Black Lies Matter Nitwits Protest Killing of Gorilla as Example of White Privilege Over Blacks

New video footage of Harambe shows the 400-pound gorilla HOLDING HANDS with the boy who fell into the zoo enclosure as witnesses say the animal was 'acting protectively'

New video shows Harambe HOLDING HANDS with the four-year-old boy

This magnificent creature shouldn't have been shot and killed, instead they should have shot a tranquilliser dart at it, from the video Harambe was being very gentle with that child, I think it's outrageous that they killed him.

Experts say that shooting the gorilla with a tranquilizer dart would possibly have enraged him and he would have killed the child. They also say it would have taken at least 15 minutes to work.
From a eyewitness

Michelle Gregg: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

"I wasn’t leaving with my boys, because I didn’t trust my husband not to jump in and the gorilla did just seem to be protective of the child. It wasn’t until the gorilla became agitated because of the nosey, dramatic, helpless crowd; that the gorilla violently ran with the child! And it was very violent; although I think the gorilla was still trying to protect, we’re taking a 400 lb gorilla throwing a 40 lb toddler around! It was horrific! The zoo responded very quickly, clearing the area and attempting to save both the child and the gorilla! The right choice was made. Thank God the child survived with non-life threatening, but serious injuries! "

Of course she's going to say that. It's very important to demonize and vilify the gorilla (who being dead and all cannot defend himself) in order to deflect attention from the fact that the parents caused this situation by allowing their child to climb into the gorilla's Safe Space.
No dummy. The person that said that doesnt even know the family. Dont you feel stupid now?

The mother spreads the lie:

View attachment 76486
Great deflection but you failed to address the point.

The point is that the parents should not have allowed their kid to invade the Gorilla's Safe Space.
Nope. The point was that an eyewitness said the gorilla was being violent with the child.
From a eyewitness

Michelle Gregg: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

"I wasn’t leaving with my boys, because I didn’t trust my husband not to jump in and the gorilla did just seem to be protective of the child. It wasn’t until the gorilla became agitated because of the nosey, dramatic, helpless crowd; that the gorilla violently ran with the child! And it was very violent; although I think the gorilla was still trying to protect, we’re taking a 400 lb gorilla throwing a 40 lb toddler around! It was horrific! The zoo responded very quickly, clearing the area and attempting to save both the child and the gorilla! The right choice was made. Thank God the child survived with non-life threatening, but serious injuries! "

Of course she's going to say that. It's very important to demonize and vilify the gorilla (who being dead and all cannot defend himself) in order to deflect attention from the fact that the parents caused this situation by allowing their child to climb into the gorilla's Safe Space.
No dummy. The person that said that doesnt even know the family. Dont you feel stupid now?

The mother spreads the lie:

View attachment 76486
What lie are you referring to?
She is embarrassed she was too dumb to understand what "eyewitness" means and she thought the mother was the one talking in my post. Her comment about a lie was just a deflection.

You refuse to accept the fact that the parents accept no responsibility for their neglect of the child, which led to the Tragic and Untimely Death of a Black Gentle Giant.
New video footage of Harambe shows the 400-pound gorilla HOLDING HANDS with the boy who fell into the zoo enclosure as witnesses say the animal was 'acting protectively'

New video shows Harambe HOLDING HANDS with the four-year-old boy

This magnificent creature shouldn't have been shot and killed, instead they should have shot a tranquilliser dart at it, from the video Harambe was being very gentle with that child, I think it's outrageous that they killed him.

Experts say that shooting the gorilla with a tranquilizer dart would possibly have enraged him and he would have killed the child. They also say it would have taken at least 15 minutes to work.
Anyone with common sense could anticipate what would have happened if you shoot a 400 lb gorilla with a dart
Of course she's going to say that. It's very important to demonize and vilify the gorilla (who being dead and all cannot defend himself) in order to deflect attention from the fact that the parents caused this situation by allowing their child to climb into the gorilla's Safe Space.
No dummy. The person that said that doesnt even know the family. Dont you feel stupid now?

The mother spreads the lie:

View attachment 76486
What lie are you referring to?
She is embarrassed she was too dumb to understand what "eyewitness" means and she thought the mother was the one talking in my post. Her comment about a lie was just a deflection.

You refuse to accept the fact that the parents accept no responsibility for their neglect of the child, which led to the Tragic and Untimely Death of a Black Gentle Giant.
You refuse to accept the fact that you had no clue what "eyewitness" meant.
Of course she's going to say that. It's very important to demonize and vilify the gorilla (who being dead and all cannot defend himself) in order to deflect attention from the fact that the parents caused this situation by allowing their child to climb into the gorilla's Safe Space.
No dummy. The person that said that doesnt even know the family. Dont you feel stupid now?

The mother spreads the lie:

View attachment 76486
Great deflection but you failed to address the point.

The point is that the parents should not have allowed their kid to invade the Gorilla's Safe Space.
Nope. The point was that an eyewitness said the gorilla was being violent with the child.

Untrue. The Gorilla lived by the creed that Black Lives Matter, and was protecting the poor, neglected little tyke.

New video shows Harambe HOLDING HANDS with the four-year-old boy
Parents are ultimately responsible for taking care of their children. We don't have barricades along streets; parents teach their kids not to run into traffic, or escort them if they are too young to understand. A four year old child should have been kept away from the barrier.
But everyone knows that the streets are wide open and any toddler can run into one.

We do not normally think of gorilla cages as similarly open to intrusion by children. Everyone there was shocked the kid got into the enclosure, so I dont see how the parents can be put ENTIRELY at fault.
Parents are ultimately responsible for taking care of their children. We don't have barricades along streets; parents teach their kids not to run into traffic, or escort them if they are too young to understand. A four year old child should have been kept away from the barrier.
But everyone knows that the streets are wide open and any toddler can run into one.

We do not normally think of gorilla cages as similarly open to intrusion by children. Everyone there was shocked the kid got into the enclosure, so I dont see how the parents can be put ENTIRELY at fault.

Where did I say entirely? But they are primarily responsible. It's their job to protect their child, especially when others have caused an attractive nuisance.
Where did I say entirely? But they are primarily responsible. It's their job to protect their child, especially when others have caused an attractive nuisance.
That is the impression you gave me, that you are holding the parents entirely responsible, but I dont see them so.

The zoo should have had the enclosure 'child proof' at a minimum.
Where did I say entirely? But they are primarily responsible. It's their job to protect their child, especially when others have caused an attractive nuisance.
That is the impression you gave me, that you are holding the parents entirely responsible, but I dont see them so.

The zoo should have had the enclosure 'child proof' at a minimum.

Agreed, but the fact that they didn't means that the parents should have exercised more caution.
I find the turn of the discussion here very interesting.

While I had the intention of illustrating the Identity Politics ideology of Black Lives Matter idiots, this has illumined far more. It seems to me that once the parents were identified as being black, the pro-black voices dried up and the black attackers that usually get in on these kinds of threads have poured in and turned this into an entirely racial issue.

You normal people are freaking weird. :)
Agreed, but the fact that they didn't means that the parents should have exercised more caution.
Yeah, but short of 24/7 paranoia, I dont know how one can go day-to-day protecting ones child from every possible bad decision that the kid can make.

Are you a parent? Did your kids never surprise you with some of their antics? Mine sure have, many times.
I have no doubts that black mom will sue the Zoo and the city and make millions. Black Lies Matter.
I would sue too. There is no way a 3 yr old should be able to get into that enclosure that easily.

The 3 year-old boy wouldn't have been able to get into the enclosure at all, if his moronic mother would have been watching him.

Our eldest is 3 years-old, most mornings I take him to a park, there's a huge duck pond and he loves the ducks. When I take him to the park, I have him on harness and reins, this is to stop him getting into the pond to play with the ducks, this is called being a responsible parent.

I have no doubts that black mom will sue the Zoo and the city and make millions. Black Lies Matter.
I would sue too. There is no way a 3 yr old should be able to get into that enclosure that easily.

The 3 year-old boy wouldn't have been able to get into the enclosure at all, if his moronic mother would have been watching him.

Our eldest is 3 years-old, most mornings I take him to a park, there's a huge duck pond and he loves the ducks. When I take him to the park, I have him on harness and reins, this is to stop him getting into the pond to play with the ducks, this is called being a responsible parent.


So you want kids to have to wear these 24/7 or their parents be held liable by child protective services?
I have no doubts that black mom will sue the Zoo and the city and make millions. Black Lies Matter.
I would sue too. There is no way a 3 yr old should be able to get into that enclosure that easily.

The 3 year-old boy wouldn't have been able to get into the enclosure at all, if his moronic mother would have been watching him.

Our eldest is 3 years-old, most mornings I take him to a park, there's a huge duck pond and he loves the ducks. When I take him to the park, I have him on harness and reins, this is to stop him getting into the pond to play with the ducks, this is called being a responsible parent.


I tried one of those and some woman lost her freaking mind when she saw it.
after they shot the gorilla they should have escorted mom down to the lion enclosure and dropped her in.
after they shot the gorilla they should have escorted mom down to the lion enclosure and dropped her in.

Have you ever been a parent?

Kids can be cagey and watch you, waiting for you to get distracted and look the other way, then whooosh, they are gone.

It's any parents worst nightmare.
Agreed, but the fact that they didn't means that the parents should have exercised more caution.
Yeah, but short of 24/7 paranoia, I dont know how one can go day-to-day protecting ones child from every possible bad decision that the kid can make.

Are you a parent? Did your kids never surprise you with some of their antics? Mine sure have, many times.

I doubt they climbed into a Gorilla's Safe Space while you were spacing out nearby.
These morons cite an outrageous racial stereotype about blacks being somehow related to gorillas in order to slam White privilege and complain that a white boys life was saved.

When will blacks realize that the left is doing everything in its power to reduce them to subhuman status in the minds of people across the planet?

Black Outrage Over Gorilla Shot To Protect 'White Privilege'

Anybody who's seen a male silverback act "protective" of anything but it's female harem needs to cut back on the mescaline. Sure, the beast didn't kill the kid when he first discovered him, but he did drag the little dude across the moat like a rag doll. Jack Henna said that gorilla could crush a green coconut with its hands....what's to say the kid didn't get his head crushed by mistake. I agree with the shooting and feel bad it had to come to that too.....but "racial"???????
after they shot the gorilla they should have escorted mom down to the lion enclosure and dropped her in.

Have you ever been a parent?

Kids can be cagey and watch you, waiting for you to get distracted and look the other way, then whooosh, they are gone.

It's any parents worst nightmare.

hell yes I raised kids and took them to the zoo, but I made damn sure they never got in the gorilla pit.

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