Black Lives Do Matter

See? You need to find bogus reasons to feel good about your blackness.
Wake me when the price of melanin drops below the price of gold. Also ask yourself why whites are so desperately attempting to manufacture melanin.

River Road Research Awarded A Patent For Melanin Production

"A pigment ubiquitous in nature, melanin is extremely difficult to isolate and refine in large quantities. It has long been known to possess physical and electrical properties but few commercial applications have been developed due to the historically high cost. Produced with conventional technology, melanin is often priced at $350 per gram. "
They issued a patent and you equate that to desperation?

As for why whites might want it, from your article: The most tantalizing applications currently in development are organic battery technologies. I still don't see the desperation. Whites are using lead acid batteries because of cost effectiveness. It's not even the longest lasting battery type. Better ones have been designed decades ago, but abandoned due to mass manufacturing costs.

As for why melanin may be priced at $350 a gram? Scarcity. They must have limited amounts of it (probably because they never bothered to make too much of it given its limited use to the general public) and want to restrict its use for things like research. The vast majority of people don't give a shit about isolated melanin since they don't have any technology that can utilize it.

No I equate the desperation to all the medical studies they have done on Blacks and the fact that there is s melanin conference every year. What is it they have found that has them so desperate to manufacture melanin that its worth more than the price of gold? If its just about batteries why is the cost of zinc and manganese so low?

They do studies on blacks most likely to figure out why negroes are such STD factories.
Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

Negroes are also otherwise useless, making them perfect for human experimentation. So there's your answer for that.

Who knows why they have a "melanin conference" every year. I've never heard of a "melanin conference" outside of this forum and the most I found about it using a quick google search is a question on quora and a post in google groups. We have biweekly meetings where I work where they don't discuss anything of importance so I fail to see how an annual meeting suggests any kind of desperation, especially when most people have never heard about it.

I already told you why melanin is priced the way it is: scarcity, probably because they haven't bothered to isolate much given the lack of buyers. I've never heard of anyone in my entire life interested in buying melanin. I personally wouldn't know what to do with it except sell it. Decorative diamonds are priced far higher than melanin:

How Much Does a 1 Carat Diamond Cost? | Ritani

The short answer: A 1.00 carat diamond can range in price from about $1,000 to over $12,000.

Even using the smallest estimate ($1,000 per carat), that's still $1,000 per 0.2 grams, or $5,000 per gram, or about 14 times more expensive than melanin. The uses for decorative diamonds? Decorations. They're worthless trinkets that make women crazy because of a few De Beers commercials.

Zinc and other commonly used materials are priced lower because they are isolated in sufficient quantities given that there are actual uses and buyers (in quantity) for the material, unlike melanin.
We know they do studies because whites find our bodies amazing.

Here are white people trying to figure out how to become Black.

European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR)


That didnt make any sense. Demand drives the price. Economics 101. If there were no buyers it would cost very little. There must be a huge demand for it if it cost over $400 a gram. However, like I said, my dead Black carcass is worth more than your dead white carcass.
Since when do black people sell their dead bodies for the melanin? Never?
Where did you get the idea I hated you? :laugh:
We know, you hate yourself for being black. :cool:
Youre projecting as usual. If we were both killed right now my carcass would be worth more than yours simply due to the melanin content you lack the ability to produce.
See? You need to find bogus reasons to feel good about your blackness.
Wake me when the price of melanin drops below the price of gold. Also ask yourself why whites are so desperately attempting to manufacture melanin.

River Road Research Awarded A Patent For Melanin Production

"A pigment ubiquitous in nature, melanin is extremely difficult to isolate and refine in large quantities. It has long been known to possess physical and electrical properties but few commercial applications have been developed due to the historically high cost. Produced with conventional technology, melanin is often priced at $350 per gram. "
So what? You actually think that white people all want to be black? :cuckoo:

Why else do white women try to have babies with Black men?
See I told you I was more valuable than you simply by being Black.
Wake me when the price of melanin drops below the price of gold. Also ask yourself why whites are so desperately attempting to manufacture melanin.

River Road Research Awarded A Patent For Melanin Production

"A pigment ubiquitous in nature, melanin is extremely difficult to isolate and refine in large quantities. It has long been known to possess physical and electrical properties but few commercial applications have been developed due to the historically high cost. Produced with conventional technology, melanin is often priced at $350 per gram. "
They issued a patent and you equate that to desperation?

As for why whites might want it, from your article: The most tantalizing applications currently in development are organic battery technologies. I still don't see the desperation. Whites are using lead acid batteries because of cost effectiveness. It's not even the longest lasting battery type. Better ones have been designed decades ago, but abandoned due to mass manufacturing costs.

As for why melanin may be priced at $350 a gram? Scarcity. They must have limited amounts of it (probably because they never bothered to make too much of it given its limited use to the general public) and want to restrict its use for things like research. The vast majority of people don't give a shit about isolated melanin since they don't have any technology that can utilize it.

No I equate the desperation to all the medical studies they have done on Blacks and the fact that there is s melanin conference every year. What is it they have found that has them so desperate to manufacture melanin that its worth more than the price of gold? If its just about batteries why is the cost of zinc and manganese so low?

They do studies on blacks most likely to figure out why negroes are such STD factories.
Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

Negroes are also otherwise useless, making them perfect for human experimentation. So there's your answer for that.

Who knows why they have a "melanin conference" every year. I've never heard of a "melanin conference" outside of this forum and the most I found about it using a quick google search is a question on quora and a post in google groups. We have biweekly meetings where I work where they don't discuss anything of importance so I fail to see how an annual meeting suggests any kind of desperation, especially when most people have never heard about it.

I already told you why melanin is priced the way it is: scarcity, probably because they haven't bothered to isolate much given the lack of buyers. I've never heard of anyone in my entire life interested in buying melanin. I personally wouldn't know what to do with it except sell it. Decorative diamonds are priced far higher than melanin:

How Much Does a 1 Carat Diamond Cost? | Ritani

The short answer: A 1.00 carat diamond can range in price from about $1,000 to over $12,000.

Even using the smallest estimate ($1,000 per carat), that's still $1,000 per 0.2 grams, or $5,000 per gram, or about 14 times more expensive than melanin. The uses for decorative diamonds? Decorations. They're worthless trinkets that make women crazy because of a few De Beers commercials.

Zinc and other commonly used materials are priced lower because they are isolated in sufficient quantities given that there are actual uses and buyers (in quantity) for the material, unlike melanin.
We know they do studies because whites find our bodies amazing.

Here are white people trying to figure out how to become Black.

European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR)


That didnt make any sense. Demand drives the price. Economics 101. If there were no buyers it would cost very little. There must be a huge demand for it if it cost over $400 a gram. However, like I said, my dead Black carcass is worth more than your dead white carcass.
Since when do black people sell their dead bodies for the melanin? Never?
Who said Black people sell their bodies for melanin? I just said my body is worth more than yours because you lack melanin and the ability to produce it.
how much is a freckle worth? If I stay out in the sun-----
my skin makes an ENDLESS supply of freckles----little tiny ones
on my arms.---------and, alas----no longer on my face----but MAYBE I CAN RESTIMULATE MY FRECKLE PROUCTION----if someone can make it MARKETABLE
We know, you hate yourself for being black. :cool:
Youre projecting as usual. If we were both killed right now my carcass would be worth more than yours simply due to the melanin content you lack the ability to produce.
See? You need to find bogus reasons to feel good about your blackness.
Wake me when the price of melanin drops below the price of gold. Also ask yourself why whites are so desperately attempting to manufacture melanin.

River Road Research Awarded A Patent For Melanin Production

"A pigment ubiquitous in nature, melanin is extremely difficult to isolate and refine in large quantities. It has long been known to possess physical and electrical properties but few commercial applications have been developed due to the historically high cost. Produced with conventional technology, melanin is often priced at $350 per gram. "
So what? You actually think that white people all want to be black? :cuckoo:

Why else do white women try to have babies with Black men?
See I told you I was more valuable than you simply by being Black.
Just one question: what color is the sky in your world? :biggrin:
They issued a patent and you equate that to desperation?

As for why whites might want it, from your article: The most tantalizing applications currently in development are organic battery technologies. I still don't see the desperation. Whites are using lead acid batteries because of cost effectiveness. It's not even the longest lasting battery type. Better ones have been designed decades ago, but abandoned due to mass manufacturing costs.

As for why melanin may be priced at $350 a gram? Scarcity. They must have limited amounts of it (probably because they never bothered to make too much of it given its limited use to the general public) and want to restrict its use for things like research. The vast majority of people don't give a shit about isolated melanin since they don't have any technology that can utilize it.

No I equate the desperation to all the medical studies they have done on Blacks and the fact that there is s melanin conference every year. What is it they have found that has them so desperate to manufacture melanin that its worth more than the price of gold? If its just about batteries why is the cost of zinc and manganese so low?

They do studies on blacks most likely to figure out why negroes are such STD factories.
Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

Negroes are also otherwise useless, making them perfect for human experimentation. So there's your answer for that.

Who knows why they have a "melanin conference" every year. I've never heard of a "melanin conference" outside of this forum and the most I found about it using a quick google search is a question on quora and a post in google groups. We have biweekly meetings where I work where they don't discuss anything of importance so I fail to see how an annual meeting suggests any kind of desperation, especially when most people have never heard about it.

I already told you why melanin is priced the way it is: scarcity, probably because they haven't bothered to isolate much given the lack of buyers. I've never heard of anyone in my entire life interested in buying melanin. I personally wouldn't know what to do with it except sell it. Decorative diamonds are priced far higher than melanin:

How Much Does a 1 Carat Diamond Cost? | Ritani

The short answer: A 1.00 carat diamond can range in price from about $1,000 to over $12,000.

Even using the smallest estimate ($1,000 per carat), that's still $1,000 per 0.2 grams, or $5,000 per gram, or about 14 times more expensive than melanin. The uses for decorative diamonds? Decorations. They're worthless trinkets that make women crazy because of a few De Beers commercials.

Zinc and other commonly used materials are priced lower because they are isolated in sufficient quantities given that there are actual uses and buyers (in quantity) for the material, unlike melanin.
We know they do studies because whites find our bodies amazing.

Here are white people trying to figure out how to become Black.

European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR)


That didnt make any sense. Demand drives the price. Economics 101. If there were no buyers it would cost very little. There must be a huge demand for it if it cost over $400 a gram. However, like I said, my dead Black carcass is worth more than your dead white carcass.
Since when do black people sell their dead bodies for the melanin? Never?
Who said Black people sell their bodies for melanin? I just said my body is worth more than yours because you lack melanin and the ability to produce it.
From your quote "I've never heard of anyone in my entire life interested in buying melanin. I personally wouldn't know what to do with it except sell it." And when was the last time a black person sold some of their melanin? Never? Oh, ok. :biggrin:

Btw, white people can produce melanin, look it up, you'll learn something.
My assumption is that the people involved in the BLM leadership are privileged, bored, and looking for fame.

How is anyone supposed to have a reasonable conversation when you've gone out of your way to pretend that this is all about people sharing the same negative character traits and their issues being "fake".

Lets take the Opiod Epidemic. If I said I wanted to discuss it and my take was that they were just irresponsible low lifes. What is the counter argument? Uh, they arent low lifes?

You'll never talk about the issue, you'll always attempt to make it personal to avoid it...always

I don’t think they’re saying it’s fake, but that it’s a false perception problem, with efforts aimed in the wrong direction with what priorities should be. There was only ever one case of someone’s Halloween candy being tainted, and it wasn’t by a stranger to harm random kids, it was done by a dad doing it to his son for insurance money. That didn’t come out until after that dad pushed the story that some neighbor poisoned his kid, and that story was all over the news, and to this day we still think that strangers are tainting candy for Halloween, even though it’s not the case. That’s a perception problem. Like the micheal brown case that set this off. The hands up don’t shoot never happened. Never. Yet that’s the narrative.

Now I’m not saying police aren’t responsible for wrongful deaths, I don’t think it’s at all a systemic racist problem within the police force offing black folk when they get a chance(sure there are racist cops).
No I equate the desperation to all the medical studies they have done on Blacks and the fact that there is s melanin conference every year. What is it they have found that has them so desperate to manufacture melanin that its worth more than the price of gold? If its just about batteries why is the cost of zinc and manganese so low?

They do studies on blacks most likely to figure out why negroes are such STD factories.
Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

Negroes are also otherwise useless, making them perfect for human experimentation. So there's your answer for that.

Who knows why they have a "melanin conference" every year. I've never heard of a "melanin conference" outside of this forum and the most I found about it using a quick google search is a question on quora and a post in google groups. We have biweekly meetings where I work where they don't discuss anything of importance so I fail to see how an annual meeting suggests any kind of desperation, especially when most people have never heard about it.

I already told you why melanin is priced the way it is: scarcity, probably because they haven't bothered to isolate much given the lack of buyers. I've never heard of anyone in my entire life interested in buying melanin. I personally wouldn't know what to do with it except sell it. Decorative diamonds are priced far higher than melanin:

How Much Does a 1 Carat Diamond Cost? | Ritani

The short answer: A 1.00 carat diamond can range in price from about $1,000 to over $12,000.

Even using the smallest estimate ($1,000 per carat), that's still $1,000 per 0.2 grams, or $5,000 per gram, or about 14 times more expensive than melanin. The uses for decorative diamonds? Decorations. They're worthless trinkets that make women crazy because of a few De Beers commercials.

Zinc and other commonly used materials are priced lower because they are isolated in sufficient quantities given that there are actual uses and buyers (in quantity) for the material, unlike melanin.
We know they do studies because whites find our bodies amazing.

Here are white people trying to figure out how to become Black.

European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR)


That didnt make any sense. Demand drives the price. Economics 101. If there were no buyers it would cost very little. There must be a huge demand for it if it cost over $400 a gram. However, like I said, my dead Black carcass is worth more than your dead white carcass.
Since when do black people sell their dead bodies for the melanin? Never?
Who said Black people sell their bodies for melanin? I just said my body is worth more than yours because you lack melanin and the ability to produce it.
From your quote "I've never heard of anyone in my entire life interested in buying melanin. I personally wouldn't know what to do with it except sell it." And when was the last time a black person sold some of their melanin? Never? Oh, ok. :biggrin:

Btw, white people can produce melanin, look it up, you'll learn something.
That wasnt my quote moron. Reading is fundamental.
Youre projecting as usual. If we were both killed right now my carcass would be worth more than yours simply due to the melanin content you lack the ability to produce.
See? You need to find bogus reasons to feel good about your blackness.
Wake me when the price of melanin drops below the price of gold. Also ask yourself why whites are so desperately attempting to manufacture melanin.

River Road Research Awarded A Patent For Melanin Production

"A pigment ubiquitous in nature, melanin is extremely difficult to isolate and refine in large quantities. It has long been known to possess physical and electrical properties but few commercial applications have been developed due to the historically high cost. Produced with conventional technology, melanin is often priced at $350 per gram. "
So what? You actually think that white people all want to be black? :cuckoo:

Why else do white women try to have babies with Black men?
See I told you I was more valuable than you simply by being Black.
Just one question: what color is the sky in your world? :biggrin:
Depends on the time of day. What does that have to do with me having way more melanin than you do?
See? You need to find bogus reasons to feel good about your blackness.
Wake me when the price of melanin drops below the price of gold. Also ask yourself why whites are so desperately attempting to manufacture melanin.

River Road Research Awarded A Patent For Melanin Production

"A pigment ubiquitous in nature, melanin is extremely difficult to isolate and refine in large quantities. It has long been known to possess physical and electrical properties but few commercial applications have been developed due to the historically high cost. Produced with conventional technology, melanin is often priced at $350 per gram. "
So what? You actually think that white people all want to be black? :cuckoo:

Why else do white women try to have babies with Black men?
See I told you I was more valuable than you simply by being Black.
Just one question: what color is the sky in your world? :biggrin:
Depends on the time of day. What does that have to do with me having way more melanin than you do?
I'm glad that I don't have as much melanin as you do, and you wish you had less also, that much is fucking obvious.
I want to start by saying I’m all for criminal justice reform (especially losing the incarceration rate in the US). I’m all for cops going to jail when they do something illegal. However, I don’t understand how the cause entitled “Black Lives Matter” could be about police brutality. I understand that some police are prejudice and that can lead to unjust killings. The thing is, these unjust killings aren’t even close to the number one problem plaguing black communities. Technically it’s heart disease, then cancer. Even assault (about 90% of which is black on black according to the FBI) makes the top ten list of killers of African Americans. And what about the things that ruin families and communities even if they don’t necessarily cause death, such as incarceration/recidivism rates, unemployment/underemployment and selling/using drugs. My question is, if BLM really wanted to help the black community why would they not attack these issues instead of the relatively small, but highly publicized, issue of racially fueled police brutality. My assumption is that the people involved in the BLM leadership are privileged, bored, and looking for fame. In my opinion, all the money that is going towards BLM could be going to actually saving lives and making the world a better place. Please, someone tell me why money is better spent on a problem that affects hundreds when the same money could be used much more efficiently to address a problem that affects hundreds of thousands?

Sent from my iPhone using
Let me explain something

Are more black people killed by heart disease than by the Police.

Yes. But guess what ?

That would have been true 100 years ago.

That would have been true under apartheid in South Africa. That would have been true under Jim Crow segregation in the USA.

But would the black heart disease argument been a good reason to excuse for the KKK hangings of black men ? Would the black heart disease argument been a good reason to excuse the kilings of black people by Police 100 years ago ?

No. So why is it now ?

Secondly the black people killed by black people will always be higher than black ppl killed by the police. Why ? Because those are the people you live around. The same way the white on white killings will be higher than police on white.

When ISIS killed white people in Paris or 9-11 Twin Towers you did not hear people say "Well, more white people kill white people, than muslims""

That would have been just as true.

The police are held to a higher standard. That's why police killings of black people cause the commotion that they do. Because if you have the power to kill me, then you better believe I'm gonna hold you to a higher standard.

It's the same way a teacher can't be late often for their class and then turn around and say "Well some of you are late too"

With great power comes greater responsibility. They are the rules.

I 100% agree that at the very least police should be held to the same, if not higher standard of self protection or protection of others that we as non LE citizens are. I don’t think they are. I don’t think it’s a race problem, I’m sure it probably feels that way when 30% or so of black males wind up felons (that also doesn’t have anything to do with skin color), but that’s where the police training is the rubber meeting the citizens being the road. I think there’s probably a whole shit ton of white or other color people getting hastily killed by police, but police are “justified” in those killings with their lower threashold for self defense than say you or me getting attacked or possibly threatened by someone. Take for instance the philando Castile case, the cop was technically in the right, as a ccw holder, when in a police stop you are supposed to announce that (like he did), and then keep your hands on the wheel until told to do otherwise. I don’t think the cop wanted to kill phil, or thought “eh what the hell,” I think he was truly worried for his life...but I still don’t agree with his actions to shoot, and assume it could be a gun even though the law is on his side. I have a problem with that law, reaching alone is not enough for you or I to take action to defend ourselves, maybe to draw a weapon, but not to shoot, not until we actually see a gun/other threat to life.
They issued a patent and you equate that to desperation?

As for why whites might want it, from your article: The most tantalizing applications currently in development are organic battery technologies. I still don't see the desperation. Whites are using lead acid batteries because of cost effectiveness. It's not even the longest lasting battery type. Better ones have been designed decades ago, but abandoned due to mass manufacturing costs.

As for why melanin may be priced at $350 a gram? Scarcity. They must have limited amounts of it (probably because they never bothered to make too much of it given its limited use to the general public) and want to restrict its use for things like research. The vast majority of people don't give a shit about isolated melanin since they don't have any technology that can utilize it.

No I equate the desperation to all the medical studies they have done on Blacks and the fact that there is s melanin conference every year. What is it they have found that has them so desperate to manufacture melanin that its worth more than the price of gold? If its just about batteries why is the cost of zinc and manganese so low?

They do studies on blacks most likely to figure out why negroes are such STD factories.
Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

Negroes are also otherwise useless, making them perfect for human experimentation. So there's your answer for that.

Who knows why they have a "melanin conference" every year. I've never heard of a "melanin conference" outside of this forum and the most I found about it using a quick google search is a question on quora and a post in google groups. We have biweekly meetings where I work where they don't discuss anything of importance so I fail to see how an annual meeting suggests any kind of desperation, especially when most people have never heard about it.

I already told you why melanin is priced the way it is: scarcity, probably because they haven't bothered to isolate much given the lack of buyers. I've never heard of anyone in my entire life interested in buying melanin. I personally wouldn't know what to do with it except sell it. Decorative diamonds are priced far higher than melanin:

How Much Does a 1 Carat Diamond Cost? | Ritani

The short answer: A 1.00 carat diamond can range in price from about $1,000 to over $12,000.

Even using the smallest estimate ($1,000 per carat), that's still $1,000 per 0.2 grams, or $5,000 per gram, or about 14 times more expensive than melanin. The uses for decorative diamonds? Decorations. They're worthless trinkets that make women crazy because of a few De Beers commercials.

Zinc and other commonly used materials are priced lower because they are isolated in sufficient quantities given that there are actual uses and buyers (in quantity) for the material, unlike melanin.
We know they do studies because whites find our bodies amazing.

Here are white people trying to figure out how to become Black.

European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR)


That didnt make any sense. Demand drives the price. Economics 101. If there were no buyers it would cost very little. There must be a huge demand for it if it cost over $400 a gram. However, like I said, my dead Black carcass is worth more than your dead white carcass.
Since when do black people sell their dead bodies for the melanin? Never?
Who said Black people sell their bodies for melanin? I just said my body is worth more than yours because you lack melanin and the ability to produce it.
Actually, it's isolated melanin that you're looking at, not the melanin in your negro body.

River Road Research Awarded A Patent For Melanin Production

A pigment ubiquitous in nature, melanin is extremely difficult to isolate and refine in large quantities.
Produced with conventional technology, melanin is often priced at $350 per gram.

So your corpse is likely worth less than that of a pig of equal weight.
Alive, I suspect you're worth even less.
No I equate the desperation to all the medical studies they have done on Blacks and the fact that there is s melanin conference every year. What is it they have found that has them so desperate to manufacture melanin that its worth more than the price of gold? If its just about batteries why is the cost of zinc and manganese so low?

They do studies on blacks most likely to figure out why negroes are such STD factories.
Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

Negroes are also otherwise useless, making them perfect for human experimentation. So there's your answer for that.

Who knows why they have a "melanin conference" every year. I've never heard of a "melanin conference" outside of this forum and the most I found about it using a quick google search is a question on quora and a post in google groups. We have biweekly meetings where I work where they don't discuss anything of importance so I fail to see how an annual meeting suggests any kind of desperation, especially when most people have never heard about it.

I already told you why melanin is priced the way it is: scarcity, probably because they haven't bothered to isolate much given the lack of buyers. I've never heard of anyone in my entire life interested in buying melanin. I personally wouldn't know what to do with it except sell it. Decorative diamonds are priced far higher than melanin:

How Much Does a 1 Carat Diamond Cost? | Ritani

The short answer: A 1.00 carat diamond can range in price from about $1,000 to over $12,000.

Even using the smallest estimate ($1,000 per carat), that's still $1,000 per 0.2 grams, or $5,000 per gram, or about 14 times more expensive than melanin. The uses for decorative diamonds? Decorations. They're worthless trinkets that make women crazy because of a few De Beers commercials.

Zinc and other commonly used materials are priced lower because they are isolated in sufficient quantities given that there are actual uses and buyers (in quantity) for the material, unlike melanin.
We know they do studies because whites find our bodies amazing.

Here are white people trying to figure out how to become Black.

European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR)


That didnt make any sense. Demand drives the price. Economics 101. If there were no buyers it would cost very little. There must be a huge demand for it if it cost over $400 a gram. However, like I said, my dead Black carcass is worth more than your dead white carcass.
Since when do black people sell their dead bodies for the melanin? Never?
Who said Black people sell their bodies for melanin? I just said my body is worth more than yours because you lack melanin and the ability to produce it.
Actually, it's isolated melanin that you're looking at, not the melanin in your negro body.

River Road Research Awarded A Patent For Melanin Production

A pigment ubiquitous in nature, melanin is extremely difficult to isolate and refine in large quantities.
Produced with conventional technology, melanin is often priced at $350 per gram.

So your corpse is likely worth less than that of a pig of equal weight.
Alive, I suspect you're worth even less.
According to your standard of worth, he’d still be worth more than you with less melanin, retard.
They do studies on blacks most likely to figure out why negroes are such STD factories.
Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

Negroes are also otherwise useless, making them perfect for human experimentation. So there's your answer for that.

Who knows why they have a "melanin conference" every year. I've never heard of a "melanin conference" outside of this forum and the most I found about it using a quick google search is a question on quora and a post in google groups. We have biweekly meetings where I work where they don't discuss anything of importance so I fail to see how an annual meeting suggests any kind of desperation, especially when most people have never heard about it.

I already told you why melanin is priced the way it is: scarcity, probably because they haven't bothered to isolate much given the lack of buyers. I've never heard of anyone in my entire life interested in buying melanin. I personally wouldn't know what to do with it except sell it. Decorative diamonds are priced far higher than melanin:

How Much Does a 1 Carat Diamond Cost? | Ritani

The short answer: A 1.00 carat diamond can range in price from about $1,000 to over $12,000.

Even using the smallest estimate ($1,000 per carat), that's still $1,000 per 0.2 grams, or $5,000 per gram, or about 14 times more expensive than melanin. The uses for decorative diamonds? Decorations. They're worthless trinkets that make women crazy because of a few De Beers commercials.

Zinc and other commonly used materials are priced lower because they are isolated in sufficient quantities given that there are actual uses and buyers (in quantity) for the material, unlike melanin.
We know they do studies because whites find our bodies amazing.

Here are white people trying to figure out how to become Black.

European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR)


That didnt make any sense. Demand drives the price. Economics 101. If there were no buyers it would cost very little. There must be a huge demand for it if it cost over $400 a gram. However, like I said, my dead Black carcass is worth more than your dead white carcass.
Since when do black people sell their dead bodies for the melanin? Never?
Who said Black people sell their bodies for melanin? I just said my body is worth more than yours because you lack melanin and the ability to produce it.
Actually, it's isolated melanin that you're looking at, not the melanin in your negro body.

River Road Research Awarded A Patent For Melanin Production

A pigment ubiquitous in nature, melanin is extremely difficult to isolate and refine in large quantities.
Produced with conventional technology, melanin is often priced at $350 per gram.

So your corpse is likely worth less than that of a pig of equal weight.
Alive, I suspect you're worth even less.
According to your standard of worth, he’d still be worth more than you with less melanin, retard.
It's his standard of worth, dumbass. He's the one who brought up melanin, not me. If you have a problem with him measuring his worth by the gram, talk to him about it.

Are you a negro?
We know they do studies because whites find our bodies amazing.

Here are white people trying to figure out how to become Black.

European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR)


That didnt make any sense. Demand drives the price. Economics 101. If there were no buyers it would cost very little. There must be a huge demand for it if it cost over $400 a gram. However, like I said, my dead Black carcass is worth more than your dead white carcass.
Since when do black people sell their dead bodies for the melanin? Never?
Who said Black people sell their bodies for melanin? I just said my body is worth more than yours because you lack melanin and the ability to produce it.
Actually, it's isolated melanin that you're looking at, not the melanin in your negro body.

River Road Research Awarded A Patent For Melanin Production

A pigment ubiquitous in nature, melanin is extremely difficult to isolate and refine in large quantities.
Produced with conventional technology, melanin is often priced at $350 per gram.

So your corpse is likely worth less than that of a pig of equal weight.
Alive, I suspect you're worth even less.
According to your standard of worth, he’d still be worth more than you with less melanin, retard.
It's his standard of worth, dumbass. He's the one who brought up melanin, not me. If you have a problem with him measuring his worth by the gram, talk to him about it.

Are you a negro?
Nope that was your standard, I read both posts, and your estimated worth would probably be something close to a leghorn chick. Like 3-4 bucks or so.
No I equate the desperation to all the medical studies they have done on Blacks and the fact that there is s melanin conference every year. What is it they have found that has them so desperate to manufacture melanin that its worth more than the price of gold? If its just about batteries why is the cost of zinc and manganese so low?

They do studies on blacks most likely to figure out why negroes are such STD factories.
Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

Negroes are also otherwise useless, making them perfect for human experimentation. So there's your answer for that.

Who knows why they have a "melanin conference" every year. I've never heard of a "melanin conference" outside of this forum and the most I found about it using a quick google search is a question on quora and a post in google groups. We have biweekly meetings where I work where they don't discuss anything of importance so I fail to see how an annual meeting suggests any kind of desperation, especially when most people have never heard about it.

I already told you why melanin is priced the way it is: scarcity, probably because they haven't bothered to isolate much given the lack of buyers. I've never heard of anyone in my entire life interested in buying melanin. I personally wouldn't know what to do with it except sell it. Decorative diamonds are priced far higher than melanin:

How Much Does a 1 Carat Diamond Cost? | Ritani

The short answer: A 1.00 carat diamond can range in price from about $1,000 to over $12,000.

Even using the smallest estimate ($1,000 per carat), that's still $1,000 per 0.2 grams, or $5,000 per gram, or about 14 times more expensive than melanin. The uses for decorative diamonds? Decorations. They're worthless trinkets that make women crazy because of a few De Beers commercials.

Zinc and other commonly used materials are priced lower because they are isolated in sufficient quantities given that there are actual uses and buyers (in quantity) for the material, unlike melanin.
We know they do studies because whites find our bodies amazing.

Here are white people trying to figure out how to become Black.

European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR)


That didnt make any sense. Demand drives the price. Economics 101. If there were no buyers it would cost very little. There must be a huge demand for it if it cost over $400 a gram. However, like I said, my dead Black carcass is worth more than your dead white carcass.
Since when do black people sell their dead bodies for the melanin? Never?
Who said Black people sell their bodies for melanin? I just said my body is worth more than yours because you lack melanin and the ability to produce it.
From your quote "I've never heard of anyone in my entire life interested in buying melanin. I personally wouldn't know what to do with it except sell it." And when was the last time a black person sold some of their melanin? Never? Oh, ok. :biggrin:

Btw, white people can produce melanin, look it up, you'll learn something.

I am a melanin producing white person-----my dermatologist
told me that when my skin is INJURED---either by sun or trauma my MELANOCYTES are stimulated. For the record---
everyone has MELANOCYTES in their skin---derived from the
NEURALCREST of the original neural tube of the embryo. Persons white like me tend to have MORE melanocytes than do black persons like butterfly
They do studies on blacks most likely to figure out why negroes are such STD factories.
Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

Negroes are also otherwise useless, making them perfect for human experimentation. So there's your answer for that.

Who knows why they have a "melanin conference" every year. I've never heard of a "melanin conference" outside of this forum and the most I found about it using a quick google search is a question on quora and a post in google groups. We have biweekly meetings where I work where they don't discuss anything of importance so I fail to see how an annual meeting suggests any kind of desperation, especially when most people have never heard about it.

I already told you why melanin is priced the way it is: scarcity, probably because they haven't bothered to isolate much given the lack of buyers. I've never heard of anyone in my entire life interested in buying melanin. I personally wouldn't know what to do with it except sell it. Decorative diamonds are priced far higher than melanin:

How Much Does a 1 Carat Diamond Cost? | Ritani

The short answer: A 1.00 carat diamond can range in price from about $1,000 to over $12,000.

Even using the smallest estimate ($1,000 per carat), that's still $1,000 per 0.2 grams, or $5,000 per gram, or about 14 times more expensive than melanin. The uses for decorative diamonds? Decorations. They're worthless trinkets that make women crazy because of a few De Beers commercials.

Zinc and other commonly used materials are priced lower because they are isolated in sufficient quantities given that there are actual uses and buyers (in quantity) for the material, unlike melanin.
We know they do studies because whites find our bodies amazing.

Here are white people trying to figure out how to become Black.

European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR)


That didnt make any sense. Demand drives the price. Economics 101. If there were no buyers it would cost very little. There must be a huge demand for it if it cost over $400 a gram. However, like I said, my dead Black carcass is worth more than your dead white carcass.
Since when do black people sell their dead bodies for the melanin? Never?
Who said Black people sell their bodies for melanin? I just said my body is worth more than yours because you lack melanin and the ability to produce it.
From your quote "I've never heard of anyone in my entire life interested in buying melanin. I personally wouldn't know what to do with it except sell it." And when was the last time a black person sold some of their melanin? Never? Oh, ok. :biggrin:

Btw, white people can produce melanin, look it up, you'll learn something.

I am a melanin producing white person-----my dermatologist
told me that when my skin is INJURED---either by sun or trauma my MELANOCYTES are stimulated. For the record---
everyone has MELANOCYTES in their skin---derived from the
NEURALCREST of the original neural tube of the embryo. Persons white like me tend to have MORE melanocytes than do black persons like butterfly
Your dermatologist must have been drunk. :rofl:
We know they do studies because whites find our bodies amazing.

Here are white people trying to figure out how to become Black.

European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR)


That didnt make any sense. Demand drives the price. Economics 101. If there were no buyers it would cost very little. There must be a huge demand for it if it cost over $400 a gram. However, like I said, my dead Black carcass is worth more than your dead white carcass.
Since when do black people sell their dead bodies for the melanin? Never?
Who said Black people sell their bodies for melanin? I just said my body is worth more than yours because you lack melanin and the ability to produce it.
From your quote "I've never heard of anyone in my entire life interested in buying melanin. I personally wouldn't know what to do with it except sell it." And when was the last time a black person sold some of their melanin? Never? Oh, ok. :biggrin:

Btw, white people can produce melanin, look it up, you'll learn something.

I am a melanin producing white person-----my dermatologist
told me that when my skin is INJURED---either by sun or trauma my MELANOCYTES are stimulated. For the record---
everyone has MELANOCYTES in their skin---derived from the
NEURALCREST of the original neural tube of the embryo. Persons white like me tend to have MORE melanocytes than do black persons like butterfly
Your dermatologist must have been drunk. :rofl:

how many melanocytes have you examined by microscopy.?
Ever seen an actual embryonic NEURAL crest in cross section?
Wake me when the price of melanin drops below the price of gold. Also ask yourself why whites are so desperately attempting to manufacture melanin.

River Road Research Awarded A Patent For Melanin Production

"A pigment ubiquitous in nature, melanin is extremely difficult to isolate and refine in large quantities. It has long been known to possess physical and electrical properties but few commercial applications have been developed due to the historically high cost. Produced with conventional technology, melanin is often priced at $350 per gram. "
So what? You actually think that white people all want to be black? :cuckoo:

Why else do white women try to have babies with Black men?
See I told you I was more valuable than you simply by being Black.
Just one question: what color is the sky in your world? :biggrin:
Depends on the time of day. What does that have to do with me having way more melanin than you do?
I'm glad that I don't have as much melanin as you do, and you wish you had less also, that much is fucking obvious.
We both wish we had more. You just have substantially less than I do. Man its great being a Black man!
Since when do black people sell their dead bodies for the melanin? Never?
Who said Black people sell their bodies for melanin? I just said my body is worth more than yours because you lack melanin and the ability to produce it.
From your quote "I've never heard of anyone in my entire life interested in buying melanin. I personally wouldn't know what to do with it except sell it." And when was the last time a black person sold some of their melanin? Never? Oh, ok. :biggrin:

Btw, white people can produce melanin, look it up, you'll learn something.

I am a melanin producing white person-----my dermatologist
told me that when my skin is INJURED---either by sun or trauma my MELANOCYTES are stimulated. For the record---
everyone has MELANOCYTES in their skin---derived from the
NEURALCREST of the original neural tube of the embryo. Persons white like me tend to have MORE melanocytes than do black persons like butterfly
Your dermatologist must have been drunk. :rofl:

how many melanocytes have you examined by microscopy.?
Ever seen an actual embryonic NEURAL crest in cross section?
"Persons white like me tend to have MORE melanocytes than do black persons"

Obviously your dermatologist was either drunk or you were drunk and he was pulling your leg. Do you know what melanocytes are? They are what produce the melanin in your skin. So basically youre claiming that your freckles (which are spotty) are more abundant than someone that has them concentrated all over their body. Thats like saying an umbrella with billions of 1 inch holes poked in keeps out more rain than a perfectly functioning umbrella.
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