Black Lives Matter terrorized families at the Chicago Ronald McDonald House


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Black Lives Matter terrorized families at the Chicago Ronald McDonald House

13 Aug 20220 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

One of the appalling stories to emerge from the Black Lives Matter mob's rampage in Chicago on Sunday night was the fact that looters attacked the Ronald McDonald House. Any American who's watched television in the last 45 years knows about the Ronald McDonald House charity.
The charity, established in 1974, maintains houses near hospitals so families with hospitalized children have a free, safe, and supportive place to stay. Often, children stay there as well when they have outpatient procedures. In Chicago on Sunday night, however, the Ronald McDonald House was no longer safe; it was terrifying.
The following tweet has the news story that first alerted Americans to the fact that the mob isn't about justice; instead, it's functioning with typical mob motives: greed, violence, terror, and power:
One of the people whom the mob's violence affected was two-year-old Owen Buell, who's being treated for Stage 4 neuroblastoma. (Thankfully, treatments for neuroblastoma have improved in the last few years, but it is a terrible childhood cancer, with a survival rate of less than 40%.)
Owen, who is getting treated at the Lurie Children's Hospital close to the Ronald McDonald House, was due to get a special treat: he was going to go home for his birthday. The mob ended that plan:
"We were going to have cake and ice cream and do some presents at home with his siblings and his grandma," said Owen's mother, Valerie Mitchell.​
But looting throughout downtown Chicago made it impossible.​
"We got a phone call from the nurse saying that none of the nurses could make it in for safety concerns and they didn't want any families in the middle of that trying to walk into Lurie's," Mitchell said.​
The Ronald McDonald House was one of several locations hit early Monday morning.​
"The whole door was shattered and it looked like a bullet hole, so I started freaking out thinking about how unsafe that was. You shouldn't feel that way when your kid needs medical care. You shouldn't be afraid to walk a few blocks down the street," she said.​
If you go to the linked article, you will see a picture of a dapper Owen, bald as an egg, with tubes taped to his face, all dressed up for his birthday celebration. That he and his family, instead of celebrating, spent the night cowering in fear of rampaging mob is a shameful mark not just on the mob, and not just on Chicago, but on the entire Democrat establishment.
The Democrats and their militia are out of control. Americans cannot sit on the sidelines. They need to take stock of what's happening and, on November 3, vote as if their lives depend on it — because they do. If we have much more of this Democrat mob rule, we'll be indistinguishable from Ilhan Omar's hometown of Mogadishu.

How low We have fallen in Society? How low can these BLM/Antifa parasites go?
BLM/Antifa attacking a Ronald McDonald house. Just when you thought you'd seen it all; they couldn't go lower, and then they some how manage to find a way to go lower. Despicable! We should all use any opportunity we find to forward these articles to our liberal and Democratic "friends," our elected leadership (both Democrat and Republican) to at least make them aware--make them face--what is actually occurring in this great nation. We should use opportunities to, for example, bury Mayor Lightfoot's office and staff with links and copies of this article.
Low IQ savages perfectly describes a lot of them, but they are helped by white educated liberals, many of them women and in this case within Chicago heavily assisted by a Black mayor, Black police chief, Black States attorney, Black County president, Black Lieutenant governor, Black attorney General and more. So who are they going to blame? Perhaps they have to begin to accept responsibility for their actions.
What so many blacks do not see that the real PMS/DSA Commie rulers behind BLM/Antifa are white only using the blacks as their useful idiot cannon fodder destroying foot soldiers.
Raised on the Blue Plantation Ghetto City Streets, living by the code of Street Justice. Alienated and angry with a burning desire to get payback for their miserable fatherless lives. And told over and over again that it is ALL White People 's fault.
These BLM/Antifa Soldiers are told THEY are simply victims, and deserve MORE freebies and "Reparations" with zero legal repercussions for their actions or crime sprees by Mayors like Wheeler, Lightfoot etc..... I see this as only getting worse. Much Worse.
Black Lives Matter terrorized families at the Chicago Ronald McDonald House

13 Aug 20220 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

One of the appalling stories to emerge from the Black Lives Matter mob's rampage in Chicago on Sunday night was the fact that looters attacked the Ronald McDonald House. Any American who's watched television in the last 45 years knows about the Ronald McDonald House charity.
The charity, established in 1974, maintains houses near hospitals so families with hospitalized children have a free, safe, and supportive place to stay. Often, children stay there as well when they have outpatient procedures. In Chicago on Sunday night, however, the Ronald McDonald House was no longer safe; it was terrifying.
The following tweet has the news story that first alerted Americans to the fact that the mob isn't about justice; instead, it's functioning with typical mob motives: greed, violence, terror, and power:
One of the people whom the mob's violence affected was two-year-old Owen Buell, who's being treated for Stage 4 neuroblastoma. (Thankfully, treatments for neuroblastoma have improved in the last few years, but it is a terrible childhood cancer, with a survival rate of less than 40%.)
Owen, who is getting treated at the Lurie Children's Hospital close to the Ronald McDonald House, was due to get a special treat: he was going to go home for his birthday. The mob ended that plan:
"We were going to have cake and ice cream and do some presents at home with his siblings and his grandma," said Owen's mother, Valerie Mitchell.​
But looting throughout downtown Chicago made it impossible.​
"We got a phone call from the nurse saying that none of the nurses could make it in for safety concerns and they didn't want any families in the middle of that trying to walk into Lurie's," Mitchell said.​
The Ronald McDonald House was one of several locations hit early Monday morning.​
"The whole door was shattered and it looked like a bullet hole, so I started freaking out thinking about how unsafe that was. You shouldn't feel that way when your kid needs medical care. You shouldn't be afraid to walk a few blocks down the street," she said.​
If you go to the linked article, you will see a picture of a dapper Owen, bald as an egg, with tubes taped to his face, all dressed up for his birthday celebration. That he and his family, instead of celebrating, spent the night cowering in fear of rampaging mob is a shameful mark not just on the mob, and not just on Chicago, but on the entire Democrat establishment.
The Democrats and their militia are out of control. Americans cannot sit on the sidelines. They need to take stock of what's happening and, on November 3, vote as if their lives depend on it — because they do. If we have much more of this Democrat mob rule, we'll be indistinguishable from Ilhan Omar's hometown of Mogadishu.

How low We have fallen in Society? How low can these BLM/Antifa parasites go?
BLM/Antifa attacking a Ronald McDonald house. Just when you thought you'd seen it all; they couldn't go lower, and then they some how manage to find a way to go lower. Despicable! We should all use any opportunity we find to forward these articles to our liberal and Democratic "friends," our elected leadership (both Democrat and Republican) to at least make them aware--make them face--what is actually occurring in this great nation. We should use opportunities to, for example, bury Mayor Lightfoot's office and staff with links and copies of this article.
Low IQ savages perfectly describes a lot of them, but they are helped by white educated liberals, many of them women and in this case within Chicago heavily assisted by a Black mayor, Black police chief, Black States attorney, Black County president, Black Lieutenant governor, Black attorney General and more. So who are they going to blame? Perhaps they have to begin to accept responsibility for their actions.
What so many blacks do not see that the real PMS/DSA Commie rulers behind BLM/Antifa are white only using the blacks as their useful idiot cannon fodder destroying foot soldiers.
Raised on the Blue Plantation Ghetto City Streets, living by the code of Street Justice. Alienated and angry with a burning desire to get payback for their miserable fatherless lives. And told over and over again that it is ALL White People 's fault.
These BLM/Antifa Soldiers are told THEY are simply victims, and deserve MORE freebies and "Reparations" with zero legal repercussions for their actions or crime sprees by Mayors like Wheeler, Lightfoot etc..... I see this as only getting worse. Much Worse.

Disgusting filth. They should ALL be taken out and shot. Only EVIL would do something like attacking something that is for very very sick children. It's time that BLM was exterminated.
BLM is not a Democratic Party affiliate.

Until the Democrats CONDEMN BLM and in PUBLIC say that BLM are violent disgusting feral THUGS then the Democrats are to be considered an affiliate of BLM.
They already have you must have not seen the memo...

They have NOT, they need to say that ALL BLM and ANYONE associated with BLM are now considered TERRORISTS.
So, when I prove to you that you do not know what in the hell you speak of you will find some other lie to spread....

Multiple high-profile Democrats have spoken out against violence at Black Lives Matter protests, sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer in May.

On May 31, the fifth night of demonstrations, former Vice President Joe Biden, the party’s presumptive nominee, wrote in a statement that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and the “American response."

“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”
Black Lives Matter terrorized families at the Chicago Ronald McDonald House

13 Aug 20220 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

One of the appalling stories to emerge from the Black Lives Matter mob's rampage in Chicago on Sunday night was the fact that looters attacked the Ronald McDonald House. Any American who's watched television in the last 45 years knows about the Ronald McDonald House charity.
The charity, established in 1974, maintains houses near hospitals so families with hospitalized children have a free, safe, and supportive place to stay. Often, children stay there as well when they have outpatient procedures. In Chicago on Sunday night, however, the Ronald McDonald House was no longer safe; it was terrifying.
The following tweet has the news story that first alerted Americans to the fact that the mob isn't about justice; instead, it's functioning with typical mob motives: greed, violence, terror, and power:
One of the people whom the mob's violence affected was two-year-old Owen Buell, who's being treated for Stage 4 neuroblastoma. (Thankfully, treatments for neuroblastoma have improved in the last few years, but it is a terrible childhood cancer, with a survival rate of less than 40%.)
Owen, who is getting treated at the Lurie Children's Hospital close to the Ronald McDonald House, was due to get a special treat: he was going to go home for his birthday. The mob ended that plan:
"We were going to have cake and ice cream and do some presents at home with his siblings and his grandma," said Owen's mother, Valerie Mitchell.​
But looting throughout downtown Chicago made it impossible.​
"We got a phone call from the nurse saying that none of the nurses could make it in for safety concerns and they didn't want any families in the middle of that trying to walk into Lurie's," Mitchell said.​
The Ronald McDonald House was one of several locations hit early Monday morning.​
"The whole door was shattered and it looked like a bullet hole, so I started freaking out thinking about how unsafe that was. You shouldn't feel that way when your kid needs medical care. You shouldn't be afraid to walk a few blocks down the street," she said.​
If you go to the linked article, you will see a picture of a dapper Owen, bald as an egg, with tubes taped to his face, all dressed up for his birthday celebration. That he and his family, instead of celebrating, spent the night cowering in fear of rampaging mob is a shameful mark not just on the mob, and not just on Chicago, but on the entire Democrat establishment.
The Democrats and their militia are out of control. Americans cannot sit on the sidelines. They need to take stock of what's happening and, on November 3, vote as if their lives depend on it — because they do. If we have much more of this Democrat mob rule, we'll be indistinguishable from Ilhan Omar's hometown of Mogadishu.

How low We have fallen in Society? How low can these BLM/Antifa parasites go?
BLM/Antifa attacking a Ronald McDonald house. Just when you thought you'd seen it all; they couldn't go lower, and then they some how manage to find a way to go lower. Despicable! We should all use any opportunity we find to forward these articles to our liberal and Democratic "friends," our elected leadership (both Democrat and Republican) to at least make them aware--make them face--what is actually occurring in this great nation. We should use opportunities to, for example, bury Mayor Lightfoot's office and staff with links and copies of this article.
Low IQ savages perfectly describes a lot of them, but they are helped by white educated liberals, many of them women and in this case within Chicago heavily assisted by a Black mayor, Black police chief, Black States attorney, Black County president, Black Lieutenant governor, Black attorney General and more. So who are they going to blame? Perhaps they have to begin to accept responsibility for their actions.
What so many blacks do not see that the real PMS/DSA Commie rulers behind BLM/Antifa are white only using the blacks as their useful idiot cannon fodder destroying foot soldiers.
Raised on the Blue Plantation Ghetto City Streets, living by the code of Street Justice. Alienated and angry with a burning desire to get payback for their miserable fatherless lives. And told over and over again that it is ALL White People 's fault.
These BLM/Antifa Soldiers are told THEY are simply victims, and deserve MORE freebies and "Reparations" with zero legal repercussions for their actions or crime sprees by Mayors like Wheeler, Lightfoot etc..... I see this as only getting worse. Much Worse.
Thanks for your fantastic post. These "protesters" are despicable, low-life scum.
Black Lives Matter terrorized families at the Chicago Ronald McDonald House

13 Aug 20220 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

One of the appalling stories to emerge from the Black Lives Matter mob's rampage in Chicago on Sunday night was the fact that looters attacked the Ronald McDonald House. Any American who's watched television in the last 45 years knows about the Ronald McDonald House charity.
The charity, established in 1974, maintains houses near hospitals so families with hospitalized children have a free, safe, and supportive place to stay. Often, children stay there as well when they have outpatient procedures. In Chicago on Sunday night, however, the Ronald McDonald House was no longer safe; it was terrifying.
The following tweet has the news story that first alerted Americans to the fact that the mob isn't about justice; instead, it's functioning with typical mob motives: greed, violence, terror, and power:
One of the people whom the mob's violence affected was two-year-old Owen Buell, who's being treated for Stage 4 neuroblastoma. (Thankfully, treatments for neuroblastoma have improved in the last few years, but it is a terrible childhood cancer, with a survival rate of less than 40%.)
Owen, who is getting treated at the Lurie Children's Hospital close to the Ronald McDonald House, was due to get a special treat: he was going to go home for his birthday. The mob ended that plan:
"We were going to have cake and ice cream and do some presents at home with his siblings and his grandma," said Owen's mother, Valerie Mitchell.​
But looting throughout downtown Chicago made it impossible.​
"We got a phone call from the nurse saying that none of the nurses could make it in for safety concerns and they didn't want any families in the middle of that trying to walk into Lurie's," Mitchell said.​
The Ronald McDonald House was one of several locations hit early Monday morning.​
"The whole door was shattered and it looked like a bullet hole, so I started freaking out thinking about how unsafe that was. You shouldn't feel that way when your kid needs medical care. You shouldn't be afraid to walk a few blocks down the street," she said.​
If you go to the linked article, you will see a picture of a dapper Owen, bald as an egg, with tubes taped to his face, all dressed up for his birthday celebration. That he and his family, instead of celebrating, spent the night cowering in fear of rampaging mob is a shameful mark not just on the mob, and not just on Chicago, but on the entire Democrat establishment.
The Democrats and their militia are out of control. Americans cannot sit on the sidelines. They need to take stock of what's happening and, on November 3, vote as if their lives depend on it — because they do. If we have much more of this Democrat mob rule, we'll be indistinguishable from Ilhan Omar's hometown of Mogadishu.

How low We have fallen in Society? How low can these BLM/Antifa parasites go?
BLM/Antifa attacking a Ronald McDonald house. Just when you thought you'd seen it all; they couldn't go lower, and then they some how manage to find a way to go lower. Despicable! We should all use any opportunity we find to forward these articles to our liberal and Democratic "friends," our elected leadership (both Democrat and Republican) to at least make them aware--make them face--what is actually occurring in this great nation. We should use opportunities to, for example, bury Mayor Lightfoot's office and staff with links and copies of this article.
Low IQ savages perfectly describes a lot of them, but they are helped by white educated liberals, many of them women and in this case within Chicago heavily assisted by a Black mayor, Black police chief, Black States attorney, Black County president, Black Lieutenant governor, Black attorney General and more. So who are they going to blame? Perhaps they have to begin to accept responsibility for their actions.
What so many blacks do not see that the real PMS/DSA Commie rulers behind BLM/Antifa are white only using the blacks as their useful idiot cannon fodder destroying foot soldiers.
Raised on the Blue Plantation Ghetto City Streets, living by the code of Street Justice. Alienated and angry with a burning desire to get payback for their miserable fatherless lives. And told over and over again that it is ALL White People 's fault.
These BLM/Antifa Soldiers are told THEY are simply victims, and deserve MORE freebies and "Reparations" with zero legal repercussions for their actions or crime sprees by Mayors like Wheeler, Lightfoot etc..... I see this as only getting worse. Much Worse.

Disgusting filth. They should ALL be taken out and shot. Only EVIL would do something like attacking something that is for very very sick children. It's time that BLM was exterminated.
BLM is not a Democratic Party affiliate.

Until the Democrats CONDEMN BLM and in PUBLIC say that BLM are violent disgusting feral THUGS then the Democrats are to be considered an affiliate of BLM.
They already have you must have not seen the memo...

They have NOT, they need to say that ALL BLM and ANYONE associated with BLM are now considered TERRORISTS.
So, when I prove to you that you do not know what in the hell you speak of you will find some other lie to spread....

Multiple high-profile Democrats have spoken out against violence at Black Lives Matter protests, sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer in May.

On May 31, the fifth night of demonstrations, former Vice President Joe Biden, the party’s presumptive nominee, wrote in a statement that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and the “American response."

“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”

It doesn't matter it's NOT enough the Democrats need to CONSTANTLY CONDEMN BLM, not just some one off or whatever. Yesterday Creepy Joe and Fuck 'n' Suck Married Men Kamala were rambling again about the whole Charlottesville thing, babbling away about how Trump DEFENDED White Supremacists when he DID NOT.

The situation is that Republicans need to play the SAME game as Democrats and NOT ACCEPT any STATEMENT and to keep bringing it up over and over again and DEMANDING that Democrats CONDEMN all over AGAIN and when they do IGNORE that and then DEMAND they CONDEMN it ALL again, then MOVE the goalposts and Repeat and Rinse.

Republicans need to STOP being such pussies and instead become TOTAL BASTARDS with the gloves off. Stop being such Cucks already.
BLM is not a Democratic Party affiliate.

Until the Democrats CONDEMN BLM and in PUBLIC say that BLM are violent disgusting feral THUGS then the Democrats are to be considered an affiliate of BLM.
They already have you must have not seen the memo...

They have NOT, they need to say that ALL BLM and ANYONE associated with BLM are now considered TERRORISTS.
So, when I prove to you that you do not know what in the hell you speak of you will find some other lie to spread....

Multiple high-profile Democrats have spoken out against violence at Black Lives Matter protests, sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer in May.

On May 31, the fifth night of demonstrations, former Vice President Joe Biden, the party’s presumptive nominee, wrote in a statement that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and the “American response."

“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”

Condemning something in order to remain behind a mask for political purposes is not condemnation.

I don't believe a word out of that old fart's yap.
BLM is not a Democratic Party affiliate.

Until the Democrats CONDEMN BLM and in PUBLIC say that BLM are violent disgusting feral THUGS then the Democrats are to be considered an affiliate of BLM.
They already have you must have not seen the memo...

They have NOT, they need to say that ALL BLM and ANYONE associated with BLM are now considered TERRORISTS.
So, when I prove to you that you do not know what in the hell you speak of you will find some other lie to spread....

Multiple high-profile Democrats have spoken out against violence at Black Lives Matter protests, sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer in May.

On May 31, the fifth night of demonstrations, former Vice President Joe Biden, the party’s presumptive nominee, wrote in a statement that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and the “American response."

“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”

It doesn't matter it's NOT enough the Democrats need to CONSTANTLY CONDEMN BLM, not just some one off or whatever. Yesterday Creepy Joe and Fuck 'n' Suck Married Men Kamala were rambling again about the whole Charlottesville thing, babbling away about how Trump DEFENDED White Supremacists when he DID NOT.

The situation is that Republicans need to play the SAME game as Democrats and NOT ACCEPT any STATEMENT and to keep bringing it up over and over again and DEMANDING that Democrats CONDEMN all over AGAIN and when they do IGNORE that and then DEMAND they CONDEMN it ALL again, then MOVE the goalposts and Repeat and Rinse.

Republicans need to STOP being such pussies and instead become TOTAL BASTARDS with the gloves off. Stop being such Cucks already.
Repugs are already total bastards.
BLM is not a Democratic Party affiliate.

Until the Democrats CONDEMN BLM and in PUBLIC say that BLM are violent disgusting feral THUGS then the Democrats are to be considered an affiliate of BLM.
They already have you must have not seen the memo...

They have NOT, they need to say that ALL BLM and ANYONE associated with BLM are now considered TERRORISTS.
So, when I prove to you that you do not know what in the hell you speak of you will find some other lie to spread....

Multiple high-profile Democrats have spoken out against violence at Black Lives Matter protests, sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer in May.

On May 31, the fifth night of demonstrations, former Vice President Joe Biden, the party’s presumptive nominee, wrote in a statement that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and the “American response."

“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”

Condemning something in order to remain behind a mask for political purposes is not condemnation.

I don't believe a word out of that old fart's yap.
Of course not it doesn't fit into your Trumpet narrative.....Nothing could or would remove your scepticism...
BLM is not a Democratic Party affiliate.

Until the Democrats CONDEMN BLM and in PUBLIC say that BLM are violent disgusting feral THUGS then the Democrats are to be considered an affiliate of BLM.
They already have you must have not seen the memo...

They have NOT, they need to say that ALL BLM and ANYONE associated with BLM are now considered TERRORISTS.
So, when I prove to you that you do not know what in the hell you speak of you will find some other lie to spread....

Multiple high-profile Democrats have spoken out against violence at Black Lives Matter protests, sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer in May.

On May 31, the fifth night of demonstrations, former Vice President Joe Biden, the party’s presumptive nominee, wrote in a statement that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and the “American response."

“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”

It doesn't matter it's NOT enough the Democrats need to CONSTANTLY CONDEMN BLM, not just some one off or whatever. Yesterday Creepy Joe and Fuck 'n' Suck Married Men Kamala were rambling again about the whole Charlottesville thing, babbling away about how Trump DEFENDED White Supremacists when he DID NOT.

The situation is that Republicans need to play the SAME game as Democrats and NOT ACCEPT any STATEMENT and to keep bringing it up over and over again and DEMANDING that Democrats CONDEMN all over AGAIN and when they do IGNORE that and then DEMAND they CONDEMN it ALL again, then MOVE the goalposts and Repeat and Rinse.

Republicans need to STOP being such pussies and instead become TOTAL BASTARDS with the gloves off. Stop being such Cucks already.
Repugs are already total bastards.

No they are not, there are too many Cucks and RINOs in that party to allow it to become a party of TOTAL BASTARDS. This is why the Democrats and the MSM have taken control of the Narrative for so long, because the Cucks and RINOs ENABLE them to. To deal with literal Marxists you HAVE to become a TOTAL BASTARD and the Democrats are Marxists, they are not even Moderate Left anymore they are full-on Marxist now.
BLM is not a Democratic Party affiliate.

Until the Democrats CONDEMN BLM and in PUBLIC say that BLM are violent disgusting feral THUGS then the Democrats are to be considered an affiliate of BLM.
They already have you must have not seen the memo...

They have NOT, they need to say that ALL BLM and ANYONE associated with BLM are now considered TERRORISTS.
So, when I prove to you that you do not know what in the hell you speak of you will find some other lie to spread....

Multiple high-profile Democrats have spoken out against violence at Black Lives Matter protests, sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer in May.

On May 31, the fifth night of demonstrations, former Vice President Joe Biden, the party’s presumptive nominee, wrote in a statement that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and the “American response."

“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”

It doesn't matter it's NOT enough the Democrats need to CONSTANTLY CONDEMN BLM, not just some one off or whatever. Yesterday Creepy Joe and Fuck 'n' Suck Married Men Kamala were rambling again about the whole Charlottesville thing, babbling away about how Trump DEFENDED White Supremacists when he DID NOT.

The situation is that Republicans need to play the SAME game as Democrats and NOT ACCEPT any STATEMENT and to keep bringing it up over and over again and DEMANDING that Democrats CONDEMN all over AGAIN and when they do IGNORE that and then DEMAND they CONDEMN it ALL again, then MOVE the goalposts and Repeat and Rinse.

Republicans need to STOP being such pussies and instead become TOTAL BASTARDS with the gloves off. Stop being such Cucks already.
It never will be enough for you foreigners that like Nazi like approaches to problems...
BLM is not a Democratic Party affiliate.

Until the Democrats CONDEMN BLM and in PUBLIC say that BLM are violent disgusting feral THUGS then the Democrats are to be considered an affiliate of BLM.
They already have you must have not seen the memo...

They have NOT, they need to say that ALL BLM and ANYONE associated with BLM are now considered TERRORISTS.
So, when I prove to you that you do not know what in the hell you speak of you will find some other lie to spread....

Multiple high-profile Democrats have spoken out against violence at Black Lives Matter protests, sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer in May.

On May 31, the fifth night of demonstrations, former Vice President Joe Biden, the party’s presumptive nominee, wrote in a statement that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and the “American response."

“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”

Condemning something in order to remain behind a mask for political purposes is not condemnation.

I don't believe a word out of that old fart's yap.
Of course not it doesn't fit into your Trumpet narrative.....Nothing could or would remove your scepticism...

I've known the Democrats far too long to get fooled.
BLM is not a Democratic Party affiliate.

Until the Democrats CONDEMN BLM and in PUBLIC say that BLM are violent disgusting feral THUGS then the Democrats are to be considered an affiliate of BLM.
They already have you must have not seen the memo...

They have NOT, they need to say that ALL BLM and ANYONE associated with BLM are now considered TERRORISTS.
So, when I prove to you that you do not know what in the hell you speak of you will find some other lie to spread....

Multiple high-profile Democrats have spoken out against violence at Black Lives Matter protests, sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer in May.

On May 31, the fifth night of demonstrations, former Vice President Joe Biden, the party’s presumptive nominee, wrote in a statement that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and the “American response."

“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”

It doesn't matter it's NOT enough the Democrats need to CONSTANTLY CONDEMN BLM, not just some one off or whatever. Yesterday Creepy Joe and Fuck 'n' Suck Married Men Kamala were rambling again about the whole Charlottesville thing, babbling away about how Trump DEFENDED White Supremacists when he DID NOT.

The situation is that Republicans need to play the SAME game as Democrats and NOT ACCEPT any STATEMENT and to keep bringing it up over and over again and DEMANDING that Democrats CONDEMN all over AGAIN and when they do IGNORE that and then DEMAND they CONDEMN it ALL again, then MOVE the goalposts and Repeat and Rinse.

Republicans need to STOP being such pussies and instead become TOTAL BASTARDS with the gloves off. Stop being such Cucks already.

It's no use, Lucy. Goddamn leftists won't denounce it but deflect to Orange Man bad, etc and get called out and when it fails they get butthurt and scream for help. Save me ,Maude!!!!

Then the thread goes to shit.

Fcking loons

I can promise if I had a sick child and some group came at me? It'll end badly for them.

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