Black Lesbian Press Secretary - "Intellectual capacity of a bean sprout"

You republican racists need to take a hardlook at yourselves,. You voted for an idiot who was by all qualifications was unfit to be president but he fit all the boxes, white and male. So lets look at resumes.

Karine St. Pierre

Jean-Pierre graduated from Kellenberg Memorial High School, a college-preparatory school on Long Island, in 1993. Her parents wanted her to study medicine, and she studied life sciences at the New York Institute of Technology as a commuter student, but performed poorly on the Medical College Admission Test. Changing career tracks, she earned a bachelor's degree from the New York Institute of Technology in 1997. She earned a Master of Public Affairs from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, in 2003, where she served in student government and decided to pursue politics.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Sarah Elizabeth Huckabee was born on August 13, 1982, in Hope, Arkansas. She is the youngest child and only daughter of Mike Huckabee and Janet Huckabee (née McCain), both politicians. She has two brothers, John Mark Huckabee and David Huckabee. After graduating from Little Rock Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, Huckabee attended Ouachita Baptist University (her father's alma mater) in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. She was elected student body president of the university and was active in Republican organizations. In 2004, she graduated from the university with a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in political science and minoring in mass communications.

Who is better qualified?

Karine St. Pierre.

Sarah Huckabee-Sanders is a prime example of a white female Affirmative Action hire who was not qualified to do the job.
Sean Spicer.

Talk about unqualified.

Came out Swinging, and NEVER came close to hitting anything.
It does matter who the president selects for top posts.
Look at how the military has turned transgender. Democrats don't give a damn about character or common sense.
They destroy everything they touch.
Looking at the Biden Cabinet it's rather apparent that Joe likes to appoint people who aren't much more intelligent than he is...which sets the bar REALLY low! :)
Who do you think you're fooling here???? The right would arrest a Democrat for JAYWALKING if the could find any evidence against them.

Despite all of the Republican claims that Democrats are criminals, there's only been 3 members of Carter, Clinton, Obama and Biden's White House Staff or cabinet who have ever been charged with crimes.

Trump tied the Justice Department into knots going after Obama, Clinton, Biden, McCabe, Comey, Clapper and others. Every investigation came up empty.

So another words you have nothing as usual.
bull ! Trump never weaponized the doj against political rivals ! he just called out corruption ! and Trump never went after average citizens like the Briben admin did to parents complaining at school board meetings .. and during the pandemic it was the lefts governors that instituted draconian lock downs barring people from going to church , school , gyms , ect ... while at the same time they supported mass gatherings of COVID spreading rioters . and Briben became dictator in chief with his unconstitutional COVID mandates ! so take your bull elsewhere ... people with common sense know what's going on !
I was watching a segment on her the other day on FOX Business and the WH is rumored to want to get shed of her but are skeered of the repercussions from the usual suspects.

I guess the clown show will continue because they said the only real option was to fire her because she can't really be promoted out of the position and even the likes of CNN and MS-LSD don't want her.

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