Black Friday Wal-Mart Walkout

That's it put 'em on the dole. The solution to everything. Hey, Sparky, what do you do when hypothetically everyone decides to go that route?

Where does the money then come from?

Didn't think of that yet, eh Hugo

Big deal the 100 already on the dole go on a little more, but 150 more get hired off the dole to replace them.

:badgrin: Walmart shares are already down $10 since news of these strikes broke last month. That is a $33.4 Billion loss to Walmart's owners. :badgrin: Corporate is getting taken to the woodshed!!!! Their employees should they get fired will notice little difference.

Aren't free markets a wonderful way to pick the inners and losers!

It's not a big deal? I guess when mommy and daddy support your basement apartment one can be an advocate for Progressivism no matter at whose expense..
Nothing gets the pussified liberal hysterics going like the mention of walmart......

Next thing you know the little fascist darlings will be making a movie about their
A 2005 study of government assistance found that just California Wal-Mart employees and their families alone utilize an additional $54 million in non-health related federal assistance, including food stamps, the Earned Income Tax Credit, subsidized school lunches, and subsidized housing. Way more of California Wal-Mart employees and their families were eligible for government assistance than were utilizing it. Then add in the $Billion+ burden that their employees are to the health-care system that they don't pay for.

Wal-Mart is also a burden on state governments. According to a study by the Institute for Labor and Employment at the University of California, Berkeley, in 2003 California taxpayers subsidized $20.5 million worth of medical care for Wal-Mart employees. This does not include local assistance.

Investigators documented 244 Wal-Mart subsidy deals with a total value of $1.008 billion. Taxpayer dollars have helped individual stores and distribution centers with everything from free or cut-price land to general grants. One example: in Sharon Springs, N.Y., a distribution center made a deal with an industrial development agency for the agency to hold the legal title to the facility so the corporation could evade property taxes. They estimates that Wal-Mart will save about $46 million over the life of this one agreement.

Wal-Mart is on the Government dole raising my taxes. Every Wal-Mart store is costing tax payers about a million dollars. They have 9,000 stores in the USA costing us tax payers $9 Billion. Walmart makes $16 Billion in profits a year & cry about paying taxes. Walmart can pay the $9 billion they are costing us tax payers without having to raise any prices in their stores. It's time they paid their own way just like I have to.

For all of you retards who want to blame Obama for the amount of Walmart Welfare - NOTE THE DATES OF THE STUDIES. 2003-2005 It was during an all Republican Administration, House & Senate. Just imagine how much it has grown in the past 9 years. Also Walmart is no longer the biggest welfare moochers. Many many more have joined their ranks. So enjoy paying taxes so they can take your wealth. Rally in support of & kiss the ass of the rich folks some more!
A 2005 study of government assistance found that just California Wal-Mart employees and their families alone utilize an additional $54 million in non-health related federal assistance, including food stamps, the Earned Income Tax Credit, subsidized school lunches, and subsidized housing. Way more of California Wal-Mart employees and their families were eligible for government assistance than were utilizing it. Then add in the $Billion+ burden that their employees are to the health-care system that they don't pay for.

Wal-Mart is also a burden on state governments. According to a study by the Institute for Labor and Employment at the University of California, Berkeley, in 2003 California taxpayers subsidized $20.5 million worth of medical care for Wal-Mart employees. This does not include local assistance.

Investigators documented 244 Wal-Mart subsidy deals with a total value of $1.008 billion. Taxpayer dollars have helped individual stores and distribution centers with everything from free or cut-price land to general grants. One example: in Sharon Springs, N.Y., a distribution center made a deal with an industrial development agency for the agency to hold the legal title to the facility so the corporation could evade property taxes. They estimates that Wal-Mart will save about $46 million over the life of this one agreement.

Wal-Mart is on the Government dole raising my taxes. Every Wal-Mart store is costing tax payers about a million dollars. They have 9,000 stores in the USA costing us tax payers $9 Billion. Walmart makes $16 Billion in profits a year & cry about paying taxes. Walmart can pay the $9 billion they are costing us tax payers without having to raise any prices in their stores. It's time they paid their own way just like I have to.

For all of you retards who want to blame Obama for the amount of Walmart Welfare - NOTE THE DATES OF THE STUDIES. 2003-2005 It was during an all Republican Administration, House & Senate. Just imagine how much it has grown in the past 9 years. Also Walmart is no longer the biggest welfare moochers. Many many more have joined their ranks. So enjoy paying taxes so they can take your wealth. Rally in support of & kiss the ass of the rich folks some more!

No one blamed Obama. At least not me. You're boring me now with your redundancy and your lack of compassion for the unemployed. So:

I knew this shit was going to happen. Government should have imposed a higher minimum wage for business with 50 or more employees just as they did with the healthcare law. If big business continues to shit on the working class expect more unions everywhere. Occupy Wallstreet everywhere.

Republicans have lost 3-1/2 out of the last 4 elections because they have removed or failed to implement & enforce rules thus allowing big business to raid their pensions funds & Wallstreet to screw the world.

What do you figure, $100 an hour?

Your next burrito supreme from Taco Bell will cost $300, but hey, the rich will pay their fair share, right?
I knew this shit was going to happen. Government should have imposed a higher minimum wage for business with 50 or more employees just as they did with the healthcare law. If big business continues to shit on the working class expect more unions everywhere. Occupy Wallstreet everywhere.

Republicans have lost 3-1/2 out of the last 4 elections because they have removed or failed to implement & enforce rules thus allowing big business to raid their pensions funds & Wallstreet to screw the world.

What do you figure, $100 an hour?

Your next burrito supreme from Taco Bell will cost $300, but hey, the rich will pay their fair share, right?
All they gotta do is continue to devalue the currency and it can magically happen.
I knew this shit was going to happen. Government should have imposed a higher minimum wage for business with 50 or more employees just as they did with the healthcare law. If big business continues to shit on the working class expect more unions everywhere. Occupy Wallstreet everywhere.

Republicans have lost 3-1/2 out of the last 4 elections because they have removed or failed to implement & enforce rules thus allowing big business to raid their pensions funds & Wallstreet to screw the world.

What do you figure, $100 an hour?

Your next burrito supreme from Taco Bell will cost $300, but hey, the rich will pay their fair share, right?

Like I said: I wish the USG would establish a second minimum wage for business with 50 or more employees to get them off of the taxpayer's dole. $12/hr after first year of employment should do it without raising prices at all. Walmart makes $16 Billion a year profit. It would only cost them $4.5 Billion a year to pay their workers enough to get them off the tax payers dole & another $4.5 Billion a year to rid us of the special tax breaks they forced on local, city, state, federal government. This would prevent the proliferation of unions that are going to come. This place will look like Greece soon if you idiot ideologues continue with your stupidity. If you want more Union Thugs running the country then by all means continue on the same track. Otherwise quit kissing Your Rich Masters Ass all day & tell the government to protect workers & get rich corporation welfare tax moochers out of my pocket. MY GOD YOU STUPID PUSSIES STAND UP FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!
I knew this shit was going to happen. Government should have imposed a higher minimum wage for business with 50 or more employees just as they did with the healthcare law. If big business continues to shit on the working class expect more unions everywhere. Occupy Wallstreet everywhere.

Republicans have lost 3-1/2 out of the last 4 elections because they have removed or failed to implement & enforce rules thus allowing big business to raid their pensions funds & Wallstreet to screw the world.

What do you figure, $100 an hour?

Your next burrito supreme from Taco Bell will cost $300, but hey, the rich will pay their fair share, right?

Like I said: I wish the USG would establish a second minimum wage for business with 50 or more employees to get them off of the taxpayer's dole. $12/hr after first year of employment should do it without raising prices at all. Walmart makes $16 Billion a year profit. It would only cost them $4.5 Billion a year to pay their workers enough to get them off the tax payers dole & another $4.5 Billion a year to rid us of the special tax breaks they forced on local, city, state, federal government. This would prevent the proliferation of unions that are going to come. This place will look like Greece soon if you idiot ideologues continue with your stupidity. If you want more Union Thugs running the country then by all means continue on the same track. Otherwise quit kissing Your Rich Masters Ass all day & tell the government to protect workers & get rich corporation welfare tax moochers out of my pocket. MY GOD YOU STUPID PUSSIES STAND UP FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!

Commie assholes suck.
What do you figure, $100 an hour?

Your next burrito supreme from Taco Bell will cost $300, but hey, the rich will pay their fair share, right?

Like I said: I wish the USG would establish a second minimum wage for business with 50 or more employees to get them off of the taxpayer's dole. $12/hr after first year of employment should do it without raising prices at all. Walmart makes $16 Billion a year profit. It would only cost them $4.5 Billion a year to pay their workers enough to get them off the tax payers dole & another $4.5 Billion a year to rid us of the special tax breaks they forced on local, city, state, federal government. This would prevent the proliferation of unions that are going to come. This place will look like Greece soon if you idiot ideologues continue with your stupidity. If you want more Union Thugs running the country then by all means continue on the same track. Otherwise quit kissing Your Rich Masters Ass all day & tell the government to protect workers & get rich corporation welfare tax moochers out of my pocket. MY GOD YOU STUPID PUSSIES STAND UP FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!

Commie assholes suck.

No - You suck your corporate masters cock & pay his taxes for him.
Don't have too much sympathy. These peole can better their situations with education, self employment, a second job...there are many possibilities....
Like I said: I wish the USG would establish a second minimum wage for business with 50 or more employees to get them off of the taxpayer's dole. $12/hr after first year of employment should do it without raising prices at all. Walmart makes $16 Billion a year profit. It would only cost them $4.5 Billion a year to pay their workers enough to get them off the tax payers dole & another $4.5 Billion a year to rid us of the special tax breaks they forced on local, city, state, federal government. This would prevent the proliferation of unions that are going to come. This place will look like Greece soon if you idiot ideologues continue with your stupidity. If you want more Union Thugs running the country then by all means continue on the same track. Otherwise quit kissing Your Rich Masters Ass all day & tell the government to protect workers & get rich corporation welfare tax moochers out of my pocket. MY GOD YOU STUPID PUSSIES STAND UP FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!

Commie assholes suck.

No - You suck your corporate masters cock & pay his taxes for him.

Unless you don't live in the do you.
Like I said: I wish the USG would establish a second minimum wage for business with 50 or more employees to get them off of the taxpayer's dole.

Or we could simply close the border, because minimum wage was never meant to support a family on - the only reason people do is because their illegals.

$12/hr after first year of employment should do it without raising prices at all. Walmart makes $16 Billion a year profit. It would only cost them $4.5 Billion a year to pay their workers enough to get them off the tax payers dole & another $4.5 Billion a year to rid us of the special tax breaks they forced on local, city, state, federal government.

Why don't you just write the Walmart CEO and ask him to write you a check for $9 billion? You can cash it and give it to all the illegals...

Yeah, I mean, they wouldn't even notice $9 billion less in profits, no way they would raise prices...


I'm going to stop the sarcasm for a second and ask, are you REALLY this fucking stupid? Seriously?

This would prevent the proliferation of unions that are going to come. This place will look like Greece soon if you idiot ideologues continue with your stupidity. If you want more Union Thugs running the country then by all means continue on the same track. Otherwise quit kissing Your Rich Masters Ass all day & tell the government to protect workers & get rich corporation welfare tax moochers out of my pocket. MY GOD YOU STUPID PUSSIES STAND UP FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!

Yeah, because unions are on the rise..

Fuck but you're stupid - I mean numbingly stupid...
Like I said: I wish the USG would establish a second minimum wage for business with 50 or more employees to get them off of the taxpayer's dole.

Or we could simply close the border, because minimum wage was never meant to support a family on - the only reason people do is because their illegals.

$12/hr after first year of employment should do it without raising prices at all. Walmart makes $16 Billion a year profit. It would only cost them $4.5 Billion a year to pay their workers enough to get them off the tax payers dole & another $4.5 Billion a year to rid us of the special tax breaks they forced on local, city, state, federal government.

Why don't you just write the Walmart CEO and ask him to write you a check for $9 billion? You can cash it and give it to all the illegals...

Yeah, I mean, they wouldn't even notice $9 billion less in profits, no way they would raise prices...


I'm going to stop the sarcasm for a second and ask, are you REALLY this fucking stupid? Seriously?

This would prevent the proliferation of unions that are going to come. This place will look like Greece soon if you idiot ideologues continue with your stupidity. If you want more Union Thugs running the country then by all means continue on the same track. Otherwise quit kissing Your Rich Masters Ass all day & tell the government to protect workers & get rich corporation welfare tax moochers out of my pocket. MY GOD YOU STUPID PUSSIES STAND UP FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!

Yeah, because unions are on the rise..

Fuck but you're stupid - I mean numbingly stupid...

I hope that was rhetorical.

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