Black Kid Kills His White Teacher In School Bathroom

Waiting for someone like Rev Jackson or Rev Sharpton to take to the media to focus attention on the incident.

Good luck with that....
To them it's just business as usual...
Better for them to focus on Ted Cruz..
I wouldn't be shocked if they were having sex and she ended things , and he killed her


From the article:

Chism wore a jail jumpsuit as he appeared in court. He just moved to Danvers a few weeks ago

Read more: Danvers High school boy Philip Chism charged with murder of teacher Colleen Ritzer | Mail Online
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Ritzer graduated with high honors and was attending graduate school. Her students say she was dedcated

Read more: Danvers High school boy Philip Chism charged with murder of teacher Colleen Ritzer | Mail Online
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If you are working and going to graduate school, you don't have time to fool around with students.

Just another black thug.
What does the color of his skin have to do with anything. You guys are the first to accuse the left of playing the race card; and the first to pull it out when it suits your agenda.

Oh listen to a story about terminator named J.E.D, poor T 1000 could barely keep his batteries fed, and then one day he was shootin' at some tea party dudes.....

Insert Beverly Hillbillies theme song music ---> Here.
The kid is certainly not a typical black murderer. It appears that skin color had nothing to do with this crime. There has been no motive disclosed about why this 14 year old brutally sliced this very good teacher that was well loved in the school. Clearly there is some mental illness involved...maybe a sexual crime was being attempted.

This crime smacks of the Sandy Hook shooting in that the perp comes from what appears to be a nice home. The kid clearly is in need of psychological evaluation and treatment ..if not institutionalizing. His parents are responsible for the care of a 14 year old. They had to know he is a danger to the community. They should be charged with something as well as thier son. It is extremely rare for an act such as this to not be proceeded by a lot of evidense that the kid isn't wired right. I would be willing to bet that this kid has done some real wack shit and his parents knew about it.

What is a "typical black murderer" and how do you distinguish them from a non-typical black murderer?

Typical ??? OHHhhhhhh... someone like Idi Amin.. He usually snacked on his victims after the killing.
They should have banned boxcutter back when boxcutters took down 3 buildings in Manhattan, a jet in PA, and the Pentagon! Well, that is according to the government controlled, MSM establishment anyhow!
The kid is certainly not a typical black murderer. It appears that skin color had nothing to do with this crime. There has been no motive disclosed about why this 14 year old brutally sliced this very good teacher that was well loved in the school. Clearly there is some mental illness involved...maybe a sexual crime was being attempted.

This crime smacks of the Sandy Hook shooting in that the perp comes from what appears to be a nice home. The kid clearly is in need of psychological evaluation and treatment ..if not institutionalizing. His parents are responsible for the care of a 14 year old. They had to know he is a danger to the community. They should be charged with something as well as thier son. It is extremely rare for an act such as this to not be proceeded by a lot of evidense that the kid isn't wired right. I would be willing to bet that this kid has done some real wack shit and his parents knew about it.

What is a "typical black murderer" and how do you distinguish them from a non-typical black murderer?

Typical ??? OHHhhhhhh... someone like Idi Amin.. He usually snacked on his victims after the killing.

That's typical?
I love how the media is acting perplexed, with headlines like "Why did he do it?"

Hmm, black male gets the urge to rape white female, ends up killing her. Yea, this is a tough one to figure out....
I wonder how long it must have took for her to die from a box cutter
I love how the media is acting perplexed, with headlines like "Why did he do it?"

Hmm, black male gets the urge to rape white female, ends up killing her. Yea, this is a tough one to figure out....

Good ole fashioned hate!!

Get whitey has become the national pastime.
It's an epidemic.
To me, its a amazing how people out there still want to be teachers.

God bless you always!!!


My brother used to say that anyone with enough sense to be a teacher has enough sense not to be a teacher. I have to agree, but ER and psych nurses deal with violent people all day every work day. I worked psych for 25 years, and I loved the job. I was good at it and only got hurt by a patient once. Assaults on staff in psychiatry are inevitable. I don't know a single person working psych who has not been hurt at least once. Some have gotten some nice new dental work out of it.

I don't think the wisest thing is for schools to teach teachers how to face down an armed intruder. They need to teach self defense the way they teach it in psych hospitals and that is to be very alert and recognize the signs of impending violence BEFORE it occurs. We wouldn't think of arming a nurse in a psych hospital. And even prison guards do not carry anything other than a canister of mace. This happens in the schools because they are easy prey. People who work there lack the common sense to know what to do.
I find it unbelievable how the left thinks that whites should be victims of racial violence. I thought you where against such shit?

Blacks kill 10 times per capita more whites then the other way around. This isn't racist against blacks as it is just a fact.

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