Black Lies Matter Nitwits Protest Killing of Gorilla as Example of White Privilege Over Blacks

True,.... and beer.

GAWD! How could I forget BACON?

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True,.... and beer.

Looks like the insides of a fridge in the restaurant to me. But if one has a big family, so why not stock your fridge with food. Or if you live in the Arctic, I could see it.

GAWD! How could I forget BACON?

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I dont care if Mom is purple... 4 year olds prowl like little kittens .. the damn zoo isnt nursery school.. hell even nursery schools have adults that watch 4 year olds every damn move..
These morons cite an outrageous racial stereotype about blacks being somehow related to gorillas in order to slam White privilege and complain that a white boys life was saved.

When will blacks realize that the left is doing everything in its power to reduce them to subhuman status in the minds of people across the planet?

Black Outrage Over Gorilla Shot To Protect 'White Privilege'

He, diddnt read the article yet, but wasn't the child black? Despite the color of the child, for fuck sakes, a wild animal had a human kid. It's a no brainer. After the fall, the dragging, they needed to get that kid. This stupidity is the exact reason you have Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Even sadder, you all this potential in the black lives matter being squandered on retarded bull shit like this. I'm very glad a mother and all present did not have to watch their child get torn limb from limb, but I do hope CPS crawls right up the mothers ass and out her nose over this. I also hope that the powers that be make the zoo explain how a child was able to end up in the Gorillas enclosure.
I dont care if Mom is purple... 4 year olds prowl like little kittens .. the damn zoo isnt nursery school.. hell even nursery schools have adults that watch 4 year olds every damn move..

Exactly. Every parent at one point in their life has taken their eyes off their children for a second or more. Shall we charge them all for neglect? This is just the media again trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill for something useless and stupid to talk about. They have nothing better to do I guess? Oh except maybe attack Trump again and again and again. Pathetic.
These morons cite an outrageous racial stereotype about blacks being somehow related to gorillas in order to slam White privilege and complain that a white boys life was saved.

When will blacks realize that the left is doing everything in its power to reduce them to subhuman status in the minds of people across the planet?

Black Outrage Over Gorilla Shot To Protect 'White Privilege'

He, diddnt read the article yet, but wasn't the child black? Despite the color of the child, for fuck sakes, a wild animal had a human kid. It's a no brainer. After the fall, the dragging, they needed to get that kid. This stupidity is the exact reason you have Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Even sadder, you all this potential in the black lives matter being squandered on retarded bull shit like this. I'm very glad a mother and all present did not have to watch their child get torn limb from limb, but I do hope CPS crawls right up the mothers ass and out her nose over this. I also hope that the powers that be make the zoo explain how a child was able to end up in the Gorillas enclosure.

I guess what the zoo has to do now is start to look into things like what just happened. Put up more fencing where it should be.
I guess some of you missed all the white people who want to blame the black mother.
Mom had one job.

Africa for blacks. China for Asians. Mexico for Mexicans. Japan for Japanese. Irag/Iran for Arabs. North America for whites. Racism whining problem solved. No more mixing of the races. We all get along.
But you dark haired whites get in the back of the bus.

Why should we? Whites built and own the buses. So no, you go to the back of the bus where you belong. :banana:
I guess some of you missed all the white people who want to blame the black mother.
Mom had one job.

Africa for blacks. China for Asians. Mexico for Mexicans. Japan for Japanese. Irag/Iran for Arabs. North America for whites. Racism whining problem solved. No more mixing of the races. We all get along.
But you dark haired whites get in the back of the bus.

Why should we? Whites built and own the buses. So no, you go to the back of the bus where you belong. :banana:
No, blonde hair blue eye whites ride in the front of the bus. The rest of you in the back.
I guess some of you missed all the white people who want to blame the black mother.
Mom had one job.

Africa for blacks. China for Asians. Mexico for Mexicans. Japan for Japanese. Irag/Iran for Arabs. North America for whites. Racism whining problem solved. No more mixing of the races. We all get along.
But you dark haired whites get in the back of the bus.

Why should we? Whites built and own the buses. So no, you go to the back of the bus where you belong. :banana:
No, blonde hair blue eye whites ride in the front of the bus. The rest of you in the back.

Ok, works for me. :badgrin:
These morons cite an outrageous racial stereotype about blacks being somehow related to gorillas in order to slam White privilege and complain that a white boys life was saved.

When will blacks realize that the left is doing everything in its power to reduce them to subhuman status in the minds of people across the planet?

Black Outrage Over Gorilla Shot To Protect 'White Privilege'

He, diddnt read the article yet, but wasn't the child black? Despite the color of the child, for fuck sakes, a wild animal had a human kid. It's a no brainer. After the fall, the dragging, they needed to get that kid. This stupidity is the exact reason you have Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Even sadder, you all this potential in the black lives matter being squandered on retarded bull shit like this. I'm very glad a mother and all present did not have to watch their child get torn limb from limb, but I do hope CPS crawls right up the mothers ass and out her nose over this. I also hope that the powers that be make the zoo explain how a child was able to end up in the Gorillas enclosure.

I guess what the zoo has to do now is start to look into things like what just happened. Put up more fencing where it should be.

Absolutely. And it's needs to be investigated why and how the child got in there. The Parents need to be looked into.
These morons cite an outrageous racial stereotype about blacks being somehow related to gorillas in order to slam White privilege and complain that a white boys life was saved.

When will blacks realize that the left is doing everything in its power to reduce them to subhuman status in the minds of people across the planet?

Black Outrage Over Gorilla Shot To Protect 'White Privilege'

He, diddnt read the article yet, but wasn't the child black? Despite the color of the child, for fuck sakes, a wild animal had a human kid. It's a no brainer. After the fall, the dragging, they needed to get that kid. This stupidity is the exact reason you have Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Even sadder, you all this potential in the black lives matter being squandered on retarded bull shit like this. I'm very glad a mother and all present did not have to watch their child get torn limb from limb, but I do hope CPS crawls right up the mothers ass and out her nose over this. I also hope that the powers that be make the zoo explain how a child was able to end up in the Gorillas enclosure.

I guess what the zoo has to do now is start to look into things like what just happened. Put up more fencing where it should be.

Absolutely. And it's needs to be investigated why and how the child got in there. The Parents need to be looked into.

I guess that maybe both parties are at fault here. Let's just now forget the incident and make sure that it does not happen any more.
I thought this was a joke.....

It's not.

Never underestimate the level of retardation of a liberal.

Brietbart has learned from Fox that all they need to do to make an enemy is to choose silly twitter posts and make it seem like it comes from a larger group.

Its just like when they ask kids at Mardi Gras about NATO and then all have a good laugh
Call me cynical but I'm guessing the zoo people made a calculated decision based on money.

The kid got through some sort of opening in the barriers. He dies and that's gross negligence on the part of the zoo. He dies when the zoo people could have taken the shot and didn't,

that's even more liability.

Based on the video evidence, it doesn't appear the gorilla means to do harm to the kid. The scary dragging around part was even done in what, to gorillas and their babies, was probably considered safe.

So now you know what the gorilla meant and didn't mean to do?

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