Black Lives Do Matter

I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty is a top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
“Too many success stories” you are admitting the advancement of a minority is a success story because of the oppression they face along the way.

Not at all. I am saying that education and hard work can do it for anyone. You are giving into a narrative that this is somehow your fault.
So you think every kid in America has access to the same education?
If you had to guess who gets the short end of that stick is it the rich kids or the poor kids?
They have access to the same drive. Motivation comes from within, where we are all the same color.
Absolutely. The justice system one of the greatest examples of institutional racism. They use, abuse, set up, take down minorities. Fill private prisons with black bodies for profit and then dump them back on the streets when they’re done with them.

Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty is a top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
Another white guy that thinks someone is asking for his opinion or solutions. :laugh:
Yet, you complain that whites don't listen to you. Why should they when they are continually met with derision?

I see no need to continue arguing this because of exactly that. Therefore..y'all carry on. Just don't be surprised when you are met with more walls and refusals to be sympathetic to your "cause". Its old and worn out now and most are fucking tired of it. Including me.


I want to start by saying I’m all for criminal justice reform (especially losing the incarceration rate in the US). I’m all for cops going to jail when they do something illegal. However, I don’t understand how the cause entitled “Black Lives Matter” could be about police brutality. I understand that some police are prejudice and that can lead to unjust killings. The thing is, these unjust killings aren’t even close to the number one problem plaguing black communities. Technically it’s heart disease, then cancer. Even assault (about 90% of which is black on black according to the FBI) makes the top ten list of killers of African Americans. And what about the things that ruin families and communities even if they don’t necessarily cause death, such as incarceration/recidivism rates, unemployment/underemployment and selling/using drugs. My question is, if BLM really wanted to help the black community why would they not attack these issues instead of the relatively small, but highly publicized, issue of racially fueled police brutality. My assumption is that the people involved in the BLM leadership are privileged, bored, and looking for fame. In my opinion, all the money that is going towards BLM could be going to actually saving lives and making the world a better place. Please, someone tell me why money is better spent on a problem that affects hundreds when the same money could be used much more efficiently to address a problem that affects hundreds of thousands?

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blm was never about black lives.

it's just a reaction to the media and the dnc blathering on about fake things to create violence and unease.

the dnc will of course, have the answer.
You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
“Too many success stories” you are admitting the advancement of a minority is a success story because of the oppression they face along the way.

Not at all. I am saying that education and hard work can do it for anyone. You are giving into a narrative that this is somehow your fault.
There are plenty of Black people doing jail time right now that got educations and worked hard. They just happened to encounter a racist cop that ruined their lives.
Name some.
You wont know them and I am sure they wouldnt want me to put their names on the forum.
I see someone in prison has told you not to use their name. The way you talk he should want it shouted from the rooftops.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
“Too many success stories” you are admitting the advancement of a minority is a success story because of the oppression they face along the way.

Not at all. I am saying that education and hard work can do it for anyone. You are giving into a narrative that this is somehow your fault.
So you think every kid in America has access to the same education?
If you had to guess who gets the short end of that stick is it the rich kids or the poor kids?
They have access to the same drive. Motivation comes from within, where we are all the same color.
Drive doesn’t give you shit now a days. You have to have a good education to get good employment opportunities. Education is sky rocketing and out of reach for too many Americans. Meaning, one must be born wealthy and sustain it, to be rich. The middle class has been shrinking for decades and it’s not the billionaires they’re joining it’s the working poor.
Gonna need more than because you say so.

Any chance the minorities in the justice system have, you know, broken the law?

Just a thought.

Hey, if you want to talk about why we have so many laws that should not be, I'm with you! But the fact a disproportionate number of minorities are imprisoned does not de facto mean the system is racist. It could mean those minorities tend to break the law with greater frequency than other groups. That is certainly a logical conclusion, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.
I think minorities are arrested and convicted at higher rates, not necessarily committing crimes at higher rates. I can not ignore that minority communities are stalked with police looking to pat their stats while only showing up in the suburbs when a black person is spotted. I can’t ignore the fact that the justice system frees the rich and throws away the poor. I can’t ignore that minorities are stopped and searched at much higher rates. I can’t ignore that minorities effected by poverty don’t have the same access to education/economic opportunities as their white counterparts. In my eyes poverty is a top contributor to crime, and unfortunately in America poverty effects minorities at a higher rate.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
Another white guy that thinks someone is asking for his opinion or solutions. :laugh:
Yet, you complain that whites don't listen to you. Why should they when they are continually met with derision?

I see no need to continue arguing this because of exactly that. Therefore..y'all carry on. Just don't be surprised when you are met with more walls and refusals to be sympathetic to your "cause". Its old and worn out now and most are fucking tired of it. Including me.


I've never complained about white people listening to me. I dont really care if they are listening or not. I've never asked a white person to be sympathetic to my cause. I am usually surprised if one is so why would ask one?
“Too many success stories” you are admitting the advancement of a minority is a success story because of the oppression they face along the way.

Not at all. I am saying that education and hard work can do it for anyone. You are giving into a narrative that this is somehow your fault.
There are plenty of Black people doing jail time right now that got educations and worked hard. They just happened to encounter a racist cop that ruined their lives.
Name some.
You wont know them and I am sure they wouldnt want me to put their names on the forum.
I see someone in prison has told you not to use their name. The way you talk he should want it shouted from the rooftops.
They didnt tell me anything. Its just code. You dont use peoples name online. Never know who is watching.
You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
“Too many success stories” you are admitting the advancement of a minority is a success story because of the oppression they face along the way.

Not at all. I am saying that education and hard work can do it for anyone. You are giving into a narrative that this is somehow your fault.
So you think every kid in America has access to the same education?
If you had to guess who gets the short end of that stick is it the rich kids or the poor kids?
They have access to the same drive. Motivation comes from within, where we are all the same color.
Drive doesn’t give you shit now a days. You have to have a good education to get good employment opportunities. Education is sky rocketing and out of reach for too many Americans. Meaning, one must be born wealthy and sustain it, to be rich. The middle class has been shrinking for decades and it’s not the billionaires they’re joining it’s the working poor.

Sorry, I did not know I was dealing with another victim.
I might add though that poverty in of itself is not the issue. Its the oppressive weight of racism that makes people give up hope and either lay down or turn to a life of crime. White people do plenty of crime but they dont have that sense of hopelessness due to racism hanging over them

You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
“Too many success stories” you are admitting the advancement of a minority is a success story because of the oppression they face along the way.

Not at all. I am saying that education and hard work can do it for anyone. You are giving into a narrative that this is somehow your fault.
So you think every kid in America has access to the same education?
If you had to guess who gets the short end of that stick is it the rich kids or the poor kids?
They have access to the same drive. Motivation comes from within, where we are all the same color.
You need a lot of motivation to succeed in this racist society. This is why I teach/taught my children the things that are necessary to succeed and do the same for the ones I have mentored..
Not at all. I am saying that education and hard work can do it for anyone. You are giving into a narrative that this is somehow your fault.
There are plenty of Black people doing jail time right now that got educations and worked hard. They just happened to encounter a racist cop that ruined their lives.
Name some.
You wont know them and I am sure they wouldnt want me to put their names on the forum.
I see someone in prison has told you not to use their name. The way you talk he should want it shouted from the rooftops.
They didnt tell me anything. Its just code. You dont use peoples name online. Never know who is watching.

Are codes racist? Of course they are, pardon me.
You shouldn't reward bad behavior by making excuses for it. There are too many success stories to listen to this crap anymore.
“Too many success stories” you are admitting the advancement of a minority is a success story because of the oppression they face along the way.

Not at all. I am saying that education and hard work can do it for anyone. You are giving into a narrative that this is somehow your fault.
So you think every kid in America has access to the same education?
If you had to guess who gets the short end of that stick is it the rich kids or the poor kids?
They have access to the same drive. Motivation comes from within, where we are all the same color.
You need a lot of motivation to succeed in this racist society. This is why I teach/taught my children the things that are necessary to succeed and do the same for the ones I have mentored..
Your children actually know you?
There are plenty of Black people doing jail time right now that got educations and worked hard. They just happened to encounter a racist cop that ruined their lives.
Name some.
You wont know them and I am sure they wouldnt want me to put their names on the forum.
I see someone in prison has told you not to use their name. The way you talk he should want it shouted from the rooftops.
They didnt tell me anything. Its just code. You dont use peoples name online. Never know who is watching.

Are codes racist? Of course they are, pardon me.
Your starting to wander over into silliness. Must be the lack of something to say but the need to be relevant.
“Too many success stories” you are admitting the advancement of a minority is a success story because of the oppression they face along the way.

Not at all. I am saying that education and hard work can do it for anyone. You are giving into a narrative that this is somehow your fault.
So you think every kid in America has access to the same education?
If you had to guess who gets the short end of that stick is it the rich kids or the poor kids?
They have access to the same drive. Motivation comes from within, where we are all the same color.
You need a lot of motivation to succeed in this racist society. This is why I teach/taught my children the things that are necessary to succeed and do the same for the ones I have mentored..
Your children actually know you?
Of course they do. Blacks dads are the best dads. I'm not white and emotionally distant like you are.
Not at all. I am saying that education and hard work can do it for anyone. You are giving into a narrative that this is somehow your fault.
So you think every kid in America has access to the same education?
If you had to guess who gets the short end of that stick is it the rich kids or the poor kids?
They have access to the same drive. Motivation comes from within, where we are all the same color.
You need a lot of motivation to succeed in this racist society. This is why I teach/taught my children the things that are necessary to succeed and do the same for the ones I have mentored..
Your children actually know you?
Of course they do. Blacks dads are the best dads. I'm not white and emotionally distant like you are.
Listen to you. Whites are all in your little box. You have it bad. I have not run into many as racist as you. Congrats.
So you think every kid in America has access to the same education?
If you had to guess who gets the short end of that stick is it the rich kids or the poor kids?
They have access to the same drive. Motivation comes from within, where we are all the same color.
You need a lot of motivation to succeed in this racist society. This is why I teach/taught my children the things that are necessary to succeed and do the same for the ones I have mentored..
Your children actually know you?
Of course they do. Blacks dads are the best dads. I'm not white and emotionally distant like you are.
Listen to you. Whites are all in your little box. You have it bad. I have not run into many as racist as you. Congrats.
I dont keep whites in a box. I have it great. I'm Black. I have beautiful Black children. My wife is a Black queen. You couldnt get it any better than what I have.
Not at all. I am saying that education and hard work can do it for anyone. You are giving into a narrative that this is somehow your fault.
So you think every kid in America has access to the same education?
If you had to guess who gets the short end of that stick is it the rich kids or the poor kids?
They have access to the same drive. Motivation comes from within, where we are all the same color.
You need a lot of motivation to succeed in this racist society. This is why I teach/taught my children the things that are necessary to succeed and do the same for the ones I have mentored..
Your children actually know you?
Of course they do. Blacks dads are the best dads. I'm not white and emotionally distant like you are.
Listen to you. Whites are all in your little box. You have it bad. I have not run into many as racist as you. Congrats.
They have access to the same drive. Motivation comes from within, where we are all the same color.
You need a lot of motivation to succeed in this racist society. This is why I teach/taught my children the things that are necessary to succeed and do the same for the ones I have mentored..
Your children actually know you?
Of course they do. Blacks dads are the best dads. I'm not white and emotionally distant like you are.
Listen to you. Whites are all in your little box. You have it bad. I have not run into many as racist as you. Congrats.
I dont keep whites in a box. I have it great. I'm Black. I have beautiful Black children. My wife is a Black queen. You couldnt get it any better than what I have.
And still you are here whining and are the most racist person on this message board.
Well if you’re ever visiting the Liberty Bell, I’m not too far. [emoji6]
I wouldnt visit the Liberty Bell. Not much to bring me out that way. Let me know if your ever in N. Cali. I'm from Oakland.

No way? I love the raiders. See man not everything has to be hate.
Where did you get the idea I hated you? :laugh:
We know, you hate yourself for being black. :cool:
Youre projecting as usual. If we were both killed right now my carcass would be worth more than yours simply due to the melanin content you lack the ability to produce.
See? You need to find bogus reasons to feel good about your blackness.

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