Black lesbian wife of NYC mayor mayor demands her own office and staff

Can New York get any weirder? Sheesh they should have just elected Weiner and be done with it. I guess NYC is vying for top weird city in the US. San Fran holds that post for now.

And now you've answered what office Obama will go after if/when he gets tired of being "president"!
So she's married but a lesbian, and you know nothing about her, therefore she must be lazy, because she's black?


That's better. Looks like we're finally getting thru that thick skull of yours.
He is married to a black lesbian? The black part i believe. The lesbian part, not so much.

If you want to have credibility, you probably shouldnt just accuse people of baseless things.

HAHAHA. Hey stupid. Can't you do any research.? She's pretty much admitted she's a lezbo.
A. what I WISH they'd do, when there are two candidates in a run off for the same position like Mayor, instead of wasting a million dollars each campaigning AGAINST one another, why not create a position for the other candidate? And have an assistant with not only a salary but a budget to work with to address problems the winning candidate doesn't represent. So that money could go into solving the problems and addressing the reason there was more than one candidate for that position. You could represent more people that way if the two candidates worked as a team and could even cover paid jobs.

B. for Governor or President races, i could totally see independent campaigns for First Lady. Since these are NOT elected positions, so there is no restrictions on what you can say, what length of time, or what finances you have to report for sponsors or contributors.

You can't do anything through an official position, but you don't need to. Anyone can lobby to stop bullying, to promote the Constitution or govt ethics and restitution to taxpayers, saving endangered species and the environment from pollution instead of debating global warming. Anyone could do that. I think they could get a lot more done without red tape.

What are her qualifications?? She's had some PR jobs and calls herself a poet!! Another useless black person.

De Blasio?s wife wants office, role at City Hall | New York Post

Jan 18, 2014

Mayor de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, wants her own office inside City Hall — and to play a hands-on, policy-setting role in her husband’s administration, sources told The Post.
Officials have been scouting space for New York City’s new first lady, who described herself as a “sounding board and partner” to her husband during his campaign and transition to mayor, a source said.
And the administration has been working on a portfolio of issues for McCray to tackle, *another source said.
McCray would also like a staff — and her top pick to head it up is Rachel Noerdlinger, a longtime spokeswoman and confidant for the Rev. Al Sharpton, NY1 reported Friday.
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A. what I WISH they'd do, when there are two candidates in a run off for the same position like Mayor, instead of wasting a million dollars each campaigning AGAINST one another, why not create a position for the other candidate?

You want to reward losers??? Typical lib lunacy.

Actually we did do that the first few years in america. The guy who came in second in the presidential race became VP.

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