Black Lies Matter Nitwits Protest Killing of Gorilla as Example of White Privilege Over Blacks


You have to wonder what sort of parent allows their child to get into a gorilla enclosure
i wonder if the Gorilla was down on his knees screaming in Gorilla Language,.,,,"Hands and Penis Up!,,,Please Dont Shoot" !!!!

I guess that who ever shot the gorilla did not speak or understand gorillian. This needs to change. Maybe PETA can help and look into this? :badgrin:

You have to wonder what sort of parent allows their child to get into a gorilla enclosure
i wonder if the Gorilla was down on his knees screaming in Gorilla Language,.,,,"Hands and Penis Up!,,,Please Dont Shoot" !!!!

I guess that who ever shot the gorilla did not speak or understand gorillian. This needs to change. Maybe PETA can help and look into this? :badgrin:
maybe the Gorilla said "Hands Up! Im Black !! And I Didn't Rob A Cigar Shop! Please Don't Shoot" !!!!!
Call me cynical but I'm guessing the zoo people made a calculated decision based on money.

The kid got through some sort of opening in the barriers. He dies and that's gross negligence on the part of the zoo. He dies when the zoo people could have taken the shot and didn't,

that's even more liability.

Based on the video evidence, it doesn't appear the gorilla means to do harm to the kid. The scary dragging around part was even done in what, to gorillas and their babies, was probably considered safe.

So now you know what the gorilla meant and didn't mean to do?

Learn to read.

You have to wonder what sort of parent allows their child to get into a gorilla enclosure
i wonder if the Gorilla was down on his knees screaming in Gorilla Language,.,,,"Hands and Penis Up!,,,Please Dont Shoot" !!!!

I guess that who ever shot the gorilla did not speak or understand gorillian. This needs to change. Maybe PETA can help and look into this? :badgrin:
maybe the Gorilla said "Hands Up! Im Black !! And I Didn't Rob A Cigar Shop! Please Don't Shoot" !!!!!

I wonder if we are getting the wrong story here? Maybe that gorilla reached up and grabbed that kid and tried to abduct him, and bring him back it his people.

Hey, you never know.
Call me cynical but I'm guessing the zoo people made a calculated decision based on money.

The kid got through some sort of opening in the barriers. He dies and that's gross negligence on the part of the zoo. He dies when the zoo people could have taken the shot and didn't,

that's even more liability.

Based on the video evidence, it doesn't appear the gorilla means to do harm to the kid. The scary dragging around part was even done in what, to gorillas and their babies, was probably considered safe.

So now you know what the gorilla meant and didn't mean to do?

Learn to read.

YOU said "it doesn't appear the gorilla means to do harm to the kid". In other words, you're claiming you knew what the intent of the gorilla was when it came to the child. I read it perfectly.
A f'n gorilla was shot. Big bloody deal anyway. Does this mean that the world is about to come to an end? There are thousands of these gorillas out there to replace that one. To some morons, a gorillas life is more important than a human life. I think that there are some people out there that should be out in a zoo cage. That way the intelligent ones out there will be all safe from those crazy animal loving predators who think that human life is less important than animal life from roaming the streets.
These morons cite an outrageous racial stereotype about blacks being somehow related to gorillas in order to slam White privilege and complain that a white boys life was saved.

When will blacks realize that the left is doing everything in its power to reduce them to subhuman status in the minds of people across the planet?

Black Outrage Over Gorilla Shot To Protect 'White Privilege'

He, diddnt read the article yet, but wasn't the child black? Despite the color of the child, for fuck sakes, a wild animal had a human kid. It's a no brainer. After the fall, the dragging, they needed to get that kid. This stupidity is the exact reason you have Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Even sadder, you all this potential in the black lives matter being squandered on retarded bull shit like this. I'm very glad a mother and all present did not have to watch their child get torn limb from limb, but I do hope CPS crawls right up the mothers ass and out her nose over this. I also hope that the powers that be make the zoo explain how a child was able to end up in the Gorillas enclosure.

I guess what the zoo has to do now is start to look into things like what just happened. Put up more fencing where it should be.

All that, maybe fire the guy in charge of the guerilla enclosures, and check the integrity of the other animal enclosures. Then, CPS needs to speak to the parents of the child. What were they doing, where we're they and how was their boy able to get away from them, did they know he got away? The shooting should be dealt with last. The events leading up to the incident should be priority. But, our public is to into being pissed about shit. They prefer intertainment and Outrage Over facts.
Call me cynical but I'm guessing the zoo people made a calculated decision based on money.

The kid got through some sort of opening in the barriers. He dies and that's gross negligence on the part of the zoo. He dies when the zoo people could have taken the shot and didn't,

that's even more liability.

Based on the video evidence, it doesn't appear the gorilla means to do harm to the kid. The scary dragging around part was even done in what, to gorillas and their babies, was probably considered safe.

So now you know what the gorilla meant and didn't mean to do?

Learn to read.

YOU said "it doesn't appear the gorilla means to do harm to the kid". In other words, you're claiming you knew what the intent of the gorilla was when it came to the child. I read it perfectly.

That's how it appeared.
Call me cynical but I'm guessing the zoo people made a calculated decision based on money.

The kid got through some sort of opening in the barriers. He dies and that's gross negligence on the part of the zoo. He dies when the zoo people could have taken the shot and didn't,

that's even more liability.

Based on the video evidence, it doesn't appear the gorilla means to do harm to the kid. The scary dragging around part was even done in what, to gorillas and their babies, was probably considered safe.

So now you know what the gorilla meant and didn't mean to do?

Learn to read.

YOU said "it doesn't appear the gorilla means to do harm to the kid". In other words, you're claiming you knew what the intent of the gorilla was when it came to the child. I read it perfectly.

That's how it appeared.

You would still have to be able to know what it looks like when one means to and doesn't mean to do something.
Call me cynical but I'm guessing the zoo people made a calculated decision based on money.

The kid got through some sort of opening in the barriers. He dies and that's gross negligence on the part of the zoo. He dies when the zoo people could have taken the shot and didn't,

that's even more liability.

Based on the video evidence, it doesn't appear the gorilla means to do harm to the kid. The scary dragging around part was even done in what, to gorillas and their babies, was probably considered safe.

So now you know what the gorilla meant and didn't mean to do?

Learn to read.

YOU said "it doesn't appear the gorilla means to do harm to the kid". In other words, you're claiming you knew what the intent of the gorilla was when it came to the child. I read it perfectly.

That's how it appeared.

You would still have to be able to know what it looks like when one means to and doesn't mean to do something.
Its pretty simple. You observe the body language. That always gives it away. The child was in danger only because the gorilla didnt know its own strength.
It's like I said, if there is no racism then make shit up to keep the racism issue burning.

I especially enjoy the bit about the boy being black, and the BLM people assuming he was white so they could get their Rage On.

I wondered if they ASSumed the kid was white before whining
All the previous ones were. i assumed the kid was white too. Most Black kids dont do stuff like this but then he was only 3.
Sure, Black kids and Black people NEVER do stupid things. it should have been a white kid. I don't see how race is brought into everything like this. Its a shame it could even cross someones mind
Black kids and people do stupid stuff. However, they rarely ever fall into a zoo enclosure or jump a fence to take a picture with a lion. Race was brought into it by the OP. Didnt you see the title?

If the Gorilla had been white would they still have shot him?

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