Zone1 Black Girl Criticizes Black Tinkerbell

It could be that most of the sci-fi writers at that time were male. They probably did not intend to discriminate against women but rather, they most likely put themselves in the place of the character.
No, there were females as well, but they had to write under a male pen name to be taken seriously. They were writing in a way that represented the dominant culture of the time. Ever watch Lost in Space? Women never had adventures!

Today its all different. New characters in cartoons and books are female and and other races because so are the writers. The fact it just happens naturally is good, I dont think theres a reason to feel we are correcting some wrong because in the past those characters were white.. or mostly male.

Many of culturally dominant and beloved stories are of white characters, because that was all who mattered then. I don’t have an issue altering that. If we are supposed to be color blind why be outraged? These are kid’s stories and they like to see themselves.
No, there were females as well, but they had to write under a male pen name to be taken seriously. They were writing in a way that represented the dominant culture of the time. Ever watch Lost in Space? Women never had adventures!

Many of culturally dominant and beloved stories are of white characters, because that was all who mattered then. I don’t have an issue altering that. If we are supposed to be color blind why be outraged? These are kid’s stories and they like to see themselves.

It doesnt outrage or bother me. I simply saw this thread and responded regarding the black girl who made the Youtube post. One of the other posters called her opinion Goofy... I'm simply saying there is credibility to her point of view as well. I understand that people of color or women may like to see themselves in fantasy characters... just like anyone else.
I believe if you listen to the girl, she is fine with new characters who are people of color... she was making a point, that in her opinion, theres no reason to go back and change the old ones.

II think theres plenty of room for multiple opinions on this, and it doesnt make anyone a bad person here.
No, there were females as well, but they had to write under a male pen name to be taken seriously. They were writing in a way that represented the dominant culture of the time. Ever watch Lost in Space? Women never had adventures!

Many of culturally dominant and beloved stories are of white characters, because that was all who mattered then. I don’t have an issue altering that. If we are supposed to be color blind why be outraged? These are kid’s stories and they like to see themselves.
Because it's not accurate. All societies have stories of their people. You want to change that. So why?
Because it's not accurate. All societies have stories of their people. You want to change that. So why?
Well….if you want to be strictly correct here…many stories have been taken from other cultures and adapted to the new one.

If you are upset by a black actor playing a traditionally white role, then shouldn’t you be upset when whites take on traditionally black fashion like corn rows and dreadlocks or traditionally black music like jazz?
If you spend your time worrying about whether Tinkerbell is black or white, then you are pretty pathetic. That's almost as stupid as worrying about M&Ms being sexy.
How about those that worry because there is a dedicated movement to tear down and remove all existing traditions so they can replace them with MARXIST WOKE BULLSHIT? 'Cause that's what simpletons like you are effectively advocating. I hope that if it works, you and those like you learn the whole long lesson of what Marxism ALWAYS results in...
Well….if you want to be strictly correct here…many stories have been taken from other cultures and adapted to the new one.
Yes... this is ABSOLUTELY accurate. Can you cite any other time in our history when so MANY of our traditions - those things that bond the people to a given nation - have all been attacked at the same time and by both entertainment AND media corporations? Can you honestly deny that you cannot identify this as propaganda and social engineering? The purpose for all of it is plain. Hell, I've seen interviews with former Russian KGB defectors and a lady who actually survived Mao's Cultural Revolution and they BOTH describe seeing exactly the same kinds of programming that is happening here, now.
Yes... this is ABSOLUTELY accurate. Can you cite any other time in our history when so MANY of our traditions - those things that bond the people to a given nation - have all been attacked at the same time and by both entertainment AND media corporations? Can you honestly deny that you cannot identify this as propaganda and social engineering? The purpose for all of it is plain. Hell, I've seen interviews with former Russian KGB defectors and a lady who actually survived Mao's Cultural Revolution and they BOTH describe seeing exactly the same kinds of programming that is happening here, now.
This is only about children being able to see characters they can identify with. That’s bad?
How about those that worry because there is a dedicated movement to tear down and remove all existing traditions so they can replace them with MARXIST WOKE BULLSHIT? 'Cause that's what simpletons like you are effectively advocating. I hope that if it works, you and those like you learn the whole long lesson of what Marxism ALWAYS results in...
Your paranoia is funnier by the day.
Well….if you want to be strictly correct here…many stories have been taken from other cultures and adapted to the new one.

If you are upset by a black actor playing a traditionally white role, then shouldn’t you be upset when whites take on traditionally black fashion like corn rows and dreadlocks or traditionally black music like jazz?
Cornrows and dreads I mean really how many whites do that? 90%of black woman appropriate non black afro hair. And this has nothing to do with the topic.
Cornrows and dreads I mean really how many whites do that? 90%of black woman appropriate non black afro hair. And this has nothing to do with the topic.
It totally does. You complain that blacks are “appropriating” white roles. (btw, outrage cultural appropriation is bs).
Yes... this is ABSOLUTELY accurate. Can you cite any other time in our history when so MANY of our traditions - those things that bond the people to a given nation - have all been attacked at the same time and by both entertainment AND media corporations? Can you honestly deny that you cannot identify this as propaganda and social engineering? The purpose for all of it is plain. Hell, I've seen interviews with former Russian KGB defectors and a lady who actually survived Mao's Cultural Revolution and they BOTH describe seeing exactly the same kinds of programming that is happening here, now.
What specific traditions are attacked?

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