Black Goon Kills Two!


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Feb 8, 2015
Yo, another Black Scum-Bag!!!

Harrison Lee Riley Jr kills Louisiana officer

by admin in Black Thugs August 26, 2015 Harrison Lee Riley Jr kills Louisiana officer2015-08-26T18:10:58+00:001 Comment

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Harrison Lee Riley Jr is the black thug who killed a Sunset Louisiana police officer as yet again, the war on cops rages on. The #blacklivesmatter crew should really be proud of themsevles. Early in the morning it was Vester Flanagan killing whitey, and tonight it’s Harrison Lee Riley Jr killing a white police officer in Sunset Louisiana. The blood is dripping from the hands of the #blacklivesmatter crew tonight that it will probably leave stains.

Harrison Lee Riley Jr kills Louisiana officer

As was the case with the murder in Virginia earlier today, there are no protests, no riots, no mass looting, and no media coverage.

Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Obama, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder are all silent yet again as a black thug kills a white police officers because he was white and an cop.

Does Harrison Lee Riley Jr make you feel proud of yourselves #blacklivesmatter thugs? Consider these same #blacklivesmatter scum basically danced on the graves of the two white reporters killed earlier in Virginia in an obvious hate crime, they probably are feeling pretty good about now.

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White lives matter.

Since blacks don't even respect each other's lives, they must not really matter.


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