Black Heroes


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Though the alledged kidnapper was black, so was her rescuer along with his white buddy:

Texas Teens Save Alleged Kidnap Victim Who Mouthed ?Help Me? From Car - ABC News

And let's not forget the black man who kicked in the front door rescuing 3 women held for years by Ariel Castro.

Neighbor who rescued kidnapped women speaks

During the Nairobi, Kenya mall massacre earlier this year, at least one hero was identified for his actions, a 38 year-old Kenyan man:

Meet the Kenyan hero who fought terrorists and rescued dozens | Public Radio International

And on that fateful day of 9/11 a black man donned his old Marines uniform and drove to Ground Zero to help. One of the movies made after depicted this man as white, he was in fact black.

Channel 4 unveils the remarkable untold story of the 9/11 Lost Hero - Channel 4 - Info - Press
I guess the word "hero" is subjective to its use and user.

A response to each of the OP's links:

1. Once again the victim was White and the perp was black. Not much heroic about following a car and calling 911, but hey, pick your hero's where you can find 'em.

2. Kicking in the door of a Mexican (who isn't home) to rescue people is truly 'heroic' (note sarcasm)

3. Truly heroic. Interesting that he is also an "evil Muslim".

4. With the aid of another ex-marine, Dave Karnes, (a White man) Jason Thomas was able to pull two police officers out of the rubble. Heroic? If so, was the black man more heroic than the White man since the OP neglected to include the White man in his comments?
Though the alledged kidnapper was black, so was her rescuer along with his white buddy:

Texas Teens Save Alleged Kidnap Victim Who Mouthed ?Help Me? From Car - ABC News

And let's not forget the black man who kicked in the front door rescuing 3 women held for years by Ariel Castro.

Neighbor who rescued kidnapped women speaks

During the Nairobi, Kenya mall massacre earlier this year, at least one hero was identified for his actions, a 38 year-old Kenyan man:

Meet the Kenyan hero who fought terrorists and rescued dozens | Public Radio International

And on that fateful day of 9/11 a black man donned his old Marines uniform and drove to Ground Zero to help. One of the movies made after depicted this man as white, he was in fact black.

Channel 4 unveils the remarkable untold story of the 9/11 Lost Hero - Channel 4 - Info - Press

It's sad that these stories need be the subject of a thread's opening post.

But I'm not sore about it or anything.
There are many black heroes. Too bad the thugs so outnumber them and dishonor what those heroes have done.

Now who will be the first to continue this trend and create the next thread?

Female Heroes.
There are many black heroes. Too bad the thugs so outnumber them and dishonor what those heroes have done.

I disagree. There are many black heroes and they are not dishonored by what anyone else has done. There are thugs of every race so why bring race into what makes a hero? It is a matter of character, integrity, honor. ... not skin color.
There are many black heroes. Too bad the thugs so outnumber them and dishonor what those heroes have done.

I disagree. There are many black heroes and they are not dishonored by what anyone else has done. There are thugs of every race so why bring race into what makes a hero? It is a matter of character, integrity, honor. ... not skin color.

That is what I teach my kids.

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