Black Lives Do Matter

Posts from somewhere else. I will not post the link because it is a competing site. Read what these folks are saying (black folks) or dismiss it. Whatever floats your boats:

I too consider myself refined, intelligent, well-bred and well spoken. However, because of my upbringing, my form of communication may be misconstrued as being bourgeois, uppity, 'not black enough' or grandstanding.

I'm another Black person who is seen as *uppity* or whatever because I speak properly. It's me, and the only way I can say I've consciously tried to change the way I speak is by trying to avoid speaking with a Midwest(Minnesota!) accent - you know, chewy, like - "Ya, I'm frum Minnasoy-tah...." :D And I've had white men (I've *mostly* dated white men exclusively)tell me they don't see me as Black, because I don't act or speak like a Black person. Whatever that means. Listen to Hip-Hip/Rap? Go to dance clubs every weekend? (I don't dance!)Still, I've had even more black men tell me this. Hm??? Well I am Black, and if the usual stereotypes don?t fit - *they* must not be accurate enough, not the other way around. Ghetto in not synonymous with Black, just as Trailer Park is not synonymous with White - as a racial definition. Same with gender- oh, I've had many discussions about what it is to be female. What I'm saying is that genitalia or skin pigmentation, hair texture, etc., does not determine personality or one?s essential nature. I think people simply need to change their racial/gender definitions and see them as the physical classifications that they are.

Hmm Had to think about this one and my response is ...what! 1st of all since when is acting Ghetto acting black? 2nd acting Ghetto when you are "with" a black man is acting ignorant and imature not black. What about the educated blacks who are sophisticated.How are they acting ?white? L

I believe you are 100% correct. I am a sophisticated black man and I have always been accused of acting white. What is that all about?

your comment just blew my mind. my daughter is biracial and was raised by a wonderful Black Man. He taught her to use proper english. It not about trying to sound white, if you use proper english, but that you have been educated.

It goes on and on, but I think they made great pointers.
Here is the problem with your quotes. If Black people think youre trying to sound white...then you are. I know lots of Blacks that speak correct english and no one thinks they are trying to act white so obviously its more than just using proper english. These people are probably uncle toms that have sold out in order to appease white people.
And there it is. Uncle Toms because they speak correct english and pulled themselves out of the ghettos instead of feeling sorry for themselves. Yep. D'ere it is!
Its Black peoples fault cops are racist? Why should they stop whining when Whites dont stop whining?

All cops are racist?

Do you have proof of this that doesn't involve a logical fallacy or emotional argument?

My but you paint with a GIANT brush.
If one cop is racist its a problem. Why does it have to be all of them for BLM to be right?

Yes. I have testimony from a former police chief and personal experience. I hope youre not asking me to prove it to you are you? If so your belief isnt required.
And that can be said about blacks that are racist against whites...or even their own "uncle toms". That's a problem too, isn't it?
Now, I just handed that big brush back to you.
Blacks control zero systems. Wake me when Black cops are crawling all over your neighborhood looking for young white men to give a criminal record and separate from their families.
Separate them from their families? What era are you living in??? Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
Who said they did a crime?
Posts from somewhere else. I will not post the link because it is a competing site. Read what these folks are saying (black folks) or dismiss it. Whatever floats your boats:

I too consider myself refined, intelligent, well-bred and well spoken. However, because of my upbringing, my form of communication may be misconstrued as being bourgeois, uppity, 'not black enough' or grandstanding.

I'm another Black person who is seen as *uppity* or whatever because I speak properly. It's me, and the only way I can say I've consciously tried to change the way I speak is by trying to avoid speaking with a Midwest(Minnesota!) accent - you know, chewy, like - "Ya, I'm frum Minnasoy-tah...." :D And I've had white men (I've *mostly* dated white men exclusively)tell me they don't see me as Black, because I don't act or speak like a Black person. Whatever that means. Listen to Hip-Hip/Rap? Go to dance clubs every weekend? (I don't dance!)Still, I've had even more black men tell me this. Hm??? Well I am Black, and if the usual stereotypes don?t fit - *they* must not be accurate enough, not the other way around. Ghetto in not synonymous with Black, just as Trailer Park is not synonymous with White - as a racial definition. Same with gender- oh, I've had many discussions about what it is to be female. What I'm saying is that genitalia or skin pigmentation, hair texture, etc., does not determine personality or one?s essential nature. I think people simply need to change their racial/gender definitions and see them as the physical classifications that they are.

Hmm Had to think about this one and my response is ...what! 1st of all since when is acting Ghetto acting black? 2nd acting Ghetto when you are "with" a black man is acting ignorant and imature not black. What about the educated blacks who are sophisticated.How are they acting ?white? L

I believe you are 100% correct. I am a sophisticated black man and I have always been accused of acting white. What is that all about?

your comment just blew my mind. my daughter is biracial and was raised by a wonderful Black Man. He taught her to use proper english. It not about trying to sound white, if you use proper english, but that you have been educated.

It goes on and on, but I think they made great pointers.
Here is the problem with your quotes. If Black people think youre trying to sound white...then you are. I know lots of Blacks that speak correct english and no one thinks they are trying to act white so obviously its more than just using proper english. These people are probably uncle toms that have sold out in order to appease white people.
And there it is. Uncle Toms because they speak correct english and pulled themselves out of the ghettos instead of feeling sorry for themselves. Yep. D'ere it is!
No uncle toms because they cater to whites. Has nothing to do with speaking standard english. I speak both Ebonics and english. No one has ever said I am a uncle tom when I use standard english.
What did you your second sentence mean? Did you make a typo or did you leave a word out?

No typo.

Serious question: Is English not your first language?
No Ebonics is my first language. Why do you ask?

Sorry I can't help any reading comprehension issues.

I didn’t really get it either
“Secondly, anyone demanding another affirm BLM, for example.“
If all of the words are right, it is certainly punctuated wrong.

You'd have to read the question first: "Whos looking for someone else to affirm their lives..."
Okay I got it. Still strange wording. They are not seeking affirmation they are seeking agreement. Which white America can not yet give them.
Its Black peoples fault cops are racist? Why should they stop whining when Whites dont stop whining?

All cops are racist?

Do you have proof of this that doesn't involve a logical fallacy or emotional argument?

My but you paint with a GIANT brush.
If one cop is racist its a problem. Why does it have to be all of them for BLM to be right?

Yes. I have testimony from a former police chief and personal experience. I hope youre not asking me to prove it to you are you? If so your belief isnt required.

Ah, well that's different. When one states "caps are racist" he's implying 'all'.

Of course, a racist cop is a problem, no doubt. No place for it. If you see it, I'll stand by you in protest.

No, I'm not asking you to prove that there is a police officer out there that is a racist. I'm sure there is.

Well that was fun...
I'm not implying anything. Youre just assuming without clarifying.

I have seen it too many times to count myself. I have people in my family that are cops and they say a good 80% of white cops are racist. I had a friend that was a cop that actually quit due to the racist cops in his unit. I also live across the street from a sherriff that says the same thing. Whites such as yourself are typically clueless and have the nerve to get outraged when Blacks assume all cops are racist. There is a reason. Most cops I have met are racist, power hunger assholes.

Good lord man, be clear. Are you saying it's bad when a cop is a racist or are you saying all cops are racists? Spit it out!
If you cant comprehend your native tongue blame yourself.
Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Sheriff Clark, Danny Glover, Forest Whittaker, Ben Vereen....and countless others. All uncle toms, eh?
Posts from somewhere else. I will not post the link because it is a competing site. Read what these folks are saying (black folks) or dismiss it. Whatever floats your boats:

I too consider myself refined, intelligent, well-bred and well spoken. However, because of my upbringing, my form of communication may be misconstrued as being bourgeois, uppity, 'not black enough' or grandstanding.

I'm another Black person who is seen as *uppity* or whatever because I speak properly. It's me, and the only way I can say I've consciously tried to change the way I speak is by trying to avoid speaking with a Midwest(Minnesota!) accent - you know, chewy, like - "Ya, I'm frum Minnasoy-tah...." :D And I've had white men (I've *mostly* dated white men exclusively)tell me they don't see me as Black, because I don't act or speak like a Black person. Whatever that means. Listen to Hip-Hip/Rap? Go to dance clubs every weekend? (I don't dance!)Still, I've had even more black men tell me this. Hm??? Well I am Black, and if the usual stereotypes don?t fit - *they* must not be accurate enough, not the other way around. Ghetto in not synonymous with Black, just as Trailer Park is not synonymous with White - as a racial definition. Same with gender- oh, I've had many discussions about what it is to be female. What I'm saying is that genitalia or skin pigmentation, hair texture, etc., does not determine personality or one?s essential nature. I think people simply need to change their racial/gender definitions and see them as the physical classifications that they are.

Hmm Had to think about this one and my response is ...what! 1st of all since when is acting Ghetto acting black? 2nd acting Ghetto when you are "with" a black man is acting ignorant and imature not black. What about the educated blacks who are sophisticated.How are they acting ?white? L

I believe you are 100% correct. I am a sophisticated black man and I have always been accused of acting white. What is that all about?

your comment just blew my mind. my daughter is biracial and was raised by a wonderful Black Man. He taught her to use proper english. It not about trying to sound white, if you use proper english, but that you have been educated.

It goes on and on, but I think they made great pointers.
Here is the problem with your quotes. If Black people think youre trying to sound white...then you are. I know lots of Blacks that speak correct english and no one thinks they are trying to act white so obviously its more than just using proper english. These people are probably uncle toms that have sold out in order to appease white people.
And there it is. Uncle Toms because they speak correct english and pulled themselves out of the ghettos instead of feeling sorry for themselves. Yep. D'ere it is!
No uncle toms because they cater to whites. Has nothing to do with speaking standard english. I speak both Ebonics and english. No one has ever said I am a uncle tom when I use standard english.
If you use standard english, have a job, a house not in the ghetto, drive a nice car, are raising your own children with the same woman...then are an uncle tom according to YOUR OWN standards. You are called an uncle tom by those who see you as removing yourself from the ghetto, misterman. Don't fool yourself you are NOT called that.
No typo.

Serious question: Is English not your first language?
No Ebonics is my first language. Why do you ask?

Sorry I can't help any reading comprehension issues.

I didn’t really get it either
“Secondly, anyone demanding another affirm BLM, for example.“
If all of the words are right, it is certainly punctuated wrong.

You'd have to read the question first: "Whos looking for someone else to affirm their lives..."
Okay I got it. Still strange wording. They are not seeking affirmation they are seeking agreement. Which white America can not yet give them.

Again, I find it wrongheaded to ask the question. It's up to you, whatever the color of your skin, to make your own life matter.
HIS race. are not black but are fighting for them because they are still living the life they were taught that they can sit around and whine all day, make babies with multiple partners and then walk away, burn and loot their OWN neighborhoods.
Alrighty then!
I have already told you my heritage. My upbringing, education, and my career have all given me deep insight into poverty, as well as American history/race relations. Which is why I can so easily identify your ignorance to the topic.
All cops are racist?

Do you have proof of this that doesn't involve a logical fallacy or emotional argument?

My but you paint with a GIANT brush.
If one cop is racist its a problem. Why does it have to be all of them for BLM to be right?

Yes. I have testimony from a former police chief and personal experience. I hope youre not asking me to prove it to you are you? If so your belief isnt required.

Ah, well that's different. When one states "caps are racist" he's implying 'all'.

Of course, a racist cop is a problem, no doubt. No place for it. If you see it, I'll stand by you in protest.

No, I'm not asking you to prove that there is a police officer out there that is a racist. I'm sure there is.

Well that was fun...
I'm not implying anything. Youre just assuming without clarifying.

I have seen it too many times to count myself. I have people in my family that are cops and they say a good 80% of white cops are racist. I had a friend that was a cop that actually quit due to the racist cops in his unit. I also live across the street from a sherriff that says the same thing. Whites such as yourself are typically clueless and have the nerve to get outraged when Blacks assume all cops are racist. There is a reason. Most cops I have met are racist, power hunger assholes.

Good lord man, be clear. Are you saying it's bad when a cop is a racist or are you saying all cops are racists? Spit it out!
If you cant comprehend your native tongue blame yourself.

Nice dodge.

Be clear and back it up or go home.
Posts from somewhere else. I will not post the link because it is a competing site. Read what these folks are saying (black folks) or dismiss it. Whatever floats your boats:

I too consider myself refined, intelligent, well-bred and well spoken. However, because of my upbringing, my form of communication may be misconstrued as being bourgeois, uppity, 'not black enough' or grandstanding.

I'm another Black person who is seen as *uppity* or whatever because I speak properly. It's me, and the only way I can say I've consciously tried to change the way I speak is by trying to avoid speaking with a Midwest(Minnesota!) accent - you know, chewy, like - "Ya, I'm frum Minnasoy-tah...." :D And I've had white men (I've *mostly* dated white men exclusively)tell me they don't see me as Black, because I don't act or speak like a Black person. Whatever that means. Listen to Hip-Hip/Rap? Go to dance clubs every weekend? (I don't dance!)Still, I've had even more black men tell me this. Hm??? Well I am Black, and if the usual stereotypes don?t fit - *they* must not be accurate enough, not the other way around. Ghetto in not synonymous with Black, just as Trailer Park is not synonymous with White - as a racial definition. Same with gender- oh, I've had many discussions about what it is to be female. What I'm saying is that genitalia or skin pigmentation, hair texture, etc., does not determine personality or one?s essential nature. I think people simply need to change their racial/gender definitions and see them as the physical classifications that they are.

Hmm Had to think about this one and my response is ...what! 1st of all since when is acting Ghetto acting black? 2nd acting Ghetto when you are "with" a black man is acting ignorant and imature not black. What about the educated blacks who are sophisticated.How are they acting ?white? L

I believe you are 100% correct. I am a sophisticated black man and I have always been accused of acting white. What is that all about?

your comment just blew my mind. my daughter is biracial and was raised by a wonderful Black Man. He taught her to use proper english. It not about trying to sound white, if you use proper english, but that you have been educated.

It goes on and on, but I think they made great pointers.
Here is the problem with your quotes. If Black people think youre trying to sound white...then you are. I know lots of Blacks that speak correct english and no one thinks they are trying to act white so obviously its more than just using proper english. These people are probably uncle toms that have sold out in order to appease white people.
And there it is. Uncle Toms because they speak correct english and pulled themselves out of the ghettos instead of feeling sorry for themselves. Yep. D'ere it is!
No uncle toms because they cater to whites. Has nothing to do with speaking standard english. I speak both Ebonics and english. No one has ever said I am a uncle tom when I use standard english.
If you use standard english, have a job, a house not in the ghetto, drive a nice car, are raising your own children with the same woman...then are an uncle tom according to YOUR OWN standards. You are called an uncle tom by those who see you as removing yourself from the ghetto, misterman. Don't fool yourself you are NOT called that.

Who told you I thought using standard english, having a job, a house not in the ghetto, driving a nice car, raising your own children with the same women is being an uncle tom? Are you drunk or something Grace?
If one cop is racist its a problem. Why does it have to be all of them for BLM to be right?

Yes. I have testimony from a former police chief and personal experience. I hope youre not asking me to prove it to you are you? If so your belief isnt required.

Ah, well that's different. When one states "caps are racist" he's implying 'all'.

Of course, a racist cop is a problem, no doubt. No place for it. If you see it, I'll stand by you in protest.

No, I'm not asking you to prove that there is a police officer out there that is a racist. I'm sure there is.

Well that was fun...
I'm not implying anything. Youre just assuming without clarifying.

I have seen it too many times to count myself. I have people in my family that are cops and they say a good 80% of white cops are racist. I had a friend that was a cop that actually quit due to the racist cops in his unit. I also live across the street from a sherriff that says the same thing. Whites such as yourself are typically clueless and have the nerve to get outraged when Blacks assume all cops are racist. There is a reason. Most cops I have met are racist, power hunger assholes.

Good lord man, be clear. Are you saying it's bad when a cop is a racist or are you saying all cops are racists? Spit it out!
If you cant comprehend your native tongue blame yourself.

Nice dodge.

Be clear and back it up or go home.
You dodged first. Explain your post with the missing word or go home.
No Ebonics is my first language. Why do you ask?

Sorry I can't help any reading comprehension issues.

I didn’t really get it either
“Secondly, anyone demanding another affirm BLM, for example.“
If all of the words are right, it is certainly punctuated wrong.

You'd have to read the question first: "Whos looking for someone else to affirm their lives..."
Okay I got it. Still strange wording. They are not seeking affirmation they are seeking agreement. Which white America can not yet give them.

Again, I find it wrongheaded to ask the question. It's up to you, whatever the color of your skin, to make your own life matter.
It’s not a question. It’s a statement. It’s the black community stating that black lives matter. Every one of their kids killed because of his/her race, matter. It is not a question, it is not seeking approval. It is a statement and if America had quickly come together in support of its black community and looked at the issue of police brutality and together attempted to find solutions, the movement/controversy wouldn’t be on going.
No Ebonics is my first language. Why do you ask?

Sorry I can't help any reading comprehension issues.

I didn’t really get it either
“Secondly, anyone demanding another affirm BLM, for example.“
If all of the words are right, it is certainly punctuated wrong.

You'd have to read the question first: "Whos looking for someone else to affirm their lives..."
Okay I got it. Still strange wording. They are not seeking affirmation they are seeking agreement. Which white America can not yet give them.

Again, I find it wrongheaded to ask the question. It's up to you, whatever the color of your skin, to make your own life matter.
Who asked you if Black Lives Matter? Like the typical clueless white person you mistake someone making a statement with asking for your validation.
Posts from somewhere else. I will not post the link because it is a competing site. Read what these folks are saying (black folks) or dismiss it. Whatever floats your boats:

I too consider myself refined, intelligent, well-bred and well spoken. However, because of my upbringing, my form of communication may be misconstrued as being bourgeois, uppity, 'not black enough' or grandstanding.

I'm another Black person who is seen as *uppity* or whatever because I speak properly. It's me, and the only way I can say I've consciously tried to change the way I speak is by trying to avoid speaking with a Midwest(Minnesota!) accent - you know, chewy, like - "Ya, I'm frum Minnasoy-tah...." :D And I've had white men (I've *mostly* dated white men exclusively)tell me they don't see me as Black, because I don't act or speak like a Black person. Whatever that means. Listen to Hip-Hip/Rap? Go to dance clubs every weekend? (I don't dance!)Still, I've had even more black men tell me this. Hm??? Well I am Black, and if the usual stereotypes don?t fit - *they* must not be accurate enough, not the other way around. Ghetto in not synonymous with Black, just as Trailer Park is not synonymous with White - as a racial definition. Same with gender- oh, I've had many discussions about what it is to be female. What I'm saying is that genitalia or skin pigmentation, hair texture, etc., does not determine personality or one?s essential nature. I think people simply need to change their racial/gender definitions and see them as the physical classifications that they are.

Hmm Had to think about this one and my response is ...what! 1st of all since when is acting Ghetto acting black? 2nd acting Ghetto when you are "with" a black man is acting ignorant and imature not black. What about the educated blacks who are sophisticated.How are they acting ?white? L

I believe you are 100% correct. I am a sophisticated black man and I have always been accused of acting white. What is that all about?

your comment just blew my mind. my daughter is biracial and was raised by a wonderful Black Man. He taught her to use proper english. It not about trying to sound white, if you use proper english, but that you have been educated.

It goes on and on, but I think they made great pointers.
Here is the problem with your quotes. If Black people think youre trying to sound white...then you are. I know lots of Blacks that speak correct english and no one thinks they are trying to act white so obviously its more than just using proper english. These people are probably uncle toms that have sold out in order to appease white people.
And there it is. Uncle Toms because they speak correct english and pulled themselves out of the ghettos instead of feeling sorry for themselves. Yep. D'ere it is!
You have comprehension issues to match your compassion issues Gracie. He said he knows black people who speak proper English and aren’t called uncle toms. It is more so when you sell out to appease whites that your an Uncle Tom.
So more like “omgggg I love this pumpkin spice latte and ugg boots and trump because he’ll make us great again”
That would be an Uncle Tom.
Ah, well that's different. When one states "caps are racist" he's implying 'all'.

Of course, a racist cop is a problem, no doubt. No place for it. If you see it, I'll stand by you in protest.

No, I'm not asking you to prove that there is a police officer out there that is a racist. I'm sure there is.

Well that was fun...
I'm not implying anything. Youre just assuming without clarifying.

I have seen it too many times to count myself. I have people in my family that are cops and they say a good 80% of white cops are racist. I had a friend that was a cop that actually quit due to the racist cops in his unit. I also live across the street from a sherriff that says the same thing. Whites such as yourself are typically clueless and have the nerve to get outraged when Blacks assume all cops are racist. There is a reason. Most cops I have met are racist, power hunger assholes.

Good lord man, be clear. Are you saying it's bad when a cop is a racist or are you saying all cops are racists? Spit it out!
If you cant comprehend your native tongue blame yourself.

Nice dodge.

Be clear and back it up or go home.
You dodged first. Explain your post with the missing word or go home.

Oh good lord. Okay, I'll use simple words for you.

You asked the question: "Whos looking for someone else to affirm their lives...?"

I'm suggesting it's anyone that looks to another person to tell them they matter. This is something I've seen BLM folks do often and it is pathetic (bad). It's up to you make your own life matter, no one else. So when you ask another to agree with you that your life matters, it makes you look silly (also bad).


So about those racist cops...
I'm not implying anything. Youre just assuming without clarifying.

I have seen it too many times to count myself. I have people in my family that are cops and they say a good 80% of white cops are racist. I had a friend that was a cop that actually quit due to the racist cops in his unit. I also live across the street from a sherriff that says the same thing. Whites such as yourself are typically clueless and have the nerve to get outraged when Blacks assume all cops are racist. There is a reason. Most cops I have met are racist, power hunger assholes.

Good lord man, be clear. Are you saying it's bad when a cop is a racist or are you saying all cops are racists? Spit it out!
If you cant comprehend your native tongue blame yourself.

Nice dodge.

Be clear and back it up or go home.
You dodged first. Explain your post with the missing word or go home.

Oh good lord. Okay, I'll use simple words for you.

You asked the question: "Whos looking for someone else to affirm their lives...?"

I'm suggesting it's anyone that looks to another person to tell them they matter. This is something I've seen BLM folks do often and it is pathetic (bad). It's up to you make your own life matter, no one else. So when you ask another to agree with you that your life matters, it makes you look silly (also bad).


So about those racist cops...
When have you seen a Black person ask you if their life matters? Never mind. I already know youre going to lie and expect me to believe it.

Obviously all cops arent racist. I know some that arent.
I'm not implying anything. Youre just assuming without clarifying.

I have seen it too many times to count myself. I have people in my family that are cops and they say a good 80% of white cops are racist. I had a friend that was a cop that actually quit due to the racist cops in his unit. I also live across the street from a sherriff that says the same thing. Whites such as yourself are typically clueless and have the nerve to get outraged when Blacks assume all cops are racist. There is a reason. Most cops I have met are racist, power hunger assholes.

Good lord man, be clear. Are you saying it's bad when a cop is a racist or are you saying all cops are racists? Spit it out!
If you cant comprehend your native tongue blame yourself.

Nice dodge.

Be clear and back it up or go home.
You dodged first. Explain your post with the missing word or go home.

Oh good lord. Okay, I'll use simple words for you.

You asked the question: "Whos looking for someone else to affirm their lives...?"

I'm suggesting it's anyone that looks to another person to tell them they matter. This is something I've seen BLM folks do often and it is pathetic (bad). It's up to you make your own life matter, no one else. So when you ask another to agree with you that your life matters, it makes you look silly (also bad).


So about those racist cops...
I don’t understand where you’re getting this shit.. it has always been “black lives matter” it was never ever “black lives matter?”
Did you miss punctuation day in kindergarten or something???
Sorry I can't help any reading comprehension issues.

I didn’t really get it either
“Secondly, anyone demanding another affirm BLM, for example.“
If all of the words are right, it is certainly punctuated wrong.

You'd have to read the question first: "Whos looking for someone else to affirm their lives..."
Okay I got it. Still strange wording. They are not seeking affirmation they are seeking agreement. Which white America can not yet give them.

Again, I find it wrongheaded to ask the question. It's up to you, whatever the color of your skin, to make your own life matter.
It’s not a question. It’s a statement. It’s the black community stating that black lives matter. Every one of their kids killed because of his/her race, matter. It is not a question, it is not seeking approval. It is a statement and if America had quickly come together in support of its black community and looked at the issue of police brutality and together attempted to find solutions, the movement/controversy wouldn’t be on going.

You'll have to show me proof of police brutality for which there is not currently a remedy.

Are you claiming "institutional racism" here?

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