Black lesbian wife of NYC mayor mayor demands her own office and staff


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
What are her qualifications?? She's had some PR jobs and calls herself a poet!! Another useless black person.

De Blasio?s wife wants office, role at City Hall | New York Post

Jan 18, 2014

Mayor de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, wants her own office inside City Hall — and to play a hands-on, policy-setting role in her husband’s administration, sources told The Post.
Officials have been scouting space for New York City’s new first lady, who described herself as a “sounding board and partner” to her husband during his campaign and transition to mayor, a source said.
And the administration has been working on a portfolio of issues for McCray to tackle, *another source said.
McCray would also like a staff — and her top pick to head it up is Rachel Noerdlinger, a longtime spokeswoman and confidant for the Rev. Al Sharpton, NY1 reported Friday.
Complete with Al Sharpton tenacles too. Hang on Bill Apple, it's gonna be a bumpy ride back to being a shit hole. C-o-n-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e-s...
So she's married but a lesbian, and you know nothing about her, therefore she must be lazy, because she's black?

Biggle apple on its way to becoming the next shithole like detroit?
He is married to a black lesbian? The black part i believe. The lesbian part, not so much.

If you want to have credibility, you probably shouldnt just accuse people of baseless things.
NYC's folly will be Joisey's gain. Once before in history there was a mass business exodus from NYC. Do you really think it can't/won't happen again?
So she's married but a lesbian, and you know nothing about her, therefore she must be lazy, because she's black?


And I just can't understand why the GOP is having so much trouble with that "big tent" concept.
I'm sure those that voted for this guy will not have a problem with a husband and wife team as Mayor...
He is a progressive after all.
He is married to a black lesbian? The black part i believe. The lesbian part, not so much.

If you want to have credibility, you probably shouldnt just accuse people of baseless things.
Confucius says, if you don't know, you should Google

Mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio?s wife Chirlane McCray, a former lesbian, opens up about falling in love with a man - NY Daily News
According to LGBT and GLAAD being a homo isn't a 'choice'.

She should be reported to the gay PC police. ... :cool:
He is married to a black lesbian? The black part i believe. The lesbian part, not so much.

If you want to have credibility, you probably shouldnt just accuse people of baseless things.
Confucius says, if you don't know, you should Google

Mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio?s wife Chirlane McCray, a former lesbian, opens up about falling in love with a man - NY Daily News
According to LGBT and GLAAD being a homo isn't a 'choice'.

She should be reported to the gay PC police. ... :cool:
She was a lesbian until she met a rich white guy
Can New York get any weirder? Sheesh they should have just elected Weiner and be done with it. I guess NYC is vying for top weird city in the US. San Fran holds that post for now.

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