarbineer.

I have a Secret Government Clearance. I am required to be at my post when assigned. There is little else I have to do while I'm there unless circumstances warrant, You jillyidiot better hope that I don't have to spring into action. Because if I have to it means we are under attack on the mainland. Enough said.

So yes I have 8 hours a day to be here.... if I so chose... which affords me the ability to post as much as I do.

If you bothered to notice today is one of the very rare times I pop in here on the weekend. Just about never after 3:30 on weekdays unless I do so before dinner. Sometimes I post on Sunday while watching the games.

Now maybe you'll mind your business and STFU up. Every time you post about my posting totals I will repost this post to show what a true fucking moron you are and how you make claims out of your ass.
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When I moved to the area I live we basically had a Mall with a Sears story and some major outlets. We also had a package store that was local to our area. Walmart bought them out and built a store. Since then they have become a super store. But the tragedy that they caused was that we now have another "mall" with a Target and variety of other outlet stores. We have a Lowes, Eat and Park, Applebees, OfficeMax and many other satellite stores. I know of not one business that went out of business because of Walmart moving in. Just the opposite the area has thrived. Maybe it would have without WalMart but I can only report what I see. Tie that in with their lower prices and I would say they have helped the community greatly.

I am not sure why people think that WalMart is a career path. The work appears to me to be very low skilled. Even the cashiers can be automated, and are in other stores. So I am not sure why people with a very low skill set or a college degree that they were sold and is useless think they should be paid as a doctor. Maybe they should but I don't see why.
Since unions seem to be a hot topic let me relay a story about that. I mentioned back in post # 142 that I worked a few years as a school bus driver.

It was a non union shop which paid more per hour than the unionized ones like First Student. While I was employed there, one crybaby who seemed to think unions were God's answer to everything contacted them. Naturally they set up shop just outside the gates soliciting people on their way in and out of work.

To speed up the story the workers eventually voted the union in with promises of pie-in-the-sky. The first thing the company did was drop new hires wages $3.00 per hour. Now keep in mind new hires formerly received only $13.50 to start. Then they made life miserable for the rest all while abiding by union set rules. More routes per day, terrible hours. Weekend school events went to the lowest paid while those that needed the money and formerly did them were excluded. One by one the older drivers quit. Keep in mind many drivers are housewives, people supplementing incomes who had other part time or full time evening jobs, retirees or like me, out of work and looking for a better opportunity so we drove in the meantime. There were about 5 other Wall St people working there as well.

I left for a better job. I am still in touch with 2 people there. When the waiting period was up the remaining drivers voted the union out. Wages went back up, not down because the management did have to deal with nonsensical tedious rules.

I realize that's one example of union failure but there are others. Unions are not the be all, end all solution to getting higher wages.

Now I want to address this directly to the idiot jillian who likes to point out on a daily basis my post count.

I'm restricted as to how much I can say about my current position which is also why I don't discuss my military service when asked by NYCarbineer.

I have a Secret Government Clearance. I am required to be at my post when assigned. There is little else I have to do while I'm there unless circumstances warrant, You jillyidiot better hope that I don't have to spring into action. Because if I have to it means we are under attack on the mainland. Enough said.

So yes I have 8 hours a day to be here.... if I so chose... which affords me the ability to post as much as I do.

If you bothered to notice today is one of the very rare times I pop in here on the weekend. Just about never after 3:30 on weekdays unless I do so before dinner. Sometimes I post on Sunday while watching the games.

Now maybe you'll mind your business and STFU up. Every time you post about my posting totals I will repost this post to show what a true fucking moron you are and how you make claims out your ass.

Don't waste your time explaining yourself to a waste of time.
Since unions seem to be a hot topic let me relay a story about that. I mentioned back in post # 142 that I worked a few years as a school bus driver.

It was a non union shop which paid more per hour than the unionized ones like First Student. While I was employed there, one crybaby who seemed to think unions were God's answer to everything contacted them. Naturally they set up shop just outside the gates soliciting people on their way in and out of work.

To speed up the story the workers eventually voted the union in with promises of pie-in-the-sky. The first thing the company did was drop new hires wages $3.00 per hour. Now keep in mind new hires formerly received only $13.50 to start. Then they made life miserable for the rest all while abiding by union set rules. More routes per day, terrible hours. Weekend school events went to the lowest paid while those that needed the money and formerly did them were excluded. One by one the older drivers quit. Keep in mind many drivers are housewives, people supplementing incomes who had other part time or full time evening jobs, retirees or like me, out of work and looking for a better opportunity so we drove in the meantime. There were about 5 other Wall St people working there as well.

I left for a better job. I am still in touch with 2 people there. When the waiting period was up the remaining drivers voted the union out. Wages went back up, not down because the management did have to deal with nonsensical tedious rules.

I realize that's one example of union failure but there are others. Unions are not the be all, end all solution to getting higher wages.

Now I want to address this directly to the idiot jillian who likes to point out on a daily basis my post count.

I'm restricted as to how much I can say about my current position which is also why I don't discuss my military service when asked by NYCarbineer.

I have a Secret Government Clearance. I am required to be at my post when assigned. There is little else I have to do while I'm there unless circumstances warrant, You jillyidiot better hope that I don't have to spring into action. Because if I have to it means we are under attack on the mainland. Enough said.

So yes I have 8 hours a day to be here.... if I so chose... which affords me the ability to post as much as I do.

If you bothered to notice today is one of the very rare times I pop in here on the weekend. Just about never after 3:30 on weekdays unless I do so before dinner. Sometimes I post on Sunday while watching the games.

Now maybe you'll mind your business and STFU up. Every time you post about my posting totals I will repost this post to show what a true fucking moron you are and how you make claims out your ass.

Don't waste your time explaining yourself to a waste of time.

I know, thanks... but some children need to be told things point blank, not that I have much hope this infant will get it or cease with her nonsense.
A group of Wal-Mart workers are planning to stage a walkout next week on Black Friday, arguably the biggest holiday shopping day for the world's largest retail store.

The walkout builds on an October strike that started at a Wal-Mart in Los Angeles and spread to stores in 12 other cities. More than 100 workers joined in the October actions.

One of the workers who plans to join next week's walkout is William Fletcher, who works at a Wal-Mart in Duarte, Calif.Fletcher, who also participated in the October strikes, claims Wal-Mart cut his hours after he asked to move from the receiving department to another division because of a knee injury. He has since switched departments.

"I kept asking myself, 'when is the retaliation for speaking our mind and acting on our rights going to stop?' " he said. Wal-Mart did not have an immediate comment in response to Fletcher's claim.

The union-backed groups OUR Walmart and Making Change at Wal-Mart, and a watchdog group Corporate Action Network, are calling on the nation's largest employer to end what they call retaliation against employees who speak out for better pay, fair schedules and affordable health care.......

Wal-Mart workers plan Black Friday walkout | Money - Home

Just fire their lazy asses.........

They will be at the unemployment office first thing Monday and those of us that work will pay for their tomfoolery.

I don't think so.

In my state (Florida), and I believe most states, you cannot collect unemployment compensation if you are fired for misconduct. Since the proposed strike would one of the worst offenses imaginable, the employees would be terminated with no recourse.
A 2005 study of government assistance found that just California Wal-Mart employees and their families alone utilize an additional $54 million in non-health related federal assistance, including food stamps, the Earned Income Tax Credit, subsidized school lunches, and subsidized housing. Way more of California Wal-Mart employees and their families were eligible for government assistance than were utilizing it. Then add in the $Billion+ burden that their employees are to the health-care system that they don't pay for.

Wal-Mart is also a burden on state governments. According to a study by the Institute for Labor and Employment at the University of California, Berkeley, in 2003 California taxpayers subsidized $20.5 million worth of medical care for Wal-Mart employees. This does not include local assistance.

Investigators documented 244 Wal-Mart subsidy deals with a total value of $1.008 billion. Taxpayer dollars have helped individual stores and distribution centers with everything from free or cut-price land to general grants. One example: in Sharon Springs, N.Y., a distribution center made a deal with an industrial development agency for the agency to hold the legal title to the facility so the corporation could evade property taxes. They estimates that Wal-Mart will save about $46 million over the life of this one agreement.

Wal-Mart is on the Government dole raising my taxes. Every Wal-Mart store is costing tax payers about a million dollars. They have 9,000 stores in the USA costing us tax payers $9 Billion. Walmart makes $16 Billion in profits a year & cry about paying taxes. Walmart can pay the $9 billion they are costing us tax payers without having to raise any prices in their stores. It's time they paid their own way just like I have to.

For all of you retards who want to blame Obama for the amount of Walmart Welfare - NOTE THE DATES OF THE STUDIES. 2003-2005 It was during an all Republican Administration, House & Senate. Just imagine how much it has grown in the past 9 years. Also Walmart is no longer the biggest welfare moochers. Many many more have joined their ranks. So enjoy paying taxes so they can take your wealth. Rally in support of & kiss the ass of the rich folks some more!

That's right boys.....CORPORATE welfare....this is the Conservative meme for America. Suck the Corporate dick....The big reach around? Companies like Walmart pays their employees jack shit and have to rely on Gubmint assistance to survive....then you fuckers have the nerve to bitch about taxes.....And before you fucking start.....I want to see a legitimate link that proves that "Obama Supporters" are the most likely to shop walmart.
A 2005 study of government assistance found that just California Wal-Mart employees and their families alone utilize an additional $54 million in non-health related federal assistance, including food stamps, the Earned Income Tax Credit, subsidized school lunches, and subsidized housing. Way more of California Wal-Mart employees and their families were eligible for government assistance than were utilizing it. Then add in the $Billion+ burden that their employees are to the health-care system that they don't pay for.

Wal-Mart is also a burden on state governments. According to a study by the Institute for Labor and Employment at the University of California, Berkeley, in 2003 California taxpayers subsidized $20.5 million worth of medical care for Wal-Mart employees. This does not include local assistance.

Investigators documented 244 Wal-Mart subsidy deals with a total value of $1.008 billion. Taxpayer dollars have helped individual stores and distribution centers with everything from free or cut-price land to general grants. One example: in Sharon Springs, N.Y., a distribution center made a deal with an industrial development agency for the agency to hold the legal title to the facility so the corporation could evade property taxes. They estimates that Wal-Mart will save about $46 million over the life of this one agreement.

Wal-Mart is on the Government dole raising my taxes. Every Wal-Mart store is costing tax payers about a million dollars. They have 9,000 stores in the USA costing us tax payers $9 Billion. Walmart makes $16 Billion in profits a year & cry about paying taxes. Walmart can pay the $9 billion they are costing us tax payers without having to raise any prices in their stores. It's time they paid their own way just like I have to.

For all of you retards who want to blame Obama for the amount of Walmart Welfare - NOTE THE DATES OF THE STUDIES. 2003-2005 It was during an all Republican Administration, House & Senate. Just imagine how much it has grown in the past 9 years. Also Walmart is no longer the biggest welfare moochers. Many many more have joined their ranks. So enjoy paying taxes so they can take your wealth. Rally in support of & kiss the ass of the rich folks some more!

That's right boys.....CORPORATE welfare....this is the Conservative meme for America. Suck the Corporate dick....The big reach around? Companies like Walmart pays their employees jack shit and have to rely on Gubmint assistance to survive....then you fuckers have the nerve to bitch about taxes.....And before you fucking start.....I want to see a legitimate link that proves that "Obama Supporters" are the most likely to shop walmart.

So your solution is what? Force WalMart, Kmart, Target..etc to pay higher wages? Really? Or is it just WalMart?

How about a better solution. Give corporations tax breaks to build things here in the US. Rebuild the steel mills and tell the enviro nut jobs to go to hell. China is building and building meanwhile we are declining all because of liberal BS policies.

We need to STOP the sucking sound of jobs fleeing overseas that was started by Clinton's free trade agreements. It was predicted then and has happened as predicted. We also need to stop the flow of unskilled labor into our country. How we can expect our jobs going overseas and a flood of unskilled labor to result in anything other then we are seeing takes a special kind of delusion.

Corporation create real meaningful jobs, Walmart does not, in my opinion.
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A 2005 study of government assistance found that just California Wal-Mart employees and their families alone utilize an additional $54 million in non-health related federal assistance, including food stamps, the Earned Income Tax Credit, subsidized school lunches, and subsidized housing. Way more of California Wal-Mart employees and their families were eligible for government assistance than were utilizing it. Then add in the $Billion+ burden that their employees are to the health-care system that they don't pay for.

Wal-Mart is also a burden on state governments. According to a study by the Institute for Labor and Employment at the University of California, Berkeley, in 2003 California taxpayers subsidized $20.5 million worth of medical care for Wal-Mart employees. This does not include local assistance.

Investigators documented 244 Wal-Mart subsidy deals with a total value of $1.008 billion. Taxpayer dollars have helped individual stores and distribution centers with everything from free or cut-price land to general grants. One example: in Sharon Springs, N.Y., a distribution center made a deal with an industrial development agency for the agency to hold the legal title to the facility so the corporation could evade property taxes. They estimates that Wal-Mart will save about $46 million over the life of this one agreement.

Wal-Mart is on the Government dole raising my taxes. Every Wal-Mart store is costing tax payers about a million dollars. They have 9,000 stores in the USA costing us tax payers $9 Billion. Walmart makes $16 Billion in profits a year & cry about paying taxes. Walmart can pay the $9 billion they are costing us tax payers without having to raise any prices in their stores. It's time they paid their own way just like I have to.

For all of you retards who want to blame Obama for the amount of Walmart Welfare - NOTE THE DATES OF THE STUDIES. 2003-2005 It was during an all Republican Administration, House & Senate. Just imagine how much it has grown in the past 9 years. Also Walmart is no longer the biggest welfare moochers. Many many more have joined their ranks. So enjoy paying taxes so they can take your wealth. Rally in support of & kiss the ass of the rich folks some more!

That's right boys.....CORPORATE welfare....this is the Conservative meme for America. Suck the Corporate dick....The big reach around? Companies like Walmart pays their employees jack shit and have to rely on Gubmint assistance to survive....then you fuckers have the nerve to bitch about taxes.....And before you fucking start.....I want to see a legitimate link that proves that "Obama Supporters" are the most likely to shop walmart.

So your solution is what? Force WalMart, Kmart, Target..etc to pay higher wages? Really? Or is it just WalMart?

How about a better solution. Give corporations tax breaks to build things here in the US. Rebuild the steel mills and tell the enviro nut jobs to go to hell. China is building and building meanwhile we are declining all because of liberal BS policies.

We need to STOP the sucking sound of jobs fleeing overseas that was started by Clinton's free trade agreements. It was predicted then and has happened as predicted. We also need to stop the flow of unskilled labor into our country. How we can expect our jobs going overseas and a flood of unskilled labor to result in anything other then we are seeing takes a special kind of delusion.

Corporation create real meaningful jobs, Walmart does not, in my opinion.

Oh wait.....reward Companies that keep or move jobs back to the USA? penalize the ones that outsourced? Oh shit.....welcome to Team Obama.....that's what he's been saying for FUCKING YEARS.

Steel Mills? Sure....let's make 'em SAFE and plentiful. Whether you believe in Global Warming or not is completely irrelevant. We need to keep our population sustainable...ecologically speaking. Poisoning our air, water and soil isn't smart....either for business(lawsuits) or our people.

The problem is not just with Walmart. The problem is with the attitude of our country... the whole "if it ain't me, fuck 'em" attitude has got to go, because make no mistake....the more that attitude pervades our society, they'll be a hell of a lot less people who aren't IN the situation that people who work at places like Walmart find themselves in.
It's not about being lazy. Wal-mart treats their employees like dirt. They pay a decent enough wage for unskilled labor, but they're assholes.

Hmmm. Then employees should seek better opportunity elsewhere.

In an economy where hardly anyone is hiring?

If they're smart enough to realize they are lucky to have a job to begin with why the fuck are they going to risk their job with a dumb move like this?

Some people are so fucking stupid. Trying to force the union into walmart is the only goal here. Most other large chains are doing the same damn thing yet we hear nothing about them. Look what the unions did to GM and hostess. Why would any sensible business owner subject his company to that?

Unions served their purpose decades ago. Now they are nothing more than self serving money laundering machines for the democratic party
Hmmm. Then employees should seek better opportunity elsewhere.

In an economy where hardly anyone is hiring?

If they're smart enough to realize they are lucky to have a job to begin with why the fuck are they going to risk their job with a dumb move like this?

Some people are so fucking stupid. Trying to force the union into walmart is the only goal here. Most other large chains are doing the same damn thing yet we hear nothing about them. Look what the unions did to GM and hostess. Why would any sensible business owner subject his company to that?

Unions served their purpose decades ago. Now they are nothing more than self serving money laundering machines for the democratic party

You pay more taxes to subsidize China's retailers. I'm done subsidizing your commie friends.
That's right boys.....CORPORATE welfare....this is the Conservative meme for America. Suck the Corporate dick....The big reach around? Companies like Walmart pays their employees jack shit and have to rely on Gubmint assistance to survive....then you fuckers have the nerve to bitch about taxes.....And before you fucking start.....I want to see a legitimate link that proves that "Obama Supporters" are the most likely to shop walmart.

So your solution is what? Force WalMart, Kmart, Target..etc to pay higher wages? Really? Or is it just WalMart?

How about a better solution. Give corporations tax breaks to build things here in the US. Rebuild the steel mills and tell the enviro nut jobs to go to hell. China is building and building meanwhile we are declining all because of liberal BS policies.

We need to STOP the sucking sound of jobs fleeing overseas that was started by Clinton's free trade agreements. It was predicted then and has happened as predicted. We also need to stop the flow of unskilled labor into our country. How we can expect our jobs going overseas and a flood of unskilled labor to result in anything other then we are seeing takes a special kind of delusion.

Corporation create real meaningful jobs, Walmart does not, in my opinion.

Oh wait.....reward Companies that keep or move jobs back to the USA? penalize the ones that outsourced? Oh shit.....welcome to Team Obama.....that's what he's been saying for FUCKING YEARS.

Steel Mills? Sure....let's make 'em SAFE and plentiful. Whether you believe in Global Warming or not is completely irrelevant. We need to keep our population sustainable...ecologically speaking. Poisoning our air, water and soil isn't smart....either for business(lawsuits) or our people.

The problem is not just with Walmart. The problem is with the attitude of our country... the whole "if it ain't me, fuck 'em" attitude has got to go, because make no mistake....the more that attitude pervades our society, they'll be a hell of a lot less people who aren't IN the situation that people who work at places like Walmart find themselves in.

As with a lot of Obama he says the obvious but has in reality did nothing. Had he done that one thing instead of focusing on Obamatax maybe we would be in a better position, but alas he is all talk. I am sure you will blame it on the Republicans but he got Obamatax he could have gotten almost anything else. A logical well laid out plan to bring jobs back who would have resisted? But words are just words without action.

Water quality has been getting better and better since NIXON passed the first clean water act. So we have success, but the regulations are approaching draconian, not reasonable.
A group of Wal-Mart workers are planning to stage a walkout next week on Black Friday, arguably the biggest holiday shopping day for the world's largest retail store.

The walkout builds on an October strike that started at a Wal-Mart in Los Angeles and spread to stores in 12 other cities. More than 100 workers joined in the October actions.

One of the workers who plans to join next week's walkout is William Fletcher, who works at a Wal-Mart in Duarte, Calif.Fletcher, who also participated in the October strikes, claims Wal-Mart cut his hours after he asked to move from the receiving department to another division because of a knee injury. He has since switched departments.

"I kept asking myself, 'when is the retaliation for speaking our mind and acting on our rights going to stop?' " he said. Wal-Mart did not have an immediate comment in response to Fletcher's claim.

The union-backed groups OUR Walmart and Making Change at Wal-Mart, and a watchdog group Corporate Action Network, are calling on the nation's largest employer to end what they call retaliation against employees who speak out for better pay, fair schedules and affordable health care.......

Wal-Mart workers plan Black Friday walkout | Money - Home

Just fire their lazy asses.........

They will be at the unemployment office first thing Monday and those of us that work will pay for their tomfoolery.

I don't think so.

In my state (Florida), and I believe most states, you cannot collect unemployment compensation if you are fired for misconduct. Since the proposed strike would one of the worst offenses imaginable, the employees would be terminated with no recourse.

You're absolutely right. There are very limited circumstances under which one can be fired and still receive unemployment here in NJ as well.
God Bless freedom.

We aren't China. Our workers aren't forced into labor.

And that's exactly why in this economy I doubt Wal-Mart will have any trouble hiring new employees to replace those who walk off their jobs.

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