"Black" is now an insult?

So if I ever become a waiter and serve you, I'll make sure to write "bitter white woman" on the check. And if you're offended, then you're a hypocrite.

Dipshit, the waitress did not write anything offensive like you would do. She simply described them to keep the order straight. You would go further and deliberately insult, but being the moron that you are, you don't see any difference.
So if I ever become a waiter and serve you, I'll make sure to write "bitter white woman" on the check. And if you're offended, then you're a hypocrite.

Dipshit, the waitress did not write anything offensive like you would do. She simply described them to keep the order straight. You would go further and deliberately insult, but being the moron that you are, you don't see any difference.
Table 1 is all that is necessary, not red couple, yellow couple, angry couple, gay couple, or Oh shit, fuckers likely to get my dumb ass fired couple...
A waitress was apparently trying to keep track of customers and wrote 'black couple' on a receipt. Not a big deal, but in the current climate created by Sharpton and the other race baiters, people are looking for a reason to be offended. The couple claimed they were offended and got the waitress fired over it. Gosh, would the left even care if she was a single mom trying to make ends meet? Nah. The other restaurant workers had to have sensitivity training and the couple got free meals for life.

They said she could have chosen other words, like describing a shirt. So, tell me why others have been criticized for saying we should be colorblind. The left says we must be aware of color and not act like we don't see race and whites should be aware of their 'whiteness.'

What the fuck do these race baiters want? Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

How about we drop the "black" in "Black lives matter" and just say "lives matter?" No more "Black" History month, just history. No more "Black Caucus", just congress. You see, you must say it when they tell you to say it, but not on your own.

The race baiters have set things back 40 years with all their divisive rhetoric. They want a double standard and it's doing nothing but confusing people. A woman lost her job and the other employees had to be subjected to training because a couple got worked up over nothing. This is what the race baiters want. People walking on egg shells and being punished anytime they say something that isn't approved by the PC Nazis.

^ That post is more of an insult. I bet you'd be bitching up a storm if you were handed a receipt that said "white people."
If we were the only white people there and its a busy restaurant, I would not have a problem being called White Couple. But that's me. What if she said colored couple or negro couple? Blacks need to make up their mind on what term is acceptable.
The owner is an idiot. Said it once, and I will continue to say it.
"Blacks need to make up their mind on what term is acceptable"?

Why? Gracie, how much time have you spent thinking about what terms it's acceptable to call you?
Honky, bad. Cracker, bad. C*nt, bad, WhiteTrash, bad. WHITE COUPLE, OK.
The owner IS A MORON. "She could have said a multitude of things for the customer ticket order, like coral shirt".
What if it was an orange shirt. What if there was a light red shirt? What if more than one man or woman had a "coral color" shirt on? And, you have a line of people waiting to place an order, so you are hurrying so everyone is happy. She was FIRED and jobs are hard to get nowadays. She was FIRED because she said BLACK COUPLE.

Fuck it. From now on, I guess I'll just say NON TANNED. Oh. Wait. People fish belly white will get offended.
Well if she'd been a good employee the owner would have defended her. I guess they decided not to. Oh well. It's a free market after all right? :cool:
A waitress was apparently trying to keep track of customers and wrote 'black couple' on a receipt. Not a big deal, but in the current climate created by Sharpton and the other race baiters, people are looking for a reason to be offended. The couple claimed they were offended and got the waitress fired over it. Gosh, would the left even care if she was a single mom trying to make ends meet? Nah. The other restaurant workers had to have sensitivity training and the couple got free meals for life.

They said she could have chosen other words, like describing a shirt. So, tell me why others have been criticized for saying we should be colorblind. The left says we must be aware of color and not act like we don't see race and whites should be aware of their 'whiteness.'

What the fuck do these race baiters want? Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

How about we drop the "black" in "Black lives matter" and just say "lives matter?" No more "Black" History month, just history. No more "Black Caucus", just congress. You see, you must say it when they tell you to say it, but not on your own.

The race baiters have set things back 40 years with all their divisive rhetoric. They want a double standard and it's doing nothing but confusing people. A woman lost her job and the other employees had to be subjected to training because a couple got worked up over nothing. This is what the race baiters want. People walking on egg shells and being punished anytime they say something that isn't approved by the PC Nazis.

^ That post is more of an insult. I bet you'd be bitching up a storm if you were handed a receipt that said "white people."
Why in the world would I be insulted if , at the top of my receipt, it said "white person." I'm white! I might look twice if it said "Cracker,"
There was no derogatory term in the receipt. The black couple should be giving the apology and encourage the owner to hire that waitress again. Pure BS.
A waitress was apparently trying to keep track of customers and wrote 'black couple' on a receipt. Not a big deal, but in the current climate created by Sharpton and the other race baiters, people are looking for a reason to be offended. The couple claimed they were offended and got the waitress fired over it. Gosh, would the left even care if she was a single mom trying to make ends meet? Nah. The other restaurant workers had to have sensitivity training and the couple got free meals for life.

They said she could have chosen other words, like describing a shirt. So, tell me why others have been criticized for saying we should be colorblind. The left says we must be aware of color and not act like we don't see race and whites should be aware of their 'whiteness.'

What the fuck do these race baiters want? Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

How about we drop the "black" in "Black lives matter" and just say "lives matter?" No more "Black" History month, just history. No more "Black Caucus", just congress. You see, you must say it when they tell you to say it, but not on your own.

The race baiters have set things back 40 years with all their divisive rhetoric. They want a double standard and it's doing nothing but confusing people. A woman lost her job and the other employees had to be subjected to training because a couple got worked up over nothing. This is what the race baiters want. People walking on egg shells and being punished anytime they say something that isn't approved by the PC Nazis.

^ That post is more of an insult. I bet you'd be bitching up a storm if you were handed a receipt that said "white people."
If we were the only white people there and its a busy restaurant, I would not have a problem being called White Couple. But that's me. What if she said colored couple or negro couple? Blacks need to make up their mind on what term is acceptable.
The owner is an idiot. Said it once, and I will continue to say it.
"Blacks need to make up their mind on what term is acceptable"?

Why? Gracie, how much time have you spent thinking about what terms it's acceptable to call you?
Honky, bad. Cracker, bad. C*nt, bad, WhiteTrash, bad. WHITE COUPLE, OK.
The owner IS A MORON. "She could have said a multitude of things for the customer ticket order, like coral shirt".
What if it was an orange shirt. What if there was a light red shirt? What if more than one man or woman had a "coral color" shirt on? And, you have a line of people waiting to place an order, so you are hurrying so everyone is happy. She was FIRED and jobs are hard to get nowadays. She was FIRED because she said BLACK COUPLE.

Fuck it. From now on, I guess I'll just say NON TANNED. Oh. Wait. People fish belly white will get offended.
Well if she'd been a good employee the owner would have defended her. I guess they decided not to. Oh well. It's a free market after all right? :cool:
The owner was scared. Hell, maybe they were thinking of torching the place...isn't that what the aggressive ones do when they're ticked?
I hope whomever this gal is, job offers start pouring in. And I hope the restaurant fails for awhile. At least until the owner grows a brain cell and a pair of balls.
I'm sick of all of that. Black people are so vocal it seems like there are no other problems in America apart from the black issue. I hope it will end one day, I don't want to see any race struggles in the US.
Hanon also met with Wilson and her companion to apologize and offer them unlimited meals. All was forgiven, and Wilson gave Hanon a hug.

"If someone extends an apology to me, I will always accept an apology," said Wilson, adding that she will visit the restaurant again and encourage others to eat there, as well.


And a coward restaurant owner with no balls.
I'm sick of all of that. Black people are so vocal it seems like there are no other problems in America apart from the black issue. I hope it will end one day, I don't want to see any race struggles in the US.
Sure we have problems in the US, but calling someone black when they are indeed black, isn't one of them. Fist, I hope all of this ends some day, too. Perhaps with a new president, things will calm down.
Like I keep saying. The owner is an idiot. And has no balls. The way he kept on and on and on apologizing. What a pussy. And the woman that complained? FREE FOOD! FOR LIFE! Meanwhile, a waitress goes without a paycheck. Because she...gasped....said BLACK COUPLE for a BLACK COUPLE.

This totally pisses me off. Big time. Just another nail in the proverbial coffin. I never considered myself racist against blacks. But I'm getting there. Thanks to the idiot ones.

Which begs the question....how many feel the same way lately? Might be a subject for a different topic/thread.
Like I keep saying. The owner is an idiot. And has no balls. The way he kept on and on and on apologizing. What a pussy. And the woman that complained? FREE FOOD! FOR LIFE! Meanwhile, a waitress goes without a paycheck. Because she...gasped....said BLACK COUPLE for a BLACK COUPLE.

This totally pisses me off. Big time. Just another nail in the proverbial coffin. I never considered myself racist against blacks. But I'm getting there. Thanks to the idiot ones.

Which begs the question....how many feel the same way lately? Might be a subject for a different topic/thread.

Gracie, I can understand what you are saying. I have always been fine around minorities, but this president has made such a distinction, or I should say divide between the two races, it takes it's toll. Ferguson got to me when the DOJ came to the aid of the thug and the family and left the police officer hang in the wind. Let the idiots burn and loot..."give them space." I just shook my head and thought, "It has gone too far."
Like I keep saying. The owner is an idiot. And has no balls. The way he kept on and on and on apologizing. What a pussy. And the woman that complained? FREE FOOD! FOR LIFE! Meanwhile, a waitress goes without a paycheck. Because she...gasped....said BLACK COUPLE for a BLACK COUPLE.

This totally pisses me off. Big time. Just another nail in the proverbial coffin. I never considered myself racist against blacks. But I'm getting there. Thanks to the idiot ones.

Which begs the question....how many feel the same way lately? Might be a subject for a different topic/thread.

Gracie, I can understand what you are saying. I have always been fine around minorities, but this president has made such a distinction, or I should say divide between the two races, it takes it's toll. Ferguson got to me when the DOJ came to the aid of the thug and the family and left the police officer hang in the wind. Let the idiots burn and loot..."give them space." I just shook my head and thought, "It has gone too far."
Yep. I think that was the beginning for me, too. Ferguson. It is a non stop battle, all the time. Our POTUS started all this shit with "this could have been my son" bullshit. Then the ass kissing with Ferguson. And on and on and on it will go. I should have seen it when he was all involved in Rev Wrights hate church, but chose to keep my head buried in the sand.

The bad thing about all this? The more these idiot BLACKS keep doing this shit and white morons keep their own heads buried in the sand, the worse it is going to get.

If nobody has watched the vid in the OP.....DO IT. Watch it. Get yer barf bag ready. Unless you have your own head so far in the sand you won't need one.
But you got to admit, the story they told is outrageous.

Black couple is just used as an identifier. Considering it was Montana, I can see why one would write(not a state known for having lots of Black folks).
Montana? Missouri. They have ******* there, lots of them...

  1. Missouri
    US State
  2. Missouri is a state located in the Midwestern United States. It is the 21st most extensive, and the 18th most populous of the fifty states. The state comprises 114 counties and the independent city of St. Louis. Wikipedia
  3. Capital: Jefferson City
  4. Abbreviation: MO
  5. Secretary of State: Jason Kander
  6. Minimum wage: 7.65 USD per hour (2015)
  7. State bird: Eastern bluebird
    Missouri - Google Search

OK, Missouri
Still, "Black couple" is still used as an identifier.

Color Blind society does not mean a society in which the citizen has an inability to determine race.

It means a society in which the citizens treat everyone alike regardless of race.
But you got to admit, the story they told is outrageous.

Black couple is just used as an identifier. Considering it was Montana, I can see why one would write(not a state known for having lots of Black folks).
Montana? Missouri. They have ******* there, lots of them...

  1. Missouri
    US State
  2. Missouri is a state located in the Midwestern United States. It is the 21st most extensive, and the 18th most populous of the fifty states. The state comprises 114 counties and the independent city of St. Louis. Wikipedia
  3. Capital: Jefferson City
  4. Abbreviation: MO
  5. Secretary of State: Jason Kander
  6. Minimum wage: 7.65 USD per hour (2015)
  7. State bird: Eastern bluebird
    Missouri - Google Search

OK, Missouri
Still, "Black couple" is still used as an identifier.

Color Blind society does not mean a society in which the citizen has an inability to determine race.

It means a society in which the citizens treat everyone alike regardless of race.
Unfortunately, there is still a race war going on. Blacks against....everyone else. And it will just get worse if the damn enablers to their "cause" continues to enable them.
Yes, there is a lot of horrible things blacks face and have faced. But come on. Now its where someone gets fired for saying BLACK COUPLE???? Really? It has reached the ludicrous mark now.
If the waitress was black, this would be a non issue
Like I keep saying. The owner is an idiot. And has no balls. The way he kept on and on and on apologizing. What a pussy. And the woman that complained? FREE FOOD! FOR LIFE! Meanwhile, a waitress goes without a paycheck. Because she...gasped....said BLACK COUPLE for a BLACK COUPLE.

This totally pisses me off. Big time. Just another nail in the proverbial coffin. I never considered myself racist against blacks. But I'm getting there. Thanks to the idiot ones.

Which begs the question....how many feel the same way lately? Might be a subject for a different topic/thread.

Gracie, I can understand what you are saying. I have always been fine around minorities, but this president has made such a distinction, or I should say divide between the two races, it takes it's toll. Ferguson got to me when the DOJ came to the aid of the thug and the family and left the police officer hang in the wind. Let the idiots burn and loot..."give them space." I just shook my head and thought, "It has gone too far."
Yep. I think that was the beginning for me, too. Ferguson. It is a non stop battle, all the time. Our POTUS started all this shit with "this could have been my son" bullshit. Then the ass kissing with Ferguson. And on and on and on it will go. I should have seen it when he was all involved in Rev Wrights hate church, but chose to keep my head buried in the sand.

The bad thing about all this? The more these idiot BLACKS keep doing this shit and white morons keep their own heads buried in the sand, the worse it is going to get.

If nobody has watched the vid in the OP.....DO IT. Watch it. Get yer barf bag ready. Unless you have your own head so far in the sand you won't need one.

There are more blacks that dislike the actions in Ferguson than there are "thugs." So when are they going to step up and say this has gone too far? If there is a case that they don't like the verdict, the morons can burn and loot and evidently, the hard working blacks are not ready to stand up and say, "that is not what we are about." But I don't hear them. Just like muslims that don't terrorize...you don't see the moderate muslims crying out for their ilk stop terrorizing. Are they afraid of their own people?

The Good People have to be heard from every race and ethnic group. We all have to work together.

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