Black Lives Do Matter

Posts from somewhere else. I will not post the link because it is a competing site. Read what these folks are saying (black folks) or dismiss it. Whatever floats your boats:

I too consider myself refined, intelligent, well-bred and well spoken. However, because of my upbringing, my form of communication may be misconstrued as being bourgeois, uppity, 'not black enough' or grandstanding.

I'm another Black person who is seen as *uppity* or whatever because I speak properly. It's me, and the only way I can say I've consciously tried to change the way I speak is by trying to avoid speaking with a Midwest(Minnesota!) accent - you know, chewy, like - "Ya, I'm frum Minnasoy-tah...." :D And I've had white men (I've *mostly* dated white men exclusively)tell me they don't see me as Black, because I don't act or speak like a Black person. Whatever that means. Listen to Hip-Hip/Rap? Go to dance clubs every weekend? (I don't dance!)Still, I've had even more black men tell me this. Hm??? Well I am Black, and if the usual stereotypes don?t fit - *they* must not be accurate enough, not the other way around. Ghetto in not synonymous with Black, just as Trailer Park is not synonymous with White - as a racial definition. Same with gender- oh, I've had many discussions about what it is to be female. What I'm saying is that genitalia or skin pigmentation, hair texture, etc., does not determine personality or one?s essential nature. I think people simply need to change their racial/gender definitions and see them as the physical classifications that they are.

Hmm Had to think about this one and my response is ...what! 1st of all since when is acting Ghetto acting black? 2nd acting Ghetto when you are "with" a black man is acting ignorant and imature not black. What about the educated blacks who are sophisticated.How are they acting ?white? L

I believe you are 100% correct. I am a sophisticated black man and I have always been accused of acting white. What is that all about?

your comment just blew my mind. my daughter is biracial and was raised by a wonderful Black Man. He taught her to use proper english. It not about trying to sound white, if you use proper english, but that you have been educated.

It goes on and on, but I think they made great pointers.
Here is the problem with your quotes. If Black people think youre trying to sound white...then you are. I know lots of Blacks that speak correct english and no one thinks they are trying to act white so obviously its more than just using proper english. These people are probably uncle toms that have sold out in order to appease white people.
And there it is. Uncle Toms because they speak correct english and pulled themselves out of the ghettos instead of feeling sorry for themselves. Yep. D'ere it is!
You have comprehension issues to match your compassion issues Gracie. He said he knows black people who speak proper English and aren’t called uncle toms. It is more so when you sell out to appease whites that your an Uncle Tom.
So more like “omgggg I love this pumpkin spice latte and ugg boots and trump because he’ll make us great again”
That would be an Uncle Tom.
Why would that be considered an uncle tom? There are quite a few blacks in Santa Monica, LA, SF and all over california that like uggs. They keep yer feet warm! So...are uggs uncle toms and watermelon is considered racist now? What else will be dreamed up to continue the whine?
You can stereotype them and they can’t stereotype you? Well that’s no fun Gracie!!!
It’s not a question. It’s a statement. It’s the black community stating that black lives matter. Every one of their kids killed because of his/her race, matter. It is not a question, it is not seeking approval. It is a statement and if America had quickly come together in support of its black community and looked at the issue of police brutality and together attempted to find solutions, the movement/controversy wouldn’t be on going.

You'll have to show me proof of police brutality for which there is not currently a remedy.

Are you claiming "institutional racism" here?
Absolutely. The justice system one of the greatest examples of institutional racism. They use, abuse, set up, take down minorities. Fill private prisons with black bodies for profit and then dump them back on the streets when they’re done with them.

Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty is a top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
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Again, I find it wrongheaded to ask the question. It's up to you, whatever the color of your skin, to make your own life matter.
It’s not a question. It’s a statement. It’s the black community stating that black lives matter. Every one of their kids killed because of his/her race, matter. It is not a question, it is not seeking approval. It is a statement and if America had quickly come together in support of its black community and looked at the issue of police brutality and together attempted to find solutions, the movement/controversy wouldn’t be on going.

You'll have to show me proof of police brutality for which there is not currently a remedy.

Are you claiming "institutional racism" here?
Absolutely. The justice system one of the greatest examples of institutional racism. They use, abuse, set up, take down minorities. Fill private prisons with black bodies for profit and then dump them back on the streets when they’re done with them.

Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty A top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.

Sorry, but your committing the logical fallacy of anecdote. What you "can't ignore" is a personal experience. I don't discount your experience as it affects you, but that's not proof of your assertion that the entire institution is flawed. Your experience cannot encompass the entirety of that institution. Ergo, you must provide real evidence, statistics, studies, even logic would help your case.

For example, Black men represent about 6-7% of the population but commit nearly half of the murders. Is this due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue? Reasonable question, no?
It’s not a question. It’s a statement. It’s the black community stating that black lives matter. Every one of their kids killed because of his/her race, matter. It is not a question, it is not seeking approval. It is a statement and if America had quickly come together in support of its black community and looked at the issue of police brutality and together attempted to find solutions, the movement/controversy wouldn’t be on going.

You'll have to show me proof of police brutality for which there is not currently a remedy.

Are you claiming "institutional racism" here?
Absolutely. The justice system one of the greatest examples of institutional racism. They use, abuse, set up, take down minorities. Fill private prisons with black bodies for profit and then dump them back on the streets when they’re done with them.

Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty is a top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them
It’s not a question. It’s a statement. It’s the black community stating that black lives matter. Every one of their kids killed because of his/her race, matter. It is not a question, it is not seeking approval. It is a statement and if America had quickly come together in support of its black community and looked at the issue of police brutality and together attempted to find solutions, the movement/controversy wouldn’t be on going.

You'll have to show me proof of police brutality for which there is not currently a remedy.

Are you claiming "institutional racism" here?
Absolutely. The justice system one of the greatest examples of institutional racism. They use, abuse, set up, take down minorities. Fill private prisons with black bodies for profit and then dump them back on the streets when they’re done with them.

Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty is a top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them
Certainly. Well it’s the systemic racism keeping minorities in the cycle of poverty.
How the jail system helps is by locking up as many colored men as possible. The man will lock up as many as he can squeeze in a jail and say “why do black Women raise kids alone” or that black men abandon their families. Mean while, he’s in jail and his wife/girlfriend is struggling to pay the bills and get the kids taken care of. She struggles to advance because her partner is gone.
You'll have to show me proof of police brutality for which there is not currently a remedy.

Are you claiming "institutional racism" here?
Absolutely. The justice system one of the greatest examples of institutional racism. They use, abuse, set up, take down minorities. Fill private prisons with black bodies for profit and then dump them back on the streets when they’re done with them.

Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty is a top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
Another white guy that thinks someone is asking for his opinion or solutions. :laugh:
You'll have to show me proof of police brutality for which there is not currently a remedy.

Are you claiming "institutional racism" here?
Absolutely. The justice system one of the greatest examples of institutional racism. They use, abuse, set up, take down minorities. Fill private prisons with black bodies for profit and then dump them back on the streets when they’re done with them.

Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty is a top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
“Too many success stories” you are admitting the advancement of a minority is a success story because of the oppression they face along the way.
Absolutely. The justice system one of the greatest examples of institutional racism. They use, abuse, set up, take down minorities. Fill private prisons with black bodies for profit and then dump them back on the streets when they’re done with them.

Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty is a top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
“Too many success stories” you are admitting the advancement of a minority is a success story because of the oppression they face along the way.
Obviously he thinks racism is no longer an issue because some people like myself refused to give up the fight against racism.
To white ppl. Cops are the good guys, never forget, the time, a white guy that I knew, told me of a time when he was tryna break into his own car, n a police car pulled up n told him he's doing it wrong, n helped him break into his car (a car the cop had no idea was his)

I think we all know the cop would have reacted very diff, if that guy who was a stranger, was a blk male tryna break into a car
N that's white supremacy in nutshell. U can do whatever you want, if your white, n no one will say a word.

N sometimes that systems comes back n bites them on the ass, because white men c this, they see that ppl r not gonna do sh.i.t to them, so they go out n kill, like we saw in Texas and Vegas, they are not gonna get punished.

Absolutely. We have law abiding minorities afraid of police and white criminals who know their skin color or economic standing will bail them out. What a screwy country.

Then get the fuck out if you are so mistreated. nothing is stopping you. oh. wait. yer too fucking lazy to work to get passage to where your ancestors came from and want the handouts here. Nevermind.
there is no where to go. That's what white supremacy is. This what we have been telling u. So saying "go there" is like the warden of prison, saying to prisoner to move to another cell, if he does not like the sh.i.t, he's getting. The whole world is one big prison of white supremacy.

You took us over. Africa ? Please. The White suprmacist have that on lock.

The whole world is a total system of white supremacy and there is not one grain of sand, one blade of grass u can show me, which is not dominated by white supremacy.

How does the "White suprmacist" have "on lock" African countries that are governed and populated by blacks?
Absolutely. The justice system one of the greatest examples of institutional racism. They use, abuse, set up, take down minorities. Fill private prisons with black bodies for profit and then dump them back on the streets when they’re done with them.

Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty is a top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
Another white guy that thinks someone is asking for his opinion or solutions. :laugh:
What difference would someones color make if it was a good decision, racist?
Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty is a top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
Another white guy that thinks someone is asking for his opinion or solutions. :laugh:
What difference would someones color make if it was a good decision, racist?
Who told you it was a good decision or opinion?
It’s not a question. It’s a statement. It’s the black community stating that black lives matter. Every one of their kids killed because of his/her race, matter. It is not a question, it is not seeking approval. It is a statement and if America had quickly come together in support of its black community and looked at the issue of police brutality and together attempted to find solutions, the movement/controversy wouldn’t be on going.

You'll have to show me proof of police brutality for which there is not currently a remedy.

Are you claiming "institutional racism" here?
Absolutely. The justice system one of the greatest examples of institutional racism. They use, abuse, set up, take down minorities. Fill private prisons with black bodies for profit and then dump them back on the streets when they’re done with them.

Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty A top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.

Sorry, but your committing the logical fallacy of anecdote. What you "can't ignore" is a personal experience. I don't discount your experience as it affects you, but that's not proof of your assertion that the entire institution is flawed. Your experience cannot encompass the entirety of that institution. Ergo, you must provide real evidence, statistics, studies, even logic would help your case.

For example, Black men represent about 6-7% of the population but commit nearly half of the murders. Is this due to a flawed judicial system or could it be a cultural issue? Reasonable question, no?
Yes I have a lot of experience with poverty and the justice system. My family is filled with lawyers, prosecutors, judges, a deptuy attorney general, and a few cops. They will tell you that the justice system is flawed. They will tell you it greatly disadvantages empoverished citizens that can’t “buy their way” out of crime.
Look at stats from stop and frisk. Minorities were stopped at higher rates but were caught with contraband at similar rates. Taking into consideration population percentages, that points to the fact that whites were just as likely to have drugs or weapons on them. But blacks be stopped more often are obviously caught more often, no?
Absolutely. The justice system one of the greatest examples of institutional racism. They use, abuse, set up, take down minorities. Fill private prisons with black bodies for profit and then dump them back on the streets when they’re done with them.

Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty is a top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
“Too many success stories” you are admitting the advancement of a minority is a success story because of the oppression they face along the way.

Not at all. I am saying that education and hard work can do it for anyone. You are giving into a narrative that this is somehow your fault.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty is a top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
Another white guy that thinks someone is asking for his opinion or solutions. :laugh:
What difference would someones color make if it was a good decision, racist?
Who told you it was a good decision or opinion?

If I tell you the color of that person will it matter?
Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty is a top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
“Too many success stories” you are admitting the advancement of a minority is a success story because of the oppression they face along the way.

Not at all. I am saying that education and hard work can do it for anyone. You are giving into a narrative that this is somehow your fault.
There are plenty of Black people doing jail time right now that got educations and worked hard. They just happened to encounter a racist cop that ruined their lives.
Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty is a top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
“Too many success stories” you are admitting the advancement of a minority is a success story because of the oppression they face along the way.

Not at all. I am saying that education and hard work can do it for anyone. You are giving into a narrative that this is somehow your fault.
So you think every kid in America has access to the same education?
If you had to guess who gets the short end of that stick is it the rich kids or the poor kids?
Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty is a top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
“Too many success stories” you are admitting the advancement of a minority is a success story because of the oppression they face along the way.
Obviously he thinks racism is no longer an issue because some people like myself refused to give up the fight against racism.

I have told you before this country has equal laws. I don't see a fight, I just hear losers.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty is a top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
“Too many success stories” you are admitting the advancement of a minority is a success story because of the oppression they face along the way.

Not at all. I am saying that education and hard work can do it for anyone. You are giving into a narrative that this is somehow your fault.
There are plenty of Black people doing jail time right now that got educations and worked hard. They just happened to encounter a racist cop that ruined their lives.
Name some.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
Another white guy that thinks someone is asking for his opinion or solutions. :laugh:
What difference would someones color make if it was a good decision, racist?
Who told you it was a good decision or opinion?

If I tell you the color of that person will it matter?
Yes it would matter. If they are white the odds are their opinion or decision is based on woeful lack of knowledge regarding the situation. How would you for example be able to give my younger self advice on becoming the success I am now based on where I came from?
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
“Too many success stories” you are admitting the advancement of a minority is a success story because of the oppression they face along the way.

Not at all. I am saying that education and hard work can do it for anyone. You are giving into a narrative that this is somehow your fault.
There are plenty of Black people doing jail time right now that got educations and worked hard. They just happened to encounter a racist cop that ruined their lives.
Name some.
You wont know them and I am sure they wouldnt want me to put their names on the forum.

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