Black History IS American History

Well practically yes. Being that blacks are 14% of the culture, its weird that they are now represented in almost 90% over everything now. Under representation is one thing, yes. But this is ridiculous. It comes off as a condescending joke.
I'm glad someone else noticed this as well. What is happening is that companies, through massive advertising aimed at blacks, are cashing in on the increasing disposable income that blacks have today. These ads also cultivate the belief that most blacks live in middle class neighborhoods, enjoy middle class lifestyles, etc.

I hope blacks don't fall for it as what is needed most in the black community is "black investment capital" which can only be formed through savings and investments, not the wild spending being promoted by these companies. Of course blacks have to overcome their distrust of savings and investment institutions.
If black people are so much for equality, then why do they always have to have such special treatment? I do believe that's a legit question isn't it? They want to be equal to us, yet superior to us at exactly the same time. Not all of them anyways because Officer Tatum isn't like that, but still,.. the majority of them anyways.
If black people are so much for equality, then why do they always have to have such special treatment? I do believe that's a legit question isn't it? They want to be equal to us, yet superior to us at exactly the same time. Not all of them anyways because Officer Tatum isn't like that, but still,.. the majority of them anyways.
Blacks believe they are already smarter than whites, having elevated "street smarts" over formal education and traditional white ways of thinking.
Perhaps changing one word will help you see how dumb your remark is.
Why does ANY religion need a special time devoted to just THEM? I am really peeved and's sending mixed messages. Christians are like special needs children all of a sudden? Oh, they CAN'T do anything unless WE help them? Christians are different and deserve a special time to give them "credit"? This is so beyond condescending.

That does not change anything, I agree completely. Christians do not need a 'Christian History Month' or a special Cristian carve outs. And they do not have them.

They got some holidays but those are not really Cristian holidays, are they? I don't know any atheists that do not celebrate Christmas. I fail to see how the Easter bunny is a Cristian symbol. They certainly should not have a Cristian history segment in schools and we should rightly be preventing that from happening.

The entire concept of black history month is asinine. The idea that we sequester time off to recognize a specific race in our history is silly. We can, should, and quite frankly do teach black contributions to our history all year round. Same with all other racial backgrounds.

At the end of the day, emphasizing tribal characteristics that are unchangeable is not the best way to create a country that welcomes all people. I fail to understand how the same core concepts that are held dear by true racists are somehow seen as good in other situations. The core concept that race is endemic to who and what you are is an evil value no matter what cloths you dress it up in.

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