Black Lives Do Matter

I want to start by saying I’m all for criminal justice reform (especially losing the incarceration rate in the US). I’m all for cops going to jail when they do something illegal. However, I don’t understand how the cause entitled “Black Lives Matter” could be about police brutality. I understand that some police are prejudice and that can lead to unjust killings. The thing is, these unjust killings aren’t even close to the number one problem plaguing black communities. Technically it’s heart disease, then cancer. Even assault (about 90% of which is black on black according to the FBI) makes the top ten list of killers of African Americans. And what about the things that ruin families and communities even if they don’t necessarily cause death, such as incarceration/recidivism rates, unemployment/underemployment and selling/using drugs. My question is, if BLM really wanted to help the black community why would they not attack these issues instead of the relatively small, but highly publicized, issue of racially fueled police brutality. My assumption is that the people involved in the BLM leadership are privileged, bored, and looking for fame. In my opinion, all the money that is going towards BLM could be going to actually saving lives and making the world a better place. Please, someone tell me why money is better spent on a problem that affects hundreds when the same money could be used much more efficiently to address a problem that affects hundreds of thousands?

Sent from my iPhone using
I'm tired of their bullshit. Stop the fucking whining and go do something with themselves instead of pulling a Hillary of it being everyone elses fault except their own.
You’re tired of their bullshit?

After 300 years of slavery. Decades of Jim Crow. Being killed and lynched for wanted to vote and wanting an education. YOU are sick of THEIR bullshit? Spare me, you sick fuck.
My family didn't own slaves. It was 300 years ago. Get the fuck over it already. You don't see me whining about my Irish ancestors being used and abused when they arrived on the boat and were treated like shit with NO IRISH signs everywhere, do ya?

Grow up, you lazy fuck.
To white ppl. Cops are the good guys, never forget, the time, a white guy that I knew, told me of a time when he was tryna break into his own car, n a police car pulled up n told him he's doing it wrong, n helped him break into his car (a car the cop had no idea was his)

I think we all know the cop would have reacted very diff, if that guy who was a stranger, was a blk male tryna break into a car
N that's white supremacy in nutshell. U can do whatever you want, if your white, n no one will say a word.

N sometimes that systems comes back n bites them on the ass, because white men c this, they see that ppl r not gonna do sh.i.t to them, so they go out n kill, like we saw in Texas and Vegas, they are not gonna get punished.

Absolutely. We have law abiding minorities afraid of police and white criminals who know their skin color or economic standing will bail them out. What a screwy country.

Then get the fuck out if you are so mistreated. nothing is stopping you. oh. wait. yer too fucking lazy to work to get passage to where your ancestors came from and want the handouts here. Nevermind.
That's why whites kill me when they say "I would not feel safe in a black area"

Nigga, ud b the safest person there.

Black ppl are well of the severe punishment that would come from harming a white person, in fact fk that.

let becky go to the hood, n even if she thinks she's being threatened, squad cars and choppers wood have the block on lock down in under ten mins.
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To white ppl. Cops are the good guys, never forget, the time, a white guy that I knew, told me of a time when he was tryna break into his own car, n a police car pulled up n told him he's doing it wrong, n helped him break into his car (a car the cop had no idea was his)

I think we all know the cop would have reacted very diff, if that guy who was a stranger, was a blk male tryna break into a car
N that's white supremacy in nutshell. U can do whatever you want, if your white, n no one will say a word.

N sometimes that systems comes back n bites them on the ass, because white men c this, they see that ppl r not gonna do sh.i.t to them, so they go out n kill, like we saw in Texas and Vegas, they are not gonna get punished.

Absolutely. We have law abiding minorities afraid of police and white criminals who know their skin color or economic standing will bail them out. What a screwy country.

Then get the fuck out if you are so mistreated. nothing is stopping you. oh. wait. yer too fucking lazy to work to get passage to where your ancestors came from and want the handouts here. Nevermind.

I’m not treated all that bad, I’m white. I have a job. My family is from Ireland and Sicily. But I am from America.
That's why whites kill me when they say "I would not feel safe in a back area"

Nigga, ud b the safest person there.

Black ppl are well of the severe punishment that would come from harming a white person, in fact fk that.

let becky go to the hood, n even if she thinks she's being threatened, squad cars and choppers wood have the block on lock down in under ten mins.
That’s a fact
To white ppl. Cops are the good guys, never forget, the time, a white guy that I knew, told me of a time when he was tryna break into his own car, n a police car pulled up n told him he's doing it wrong, n helped him break into his car (a car the cop had no idea was his)

I think we all know the cop would have reacted very diff, if that guy who was a stranger, was a blk male tryna break into a car
N that's white supremacy in nutshell. U can do whatever you want, if your white, n no one will say a word.

N sometimes that systems comes back n bites them on the ass, because white men c this, they see that ppl r not gonna do sh.i.t to them, so they go out n kill, like we saw in Texas and Vegas, they are not gonna get punished.

Absolutely. We have law abiding minorities afraid of police and white criminals who know their skin color or economic standing will bail them out. What a screwy country.

Then get the fuck out if you are so mistreated. nothing is stopping you. oh. wait. yer too fucking lazy to work to get passage to where your ancestors came from and want the handouts here. Nevermind.
there is no where to go. That's what white supremacy is. This what we have been telling u. So saying "go there" is like the warden of prison, saying to prisoner to move to another cell, if he does not like the sh.i.t, he's getting. The whole world is one big prison of white supremacy.

You took us over. Africa ? Please. The White suprmacist have that on lock.

The whole world is a total system of white supremacy and there is not one grain of sand, one blade of grass u can show me, which is not dominated by white supremacy.
I want to start by saying I’m all for criminal justice reform (especially losing the incarceration rate in the US). I’m all for cops going to jail when they do something illegal. However, I don’t understand how the cause entitled “Black Lives Matter” could be about police brutality. I understand that some police are prejudice and that can lead to unjust killings. The thing is, these unjust killings aren’t even close to the number one problem plaguing black communities. Technically it’s heart disease, then cancer. Even assault (about 90% of which is black on black according to the FBI) makes the top ten list of killers of African Americans. And what about the things that ruin families and communities even if they don’t necessarily cause death, such as incarceration/recidivism rates, unemployment/underemployment and selling/using drugs. My question is, if BLM really wanted to help the black community why would they not attack these issues instead of the relatively small, but highly publicized, issue of racially fueled police brutality. My assumption is that the people involved in the BLM leadership are privileged, bored, and looking for fame. In my opinion, all the money that is going towards BLM could be going to actually saving lives and making the world a better place. Please, someone tell me why money is better spent on a problem that affects hundreds when the same money could be used much more efficiently to address a problem that affects hundreds of thousands?

Sent from my iPhone using
I'm tired of their bullshit. Stop the fucking whining and go do something with themselves instead of pulling a Hillary of it being everyone elses fault except their own.
You’re tired of their bullshit?

After 300 years of slavery. Decades of Jim Crow. Being killed and lynched for wanted to vote and wanting an education. YOU are sick of THEIR bullshit? Spare me, you sick fuck.
My family didn't own slaves. It was 300 years ago. Get the fuck over it already. You don't see me whining about my Irish ancestors being used and abused when they arrived on the boat and were treated like shit with NO IRISH signs everywhere, do ya?

Grow up, you lazy fuck.
Neither did my family. OUR families came here freely. By choice. They could return whenever they wanted. That is far different than being someone’s property.

“Get over it” what a cold cold bitch you are. How do people get over that? Slavery itself was quite some time ago. But just a few decades ago we were still dealing with it’s after effects. Unless you are 15 years old we have seen the repurcussions of slavery in our own life time. If you think race relations magically changed over night or that a country can erase its history you’re just as moronic as you are cruel.
To white ppl. Cops are the good guys, never forget, the time, a white guy that I knew, told me of a time when he was tryna break into his own car, n a police car pulled up n told him he's doing it wrong, n helped him break into his car (a car the cop had no idea was his)

I think we all know the cop would have reacted very diff, if that guy who was a stranger, was a blk male tryna break into a car
N that's white supremacy in nutshell. U can do whatever you want, if your white, n no one will say a word.

N sometimes that systems comes back n bites them on the ass, because white men c this, they see that ppl r not gonna do sh.i.t to them, so they go out n kill, like we saw in Texas and Vegas, they are not gonna get punished.

Absolutely. We have law abiding minorities afraid of police and white criminals who know their skin color or economic standing will bail them out. What a screwy country.

Then get the fuck out if you are so mistreated. nothing is stopping you. oh. wait. yer too fucking lazy to work to get passage to where your ancestors came from and want the handouts here. Nevermind.
there is no where to go. That's what white supremacy is. This what we have been telling u. You took us over. Africa ? Please. The White suprmacist have that on lock.

The whole world is a total system of white supremacy and there is not one grain of sand, one blade of grass u can show me, which is not dominated by white supremacy.

Try Haiti. Jamaica?
Get over yourselves. Its past history. Either get along, become someone by getting out of the ghetto mentality and blaming everyone else except your own people, or leave. Simple.
N that's white supremacy in nutshell. U can do whatever you want, if your white, n no one will say a word.

N sometimes that systems comes back n bites them on the ass, because white men c this, they see that ppl r not gonna do sh.i.t to them, so they go out n kill, like we saw in Texas and Vegas, they are not gonna get punished.

Absolutely. We have law abiding minorities afraid of police and white criminals who know their skin color or economic standing will bail them out. What a screwy country.

Then get the fuck out if you are so mistreated. nothing is stopping you. oh. wait. yer too fucking lazy to work to get passage to where your ancestors came from and want the handouts here. Nevermind.
there is no where to go. That's what white supremacy is. This what we have been telling u. You took us over. Africa ? Please. The White suprmacist have that on lock.

The whole world is a total system of white supremacy and there is not one grain of sand, one blade of grass u can show me, which is not dominated by white supremacy.

Try Haiti. Jamaica?
Get over yourselves. Its past history. Either get along, become someone by getting out of the ghetto mentality and blaming everyone else except your own people, or leave. Simple.

Simple to a nitwit.
I want to start by saying I’m all for criminal justice reform (especially losing the incarceration rate in the US). I’m all for cops going to jail when they do something illegal. However, I don’t understand how the cause entitled “Black Lives Matter” could be about police brutality. I understand that some police are prejudice and that can lead to unjust killings. The thing is, these unjust killings aren’t even close to the number one problem plaguing black communities. Technically it’s heart disease, then cancer. Even assault (about 90% of which is black on black according to the FBI) makes the top ten list of killers of African Americans. And what about the things that ruin families and communities even if they don’t necessarily cause death, such as incarceration/recidivism rates, unemployment/underemployment and selling/using drugs. My question is, if BLM really wanted to help the black community why would they not attack these issues instead of the relatively small, but highly publicized, issue of racially fueled police brutality. My assumption is that the people involved in the BLM leadership are privileged, bored, and looking for fame. In my opinion, all the money that is going towards BLM could be going to actually saving lives and making the world a better place. Please, someone tell me why money is better spent on a problem that affects hundreds when the same money could be used much more efficiently to address a problem that affects hundreds of thousands?

Sent from my iPhone using
I'm tired of their bullshit. Stop the fucking whining and go do something with themselves instead of pulling a Hillary of it being everyone elses fault except their own.
You’re tired of their bullshit?

After 300 years of slavery. Decades of Jim Crow. Being killed and lynched for wanted to vote and wanting an education. YOU are sick of THEIR bullshit? Spare me, you sick fuck.
My family didn't own slaves. It was 300 years ago. Get the fuck over it already. You don't see me whining about my Irish ancestors being used and abused when they arrived on the boat and were treated like shit with NO IRISH signs everywhere, do ya?

Grow up, you lazy fuck.
Neither did my family. OUR families came here freely. By choice. They could return whenever they wanted. That is far different than being someone’s property.

“Get over it” what a cold cold bitch you are. How do people get over that? Slavery itself was quite some time ago. But just a few decades ago we were still dealing with it’s after effects. Unless you are 15 years old we have seen the repurcussions of slavery in our own life time. If you think race relations magically changed over night or that a country can erase its history you’re just as moronic as you are cruel.
You have beaten this crap into the ground long enough. Everyone is tired of it. Try a new schpeel. Better something with yourselves and look to your own. Oh, and stop calling those that HAVE done something with themselves, Uncle Toms. It just shows your jealousies and ignorance.
That's why whites kill me when they say "I would not feel safe in a back area"

Nigga, ud b the safest person there.

Black ppl are well of the severe punishment that would come from harming a white person, in fact fk that.

let becky go to the hood, n even if she thinks she's being threatened, squad cars and choppers wood have the block on lock down in under ten mins.
To white ppl. Cops are the good guys, never forget, the time, a white guy that I knew, told me of a time when he was tryna break into his own car, n a police car pulled up n told him he's doing it wrong, n helped him break into his car (a car the cop had no idea was his)

I think we all know the cop would have reacted very diff, if that guy who was a stranger, was a blk male tryna break into a car
N that's white supremacy in nutshell. U can do whatever you want, if your white, n no one will say a word.

N sometimes that systems comes back n bites them on the ass, because white men c this, they see that ppl r not gonna do sh.i.t to them, so they go out n kill, like we saw in Texas and Vegas, they are not gonna get punished.

Absolutely. We have law abiding minorities afraid of police and white criminals who know their skin color or economic standing will bail them out. What a screwy country.

Then get the fuck out if you are so mistreated. nothing is stopping you. oh. wait. yer too fucking lazy to work to get passage to where your ancestors came from and want the handouts here. Nevermind.
there is no where to go. That's what white supremacy is. This what we have been telling u. So saying "go there" is like the warden of prison, saying to prisoner to move to another cell, if he does not like the sh.i.t, he's getting. The whole world is one big prison of white supremacy.

You took us over. Africa ? Please. The White suprmacist have that on lock.

The whole world is a total system of white supremacy and there is not one grain of sand, one blade of grass u can show me, which is not dominated by white supremacy.

Africa is not controlled by whites anymore, hasn't been for awhile. You need to get updated, bro.
That's why whites kill me when they say "I would not feel safe in a back area"

Nigga, ud b the safest person there.

Black ppl are well of the severe punishment that would come from harming a white person, in fact fk that.

let becky go to the hood, n even if she thinks she's being threatened, squad cars and choppers wood have the block on lock down in under ten mins.
N that's white supremacy in nutshell. U can do whatever you want, if your white, n no one will say a word.

N sometimes that systems comes back n bites them on the ass, because white men c this, they see that ppl r not gonna do sh.i.t to them, so they go out n kill, like we saw in Texas and Vegas, they are not gonna get punished.

Absolutely. We have law abiding minorities afraid of police and white criminals who know their skin color or economic standing will bail them out. What a screwy country.

Then get the fuck out if you are so mistreated. nothing is stopping you. oh. wait. yer too fucking lazy to work to get passage to where your ancestors came from and want the handouts here. Nevermind.
there is no where to go. That's what white supremacy is. This what we have been telling u. So saying "go there" is like the warden of prison, saying to prisoner to move to another cell, if he does not like the sh.i.t, he's getting. The whole world is one big prison of white supremacy.

You took us over. Africa ? Please. The White suprmacist have that on lock.

The whole world is a total system of white supremacy and there is not one grain of sand, one blade of grass u can show me, which is not dominated by white supremacy.

Africa is not controlled by whites anymore, hasn't been for awhile. You need to get updated, bro.
Africa is not controlled by whites ?

Ok. Can you explain what you mean.
I want to start by saying I’m all for criminal justice reform (especially losing the incarceration rate in the US). I’m all for cops going to jail when they do something illegal. However, I don’t understand how the cause entitled “Black Lives Matter” could be about police brutality. I understand that some police are prejudice and that can lead to unjust killings. The thing is, these unjust killings aren’t even close to the number one problem plaguing black communities. Technically it’s heart disease, then cancer. Even assault (about 90% of which is black on black according to the FBI) makes the top ten list of killers of African Americans. And what about the things that ruin families and communities even if they don’t necessarily cause death, such as incarceration/recidivism rates, unemployment/underemployment and selling/using drugs. My question is, if BLM really wanted to help the black community why would they not attack these issues instead of the relatively small, but highly publicized, issue of racially fueled police brutality. My assumption is that the people involved in the BLM leadership are privileged, bored, and looking for fame. In my opinion, all the money that is going towards BLM could be going to actually saving lives and making the world a better place. Please, someone tell me why money is better spent on a problem that affects hundreds when the same money could be used much more efficiently to address a problem that affects hundreds of thousands?

Sent from my iPhone using
I'm tired of their bullshit. Stop the fucking whining and go do something with themselves instead of pulling a Hillary of it being everyone elses fault except their own.
You’re tired of their bullshit?

After 300 years of slavery. Decades of Jim Crow. Being killed and lynched for wanted to vote and wanting an education. YOU are sick of THEIR bullshit? Spare me, you sick fuck.
My family didn't own slaves. It was 300 years ago. Get the fuck over it already. You don't see me whining about my Irish ancestors being used and abused when they arrived on the boat and were treated like shit with NO IRISH signs everywhere, do ya?

Grow up, you lazy fuck.
Neither did my family. OUR families came here freely. By choice. They could return whenever they wanted. That is far different than being someone’s property.

“Get over it” what a cold cold bitch you are. How do people get over that? Slavery itself was quite some time ago. But just a few decades ago we were still dealing with it’s after effects. Unless you are 15 years old we have seen the repurcussions of slavery in our own life time. If you think race relations magically changed over night or that a country can erase its history you’re just as moronic as you are cruel.
You are the cry baby. All the things the African race has faced here and your delicate ears just can’t hear about it. That is privilege in a nutshell. Well put your big girl pants on and pick up a history book. Because this is America and our past ain’t pretty and our past isn’t all that OLD either.
I'm tired of their bullshit. Stop the fucking whining and go do something with themselves instead of pulling a Hillary of it being everyone elses fault except their own.
You’re tired of their bullshit?

After 300 years of slavery. Decades of Jim Crow. Being killed and lynched for wanted to vote and wanting an education. YOU are sick of THEIR bullshit? Spare me, you sick fuck.
My family didn't own slaves. It was 300 years ago. Get the fuck over it already. You don't see me whining about my Irish ancestors being used and abused when they arrived on the boat and were treated like shit with NO IRISH signs everywhere, do ya?

Grow up, you lazy fuck.
Neither did my family. OUR families came here freely. By choice. They could return whenever they wanted. That is far different than being someone’s property.

“Get over it” what a cold cold bitch you are. How do people get over that? Slavery itself was quite some time ago. But just a few decades ago we were still dealing with it’s after effects. Unless you are 15 years old we have seen the repurcussions of slavery in our own life time. If you think race relations magically changed over night or that a country can erase its history you’re just as moronic as you are cruel.
You are the cry baby. All the things the African race has faced here and your delicate ears just can’t hear about it. That is privilege in a nutshell. Well put your big girl pants on and pick up a history book. Because this is America and our past ain’t pretty and our past isn’t all that OLD either.
Get. Over. It.
I want to start by saying I’m all for criminal justice reform (especially losing the incarceration rate in the US). I’m all for cops going to jail when they do something illegal. However, I don’t understand how the cause entitled “Black Lives Matter” could be about police brutality. I understand that some police are prejudice and that can lead to unjust killings. The thing is, these unjust killings aren’t even close to the number one problem plaguing black communities. Technically it’s heart disease, then cancer. Even assault (about 90% of which is black on black according to the FBI) makes the top ten list of killers of African Americans. And what about the things that ruin families and communities even if they don’t necessarily cause death, such as incarceration/recidivism rates, unemployment/underemployment and selling/using drugs. My question is, if BLM really wanted to help the black community why would they not attack these issues instead of the relatively small, but highly publicized, issue of racially fueled police brutality. My assumption is that the people involved in the BLM leadership are privileged, bored, and looking for fame. In my opinion, all the money that is going towards BLM could be going to actually saving lives and making the world a better place. Please, someone tell me why money is better spent on a problem that affects hundreds when the same money could be used much more efficiently to address a problem that affects hundreds of thousands?

Sent from my iPhone using
I'm tired of their bullshit. Stop the fucking whining and go do something with themselves instead of pulling a Hillary of it being everyone elses fault except their own.
Its Black peoples fault cops are racist? Why should they stop whining when Whites dont stop whining?
You’re tired of their bullshit?

After 300 years of slavery. Decades of Jim Crow. Being killed and lynched for wanted to vote and wanting an education. YOU are sick of THEIR bullshit? Spare me, you sick fuck.
My family didn't own slaves. It was 300 years ago. Get the fuck over it already. You don't see me whining about my Irish ancestors being used and abused when they arrived on the boat and were treated like shit with NO IRISH signs everywhere, do ya?

Grow up, you lazy fuck.
Neither did my family. OUR families came here freely. By choice. They could return whenever they wanted. That is far different than being someone’s property.

“Get over it” what a cold cold bitch you are. How do people get over that? Slavery itself was quite some time ago. But just a few decades ago we were still dealing with it’s after effects. Unless you are 15 years old we have seen the repurcussions of slavery in our own life time. If you think race relations magically changed over night or that a country can erase its history you’re just as moronic as you are cruel.
You are the cry baby. All the things the African race has faced here and your delicate ears just can’t hear about it. That is privilege in a nutshell. Well put your big girl pants on and pick up a history book. Because this is America and our past ain’t pretty and our past isn’t all that OLD either.
Get. Over. It.
I never went through it, therefore I can not “get over it.” It’s not something to “get over.” It is our past. To be studied and learned from. You can’t learn from what you sweep under the rug, Gracie.

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