Black Lives Do Matter

I'm not a white national, I said "Any well educated, productive and peaceful blacks can stay. No problem."

As for getting them there, incentives are the way to go, as in, there's only handouts in Africa from now on, because staying in the US, you'll get $0. But I agree, getting a bunch of unruly, uneducated and uncivilized people to do anything is difficult. The biggest hurdle for sure, why, being black, you have the answer?
What you asking me for ? You're the white man with the higher IQ. Right ? You're the white people always talking how smart you are. Right ?

So I take from your responses that you don't really have the answers as to how you intend on moving 30 or so million black people out of the USA.
I was just giving you a shot at it. Trying to show you that we can treat you as an equal if you're up to the task. I guess not. What a shock! :biggrin:

As for solutions, $$$ usually does it. We'll give them each $1 million African dollars, a new currency we'll set up over there.
So ur going to 30 million black ppl one mill each ?

And we're is the finance for that going from?

So what are you doing to make this happen ?
Hell no! :laugh:

That would be too much like reparations. He is no one so dont hold your breath.
I'm not a white national, I said "Any well educated, productive and peaceful blacks can stay. No problem."

As for getting them there, incentives are the way to go, as in, there's only handouts in Africa from now on, because staying in the US, you'll get $0. But I agree, getting a bunch of unruly, uneducated and uncivilized people to do anything is difficult. The biggest hurdle for sure, why, being black, you have the answer?
What you asking me for ? You're the white man with the higher IQ. Right ? You're the white people always talking how smart you are. Right ?

So I take from your responses that you don't really have the answers as to how you intend on moving 30 or so million black people out of the USA.
I was just giving you a shot at it. Trying to show you that we can treat you as an equal if you're up to the task. I guess not. What a shock! :biggrin:

As for solutions, $$$ usually does it. We'll give them each $1 million African dollars, a new currency we'll set up over there.
So ur going to 30 million black ppl one mill each ?

And we're is the finance for that going from?

So what are you doing to make this happen ?
See? You bought it. I said $1 million AFRICAN dollars. My plan works. :biggrin:
I'm not a white national, I said "Any well educated, productive and peaceful blacks can stay. No problem."

As for getting them there, incentives are the way to go, as in, there's only handouts in Africa from now on, because staying in the US, you'll get $0. But I agree, getting a bunch of unruly, uneducated and uncivilized people to do anything is difficult. The biggest hurdle for sure, why, being black, you have the answer?
What you asking me for ? You're the white man with the higher IQ. Right ? You're the white people always talking how smart you are. Right ?

So I take from your responses that you don't really have the answers as to how you intend on moving 30 or so million black people out of the USA.
I was just giving you a shot at it. Trying to show you that we can treat you as an equal if you're up to the task. I guess not. What a shock! :biggrin:

As for solutions, $$$ usually does it. We'll give them each $1 million African dollars, a new currency we'll set up over there.
So ur going to 30 million black ppl one mill each ?

And we're is the finance for that going from?

So what are you doing to make this happen ?
Hell no! :laugh:

That would be too much like reparations. He is no one so dont hold your breath.
Here's another black guy who bought my plan, I'm 2for2! :biggrin:
I'm not a white national, I said "Any well educated, productive and peaceful blacks can stay. No problem."

As for getting them there, incentives are the way to go, as in, there's only handouts in Africa from now on, because staying in the US, you'll get $0. But I agree, getting a bunch of unruly, uneducated and uncivilized people to do anything is difficult. The biggest hurdle for sure, why, being black, you have the answer?
What you asking me for ? You're the white man with the higher IQ. Right ? You're the white people always talking how smart you are. Right ?

So I take from your responses that you don't really have the answers as to how you intend on moving 30 or so million black people out of the USA.
I was just giving you a shot at it. Trying to show you that we can treat you as an equal if you're up to the task. I guess not. What a shock! :biggrin:

As for solutions, $$$ usually does it. We'll give them each $1 million African dollars, a new currency we'll set up over there.
So ur going to 30 million black ppl one mill each ?

And we're is the finance for that going from?

So what are you doing to make this happen ?
See? You bought it. I said $1 million AFRICAN dollars. My plan works. :biggrin:
Are you stupid ?

There is no such thing as an African dollar.

What is an African dollar ?
I'm not a white national, I said "Any well educated, productive and peaceful blacks can stay. No problem."

As for getting them there, incentives are the way to go, as in, there's only handouts in Africa from now on, because staying in the US, you'll get $0. But I agree, getting a bunch of unruly, uneducated and uncivilized people to do anything is difficult. The biggest hurdle for sure, why, being black, you have the answer?
What you asking me for ? You're the white man with the higher IQ. Right ? You're the white people always talking how smart you are. Right ?

So I take from your responses that you don't really have the answers as to how you intend on moving 30 or so million black people out of the USA.
I was just giving you a shot at it. Trying to show you that we can treat you as an equal if you're up to the task. I guess not. What a shock! :biggrin:

As for solutions, $$$ usually does it. We'll give them each $1 million African dollars, a new currency we'll set up over there.
So ur going to 30 million black ppl one mill each ?

And we're is the finance for that going from?

So what are you doing to make this happen ?
Hell no! :laugh:

That would be too much like reparations. He is no one so dont hold your breath.
Here's another black guy who bought my plan, I'm 2for2! :biggrin:
You dont have a plan. Look at you trying to cover up for your illiteracy. :laugh:
I'm not a white national, I said "Any well educated, productive and peaceful blacks can stay. No problem."

As for getting them there, incentives are the way to go, as in, there's only handouts in Africa from now on, because staying in the US, you'll get $0. But I agree, getting a bunch of unruly, uneducated and uncivilized people to do anything is difficult. The biggest hurdle for sure, why, being black, you have the answer?
What you asking me for ? You're the white man with the higher IQ. Right ? You're the white people always talking how smart you are. Right ?

So I take from your responses that you don't really have the answers as to how you intend on moving 30 or so million black people out of the USA.
I was just giving you a shot at it. Trying to show you that we can treat you as an equal if you're up to the task. I guess not. What a shock! :biggrin:

As for solutions, $$$ usually does it. We'll give them each $1 million African dollars, a new currency we'll set up over there.
So ur going to 30 million black ppl one mill each ?

And we're is the finance for that going from?

So what are you doing to make this happen ?
See? You bought it. I said $1 million AFRICAN dollars. My plan works. :biggrin:
Are you stupid ?

There is no such thing as an African dollar.

What is an African dollar ?
I bet he thinks Africa is a country. :laugh:
I'm not a white national, I said "Any well educated, productive and peaceful blacks can stay. No problem."

As for getting them there, incentives are the way to go, as in, there's only handouts in Africa from now on, because staying in the US, you'll get $0. But I agree, getting a bunch of unruly, uneducated and uncivilized people to do anything is difficult. The biggest hurdle for sure, why, being black, you have the answer?
What you asking me for ? You're the white man with the higher IQ. Right ? You're the white people always talking how smart you are. Right ?

So I take from your responses that you don't really have the answers as to how you intend on moving 30 or so million black people out of the USA.
I was just giving you a shot at it. Trying to show you that we can treat you as an equal if you're up to the task. I guess not. What a shock! :biggrin:

As for solutions, $$$ usually does it. We'll give them each $1 million African dollars, a new currency we'll set up over there.
So ur going to 30 million black ppl one mill each ?

And we're is the finance for that going from?

So what are you doing to make this happen ?
See? You bought it. I said $1 million AFRICAN dollars. My plan works. :biggrin:
Are you stupid ?

There is no such thing as an African dollar.

What is an African dollar ?
Doesn't matter, you already boarded the plane and are half way to Africa thinking that you'll be a millionaire. :biggrin:
What you asking me for ? You're the white man with the higher IQ. Right ? You're the white people always talking how smart you are. Right ?

So I take from your responses that you don't really have the answers as to how you intend on moving 30 or so million black people out of the USA.
I was just giving you a shot at it. Trying to show you that we can treat you as an equal if you're up to the task. I guess not. What a shock! :biggrin:

As for solutions, $$$ usually does it. We'll give them each $1 million African dollars, a new currency we'll set up over there.
So ur going to 30 million black ppl one mill each ?

And we're is the finance for that going from?

So what are you doing to make this happen ?
Hell no! :laugh:

That would be too much like reparations. He is no one so dont hold your breath.
Here's another black guy who bought my plan, I'm 2for2! :biggrin:
You dont have a plan. Look at you trying to cover up for your illiteracy. :laugh:
Too bad that you're now stuck in Africa. You bought my plan, that's what counts. :clap2:
The government can pay for it. It will be a bargain after a few years of not having to pay for incarcerating them.or paying them welfare. Blacks and half blacks can go. Other mixes can stay as long as they don't whine about being oppressed minorities. If they do, they can go, too. Drop them off in Liberia. I'm only talking about the USA. Other negro-loving whites can keep their negroes if they want. It can be done by force.
And this is done by gun point ?
If you say it's done by force. So what about the many black people in the USA military ?

And what r u doing to bring about the removal of 30 or so million black people in the USA ?

The black people in the military can help do it. Then get on the last boat.

That's the real problem. The real global white supremacy: whites are on this planet and they are superior. That's pretty much the only "white supremacy" that affects blacks in black countries.

As for what to do with them, put them back on their island (Africa) and cut off all support. Their numbers will fall back down to those they can manage themselves by hunting and foraging. No point in pretending they're no different from whites and trying to get them to live in a modern society.
Now that is the kinda of talk I like.

OK. U have manned up and said white people are superior.

I give you respect. Because that is the kind of talk I like.

Now let's ge into it.

Put them all back into Africa ?

So what ur saying is that to ship or fly or the people who black to Africa ? All those in the USA ? Brazil ? Columbia And the rest of Americas. And all the black people in Europe ?

So that is probably close to a billion black people and your saying to send them to Africa ?

Which country ? How ? N where is the finance going to come from ? N how is this going to be achieved without violence ? And where is the cut off point ? Biracial so on the boat ?

Come on. We r getting close now to settling this race problem once n for all
Have other blacks round them up and stick them on a boat. You know, the same way their ancestors got out of Africa.
ok. So how do u plan on getting a billion black people back to Africa or how do u plan on getting other blk ppl to do ur bidding ?
On a ship, at gunpoint.
We got guns too. When you want to test out your theory?
The government can do it now for all I care.

Why would you need guns? You should be happy that your self-proclaimed superior selves are given a paid trip away from the racist white people that supposedly abuse you.
Okay I got it. Still strange wording. They are not seeking affirmation they are seeking agreement. Which white America can not yet give them.

Again, I find it wrongheaded to ask the question. It's up to you, whatever the color of your skin, to make your own life matter.
It’s not a question. It’s a statement. It’s the black community stating that black lives matter. Every one of their kids killed because of his/her race, matter. It is not a question, it is not seeking approval. It is a statement and if America had quickly come together in support of its black community and looked at the issue of police brutality and together attempted to find solutions, the movement/controversy wouldn’t be on going.

You'll have to show me proof of police brutality for which there is not currently a remedy.

Are you claiming "institutional racism" here?
Absolutely. The justice system one of the greatest examples of institutional racism. They use, abuse, set up, take down minorities. Fill private prisons with black bodies for profit and then dump them back on the streets when they’re done with them.

Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
And it could mean that some communities are more heavily policed than others. Police COULD go looking for illegal drugs on white college campuses or rich white neighborhoods, but they know they will have to deal with the rich, powerful parents and attorneys who will possibly reach out to their friend, the mayor, and get their kid off with a simple warning.

The efforts COULD be spent to find and take down the rich folks who actually bring the drugs into the country instead of the dealer on the street or the black kid simply buying a joint.

And it could be that an inner city black kid is picked up by a cop for possession, (which he might have planted on him,) and because he could not afford to pay the cash bail, he ends up in jail until trial - which could be months or years, after which time he may even be found innocent in court. The wealthier guys who get picked up just pay the cash bail and don't have to wait it out in prison.

And it could be that the DA's and judges are feeding the for-profit prisons and are payed to do so. Very often DA's get to decide what cases to make and very often deals are made and trials are not even held. A kid can be scared into making a deal for a certain amount of prison time and never even get a fair trial where he might have had a chance.

A black author told people something like this Remember, you can do all the same things that the white man does, but you will not be treated like the white man.
For example, Black men represent about 6-7% of the population but commit nearly half of the murders. Is this due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue? Reasonable question, no?
Could it have anything to do with segregation, lack of quality education, lack of job opportunities, and the desperation caused by these things?
We know, you hate yourself for being black. :cool:
Youre projecting as usual. If we were both killed right now my carcass would be worth more than yours simply due to the melanin content you lack the ability to produce.
See? You need to find bogus reasons to feel good about your blackness.
Wake me when the price of melanin drops below the price of gold. Also ask yourself why whites are so desperately attempting to manufacture melanin.

River Road Research Awarded A Patent For Melanin Production

"A pigment ubiquitous in nature, melanin is extremely difficult to isolate and refine in large quantities. It has long been known to possess physical and electrical properties but few commercial applications have been developed due to the historically high cost. Produced with conventional technology, melanin is often priced at $350 per gram. "
They issued a patent and you equate that to desperation?

As for why whites might want it, from your article: The most tantalizing applications currently in development are organic battery technologies. I still don't see the desperation. Whites are using lead acid batteries because of cost effectiveness. It's not even the longest lasting battery type. Better ones have been designed decades ago, but abandoned due to mass manufacturing costs.

As for why melanin may be priced at $350 a gram? Scarcity. They must have limited amounts of it (probably because they never bothered to make too much of it given its limited use to the general public) and want to restrict its use for things like research. The vast majority of people don't give a shit about isolated melanin since they don't have any technology that can utilize it.

No I equate the desperation to all the medical studies they have done on Blacks and the fact that there is s melanin conference every year. What is it they have found that has them so desperate to manufacture melanin that its worth more than the price of gold? If its just about batteries why is the cost of zinc and manganese so low?

Maybe this is why?

Melanin: the organizing molecule. - PubMed - NCBI

"The hypothesis is advanced that (neuro)melanin (in conjunction with other pigment molecules such as the isopentenoids) functions as the major organizational molecule in living systems. Melanin is depicted as an organizational "trigger" capable of using established properties such as photon-(electron)-phonon conversions, free radical-redox mechanisms, ion exchange mechanisms, and semiconductive switching capabilities to direct energy to strategic molecular systems and sensitive hierarchies of protein enzyme cascades. Melanin is held capable of regulating a wide range of molecular interactions and metabolic processes primarily through its effective control of diverse covalent modifications. To support the hypothesis, established and proposed properties of melanin are reviewed (including the possibility that (neuro)melanin is capable of self-synthesis). Two "melanocentric systems"--key molecular systems in which melanin plays a central if not controlling role--are examined: 1) the melanin-purine-pteridine (covalent modification) system and 2) the APUD (or diffuse neuroendocrine) system. Melanin's role in embryological organization and tissue repair/regeneration via sustained or direct current is considered in addition to its possible control of the major homeostatic regulatory systems--autonomic, neuroendocrine, and immunological."
Youre projecting as usual. If we were both killed right now my carcass would be worth more than yours simply due to the melanin content you lack the ability to produce.
See? You need to find bogus reasons to feel good about your blackness.
Wake me when the price of melanin drops below the price of gold. Also ask yourself why whites are so desperately attempting to manufacture melanin.

River Road Research Awarded A Patent For Melanin Production

"A pigment ubiquitous in nature, melanin is extremely difficult to isolate and refine in large quantities. It has long been known to possess physical and electrical properties but few commercial applications have been developed due to the historically high cost. Produced with conventional technology, melanin is often priced at $350 per gram. "
They issued a patent and you equate that to desperation?

As for why whites might want it, from your article: The most tantalizing applications currently in development are organic battery technologies. I still don't see the desperation. Whites are using lead acid batteries because of cost effectiveness. It's not even the longest lasting battery type. Better ones have been designed decades ago, but abandoned due to mass manufacturing costs.

As for why melanin may be priced at $350 a gram? Scarcity. They must have limited amounts of it (probably because they never bothered to make too much of it given its limited use to the general public) and want to restrict its use for things like research. The vast majority of people don't give a shit about isolated melanin since they don't have any technology that can utilize it.

No I equate the desperation to all the medical studies they have done on Blacks and the fact that there is s melanin conference every year. What is it they have found that has them so desperate to manufacture melanin that its worth more than the price of gold? If its just about batteries why is the cost of zinc and manganese so low?

They do studies on blacks most likely to figure out why negroes are such STD factories.
Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

Negroes are also otherwise useless, making them perfect for human experimentation. So there's your answer for that.

Who knows why they have a "melanin conference" every year. I've never heard of a "melanin conference" outside of this forum and the most I found about it using a quick google search is a question on quora and a post in google groups. We have biweekly meetings where I work where they don't discuss anything of importance so I fail to see how an annual meeting suggests any kind of desperation, especially when most people have never heard about it.

I already told you why melanin is priced the way it is: scarcity, probably because they haven't bothered to isolate much given the lack of buyers. I've never heard of anyone in my entire life interested in buying melanin. I personally wouldn't know what to do with it except sell it. Decorative diamonds are priced far higher than melanin:

How Much Does a 1 Carat Diamond Cost? | Ritani

The short answer: A 1.00 carat diamond can range in price from about $1,000 to over $12,000.

Even using the smallest estimate ($1,000 per carat), that's still $1,000 per 0.2 grams, or $5,000 per gram, or about 14 times more expensive than melanin. The uses for decorative diamonds? Decorations. They're worthless trinkets that make women crazy because of a few De Beers commercials.

Zinc and other commonly used materials are priced lower because they are isolated in sufficient quantities given that there are actual uses and buyers (in quantity) for the material, unlike melanin.

No I equate the desperation to all the medical studies they have done on Blacks
We all need to know too that modern medicine would not be what it is today had it not been for the dissecting and studying of black slaves bodies. The book "The Price For Their Pound of Flesh," was a real eye opener for me. Not only was the black body used for forced labor while living, but it was also sold and used in medical schools to study the human anatomy.
Youre projecting as usual. If we were both killed right now my carcass would be worth more than yours simply due to the melanin content you lack the ability to produce.
See? You need to find bogus reasons to feel good about your blackness.
Wake me when the price of melanin drops below the price of gold. Also ask yourself why whites are so desperately attempting to manufacture melanin.

River Road Research Awarded A Patent For Melanin Production

"A pigment ubiquitous in nature, melanin is extremely difficult to isolate and refine in large quantities. It has long been known to possess physical and electrical properties but few commercial applications have been developed due to the historically high cost. Produced with conventional technology, melanin is often priced at $350 per gram. "
They issued a patent and you equate that to desperation?

As for why whites might want it, from your article: The most tantalizing applications currently in development are organic battery technologies. I still don't see the desperation. Whites are using lead acid batteries because of cost effectiveness. It's not even the longest lasting battery type. Better ones have been designed decades ago, but abandoned due to mass manufacturing costs.

As for why melanin may be priced at $350 a gram? Scarcity. They must have limited amounts of it (probably because they never bothered to make too much of it given its limited use to the general public) and want to restrict its use for things like research. The vast majority of people don't give a shit about isolated melanin since they don't have any technology that can utilize it.

No I equate the desperation to all the medical studies they have done on Blacks and the fact that there is s melanin conference every year. What is it they have found that has them so desperate to manufacture melanin that its worth more than the price of gold? If its just about batteries why is the cost of zinc and manganese so low?

Maybe this is why?

Melanin: the organizing molecule. - PubMed - NCBI

"The hypothesis is advanced that (neuro)melanin (in conjunction with other pigment molecules such as the isopentenoids) functions as the major organizational molecule in living systems. Melanin is depicted as an organizational "trigger" capable of using established properties such as photon-(electron)-phonon conversions, free radical-redox mechanisms, ion exchange mechanisms, and semiconductive switching capabilities to direct energy to strategic molecular systems and sensitive hierarchies of protein enzyme cascades. Melanin is held capable of regulating a wide range of molecular interactions and metabolic processes primarily through its effective control of diverse covalent modifications. To support the hypothesis, established and proposed properties of melanin are reviewed (including the possibility that (neuro)melanin is capable of self-synthesis). Two "melanocentric systems"--key molecular systems in which melanin plays a central if not controlling role--are examined: 1) the melanin-purine-pteridine (covalent modification) system and 2) the APUD (or diffuse neuroendocrine) system. Melanin's role in embryological organization and tissue repair/regeneration via sustained or direct current is considered in addition to its possible control of the major homeostatic regulatory systems--autonomic, neuroendocrine, and immunological."
See? You need to find bogus reasons to feel good about your blackness.
Wake me when the price of melanin drops below the price of gold. Also ask yourself why whites are so desperately attempting to manufacture melanin.

River Road Research Awarded A Patent For Melanin Production

"A pigment ubiquitous in nature, melanin is extremely difficult to isolate and refine in large quantities. It has long been known to possess physical and electrical properties but few commercial applications have been developed due to the historically high cost. Produced with conventional technology, melanin is often priced at $350 per gram. "
They issued a patent and you equate that to desperation?

As for why whites might want it, from your article: The most tantalizing applications currently in development are organic battery technologies. I still don't see the desperation. Whites are using lead acid batteries because of cost effectiveness. It's not even the longest lasting battery type. Better ones have been designed decades ago, but abandoned due to mass manufacturing costs.

As for why melanin may be priced at $350 a gram? Scarcity. They must have limited amounts of it (probably because they never bothered to make too much of it given its limited use to the general public) and want to restrict its use for things like research. The vast majority of people don't give a shit about isolated melanin since they don't have any technology that can utilize it.

No I equate the desperation to all the medical studies they have done on Blacks and the fact that there is s melanin conference every year. What is it they have found that has them so desperate to manufacture melanin that its worth more than the price of gold? If its just about batteries why is the cost of zinc and manganese so low?

They do studies on blacks most likely to figure out why negroes are such STD factories.
Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

Negroes are also otherwise useless, making them perfect for human experimentation. So there's your answer for that.

Who knows why they have a "melanin conference" every year. I've never heard of a "melanin conference" outside of this forum and the most I found about it using a quick google search is a question on quora and a post in google groups. We have biweekly meetings where I work where they don't discuss anything of importance so I fail to see how an annual meeting suggests any kind of desperation, especially when most people have never heard about it.

I already told you why melanin is priced the way it is: scarcity, probably because they haven't bothered to isolate much given the lack of buyers. I've never heard of anyone in my entire life interested in buying melanin. I personally wouldn't know what to do with it except sell it. Decorative diamonds are priced far higher than melanin:

How Much Does a 1 Carat Diamond Cost? | Ritani

The short answer: A 1.00 carat diamond can range in price from about $1,000 to over $12,000.

Even using the smallest estimate ($1,000 per carat), that's still $1,000 per 0.2 grams, or $5,000 per gram, or about 14 times more expensive than melanin. The uses for decorative diamonds? Decorations. They're worthless trinkets that make women crazy because of a few De Beers commercials.

Zinc and other commonly used materials are priced lower because they are isolated in sufficient quantities given that there are actual uses and buyers (in quantity) for the material, unlike melanin.

No I equate the desperation to all the medical studies they have done on Blacks
We all need to know too that modern medicine would not be what it is today had it not been for the dissecting and studying of black slaves bodies. The book "The Price For Their Pound of Flesh," was a real eye opener for me. Not only was the black body used for forced labor while living, but it was also sold and used in medical schools to study the human anatomy.
It shouldn't be a problem for Asclepias. He's always going on and on about materials that are in negro bodies and how they could be used by whites.
Again, I find it wrongheaded to ask the question. It's up to you, whatever the color of your skin, to make your own life matter.
It’s not a question. It’s a statement. It’s the black community stating that black lives matter. Every one of their kids killed because of his/her race, matter. It is not a question, it is not seeking approval. It is a statement and if America had quickly come together in support of its black community and looked at the issue of police brutality and together attempted to find solutions, the movement/controversy wouldn’t be on going.

You'll have to show me proof of police brutality for which there is not currently a remedy.

Are you claiming "institutional racism" here?
Absolutely. The justice system one of the greatest examples of institutional racism. They use, abuse, set up, take down minorities. Fill private prisons with black bodies for profit and then dump them back on the streets when they’re done with them.

Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
And it could mean that some communities are more heavily policed than others. Police COULD go looking for illegal drugs on white college campuses or rich white neighborhoods, but they know they will have to deal with the rich, powerful parents and attorneys who will possibly reach out to their friend, the mayor, and get their kid off with a simple warning.

The efforts COULD be spent to find and take down the rich folks who actually bring the drugs into the country instead of the dealer on the street or the black kid simply buying a joint.

And it could be that an inner city black kid is picked up by a cop for possession, (which he might have planted on him,) and because he could not afford to pay the cash bail, he ends up in jail until trial - which could be months or years, after which time he may even be found innocent in court. The wealthier guys who get picked up just pay the cash bail and don't have to wait it out in prison.

And it could be that the DA's and judges are feeding the for-profit prisons and are payed to do so. Very often DA's get to decide what cases to make and very often deals are made and trials are not even held. A kid can be scared into making a deal for a certain amount of prison time and never even get a fair trial where he might have had a chance.

A black author told people something like this Remember, you can do all the same things that the white man does, but you will not be treated like the white man.

Lots of 'could be', little evidence. I cannot therefore default to some evil intent that exists in the either. You can either prove your assumption or not. So far, not. I'm trying to prove nothing other than to say no one has made a logical, evidence-based case for institutional racism.
For example, Black men represent about 6-7% of the population but commit nearly half of the murders. Is this due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue? Reasonable question, no?
Could it have anything to do with segregation, lack of quality education, lack of job opportunities, and the desperation caused by these things?


Let's set aside that we spend more money per student on education that just about any other country. Let's also set aside the fact we have people willing to break into this country illegally for labor jobs our citizens just can't muster. And given that the poorest Americans are comparatively rich when measured against world wide poverty, the idea of true desperation is laughable.

But let's set all that aside and make the giant assumption you're right.

The answer is still no. There are other groups with actual poor educational opportunities and no jobs and they don't go around killing each other anywhere near the levels we see in a handful of zip codes in this country.

It's cultural.
Racism has little to do with liking black people. Racism is a system of domination. Where you control peoples opportunities.

Ah -- just like affirmative action that places roadblocks to success for Asians in disproportionate fashion in order to create privilege for black people.

I get your point.
For example, Black men represent about 6-7% of the population but commit nearly half of the murders. Is this due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue? Reasonable question, no?

This is a stupid question. Because what we see here is the selective picking of one crime to make an argument about an entire culture. What's even worse is that 6.9 percent of this 7 percent are not committing murder. So then one must ask a white person thinking like this, why is it that you feel you must pick out one crime when whites lead in most every other category of crime, then exaggerate about what another race des while ignoring the wrongs of your own which are more? Is that due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue. Or maybe both?
For example, Black men represent about 6-7% of the population but commit nearly half of the murders. Is this due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue? Reasonable question, no?

This is a stupid question. Because what we see here is the selective picking of one crime to make an argument about an entire culture. What's even worse is that 6.9 percent of this 7 percent are not committing murder. So then one must ask a white person thinking like this, why is it that you feel you must pick out one crime when whites lead in most every other category of crime, then exaggerate about what another race des while ignoring the wrongs of your own which are more? Is that due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue. Or maybe both?
Out of the violent crimes, which ones are led by whites? Or are you referring to nonviolent crimes like speeding and underage drinking when you say "other category of crime?"
For example, Black men represent about 6-7% of the population but commit nearly half of the murders. Is this due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue? Reasonable question, no?

This is a stupid question. Because what we see here is the selective picking of one crime to make an argument about an entire culture. What's even worse is that 6.9 percent of this 7 percent are not committing murder. So then one must ask a white person thinking like this, why is it that you feel you must pick out one crime when whites lead in most every other category of crime, then exaggerate about what another race des while ignoring the wrongs of your own which are more? Is that due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue. Or maybe both?

You're second sentence is a lie. The fact Blacks commit a disproportionate number of murders is a fact that I stated. I did not "make an argument about an entire culture". You did. I simply pointed to evidence against the notion of institutional racism, which nobody claiming it can seem to point to with specificity.

Secondly, my argument is not limited to crime. High school graduation rates, out of wedlock marriage, these are THE key drivers of poverty according to the Hoover institute. If a culture values education less than others with skyrocketing births outside of a two-parent family, they are going to be poor. Who exactly is telling you not to finish high school? Who's making you breed irresponsibly?

Lastly, murder isn't the only stat. The Black arrest rate for robbery is 8.55 times higher than whites. Again, if this is due to institutional racism, please name the institution and explain it with specificity.

Otherwise, it's culture.

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