Black Lives Do Matter

For example, Black men represent about 6-7% of the population but commit nearly half of the murders. Is this due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue? Reasonable question, no?

This is a stupid question. Because what we see here is the selective picking of one crime to make an argument about an entire culture. What's even worse is that 6.9 percent of this 7 percent are not committing murder. So then one must ask a white person thinking like this, why is it that you feel you must pick out one crime when whites lead in most every other category of crime, then exaggerate about what another race des while ignoring the wrongs of your own which are more? Is that due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue. Or maybe both?

You're second sentence is a lie. The fact Blacks commit a disproportionate number of murders is a fact that I stated. I did not "make an argument about an entire culture". You did. I simply pointed to evidence against the notion of institutional racism, which nobody claiming it can seem to point to with specificity.

Secondly, my argument is not limited to crime. High school graduation rates, out of wedlock marriage, these are THE key drivers of poverty according to the Hoover institute. If a culture values education less than others with skyrocketing births outside of a two-parent family, they are going to be poor. Who exactly is telling you not to finish high school? Who's making you breed irresponsibly?
Nixon. At least that's what they said in the other thread.
Nixon. At least that's what they said in the other thread.
This guy Kevin Janson (White guy) kills and shoots up five ppl in a school Cali yesterday.


He looks like Mel Gibson on crack but a shooting of only five isn’t even a blip on the radar anymore.

But the 5th mass shooting by a white male in the past 3 weeks? And you talk about violent black men ?

You got some nerve, boy.

On CNN that a Florida school was selling bulletproof partitions for kids to keep in their backpacks.

I’m calling for a complete and total shut down of all white men from entering the USA until they figure out what the hell is going on.

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Nixon. At least that's what they said in the other thread.
This guy Kevin Janson (White guy) kills and shoots up five ppl in a school Cali yesterday.


He looks like Mel Gibson on crack but a shooting of only five isn’t even a blip on the radar anymore.

But the 5th mass shooting by a white male in the past 3 weeks? And you talk about violent black men ?

You got some nerve, boy.

On CNN that a Florida school was selling bulletproof partitions for kids to keep in their backpacks.

I’m calling for a complete and total shut down of all white men from entering the USA until they figure out what the hell is going on.


You know why this guy shot those people?

Institutional racism.

True story.
But the 5th mass shooting by a white male in the past 3 weeks? And you talk about violent black men ?

You got some nerve, boy.

Oh, and then there's this: In 2016, there were about 400 people killed in mass shootings. A lot, no doubt.

In 2016, there were a total 17,250 murders in the USA, about half of which were committed by Black men.

Nerve? No. Math? Yes.
Oh, and then there's this: In 2016, there were about 400 people killed in mass shootings. A lot, no doubt.

In 2016, there were a total 17,250 murders in the USA, about half of which were committed by Black men.

Nerve? No. Math? Yes.
Have you got a link for that ?

So your claiming that white men are less violent than black men throughout history ?
Oh, and then there's this: In 2016, there were about 400 people killed in mass shootings. A lot, no doubt.

In 2016, there were a total 17,250 murders in the USA, about half of which were committed by Black men.

Nerve? No. Math? Yes.
Have you got a link for that ?

So your claiming that white men are less violent than black men throughout history ?

Government stats. Look it up yourself.

I'm claiming you're being ridiculous by comparing 400 murders with nearly 8000.

The culture of mass shooters is messed up, no doubt. Daily murders that far surpasses anything mass shooters can muster by a factor of 20 is evidence of a truly sick culture, not institutional racism.

If you want your people to do better, stop blaming non-existent boogie men and go to school, get married before you breed, get a job, and stop killing one another. Problem solved.
You know why this guy shot those people?

Institutional racism.

True story.
It's that white people are the most violent ppl on the earth

The "Dark" color here on this map represents West Asian DNA which obviously peaks in the Levant, Anatolia, and the Caucasus (West Asia)

Interesting that darker areas of Europe, more West Asian DNA are more likely to be violent.

Even notice that England is darker than Ireland, or Scotland, or that Germany is darker than Poland.

The biggest tyranny was from Persian Muslims killing 100's of millions in India.

Persian countries are very dark here.

As is Stalin's Homeland of Georgia which is super dark here.

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Government stats. Look it up yourself.
OK. Show me your evidence. That black men commit half of all murders in the USA
I'm claiming you're being ridiculous by comparing 400 murders with nearly 8000.
OK. Show me your evidence. That black men commit half of all murders in the USA
The culture of mass shooters is messed up, no doubt. Daily murders that far surpasses anything mass shooters can muster by a factor of 20 is evidence of a truly sick culture, not institutional racism.
What kind of stupid point is this ?

That's like saying "We should not worry about breast cancer. Because Lung cancer is the top cancer killer"
If you want your people to do better, stop blaming non-existent boogie men and go to school, get married before you breed, get a job, and stop killing one another. Problem solved.
I'm saying that white people (Your people) have been the most violent people that have ever lived

Now do you want to challenge me on this ?
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Oh, and then there's this: In 2016, there were about 400 people killed in mass shootings. A lot, no doubt.

In 2016, there were a total 17,250 murders in the USA, about half of which were committed by Black men.

Nerve? No. Math? Yes.
Have you got a link for that ?

So your claiming that white men are less violent than black men throughout history ?

Well, it's a little harder for people who had no guns, nor wheels, nor Horses to kill millions of people.
Government stats. Look it up yourself.
OK. Show me your evidence. That black men commit half of all murders in the USA
I'm claiming you're being ridiculous by comparing 400 murders with nearly 8000.
OK. Show me your evidence. That black men commit half of all murders in the USA
The culture of mass shooters is messed up, no doubt. Daily murders that far surpasses anything mass shooters can muster by a factor of 20 is evidence of a truly sick culture, not institutional racism.
What kind of stupid point is this ?

That's like saying "We should not worry about breast cancer. Because Lung cancer is the top cancer killer"
If you want your people to do better, stop blaming non-existent boogie men and go to school, get married before you breed, get a job, and stop killing one another. Problem solved.
I'm saying that white people (Your people) have been the most violent people that have ever lived

Now do you want to challenge me on this ?

Hitler had E1b1b haplogroup, Napoleon had E1b1b haplogroup, Stalin had G haplogroup.

All of these genetic markers are exotic for Europe.

E1b1b of course peaks in Ethiopia.
Well, it's a little harder for people who had no guns, nor wheels, nor Horses to kill millions of people.
Genocide does not require a technological edge over one’s neighbours: In Rwanda it was carried out with machetes.

There is no technological determinism to genocide. Because it is not based on that – it is based on dehumanizing others. Further, genocide is rare, especially on a continental scale.

So while blacks might have wiped out the natives of North America it is unlikely. Because black people are generally are peaceful. History shows that

When Columbus arrived in the Caribbean the people there already knew about blacks: they had traded with them. Africa is much closer to the Americas than Europe. And, armed with iron weapons, blacks could have made short work of the people there if they wanted to.

White ppl are at an extreme end of human history. Defeating your enemy and maybe taking over their country is common. Wiping them out wholesale and taking their land is not. For Whites that does not come from their guns and their bombs but from how they think.
Well, it's a little harder for people who had no guns, nor wheels, nor Horses to kill millions of people.
Genocide does not require a technological edge over one’s neighbours: In Rwanda it was carried out with machetes.

There is no technological determinism to genocide. Because it is not based on that – it is based on dehumanizing others. Further, genocide is rare, especially on a continental scale.

So while blacks might have wiped out the natives of North America it is unlikely. Because black people are generally are peaceful. History shows that

When Columbus arrived in the Caribbean the people there already knew about blacks: they had traded with them. Africa is much closer to the Americas than Europe. And, armed with iron weapons, blacks could have made short work of the people there if they wanted to.

White ppl are at an extreme end of human history. Defeating your enemy and maybe taking over their country is common. Wiping them out wholesale and taking their land is not. For Whites that does not come from their guns and their bombs but from how they think.

Genocide is propelled significantly if one has a technological, and strategical advantage.
For example, Black men represent about 6-7% of the population but commit nearly half of the murders. Is this due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue? Reasonable question, no?

This is a stupid question. Because what we see here is the selective picking of one crime to make an argument about an entire culture. What's even worse is that 6.9 percent of this 7 percent are not committing murder. So then one must ask a white person thinking like this, why is it that you feel you must pick out one crime when whites lead in most every other category of crime, then exaggerate about what another race des while ignoring the wrongs of your own which are more? Is that due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue. Or maybe both?
Out of the violent crimes, which ones are led by whites? Or are you referring to nonviolent crimes like speeding and underage drinking when you say "other category of crime?"

All but three categories of crime are led by whites. Again, we will not be nitpicking crime because your white ass wants to deny that whites commit the most crimes. All crimes are violent. But before you start the usual whitebread bullshit,. whites lead in every "violent" crime but murder, and even that is close.
For example, Black men represent about 6-7% of the population but commit nearly half of the murders. Is this due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue? Reasonable question, no?

This is a stupid question. Because what we see here is the selective picking of one crime to make an argument about an entire culture. What's even worse is that 6.9 percent of this 7 percent are not committing murder. So then one must ask a white person thinking like this, why is it that you feel you must pick out one crime when whites lead in most every other category of crime, then exaggerate about what another race des while ignoring the wrongs of your own which are more? Is that due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue. Or maybe both?

You're second sentence is a lie. The fact Blacks commit a disproportionate number of murders is a fact that I stated. I did not "make an argument about an entire culture". You did. I simply pointed to evidence against the notion of institutional racism, which nobody claiming it can seem to point to with specificity.

Secondly, my argument is not limited to crime. High school graduation rates, out of wedlock marriage, these are THE key drivers of poverty according to the Hoover institute. If a culture values education less than others with skyrocketing births outside of a two-parent family, they are going to be poor. Who exactly is telling you not to finish high school? Who's making you breed irresponsibly?

Lastly, murder isn't the only stat. The Black arrest rate for robbery is 8.55 times higher than whites. Again, if this is due to institutional racism, please name the institution and explain it with specificity.

Otherwise, it's culture.

All of what you say is false. And arrest rates do not take into account the racial bias that has been proven to exist in law enforcement. I don't need to explain this to your pun ass with any specificity when your ass knows its the case because you support the fucking racism. Now shut up amateur. What is out of wedlock marriage? If you are married you can't be out of wedlock. You're a dumb ass. Our culture does not devalue education. That's why when blacks were denied entry into white colleges blacks built our own. And white racial discrimination was ended by a supreme court decision regarding education. You're an idiot. After you read this, shut up about unwed births and blacks.

Black Dads Are Doing Best of All

One of the most persistent statistical bludgeons of people who want to blame black people for any injustice or inequity they encounter is this: According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C.D.C.), in 2013 in nearly 72 percent of births to non-Hispanic black women, the mothers were unmarried.

It has always seemed to me that embedded in the “If only black men would marry the women they have babies with…” rhetoric was a more insidious suggestion: that there is something fundamental, and intrinsic about black men that is flawed, that black fathers are pathologically prone to desertion of their offspring and therefore largely responsible for black community “dysfunction.”

There is an astounding amount of mythology loaded into this stereotype, one that echoes a history of efforts to rob black masculinity of honor and fidelity.

Josh Levs points this out in his new book, “All In,” in a chapter titled “How Black Dads Are Doing Best of All (But There’s Still a Crisis).” One fact that Levs quickly establishes is that most black fathers in America live with their children: “There are about 2.5 million black fathers living with their children and about 1.7 million living apart from them.”


Understanding Out-of-Wedlock Births in Black America

I'm still making my way through some of the latest reconsiderations of the Moynihan Report. While doing that I've been thinking a lot about a number you see invoked whenever discussing the state of the black family--70 percent of all births among African-Americans happen out of wedlock. You often see this number invoked to show the moral or cultural decline in the black family:

I think its very important to get past the jeremiads and understand why the numbers look the way they do. And given that this is an old beef of mine, I figured I'd go through the numbers again, fool around with some spreadsheets and try to get in touch with my inner Derek Thompson.

One obvious reason that you have a higher percentage of children born out of wedlock in the black community is that the number of unmarried women (mothers or not) has grown a lot, while number of married women has grown only a little. You can see that in the chart above, which I culled from these census numbers. The numbers are by the thousand.


But while the number of unmarried black women has substantially grown, the actual birthrate (measured by births per 1000) for black women is it the lowest point that its ever documented.*


Sometimes whites like you need to be taught stern lessons, so this one continues on.

So while a larger number of black women are choosing not to marry, many of those women are also choosing not to bring kids into the world. But there is something else.


As you can see the drop in the birthrate for unmarried black women is mirrored by an even steeper drop among married black women. Indeed, whereas at one point married black women were having more kids than married white women, they are now having less.

I point this out to show that the idea that the idea that, somehow, the black community has fallen into a morass of cultural pathology is convenient nostalgia. There is nothing "immoral" or "pathological" about deciding not to marry. In the glorious black past, women who made that decision were more--not less--likely to become mothers. People who are truly concerned about the percentage of out of wedlock births would do well to hector married black women for moral duty to churn out babies in the manner of their glorious foremothers. But no one would do that. Because it would be absurd.


Now you take your white ass and go tell all those black married women who don't want kids that they must have kids and see what you get.

Thus endeth the lesson.
Racism has little to do with liking black people. Racism is a system of domination. Where you control peoples opportunities.

Ah -- just like affirmative action that places roadblocks to success for Asians in disproportionate fashion in order to create privilege for black people.

I get your point.

Doesn't happen. Asians are included in Affirmative action. In fact Asians are overrepresented relative to their population in most universities. You whites have used Asians as a wedge so much it's pathetic.
Nixon. At least that's what they said in the other thread.
This guy Kevin Janson (White guy) kills and shoots up five ppl in a school Cali yesterday.


He looks like Mel Gibson on crack but a shooting of only five isn’t even a blip on the radar anymore.
Says your stupid negro ass. Searching for "news" on google results in this being the fifth item.
But the 5th mass shooting by a white male in the past 3 weeks? And you talk about violent black men ?

You got some nerve, boy.
Of course. Everybody who isn't a dumb negro or liberal negro enabler knows that most killings are 1-2 victim homicides, not mass shootings. The mass shootings by whites make the news because they are so rare. Meanwhile, the weekly/daily negrohood shootings don't even make the papers anymore. On the contrary, it would be newsworthy if the worthless degenerate negroes put down their guns/knives for a week or two and worked for a change.
On CNN that a Florida school was selling bulletproof partitions for kids to keep in their backpacks.

I’m calling for a complete and total shut down of all white men from entering the USA until they figure out what the hell is going on.


What's happening is a dumb apefreakoon (you) thinks front page mass shootings are statistically relevant.

For example, Black men represent about 6-7% of the population but commit nearly half of the murders. Is this due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue? Reasonable question, no?

This is a stupid question. Because what we see here is the selective picking of one crime to make an argument about an entire culture. What's even worse is that 6.9 percent of this 7 percent are not committing murder. So then one must ask a white person thinking like this, why is it that you feel you must pick out one crime when whites lead in most every other category of crime, then exaggerate about what another race des while ignoring the wrongs of your own which are more? Is that due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue. Or maybe both?
Out of the violent crimes, which ones are led by whites? Or are you referring to nonviolent crimes like speeding and underage drinking when you say "other category of crime?"

All but three categories of crime are led by whites. Again, we will not be nitpicking crime because your white ass wants to deny that whites commit the most crimes.
Where did I say that you dumb shitskin? I said per capita statistics matter. If your degenerate apefreakoon brain thought that was the same as denying white crime, then you're a moron.
All crimes are violent.
So speeding 1 mile over the limit is "violent?" You're a fucking idiot!
But before you start the usual whitebread bullshit,. whites lead in every "violent" crime but murder, and even that is close.

By "lead" do you mean per capita or in total?
I want to start by saying I’m all for criminal justice reform (especially losing the incarceration rate in the US). I’m all for cops going to jail when they do something illegal. However, I don’t understand how the cause entitled “Black Lives Matter” could be about police brutality. I understand that some police are prejudice and that can lead to unjust killings. The thing is, these unjust killings aren’t even close to the number one problem plaguing black communities. Technically it’s heart disease, then cancer. Even assault (about 90% of which is black on black according to the FBI) makes the top ten list of killers of African Americans. And what about the things that ruin families and communities even if they don’t necessarily cause death, such as incarceration/recidivism rates, unemployment/underemployment and selling/using drugs. My question is, if BLM really wanted to help the black community why would they not attack these issues instead of the relatively small, but highly publicized, issue of racially fueled police brutality. My assumption is that the people involved in the BLM leadership are privileged, bored, and looking for fame. In my opinion, all the money that is going towards BLM could be going to actually saving lives and making the world a better place. Please, someone tell me why money is better spent on a problem that affects hundreds when the same money could be used much more efficiently to address a problem that affects hundreds of thousands?

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There is money being spent on these problems. BLM is focusing on another problem.
Do you question why there are people looking into educational reform when we have a mass murder problem in this country? Should a community only solve one problem at a time?
Nixon. At least that's what they said in the other thread.
This guy Kevin Janson (White guy) kills and shoots up five ppl in a school Cali yesterday.


He looks like Mel Gibson on crack but a shooting of only five isn’t even a blip on the radar anymore.
Says your stupid negro ass. Searching for "news" on google results in this being the fifth item.
But the 5th mass shooting by a white male in the past 3 weeks? And you talk about violent black men ?

You got some nerve, boy.
Of course. Everybody who isn't a dumb negro or liberal negro enabler knows that most killings are 1-2 victim homicides, not mass shootings. The mass shootings by whites make the news because they are so rare. Meanwhile, the weekly/daily negrohood shootings don't even make the papers anymore. On the contrary, it would be newsworthy if the worthless degenerate negroes put down their guns/knives for a week or two and worked for a change.
On CNN that a Florida school was selling bulletproof partitions for kids to keep in their backpacks.

I’m calling for a complete and total shut down of all white men from entering the USA until they figure out what the hell is going on.


What's happening is a dumb apefreakoon (you) thinks front page mass shootings are statistically relevant.

For example, Black men represent about 6-7% of the population but commit nearly half of the murders. Is this due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue? Reasonable question, no?

This is a stupid question. Because what we see here is the selective picking of one crime to make an argument about an entire culture. What's even worse is that 6.9 percent of this 7 percent are not committing murder. So then one must ask a white person thinking like this, why is it that you feel you must pick out one crime when whites lead in most every other category of crime, then exaggerate about what another race des while ignoring the wrongs of your own which are more? Is that due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue. Or maybe both?
Out of the violent crimes, which ones are led by whites? Or are you referring to nonviolent crimes like speeding and underage drinking when you say "other category of crime?"

All but three categories of crime are led by whites. Again, we will not be nitpicking crime because your white ass wants to deny that whites commit the most crimes.
Where did I say that you dumb shitskin? I said per capita statistics matter. If your degenerate apefreakoon brain thought that was the same as denying white crime, then you're a moron.
All crimes are violent.
So speeding 1 mile over the limit is "violent?" You're a fucking idiot!
But before you start the usual whitebread bullshit,. whites lead in every "violent" crime but murder, and even that is close.

By "lead" do you mean per capita or in total?

There only one measurement. Total crimes.

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